Archive for the ‘Iran’ Category

Khomeini in the Archipelago: Iranian Interests and Influence in Indonesia – The Diplomat


Irans relationship with a majority of its neighbors is strained. As a Shia-governed state, the country has struggled to attain influence on the world stage. The Iranian governments hard-line religious rhetoric, as well as the Iran-Saudi Arabia proxy conflict, has done little to alleviate Irans economic and geopolitical challenges.

Yet despite tense relations with its Saudi-aligned Sunni counterparts, Irans relationship with Indonesia, the largest Sunni state by population, remains remarkably friendly.

Resource-rich, populous, and relatively influential in its region, Indonesia is an alluring ally for both Iran and Saudi Arabia. However, Indonesia has always been cautious in picking sides between these two rival powers, an outgrowth of its long-held foreign policy preference for non-alignment.

Indonesias adherence to its inclusive founding principles of Pancasila has also helped maintain a degree of religious openness, tempering hardline Islamic beliefs and allowing religious minorities some leeway in conducting their practices. In recent years, however, this has begun to change. A rise in Islamic conservatism in Indonesia has begun to trickle into policy, resulting in the increased persecution of religious minorities and erosion of religious freedoms.

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I always knew people thought I was different as a member of the Shia community, said Syahar Banu, an NGO worker who grew up in a Shia community in East Java, but it wasnt until the previous president Susilo Yudhoyono came to power that I became scared to tell people I was Shia or say my name.

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The Indonesian government has been eager to attract investment from Saudi Arabia. The Saudi monarchy has spent billions of dollars in building mosques and religious universities across Indonesia, as well as providing scholarships for Indonesian students to study in the Middle East. The fruits of Saudi investment have been seen in the increased popularity in its puritan and conservative religious practices among Indonesian Muslims.

For Iran, maintaining a stable relationship with Indonesia remains increasingly important. Sanctioned by the United States and an underdog in the Islamic world, Iran has increasingly found itself isolated on the world stage. It has attempted to counterbalance U.S. pressure by boosting its diplomatic and economic relations with Southeast Asia.

This has meant that Iran has had to ditch its zealous religious speeches, popularized by Khomeini in the 1980s, and take a more pragmatic approach, prioritizing trade and economic alliances instead of revolutionary activism.

So far, its paid off. Irans relationship with Indonesia has remained friendly. Both countries have been eager to put their differing religious views to one side the Sunni-Shia schism can still determine alliances in the Islamic world and focus on maintaining economic cooperation. Leaders from both countries have engaged in diplomatic visits, Iran has stayed out of criticizing Saudi investment in the archipelago, and in return, Indonesia has supported Irans right to obtain nuclear weapons.

The role religion plays in Irans ties to Indonesia is important, yet seldom publicly acknowledged due to rising anti-Shia sentiment within Indonesia.

Generally speaking, Iran is realistic and aware that many Indonesians will not convert to Shia Islam, said Dicky Sofjan, a core doctoral faculty at the Indonesian Consortium for Religious Studies at Universitas Gadjah Mada in Yogyakarta, but they do know that many Indonesian academics have sympathies with the Iranian revolution and the intellectual thinking behind it.

Whilst Iran officially claims to have no interest in spreading its religious ideologies in Indonesia, this isnt necessarily true. There is a rivalry between Saudi Arabia and Iran in Indonesia, said Andreas Harsono, a researcher for the rights group Human Rights Watch. There is an active effort by Iran, especially after the Iranian Revolution, to promote and to back up Shiism in Indonesia. Most Shia groups get support from Iran.

Iran has managed to fulfill some of these religious objectives through institutions such as the Jakarta Islamic Center (ICC), which function as a hub for translations of Iranian texts and other religious studies, and facilitate scholarships for Indonesian Shia to study in Iran.

Remarkably, the ICC, whose headquarters is indiscreetly clad in elaborate blue Persian tiling, sits just a five-minute walk away from LIPIA, one of the largest Saudi-funded universities in Indonesia and a major center for Saudi proselytization.

Iran can distance itself from institutes such as the ICC because they are managed not by the executive branch of the Iranian government, but instead operate directly under the Office of the Supreme Leader of Iran. This allows them to act as de facto centers for religious evangelization without officially being tied to the Iranian diplomatic and political establishment.

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For Indonesia, a relationship with Iran could be increasingly difficult to maintain. Islamic conservatism within the country is growing. Indonesian politicians, which increasingly have to project an image of piety in order to appeal to a growing conservative Sunni base, will become stricter on religious minorities, including the Indonesian Shia.

One such example can be seen in the Indonesian vice president Maruf Amin, a 75-year-old conservative Sunni cleric. Amin, who was chosen to bolster President Joko Widodos religious credentials, is the former head of both the Nahdlatul Ulama and the Indonesian Council of Ulama (MUI), the countrys top clerical body. During his chairmanship, the MUI drafted numerous fatwa and decrees against minority groups, including the Shia.

Indonesias Ministry of Religious Affairs recently released an app, and hotline service, that allows users to report individuals suspected of religious heresy. The Shia are listed as a dangerous group, promoting deviant teachings.

Iran has kept silent on these issues. But according to Andreas Harsono, who was arrested for reporting on the exile of the Shia community in Maduro in 2012, persecution of the Shia has been a source of concern for Tehran. After I was arrested, a former vice president of Iran, whom I had never met, sent me a personal Christmas card out of gratitude, said Harsono. These attacks troubled them.

Whilst Indonesian-Iranian relations have stood the test of time, Indonesias political identity is at a crossroads. Its relationship with its counterparts in the Islamic world, and with its religious minorities, will be an important indicator of just which direction it chooses to go.

Maxwell Lowe is an Australian freelance journalist. He is currently studying for a Masters of National Security Policy at the Australian National University and holds a Bachelor of International Security Studies degree.

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Khomeini in the Archipelago: Iranian Interests and Influence in Indonesia - The Diplomat

Britain calls for release of Iranian hostages as it joins new initiative against ‘coercive diplomacy’ –

Britain on Monday called for the immediate release of dual-nationals detained in Iran as it signed up to a Canadian-led international initiative to combat "coercive diplomacy".

Fifty-eight countries including the United States, Australia, and virtually all 27 members of the European Union signed up to a declaration calling for the "end the practice of arbitrary arrest, detention or sentencing to exercise leverage over foreign governments" at a virtual ceremony on Monday.

The eight-point declaration makes no mention of specific countries. However, many of the signatories have high-profile disputes with Russia, China, North Korea, and Iran. None of those countries signed the declaration.

Dominic Raab, the foreign secretary, said: "The use of arbitrary detention, particularly as a threat, or as a means to influence others, is cruel. Its wrong. We continue, for example, to press for the immediate and permanent release of all arbitrarily detained dual British nationals in Iran."

He added: "We call on states to abide by their clear obligations, including under the Vienna Convention on Consular Relations including Iran, China and many others."

At least half a dozen British dual nationals have been jailed in Iran in what their families and the UK government say are fabricated charges.

They include Nazanin Zaghari Ratcliffe, a mother of one who was jailed on charges of seeking to undermine the regime, and Anoosheh Ashoori, a London businessman who was sentenced to 12 years for espionage in 2019.

Richard Ratcliffe, Ms Zaghari Ratcliffe's husband, has described the prisoners as victims of diplomatic hostage taking. He believes his wife's detention is linked to a dispute over an unpaid debt that Iran wants Britain to pay.

The British government does not officially acknowledge any link between Mrs Ratcliffe's case and the debt.

Canada also has disputes with Iran over Abdolrasoul Dorri Esfahani, an accountant and former adviser to the Iranian government who was arrested in Tehran in 2016.

It has also accused China of "hostage diplomacy" over the arrest of two Canadians in 2018 after Canada arrested a Huawei Technologies Co Ltd executive on a US warrant. Beijing denies the two cases are linked.

Other signatories included Ukraine, which accuses Russia of jailing about 100 of its citizens as effective hostages linked to the 2014 annexation of Crimea and war in Donbas.

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Britain calls for release of Iranian hostages as it joins new initiative against 'coercive diplomacy' -

Iran Prepared to Deter and Defend Against a Military Strike While Increasing Leverage for Talks with the Biden Administration Homeland Security Today…

The Iranian armed forces conducted a series of large-scale exercises in January to prepare for and deter an attack in the last days of the Trump administration. These exercises follow Tehran ramping up its nuclear program to pressure the Biden administration and set conditions for anticipated negotiationson the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action. Iran appears to have been concerned that these actions and a desire to set back the nuclear program in the Trump administrations final days might prompt either the US or Israel to launch a military strike. The regime conducted a dramatic array of military exercises and high-level inspections of the units and capabilities it would need to defend against and respond to such a strike. The armed forces revealed in that process a glimpse of the approaches they would take in such a conflict.

The exercises began on January 2, 2021, and concluded on January 23, and another began on February 11. They involved ground, aviation, naval, and air units from almost all of Irans military services. The participation of the most senior commanders from the conventional military (the Artesh) and Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) underscores the high priority the regime places on reinforcing deterrence and signaling Iranian capabilities.

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The superspreaders behind top COVID-19 conspiracy theories – The Associated Press

The superspreaders behind top COVID-19 conspiracy theories


As the coronavirus spread across the globe, so too did speculation about its origins. Perhaps the virus escaped from a lab. Maybe it was engineered as a bioweapon.

Legitimate questions about the virus created perfect conditions for conspiracy theories. In the absence of knowledge, guesswork and propaganda flourished.

College professors with no evidence or training in virology were touted as experts. Anonymous social media users posed as high-level intelligence officials. And from China to Iran to Russia to the United States, governments amplified claims for their own motives.

The Associated Press collaborated with the Atlantic Councils Digital Forensic Research Lab on a nine-month investigation to identify the people and organizations behind some of the most viral misinformation about the origins of the coronavirus.

Their claims were explosive. Their evidence was weak. These are the superspreaders.


WHO HE IS: A Harvard trained law professor at the University of Illinois, Boyle drafted a 1989 law banning biological weapons and has advised the nation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Palestinian Authority.

Boyle has no academic degree in virology or biology but is a longstanding critic of research on pathogens. He has claimed Israeli intelligence was involved in the 1993 World Trade Center bombing; that SARS, the swine flu and Ebola have been genetically modified; and that West Nile virus and Lyme disease escaped from a U.S. biowarfare lab. He has also claimed that Microsoft founder Bill Gates was involved in the spread of Zika.

COVID CLAIM: Boyle says the coronavirus is a genetically engineered bioweapon that escaped from a high-level lab in Wuhan, China. He maintains it shows signs of nanotechnological tinkering and the insertion of proteins from HIV, the human immunodeficiency virus. He alleges that U.S. researchers helped create it, and that thousands of doctors, scientists, and elected leaders are conspiring to hide the truth.

Boyle promoted his claim in an email to a list of news organizations and personal contacts on Jan. 24, 2020. That same day, he was interviewed on a podcast called Geopolitics and Empire. That podcast was cited by a little-known Indian website, GreatGameIndia, and went viral, with Boyles comments picked up and featured in Iranian-state TV, Russian state media, and fringe websites in the U.S. and around the world. Hes since repeated his claims on Alex Jones show Infowars.

EVIDENCE? Boyle bases his argument on circumstantial evidence: the presence of a Biosafety Level 4 lab in Wuhan, the fact that other viruses have escaped from other labs in the past, and his belief that governments around the world are engaged in a secret arms race over biological weapons.

Biosafety Level 4 labs - or BSL4 labs - have the highest level of biosafety precautions.

It seemed to me that obviously, this came out of the Wuhan BSL 4, Boyle told The Associated Press, dismissing the accepted explanation that the virus emerged from the Wuhan market as completely preposterous.

A World Heath Organization team concluded it was extremely unlikely the virus escaped from the Wuhan lab, and other experts have said the virus shows no signs of genetic manipulation.



WHAT IT IS: A website that was an early promoter of the theory that the coronavirus was engineered.

Its Jan. 26, 2020, story on Coronavirus bioweapon-How China Stole the Coronavirus From Canada and Weaponized It was picked up by far-right financial blog Zero Hedge and shared to thousands of social media users before it was promoted by conservative website RedStateWatcher and received more than 6 million engagements.

COVID CLAIM: GreatGameIndia claims that the virus, which has now killed more than 2 million people worldwide, was first found in the lungs of a Saudi man and then sent to labs in the Netherlands and then Canada, where it was stolen by Chinese scientists. The article relies in part on speculation from Dany Shoham, a virologist and former lieutenant colonel in Israeli military intelligence.

Shoham was quoted discussing the possibility that COVID is linked to bioweapon research in a Jan. 26, 2020, article in the conservative U.S. newspaper The Washington Times. In that article, Shoham was quoted saying there was no evidence to support the idea that the virus has escaped from a lab, but GreatGameIndia did not include that context in its piece.

We do stand by our report, said website co-founder Shelley Kasli wrote in an email. In fact, recently Canadians released documents which corroborated our findings with Chinese scientists... A lot of information is still classified.

EVIDENCE? The coronavirus most likely first appeared in humans after jumping from an animal, a World Health Organization panel announced this month, saying an alternate theory that the virus leaked from a Chinese lab was unlikely.

Americas top scientists have likewise concluded the virus is of natural origin, citing clues in its genome and its similarity to SARS, or severe acute respiratory syndrome. Vincent Racaniello, a professor of microbiology and immunology at Columbia University, who has been studying the virus since its genome was first recorded, has said it is clear that the virus was not engineered or accidentally released.

It is something that is clearly selected in nature, Racaniello said. There are two examples where the sequence tells us that humans had no hand in making this virus because they would not have known to do these things.



WHAT IT IS: The Montreal-based center publishes articles on global politics and policy, including a healthy dose of conspiracy theories on vaccines and the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks. Its led by Michel Chossudovsky, a professor emeritus of economics at the University of Ottawa and a conspiracy theorist who has argued the U.S. military can control the weather.

The center publishes authors from around the world many of whom have advanced baseless claims about the origins of the outbreak. In February, for instance, the center published an interview with Igor Nikulin suggesting the coronavirus was a U.S. bioweapon created to target Chinese people.

The centers website,, has become deeply enmeshed in Russias broader disinformation and propaganda ecosystem by peddling anti-U.S. conspiracy theories, according to a 2020 U.S. State Department report which found that seven of its supposed writers do not even exist but were created by Russian military intelligence.

COVID CLAIM: While the center has published several articles about the virus, one suggesting it originated in the U.S. caught the attention of top Chinese officials.

On March 12, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Zhao Lijian retweeted an article published by the center titled: Chinas Coronavirus: A Shocking Update. Did The Virus Originate in the US?

This article is very much important to each and every one of us, he posted in English on Twitter. Please read and retweet it. COVID-19: Further Evidence that the Virus Originated in the US.

He also tweeted: It might be US army who brought the epidemic to Wuhan. Be transparent! Make public your data! US owe us an explanation.

The story by Larry Romanoff, a regular author at the center, cites several debunked theories, including one that members of the U.S. military brought the virus to China during the Military World Games in fall 2019. Romanoff concludes that it has now been proven that the virus originated from outside of China, despite scientific consensus that it did.

EVIDENCE? The World Health Organization has concluded that the coronavirus emerged in China, where the first cases and deaths were reported. No evidence has surfaced to suggest the virus was imported into China by the U.S.

Chossudovsky and Romanoff did not respond to repeated messages seeking comment. Romanoffs biography lists him as a visiting professor at Fudan University in Shanghai, but he is not listed among the universitys faculty. The university did not respond to an email asking about Romanoffs employment.

Romanoffs original article was taken down in the spring, but Zhaos tweet remains up.



WHO IS HE? A four-time failed political candidate, Nikulin is prominently quoted in Russian state media and fringe publications in the west as a biologist and former weapons inspector in Iraq who served on a U.N. commission on biological and chemical weapons in the 1990s.

COVID CLAIM: Nikulin argues the U.S. created the virus and used it to attack China. He first voiced the belief in a Jan. 20, 2020, story by Zvezda, a state media outlet tied to the Russian military. He appeared on Russian state TV at least 18 times between Jan. 27, 2020, and late April of that year.

Once the virus reached the U.S., Nikulin changed his theory, saying globalists were using the virus to depopulate the earth.

Nikulin has expressed support for weaponizing misinformation to hurt the U.S. in the past. On his website, he suggests claiming the U.S. created HIV as a way to weaken America from within. Russian intelligence mounted a similar 1980s disinformation campaign dubbed Operation INFEKTION.

If you prove and declare... that the virus was bred in American laboratories, the American economy will collapse under the onslaught of billions of lawsuits by millions of AIDS carriers around the world, Nikulin wrote on his website.

EVIDENCE? Nikulin offered no evidence to support his assertions, and there are reasons to doubt his veracity.

Former U.N. weapons inspector Richard Butler, for whom Nikulin claims to have worked, said he had no memory of Nikulin, and that his story sounded sloppily fabricated, and not credible.

No U.N. records could be found to confirm his employment.

In an exchange with the AP over Facebook, Nikulin insisted his claims and background are accurate, though he said some records from U.N. work were destroyed in an American bombing during the Iraq invasion.

When told that Butler didnt know him, Nikulin responded This is his opinion.



WHO HE IS: Greg Rubini is the name of an internet conspiracy theorist who claims to have high-level contacts in intelligence and listed his location on Twitter as classified, until he was kicked off the platform. His posts have been retweeted thousands of times by supporters of QAnon, a conspiracy theory centered on the baseless belief that Trump is waging a secret campaign against enemies in the deep state and a secret sect of satanic pedophiles and cannibals.

COVID CLAIM: Rubini has tweeted that Dr. Anthony Fauci created the coronavirus and that it was used as a bioweapon to reduce the worlds population and undermine Trump.

EVIDENCE? Rubinis doesnt appear to be the intelligence insider that he pretends to be.

Buzzfeed attempted to track down Rubini last year and determined it is the alias of a 61-year-old Italian man who has worked in marketing and music promotions. A previous version of his Twitter bio indicates he is a fan of classic rock and the films of Stanley Kubrick.

Attempts to reach Rubini online and through business contacts were unsuccessful.

Rubini has bristled at efforts to verify his claims. When a social media user asked: My question to you @GregRubini is, Where and what is your proof? Rubini responded curtly: And my question is: why should I give it to you?

Twitter suspended Rubinis account in November 2020 for repeated violations of its policies.



WHO HE IS: A former lecturer on Islam at the University of Wisconsin-Madison, Barrett left the university amid criticism for his claims that the Sept. 11, 2001, terrorist attacks were orchestrated by people linked to the U.S. and Israeli governments.

Barrett calls himself a professional conspiracy theorist, for want of a better term and has argued government conspiracies were behind the 2004 Madrid bombing, the 2005 London bombing, the 2013 Boston Marathon bombing and the 2016 Orlando nightclub shooting.

COVID CLAIM: Barrett said he is 80% sure coronavirus was created by elements within the U.S. government as a bioweapon and used to attack China.

Iran was a secondary target, he has argued. Writing for Irans PressTV, he said the early outbreak in that country suggests that the Americans and/or their partners the Israelis... may have deliberately attacked Iran.

Barrett further detailed his views during an interview with the AP.

It seemed fairly obvious to me that the first hypothesis one would look at when something as extraordinary as this COVID pandemic hits, is that it would be a US bio-war strike, he said.

EVIDENCE? Barrett cited reports that the US warned its allies in November 2019 about a dangerous virus emerging from China. Barrett said thats long before authorities in China knew about the severity of the outbreak.

Official sources have denied issuing any warning. If the U.S. did know about the virus that soon, it was likely thanks to intelligence sources within China, which may have known about the virus as early as November 2019, according to former Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.



WHO HE IS: Montagnier is a world-renowned virologist who won the Nobel prize in 2008 for discovering HIV.

COVID CLAIM: During an April interview with the French news channel CNews, Montagnier claimed that the coronavirus did not originate in nature and was manipulated. Montagnier said that in the process of making the vaccine for AIDS, someone took the genetic material and added it to the coronavirus. Montagnier cites a retracted paper published in January from Indian scientists who had said they had found sequences of HIV in the coronavirus. AP made multiple unsuccessful attempts to contact Montagnier.

EVIDENCE: Experts who have looked at the genome sequence of the virus have said it has no HIV-1 sequences. In January, Indian scientists published a paper on bioRXIV, a repository for scientific papers that have not yet been peer-reviewed or published in a traditional scientific journal. The paper said that the scientists had found uncanny similarity of unique inserts in COVID-19 and HIV. Social media users picked up the paper as proof that the virus was engineered. As soon as it was published, the scientific community widely debunked the paper on social media. It was later withdrawn.



WHO THEY ARE: Khamenei is the second and current Supreme Leader of the Islamic Republic of Iran. He has the final say on all matters of state, including the economy, military and health divisions.

Since being elected to office in 1981, Khamenei has maintained his skeptical view of the U.S. as Irans foremost enemy. The tensions between the two countries boiled over in 2018 when Trump pulled the U.S. out of the Iran nuclear deal and reimposed crippling sanctions. At the time, Khamenei remarked, I said from the first day: Dont trust America.

Hossein Salami was appointed by Khamenei as commander of Irans Revolutionary Guard in April 2019. He leads the countrys paramilitary force that oversees Irans ballistic missile program and responds to threats from both inside and outside the country.

COVID CLAIM: Salami declared on March 5, 2020, that Iran was engaged in a fight against a virus that might be the product of an American biological attack. On those grounds, Salami ordered a Ground Force Biological Defense Maneuver to test the countrys ability to combat a biological attack. Beginning March 16, the Ground Force, in close collaboration with the Health Ministry, began holding nationwide biodefense drills.

Khamenei was among the first and most powerful world leaders to suggest the coronavirus could be a biological weapon created by the U.S. During his annual address on March 22 to millions of Iranians for the Persian New Year, Khamenei questioned why the U.S. would offer aid to countries like Iran if they themselves were suffering and accused of making the virus.

Khamenei went on to refuse U.S. assistance, saying possibly (U.S.) medicine is a way to spread the virus more. Last month, he refused to accept coronavirus vaccines manufactured in Britain and the U.S., calling them forbidden. The Iranian Mission to the United Nations in New York did not respond to multiple requests for comment.

EVIDENCE: There is no evidence that the U.S. created the virus or used it as a weapon to attack Iran.


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The superspreaders behind top COVID-19 conspiracy theories - The Associated Press

Iran Presses Biden to Restore Nuclear Deal and Drop Sanctions – The New York Times

Irans foreign minister, Mohammad Javad Zarif, sought to amplify the pressure on Mr. Biden this week during a visit to Russia, which, along with China, Britain, France and Germany, still honors the accord and has sought to preserve it. With the change of administration in the U.S. we have heard words but have seen no action, said Mr. Zarif.

He reiterated a threat by Iran to restrict visits by international nuclear inspectors a flagrant violation of the accord as of Feb. 21, under the law passed by Parliament, which followed the assassination in November of Irans top nuclear scientist, Mohsen Fakhrizadeh. Iran has blamed Israel and the United States for the killing.

Mr. Bidens caution toward an opening with Iran is rooted in the antipathy that has dominated the U.S.-Iranian relationship since the 1979 Islamic revolution, the American hostage crisis and the severing of diplomatic relations. There is strong bipartisan support for a tough stand toward Iran, which the State Department has classified since 1984 as a state sponsor of terrorism, and is regarded by both Israel and Saudi Arabia, the closest American allies in the region, as a dangerous threat.

While Iran has done nothing to provoke a military confrontation with the United States since Mr. Bidens election, it has taken steps to at least get his attention. On Jan. 4, Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps seamen seized a South Korean ship amid a simmering dispute over South Koreas impounding $7 billion in Iranian oil revenue, frozen by American sanctions.

Just days before Mr. Bidens inauguration, Iranian media reported the conviction of an Iranian-American businessman, Emad Sharghi, on unspecified espionage charges. Mr. Sharghi joined at least three other American citizens of Iranian descent held in Iran, according to a list compiled by the Center for Human Rights in Iran, a New York-based advocacy group.

In a signal of Mr. Bidens own suspicions toward Iran, the American military said Wednesday that a B-52 bomber had flown over the Middle East for the third time this year and for the first time since he had become commander in chief. The B-52 operations, aimed at deterring Iran from any military provocations, had begun under Mr. Trump.

Mr. Biden also may be reluctant to re-engage with Iran until that countrys own internal politics signal some clarity. President Rouhani, who helped negotiate the nuclear deal, is now in the last six months of his final term. He has been severely criticized by hard-liners who could wield more power after elections in June.

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Iran Presses Biden to Restore Nuclear Deal and Drop Sanctions - The New York Times