Carter: Military option on Iran is still on the table …
In an interview with CNN's Erin Burnett, Carter said a deal would not be based on "trust" but on "verification."
These comments come after Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei urged negotiators on Thursday not to accept a deal with the United States that includes "unconventional inspections," tweeting that he is "neither for nor against" the deal.
Read: Iran: No signing final nuclear deal unless economic sanctions are lifted
The Obama administration faces an uphill battle in securing a deal with Iran amid mounting criticism in Congress and strong push back from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, who vowed that Israel would take military action, if needed, to stop Iran from developing its nuclear capabilities.
Here are other highlights from the interview:
Is the military option still on the table?
Carter said that the current framework for a deal with Iran does not take the military option off the table but added that it will currently not be used.
"We have the capability to shut down, set back and destroy the Iranian nuclear program and I believe the Iranians know that and understand that," he said, referencing the military's most powerful ground-penetrating bomb, the Massive Ordinance Penetrator (MOP).
The MOP -- which can explode 200 feet underground and is designed to destroy deeply buried and fortified targets -- is ready for use, Carter said.
Read: Tom Cotton: Bombing Iran would take 'several days'
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Carter: Military option on Iran is still on the table ...