"Zionist Clown" at US Congress Republicans #39; Letter to IRAN = US Disintegration"
"Zionist Clown" speach to US Congress Republicans #39; Letter to IRAN points to U.S. Disintegration" - Iranian Supreme Leader, Ayatollah Ali Khamenei. - Khamenei said that whenever the talks...
By: MLordandGod
Here is the original post:
"Zionist Clown" at US Congress & Republicans' Letter to IRAN = US Disintegration" - Video
Senator Ayotte on FOX News Discussing The Letter To Iran
By: SenatorAyotte
Original post:
Senator Ayotte on FOX News Discussing The Letter To Iran - Video
Murtaddin HAMAS Puji Kafir Syiah Iran Khomeini
This video was uploaded from an Android phone.
By: Amirul Mukminin
Continued here:
Murtaddin HAMAS Puji Kafir Syiah Iran & Khomeini - Video
Iran made DVBT-H 6,000 Watts transmitter
March 13, 2015 (Persian calendar 1393/12/22) Iran made DVBT-H 6000 Watts transmitter .
By: Persian_boy
See original here:
Iran made DVBT-H 6,000 Watts transmitter - Video
Nooriala Talks about Election in Iran in Radio Israel
On 12 February 2015, IDI President Yohanan Plesner discusses the 2015 Knesset elections on a conference call with the leadership of the Jewish Federations of... On Monday March 10, 2008,...
By: Marilyn McCoy
Original post:
Nooriala Talks about Election in Iran in Radio Israel - Video