Former U.S. Marine, Iraq War Veteran Shares His Story, Throws Medals
WARNING: His testimony *will* send chills down your spine...
By: People Over Politics
Read more:
Former U.S. Marine, Iraq War Veteran Shares His Story, Throws Medals - Video
Battlefield 3 / My Iraq style pro connection / [HD]
My Connection Sux !!! -PunchY aka. Felix.
By: MrTrollFischface
See the original post:
Battlefield 3 / My Iraq style pro connection / [HD] - Video
ISIS, al-Qaeda and the Impact on Insurgencies in Iraq and Syria by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi - CASS
"ISIS, al-Qaeda and the Impact on Insurgencies in Iraq and Syria" seminar was organised by the Centre for Academic Shi #39;a Studies (CASS) on Wednesday 16th April 2014 and delivered by Aymenn...
By: Al-Khoei Foundation
Read the original here:
ISIS, al-Qaeda and the Impact on Insurgencies in Iraq and Syria by Aymenn Jawad Al-Tamimi - CASS - Video
Islamic State of Iraq and Sham ISIS 2014-1435
The Prophet (saw) said: "A group of my Ummah will not cease to fight at the gates of Damascus and at the gates of al- Quds and it #39;s surroundings. The betrayal or desertion of whoever deserts...
By: Nasrun min Allah II
Continued here:
Islamic State of Iraq and Sham ISIS 2014-1435 - Video
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on Iraq War Logs (Part 1 of 4)
Follow me for new WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on Iraq War Logs (Part 1 of 4) videos. The Iraq War documents leak is the WikiLeaks disclosure of a collec...
By: halitcan5
See the rest here:
WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange on Iraq War Logs (Part 1 of 4) - Video