Archive for the ‘Iraq’ Category

Research Terms of Reference Camp Profiling XV & Intentions Survey VIII IRQ1705 & IRQ1806, June 2021 – Iraq – ReliefWeb

2. Rationale

2.1. Rationale

Between late 2013 and 2017, intensification of conflict in north and central Iraq has resulted in large scale displacement.Following the de-escalation of active military operations against ISIL, Iraq has witnessed an increase in numbers of IDPs returning to their Area of Origin (AoO). Although many have since already returned, as of the beginning of 2021 approximately 1.2 million people remain internally displaced with more than half of them for more than four years, and 4.1 million people needing some form of humanitarian assistance, including 2.4 million people with acute humanitarian needs1. This includes 187,555 individuals that reside in 29 IDP camps, or composite camp areas.2 The round VII of REACH-CCCM Intentions Assessment in April 2021, which looked at 15 prioritised camps, found that only 1% of IDPs intended to return over the twelve months following data collection.3 Considering the rapidly-changing context of the crisis with the closure and consolidation of camps from August-December 2020 as well as new displacements and waves of returns throughout Iraq, including the movement of Iraqis previously in Syrian camps to camps in Iraq, up-to-date information about the needs of IDPs and available infrastructure and services in camps is necessary in order to address these needs as well as plan the camp strategy for the coming months. The conditions in camps differ greatly from one camp to another as well as between governorates, thus regular monitoring of conditions is essential to strategise appropriately the consolidation of some camps and closure of others in the coming year.While the humanitarian situation in Iraq has been gradually improving over the past two years, the transitional process has been defined by persisting political instabilities, resurgences of localised conflicts, and regional insecurities that are not directly related to the protracted displacement crisis. The large scale protests that broke out in Central Southern cities in late 2019, the Turkish military offensive in Northeast Syria, the heightened tensions between the United States and Iran and an increase in attacks of non-state armed groups on civilian and military targets have led to a substantial worsening of the political and security situation in Iraq and have added another layer of complexity to the humanitarian response. The current economic situation in Iraq is also characterised by a currency devaluation, due to oil-price collapse in 2020, happening for the first time in decades, which further shrinks the economy of the country and impacts the humanitarian situation. 4 Furthermore, the outbreak of COVID-19 in Iraq represents a public health crisis that could further aggravate the humanitarian situation and exacerbate existing vulnerabilities.5 The first case of COVID-19 in Iraq was recorded in February 2020 and as of 10 June, the World Health Organisation had recorded 1,237,856 confirmed as well as 16,614 deaths related to COVID-19.6 While the Iraqi government was able to largely contain the spread of the virus in the early stages, government-imposed lockdowns, and movement restrictions have inhibited access of millions of Iraqis to livelihood opportunities, education, and essential health services. The recent increase in COVID-19 cases throughout Iraq, as well as the ongoing access constraints have further restricted the provision of humanitarian aid to populations in need.Camp Profiles:To inform a more effective humanitarian response for IDPs living in camps, REACH and Iraq CCCM Cluster conduct IDP Camp Profiling assessments. Information from this profile will be used to monitor camp conditions and highlight priority needs and service gaps faced by households in all accessible IDP camps across Iraq, as well as multi-sectoral differences across camps, in order to address needs, and to inform prioritisation of camps for consolidation or closure where necessary. The data collected by the Camp Profiling will provide a comprehensive evidence base for programming and for future monitoring exercises inside camps. In addition, results of Camp Profiling will inform future planning by the CCCM cluster, as the primary harmonised mechanism for assessing IDP camps across Iraq.Intentions:The different settings in which IDPs reside can have a considerable impact on their stability in their area of displacement and the specific threats and vulnerabilities that they may face, which may in turn affect intentions to move, with regard to decisions to return or remain, and reasons for doing so. Consequently, it is important to understand and assess the movement intentions of IDP population groups.

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Research Terms of Reference Camp Profiling XV & Intentions Survey VIII IRQ1705 & IRQ1806, June 2021 - Iraq - ReliefWeb

Iraq PM: Sistani warned of using PMF for partisan projects – Middle East Monitor

Iraqi Prime Minister Mustafa Al-Kadhimi said yesterday that the spiritual leader of Iraq's Shia Muslims, Grand Ayatollah Sayyid Ali Al-Sistani, has warned against using his fatwa which led to creating the Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF) in 2014 to confront Daesh, for political or economic gains in favour of non-national projects.

In a statement issued on the 7th anniversary of Sistani's non-binding legal opinion, Al-Kadhimi said: "Our beloved country has gone through very difficult circumstances in those days, which put it before a dangerous existential challenge, had it not been for God's protection and the fatwa issued by the supreme authority, Mr. Ali Al-Sistani that had stopped this terrorist monster that scared the entire world."

"The fatwa has led to the elimination of this organisation during a period the world could not have imagined," he added.

Al-Kadhimi said the fatwa emanated from Al-Sistani's patriotic spirit which only answers to his Iraqi identity, leaving sectarian and ethnic lines separate.

OPINION: Pro-Sistani factions leave Shia forces, but Iraq's PM signals they are here to stay

Go here to read the rest:
Iraq PM: Sistani warned of using PMF for partisan projects - Middle East Monitor

From the Suez crisis to the Iraq war, charting modern history through Queens meetings with US presidents – The Independent

Over her long life the Queen has entertained almost every president that served during her lifetime, theonly notable exception being Lyndon Johnson, who in fact never visited Europe during his time inoffice, his energies in foreign policy being almost entirely focusedon Vietnam.

Including President Truman, whom she met when she was heir to the throne, President Hoover, whom she encountered after hed retired, and now Joe Biden, shes done her bit for the special relationship with a totalof 14of these statesmen. Theonlyother person alive today who might rival that claim is Henry Kissinger.

At any rate, she has had to smoothover the difficult times and make the absolute mostof the good times. As a hereditary monarch descendantof the kings that used to rule the American colonies and major celeb above all party politics, she holds a special place in the special relationship, able tooffer a friendly hand to a president who may be annoyed and disappointed in a British prime minister, which has been a more common situation than many assume.

A toast, then, to 14 veryspecial relationships

Princess Elizabeth and Harry S Truman

Princess Elizabeth and Harry Truman


Sadly, by the time the then Princess Elizabeth and Prince Philip wenton a tourof Canada her father, George VI was ill with the cancer that was soon to take his life. At just 25 she and Philip nipped down to Washington to be entertained by President and Mrs Truman.

British and US troops were then fighting together in a UN force against communist insurgents in Korea. It was the coldestof times in the Cold War, andone when the Americans were distrustfulof sharing their nuclear secrets with the British.

The Queen and Herbert Hoover

The Queen with Herbert Hoover in 1957


The elderly Hoover had left the Whitehouse in 1933, but was around long enough to be parked next to the Queen at a dinner in her honour during her visit to see Eisenhower.

The Queen and Dwight Eisenhower

The Queen with Dwight Eisenhower, in 1957


Ike was an almost grandfatherly figure to the Queen and by the time they met in 1957 Anglo-American relations were in a poor state. The British had kept America in the dark about their collusion with the French and Israelis in the Suez crisis and invasionof Egypt. The Americans sold sterling until the British gave up their imperialist delusions, and remained suspiciousof Britains unreliable spies. Prime Minister Macmillan deployed the Queen to spark some goodwill.

The Queen and John F Kennedy


Understandably enough, the Queen felt a littleovershadowed by the super glam Jackie Kennedy, but Jack had spent plentyof time in London before and during the war, when his father Joe served as US ambassador, and was at ease in the Queens company. Somethingof an Anglophile, Kennedy let the British have US nuclear weapons technology, and security cooperation was at last restored.

The Queen and Richard Nixon

The Queen and Nixon, in 1970


There is some gossip to the effect that the president tried to pair his eldest daughter Triciaoff with Prince Charles, which would probably have made for some quite dramatic stories and conspiracy theories lateron. The Princeof Wales wasnt up for it. Nixons relations with Labours Harold Wilson were friendly enough, even though hed been a nasty figure for the British left, and Nixon was honoured to attend a cabinet meeting.

With Wilsons successor Heath, the man who took Britain into Europe, Nixon was puzzled by Heaths coldness, which was partly down to the prime ministersodd personality and partly to his faith that the UKs destiny lay across the channel rather than the Atlantic, and didnt want the French to think Britaina mere Trojan horse for American ambitions. The Wilson government had long refused to send British troops to Vietnam, which spoiled the special relationship, and Heath didnt do much to repair it.

The Queen and Gerry Ford

Meeting Gerry Ford in 1976


Ford followed after Nixons resignation and was another prospect charmed by the Queen. Notoriously clumsy and noones ideaof an intellectual, (Lyndon Johnson remarked that Ford couldnt fart and chew gum at the same time), Ford nonetheless gracefully accompanied the Queenon the dance floor only for the band to strike up The Lady is a Tramp. The British were soon after a multimillion dollar loan from the US, but it was not forthcoming.

The Queen and Jimmy Carter

The Queen and Jimmy Carter in 1977


Carter disliked pomp and was the most informalof presidents, so much so that he reportedly gave the Queen Mother a big smackeron the lips when he was introduced to theold girl at the palace banquet. A good friend to Britain, Carter goton well with prime minister James Callaghan, a fellow Baptist, but couldnt hit itoff with Margaret Thatcher.

The Queen and Ronald Reagan

Meeting Reagan at home in 1984


Theonly presidential couple to host the Queen at home, Ronald and Nancy Reagan had the Queen and her consortover to the Reagan ranch in California. The attraction seems mainly to have been the horses, and Queen and president enjoyed their horseback sightseeing in Windsor Great Park. The Queen was happy to make Reagan an honourary knight in recognitionof Americas covert assistance to the UK during the Falkands War. The relationship between Reagan and Thatcher was probably the strongestof anyof the transatlantic pairings, even more than theoriginal special relationship between Franklin Roosevelt and Winston Churchill.

The Queen and George HW Bush

With George Bush snr in 1991


Bush and John Major had the common, and unhappy, experienceof following two much more charismatic figures, Reagan and Thatcher, which may have deepened their simpatico. The Queens job was to help keep the Bush White House focusedon Britain as its principal European ally, at a time when Germanys industrial power suggested a changeof tack. Bush took her to a ball game, and her visit was memorably parodied in a Naked Gun movie.

The Queen and Bill Clinton

The Queen meets Bill Clinton in 1994


John Majors Conservatives made the mistakeofoffering their help to the Bush campaignof 1992, and to try and dig up any embarrassing intelligence about the Democrat candidate Clintons time as a student inOxford. They didnt find much, Clinton won the election, and his personal relations with Major were no more than correct. He did, however, rate the Queen, speculating later that shed have made a fine politicianor diplomat. When his mentee Tony Blair became prime minister, the special relationship acquired some intellectual depth third way centrist/triangulating politics and priceless practical purpose in the Irish peace process.

The Queen and George W Bush

With George W Bush in 2006


Few British prime ministers would be able to geton close terms with presidents as contrasting as Clinton and Dubya, but Blair did, much to the disappointmentof any in his party and the country when it led us to war in Iraq. The Queens meetings with Bush were less controversial than his summits with Blair.

The Queen and BarackObama

The Queen and Obama in 2011


If the body language and the affectionate rhetoric were anything to go by, the Queen and the Duke of Edinburgh seemed very fond of the Obamas despite the president making his speech of thanks for the lavish banquet during the national anthem, which was a rare gaffe. WhenMichelle put an arm round the Queen, a breachof protocol, the Queen defused the anxietyof assorted flu kids and flaks by returning the gestureof support to the First Lady. The warmth made up forObamas lackof interestor rapport with Gordon Brown and David Cameron.

The Queen and Donald Trump


The Palacethrew just about everything at the almost-state visitof Donald, Melania and assorted Trumps but, in the end, the trade deal that Theresa May and then Boris Johnson craved wasnt forthcoming. But the selfies were great.

The Queen and Joe Biden

When the Queen meets the 46th president, he will be her 14th president, and, at a mere 78 yearsof age, somethingof a youngster by Elizabeth IIs standardof longevity. Given that Biden and Boris Johnson arent really a match made in heaven, the tensionsover Brexit and Northern Ireland, and that Johnson has already publicly downgraded the special relationship, the Queen is well aware that she and Prince Charles will have to turnon the charm when Joe and Jill turn up to try and repair whatever damage her prime minster has inflicted.Oneof her tougher assignments.

See original here:
From the Suez crisis to the Iraq war, charting modern history through Queens meetings with US presidents - The Independent

Feds face calls for inquiry into militarys handling of Iraq war crime reports – Global News

The federal Liberal government is facing calls for an independent inquiry following allegations the military failed to respond to a complaint three years ago that Iraqi forces being trained by Canadian troops had committed war crimes.

NDP defence critic Randall Garrison suggests the complaint and concerns about the vetting of other Iraqi forces working with Canada are part of a disturbing pattern going back at least a decade, which is why he believes an independent probe is needed.

What Ive seen over time is that rank and file Canadian troops and lower levels of the officer corps have brought these issues to the attention of senior leaders, and senior leaders appear to have a pattern of telling people just not to pay attention, he said.

Why is that happening? I think there needs to be an independent inquiry. Is this the fault of certain senior leaders? Or is there something systemic here that causes us not to uphold international (law) and even our own national law?

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Military police are currently investigating the handling of an incident in September 2018, where Canadian soldiers were helping with the enrolment of 270 Iraqi troops for a U.S.-led training mission near the northern city of Mosul.

An internal report obtained by The Canadian Press and first reported on by Postmedia says the Canadians were shown videos of war crimes and human rights violations being perpetrated by the Iraqi troops they were there to train.

Yet when the Canadians raised the issue with their commanders, according to the report, they were told the matter would be dealt with and that they were to ignore the videos and carry on.

One of the soldiers involved said he tried to raise the issue with his commanders on three different occasions, but that he and other members of his unit remain uncertain whether appropriate action was effectively taken.

A separate, secret memo obtained by The Canadian Press shows then-defence chief general Jonathan Vance was warned in January 2020 that the vetting of Iraqi security forces with whom Canadian troops might have interacted lacked sufficient depth.

Garrison says the recent concerns are a continuation of issues first raised in Afghanistan more than a decade ago, when the military was accused of having transferred detainees to local authorities despite knowing they might be tortured.

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That is why he believes the inquiry should also include a fresh look at what happened then. Defence Minister Harjit Sajjan, who previously served in Afghanistan, rebuffed NDP calls in 2016 for such an inquiry into the Afghan detainee affair.

Things that were war crimes came to the attention of Canadians, were referred up the chain of command, and nothing happened, Garrison told The Canadian Press.

Conservative defence critic James Bezan in the House of Commons on Thursday questioned the governments decision to extend Canadas mission in Iraq given concerns about the Iraqi forces working with Canadian troops.

Canada is contributing to greater peace and security in the world and remains a strong partner in the fight against (the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant), Sajjans parliamentary secretary Anita Vandenbeld told Bezan.

We are committed to meeting our obligations under international and domestic law. The Canadian Armed Forces is no longer operating with the Iraqi security forces related to these allegations.

Experts say it is not surprising that Canadian troops found themselves interacting with Iraqi soldiers who may have committed atrocities given the countrys recent history, and that part of their mission is to prevent such behaviour in the future.

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This sounds kind of maybe counterintuitive, but it just reinforces how much were needed there, said Bessma Momani, an expert on Middle Eastern politics at the University of Waterloo.

Yet both Momani and fellow Middle East expert Thomas Juneau from the University of Ottawa said the reports underscore the need for better transparency and accountability when operating in such environments and with such partners.

The government should be more transparent with Canadians about the challenges involved in the mission in Iraq, and about what we are trying to accomplish, Juneau said in an email.

The government should also specifically be more transparent about what it is doing to make sure that Canadian troops deployed in Iraq, or in other comparable missions, comply with international law on these matters (and also on what happens if or when troops fail to comply with international law).

2021 The Canadian Press

See original here:
Feds face calls for inquiry into militarys handling of Iraq war crime reports - Global News

Iraq climate: average weather, temperature, precipitation …

In Iraq, the climate is desert in the center and the south, with mild winters and extremely hot summers, it's semi-desert in the north, with relatively cold winters, while in the northern mountains, the climate is cold and rainy (or snowy) in winter and hot and sunny in summer, but with cooler nights due to the high altitude. IndexMountainsIn the north-eastern part of Iraq (zone 1 on the map), occupied by the mountains of Iraqi Kurdistan (Zagros and Taurus), winters are cold and rainy, while summers are hot and dry, even scorching up to quite high altitudes. Annual precipitation ranges between 700 and 1,000 millimeters (27 and 40 inches), and occurs between October and April. This is the only area of Iraq which receives substantial rainfall. SulaymaniyahIn Sulaymaniyah, 850 meters (2,800 ft) above sea level, the average temperature ranges from 4 C (39 F) in January to 31 C (88 F) in July and August. So the summer is hot, as well as sunny, but the winter is cold, with possible snowfalls and frosts, when the area is reached by cold air masses from the north. Here are the average temperatures in Sulaymaniyah.Sulaymaniyah - Average temperaturesMonthMin (C)Max (C)Mean (C)Min (F)Max (F)Mean (F)January084324639.2February1105.5345041.9March51610.5416150.9April102115.5507059.9May152821.5598270.7June203527.5689581.5July243931.57510288.7August243931.57510288.7September203527.5689581.5October142821578269.8November81913.5466656.3December2116.5365243.7Year1224.21853.675.564.5In Sulaymaniyah, annual precipitation amounts to 745 mm (29.5 in), most of which occurring from November to April, while it never rains from June to September. Here is the average precipitation.Sulaymaniyah - Average precipitationMonthMillimetersInchesDaysJanuary1305.1February1455.7March1305.1April1003.9May401.6June00July00August00September00October150.6November753December1104.3Year74529.3In the northernmost mountainous area, winter is even colder, and in the valleys at high altitude, it is freezing. At the highest altitudes, heavy snowfalls occur. The highest peak of Iraq is Cheekha Dar, 3,611 meters (11,847 feet) high, on the border with Iran. Syrian desertNorth-west of Mesopotamia, in the hilly area towards Syria (zone 4), the climate is desert, quite cold with frequent frosts in winter and hot in summer, though a bit less hot than in the plains because of altitude. RutbahIn Rutbah, 600 meters (2,000 feet) above sea level, the average is between 6.5 C (43.5 F) in January and 30 C (86 F) in July. In summer, the temperature can sometimes reach 45/47 C (113/117 F). Ar Rutbah - Average temperaturesMonthMin (C)Max (C)Mean (C)Min (F)Max (F)Mean (F)January2116.5365243.7February51510415950March81813466455.4April132519557766.2May183024648675.2June223528.5729583.3July233730739986August233629.5739785.1September203326.5689179.7October162822618271.6November82014466857.2December5149.5415749.1Year13.625.219.456.577.467Throughout the year, only 120 mm (4.7 in) of rain fall, concentrated in the winter months. In winter, snow and frost are possible during cold spells. Here is the average precipitation.Ar Rutbah - Average precipitationMonthMillimetersInchesDaysJanuary150.66February150.66March2516April200.85May100.43June001July000August000September000October60.23November150.64December150.65Year1204.739In the rest of Iraq, which is occupied by plains or hills (zones 2 and 3), the climate is arid, mild in winter and scorchingly hot in summer. Summer goes from June to September, but the months of May and October are hot as well. Although the climate in Mesopotamia is desert, the landscape can change locally due to the rivers, both where they give rise to wetlands, and where they are exploited to irrigate the fields.NorthIn the northern belt (zone 2), the climate is arid, but in the cold half of the year, some depressions can affect this area for a few months, bringing moderate rainfall. MosulIn Mosul, located in the northernmost part of the plain, on the banks of the Tigris River, not far from the ancient Nineveh, winter is mild, but it's certainly not tropical: the January average is 7 C (44.5 F). From December to March, it rains for 7/10 days per month, and sunny days alternate with periods of bad weather. At night, it often gets cold, and the temperature can sometimes drop a few degrees below freezing (0 C or 32 F). Summer in Mosul is very hot, with a relentless sun, and with daytime temperatures of 43 C (109 F) in July and August, but with peaks of 47/48 C (117/118 F); fortunately, however, air humidity is low.Mosul - Average temperaturesMonthMin (C)Max (C)Mean (C)Min (F)Max (F)Mean (F)January2127365444.6February3159375948.2March71913456655.4April112518527764.4May163324.5619176.1June2139307010286July2543347710993.2August244333.57510992.3September193828.56610083.3October143122.5578872.5November72114457057.2December4149395748.2Year12.827.820.2555.182.168.5Throughout the year, in Mosul, 365 mm (14.5 in) of rain fall: they are not many, but they are concentrated between November and April, with very few rains in May and October, while it almost never rains between June and September. Here is the average precipitation.Mosul - Average precipitationMonthMillimetersInchesDaysJanuary602.411February652.611March652.612April451.89May150.66June100July000August000September000October100.45November451.87December602.410Year36514.471In Mosul, the sun shines regularly in summer, while it shines quite often in winter, when, however, there are also cloudy periods. Here are the average sunshine hours per day.Mosul - Sunshine hoursMonthAverageTotalJanuary5155February6170March7215April8240May10310June12360July12370August12370September11330October9280November7210December7215Year8.93230South-east of Mosul, Kirkuk has a similar climate because the more southern position is balanced out by the slightly higher altitude, around 350 meters (1,150 ft).

In the nearby cities of Kerbala and Ramadi, the climate is similar to that of Baghdad. Further south, the temperatures rise a bit in winter: in Basra and Nasiriya, the average ranges from 11 C (52 F) in January to 35.5 C (96 F) in July. On the coast of the Persian Gulf, it reaches 12 C (53.5 F) in January. However, the south in winter may experience some slight frosts at night as well. Rainfall in the south amounts to only 100 mm (4 in) per year, a value typical of a desert climate.

The Persian Gulf is very cool for swimming in winter, while it becomes very warm in summer, exceeding 30 C (86 F) for a few months. Here is the sea temperature at Al-Faw.

In late winter and spring, Iraq can be affected by strong southerly winds, which may give rise to dust storms; these winds may occur even in autumn and winter, though more rarely. On the contrary, during the long summer months, the shamal blows, a moderate northwesterly wind, very hot and dry, which may cause rapid dehydration, and when it's more intense, it can raise dust or sand.

In summer: in the whole country at low altitude, from north to south, bring lightweight, loose-fitting, light-colored clothing; light and long shirts and pants of natural fibers (cotton, linen), a sun hat, and a desert turban; in the north and north-west (Mosul, Nineveh, Rutbah), you can bring a light sweatshirt for the night and early morning. In the mountains of Kurdistan, light clothes for the day, a sun hat or desert turban, a sweatshirt or sweater for the evening, a jacket for the highest peaks, and hiking shoes.

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Iraq climate: average weather, temperature, precipitation ...