Iraq: Displacement Tracking Matrix | DTM Round 68 – March [EN/AR/KU] – ReliefWeb
As of 30 March 2017, the DTM has identified 3,058,626 internally displaced persons (509,771 families) displaced after January 2014, dispersed across 106 districts and 3,648 locations in Iraq. For the same period, DTM has identified 1,639,584 returnees (273,264 families).
Notwithstanding that significant population movements were monitored across the country, overall the total number of identified IDPs remained constant, with a decrease of less than 1% (4,182 individuals). In particular, the governorate that reported the highest change in displacement trends was Ninewa, where it was recorded in the same reporting period an increase of approximately 85,000 IDPs (DTM Emergency Tracking).
Overall, the returnee population increased by 4% (60,222 individuals). Particularly, two governorates reported a significant increase of the returnee population, namely Anbar by 5% (36,684 individuals) and Ninewa by 6% (12,714 individuals).
During the reporting period, between 2 and 30 March 2017, the governorate of Ninewa witnessed major developments. These are mainly related to the military operations to retake the west side of Mosul city, which started on 19 February 2017. Displacement movements have been recorded since 25 February and intensified during the month of March.
The vast majority of IDPs have been transiting through Hammam al-Aliel screening site and have then moved on mainly towards camps located in Southern Ninewa, and particularly in Al Qayarah subdistrict, or towards East Mosul city, transiting through Kokjali as an entry point.
During the reporting period, the DTM recorded an increase in the identified IDP population from Mosul of approximately 85,000 individuals, registering a 30% growth from the beginning of March 2017. Parallel to displacement movements, return movements particularly to East Mosul have also been reported. Between 2 and 30 March, the number of returns to Mosul increased by 18%, corresponding to over 12,000 individuals coming mainly from areas of displacement in Hamdaniya district.
As of 30 March, the DTM reports that up to 367,878 individuals (61,313 families) have been displaced since the onset of the military operations to retake Mosul on 17 October, 2016. Out of this, it is estimated that 78% (287,250 individuals) are still in displacement while 22% (80,628 individuals) have already returned to their place of habitual residence. Due to the challenges to validate IDPs records in out of camp locations which are affected by limited access, DTM is closely working with the government and humanitarian partners to harmonize displacement figures across Ninewa governorate.
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Iraq: Displacement Tracking Matrix | DTM Round 68 - March [EN/AR/KU] - ReliefWeb