Matthews: Iraq War sold on #39;half-lies #39;
Chris Matthews talks about how he thinks the Bush administration was able to sell the Iraq War to the American people. HARDBALL WITH CHRIS MATTHEWS - 7:58 PM 2/09/2015 explore: National ...
By: MSNBC News
Here is the original post:
Matthews: Iraq War sold on 'half-lies' - Video
#39;Thousands #39; of Jordan Troops Sent to Iraq Border: Sources
Two Jordanian government officials told NBC News that Jordan has deployed "thousands" of ground troops to its border with Iraq as it ramps up a campaign against ISIS militants who set a pilot...
By: WochitGeneralNews
Read more from the original source:
'Thousands' of Jordan Troops Sent to Iraq Border: Sources - Video
Kurdish peshmerga fighters battle ISIS in northern Iraq - LoneWolf Sager
Kurdish peshmerga forces fight to contain ISIS fighters across the northern border of Iraq. "Happy Valentines Day To All To All A Good Night.....From LoneWolf The Three Muskadoggies! Please......
By: LoneWolf Sager
Read more:
Kurdish peshmerga fighters battle ISIS in northern Iraq - LoneWolf Sager - Video
Seeds of Change in Iraq
In March, 2009, EI founder Janessa Gans Wilder returned to Iraq to explore the way in which a society changes from a dictatorship mentality to a democratic one. It had been three years since...
By: Euphrates Institute
Seeds of Change in Iraq - Video
Breaking: NBC Suspends Brian Williams 6 Months Without Pay - For Lie On Iraq Story
Brian Williams NBC News Anchor was suspended for 6 months without pay. Brian Williams told a lie of what he supposedly experienced in 2003 in Iraq war during his visit saying that the chopper...
By: News Crashers
Go here to read the rest:
Breaking: NBC Suspends Brian Williams 6 Months Without Pay - For Lie On Iraq Story - Video