Archive for the ‘Joomla’ Category

Opt In Offer | Your Single Most Powerful Email Opt In Offer In 3 Easy Steps – Video

Opt In Offer | Your Single Most Powerful Email Opt In Offer In 3 Easy Steps | opt-in offer ideas, a complete transcript of this video training episode and additional ideas about crafting your single most powe...

By: Tiny Lever

See the original post here:
Opt In Offer | Your Single Most Powerful Email Opt In Offer In 3 Easy Steps - Video

KUA warns of utility scam

County News Thursday, 28 March 2013 15:15

The Kissimmee Utility Authority is warning residents about potential scam artists who are posing as utility workers to steal money from customers.

Nearly one dozen KUA customers have reported receiving phone calls that claim their electricity will be turned off within hours unless they make an immediate payment by a prepaid debit card, utility officials said. The threats of immediate disconnection are a sign of a scam.

Additionally, these scammers sometimes use spoofing software that lets them falsely display the name and phone number of the utility on the customers caller ID, KUA officials said.

Customers should follow these tips and report the behavior:

Be suspicious of callers who demand immediate payment for any reason.

Never give out personal or financial information to anyone who calls or emails you.

Never wire money or provide debit or credit card numbers to someone you do not know.

Call KUA to find out if there is a problem with your account. Customers approached for this kind of personal information, or who believe that they may have been a victim of a scam, should report the incident to law enforcement.

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KUA warns of utility scam

OHS, St. Cloud win Klassic openers

By Rick Pedone SportsEditor

The Bulldogs advanced to play Cape Coral Ida Baker, a 4-1 winner over Davie Western, in the Gold bracket quarterfinals Friday at 5 p.m.

Osceola advanced to the Blue bracket quarterfinals Friday at 5 p.m. against Chicago large school state champion Marist, a 6-1 winner over Winter Springs Thursday.

The Lady Bulldogs, 12-8, trailed 5-0 before scoring four runs in the fourth inning and five more in thefifth to seize the lead against Trinity Prep.

Sara Crawfords solo home run jump started the Bulldogs in the fourth inning and her two-run double in the fifth inning keyed that rally. Trinity Prep, which built a 5-0 lead thanks to a few St. Cloud fielding mistakes, returned the favor with six errors to help St. Cloud battle back.

Lindsey Markham earned the win in relief. It was St. Clouds first appearance at the tournament since 2010.

Danielle Romanellos solo home run in the top of the seventh put Canterbury up 2-1.

Kenya Pereira gave up six hits and struck out five to earn the win for OHS, 17-2 and ranked No. 4 in Class 7A.

A highlight Friday will be a 7 p.m. showdown between South Florida powerhouses Palm Beach Gardens and American Heritage Delray Beach.

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OHS, St. Cloud win Klassic openers

Here’s the Sweet Sixteen (plus Thursday night and Friday night TV schedule and times)

By Peter Covino

Lifestyles Editor

Well, you still need to have two TV's or one TV and a laptop/tablet etc. to watch all the Sweet Sixteen action tonight and tomorrow night, but at least it is no where near as frantic as it was last week when 64 teams were butting heads and feet seemingly at the same time.

Listed below are the final sixteen (with tip-off times and broadcast channel) for this year's NCAA Tournament. The ACC, Big Ten and Big East may generate the most noise when it comes to basketball but take note Florida residents. The Sunshine State leads all with three schools still fighting it out.


Marquette vs. Miami (Fla.) in Washington, 7:15 (CBS)

Arizona vs. Ohio State in Los Angeles, 7:47 (TBS)

Syracuse vs. Indiana in Washington, 9:45 (CBS)

La Salle vs. Wichita State in Los Angeles, 10:17 (TBS)

More here:
Here's the Sweet Sixteen (plus Thursday night and Friday night TV schedule and times)

Joomla ! Debug Console

Le printemps est l et, pourtant, une partie de l'Europe et des Etats-Unis brave un froid digne du coeur de l'hiver. Preuve que le changement climatique n'existe pas ? Au contraire, il est l'origine du phnomne, souponnent certains climatologues.

Records de froid en Belgique ou dans l'est de la France, jusqu' 10.000 ttes de btail prisonnires de la neige en Irlande du nord, 25 morts en Pologne en mars avec des tempratures descendues jusqu' -24C la nuit...

Pour la quatrime anne conscutive, des hivers particulirement marqus avec de fortes chutes de neige en Europe et en Amrique du nord intriguent des climatologues.

Et leurs soupons se portent sur la fonte de la banquise arctique en t qui, selon eux, entranerait de fortes modifications de la circulation atmosphrique dans l'hmisphre nord en hiver.

En 1979, dbut des mesures satellitaires, la glace couvrait environ 7 millions de km2 d'ocan durant l't. En septembre 2012, ce n'tait plus que 3,4 millions de km2.

"Le lien est de plus en plus clair, je pense, mme si la science n'est pas totalement fixe ce sujet", avance le climatologue Dim Coumou de l'Institut Potsdam pour la recherche sur le climat (PIK), prs de Berlin, qui va ainsi dans le sens de plusieurs tudes publies ces dernires annes.

Pour un autre grand dfenseur de cette thse, le professeur des sciences de la terre et de l'atmosphre de l'Universit Cornell (New York) Charles Greene, l'explication est la suivante: moins il y a de banquise arctique pour reflter les rayons du soleil, et plus la mer se rchauffe (et acclre, son tour, la fonte de la banquise).

A l'automne, la chaleur emmagasine est graduellement relche dans l'atmosphre, augmentant le taux d'humidit et la pression atmosphrique, et rduisant d'autant la diffrence de temprature entre l'Arctique et les latitudes plus basses.


Cette situation modifie alors le ballet complexe qui se joue entre la mer et l'air, en l'occurrence l'Oscillation arctique et l'Oscillation nord-atlantique qui influencent directement le temps qu'il fait en Amrique du nord et en Europe.

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Joomla ! Debug Console