Best Joomla Websites - Custom Graphics
Our mission is to expose the power of the Joomla CMS, and bring the knowledge of "How To Build" Joomla Websites. JOOMLA IS FREE. Phoenician Web Design is the cutting edge developer for Joomla Web Design, and we are happy to talk with you about building a Joomla website for your business. We also teach business owners how to build powerful Joomla Websites. - (coming soon)
By: BestJoomlaWebsites
The rest is here:
Best Joomla Websites - Custom Graphics - Video
Best Joomla Websites - Portfolio Templates
Our mission is to expose the power of the Joomla CMS, and bring the knowledge of "How To Build" Joomla Websites. JOOMLA IS FREE. Phoenician Web Design is the cutting edge developer for Joomla Web Design, and we are happy to talk with you about building a Joomla website for your business. We also teach business owners how to build powerful Joomla Websites. - (coming soon)
By: BestJoomlaWebsites
The rest is here:
Best Joomla Websites - Portfolio Templates - Video
Best Joomla Websites - Business Templates
Our mission is to expose the power of the Joomla CMS, and bring the knowledge of "How To Build" Joomla Websites. JOOMLA IS FREE. Phoenician Web Design is the cutting edge developer for Joomla Web Design, and we are happy to talk with you about building a Joomla website for your business. We also teach business owners how to build powerful Joomla Websites. - (coming soon)
By: BestJoomlaWebsites
Here is the original post:
Best Joomla Websites - Business Templates - Video
How to Quickly Install Joomla in your Cpanel
Quick steps on how to install Joomla in your cpanel.
By: cebucreativeservices
View post:
How to Quickly Install Joomla in your Cpanel - Video
Attachment For Virtuemart Product Plugin This plugin will help you to upload file to attach Virtuemart product discription. The attachment can be User Manaual in PDF format, or Microsoft word, or Excel, Zip and Media file extension ( Mp3, Mp4).. Virtuemart shopper then can download the attachment to view. Plugin support Multiple upload at 1 click, so it will save a lot of time for you if you have more than 1 file need to attach to product page. This plugin is compatiple with VMV2.x and Joomla 1.7, Joomla 2.5
By: Viet Nam Netbase
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Attachment For Virtuemart Product Plugin - Video