Archive for the ‘Joomla’ Category

Federation, Single Sign-on, Sparking Youth Development – Jonathan Hogan, Dr. Amy Patillo – Video

Federation, Single Sign-on, Sparking Youth Development - Jonathan Hogan, Dr. Amy Patillo
Federation and Single Sign-on open the Joomla experience to a enterprises and social media. This presentation will demonstrate how one company in the real estate vertical market used Joomla as a portal to connect users to dozens of resources and tools via single sign-on. The presentation will also describe how Joomla can support multiple IDPs using Microsoft #39;s Windows Identity Foundation including Google, Microsoft, OpeinID, a private IDP and ADFS. If you have ever wanted to move beyond the log in system and user databaqse built into Joomla and leverage authentication from the cloud or enterprise, you #39;ll want to attend this presentation. ================= 4-H is a positive youth development program directed by the University of Missouri Extension program and administered by the National Institute of Food and Agriculture of the United States. 4-H brings youth and adults together to learn everyday skills with hands-on learning. We have found that youth working on activities from animal and plant sciences to robotics are excited, creative and are motivated to do more. Many youth are motivated and passionate about the things they love, their projects and interests. Entrepreneurship as become fascinating to youth and 4-H delivers programming to help youth entrepreneurs be successful. Entrepreneurship encourages youth to "Follow their passion".

By: joomla

See the rest here:
Federation, Single Sign-on, Sparking Youth Development - Jonathan Hogan, Dr. Amy Patillo - Video

Building Community Sites – Christopher Nielsen, Drupal to Joomla – Jon Neubauer – Video

Building Community Sites - Christopher Nielsen, Drupal to Joomla - Jon Neubauer
I will discuss topics ranging from the questions beginners should ask when developing a community site with Joomla CMS to exploration of some advance features we built for the Puget Sound Partnership #39;s community portal. This was a 3 year government support contract with the State of Washington which had many interesting process challenges and rich feature integrations. ============== As more and more organizations turn to Open Source technologies to power their online presence, one struggle that seems to recur is finding the balance between capability and usability in a CMS. With the Joomla! CMS situated as a powerful and robust platform for building an online presence, yet still maintaining a great level of usability and efficiency in day to day operations, many organizations are exploring their options when it comes to migrating to Joomla! to make life easier. During this session we #39;ll take a look at our experience in moving several applications from Drupal to Joomla!, and a process that we #39;ve built, and documented for automating the transition for any organization.

By: joomla

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Building Community Sites - Christopher Nielsen, Drupal to Joomla - Jon Neubauer - Video

Plug ‘n’ Play: Cart-Agnostic Design Principles for Joomla! eCommerce – Donald Champion – Video

Plug #39;n #39; Play: Cart-Agnostic Design Principles for Joomla! eCommerce - Donald Champion
Cart-agnostic Design Principles refer to a specific methodology for planning and developing custom code and extensions. This methodology allows a core body of code to support multiple Joomla! eCommerce extensions like VirtueMart, redSHOP, HikaShop and more. By following this approach, developers can design solutions that are more easily extended to support additional shopping carts, as well as being easier to maintain and upgrade. Even if you only write solutions to support one shopping cart at a time, you can still benefit from using these design principles. Donald Champion will cover the initial planning process, understanding similar data structures between popular carts, and how to evaluate the pros and cons of different abstraction methods for your project. Donald Champion, CTO of Polished Geek, is the designer of JoomLister, the only native eBay listing component for Joomla! eCommerce that is also an eBay Certified Compatible Application. Donald designed JoomLister from the ground up using a cart-agnostic approach, so adding a new shopping cart only requires changes to five files or less. He #39;ll use some real life examples from the JoomLister extension to illustrate key concepts during this engaging developer presentation.

By: joomla

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Plug 'n' Play: Cart-Agnostic Design Principles for Joomla! eCommerce - Donald Champion - Video

The power of ZOO – Daniele Rosario – Video

The power of ZOO - Daniele Rosario
ZOO is one of the most known CCK for Joomla!. But very few people know what it really can do. In this talk we #39;ll try to provide web designer, integrators and developers with the informations needed to start developing ZOO apps and build good looking, easy to use and easy to manage websites. Most of the session will be of realtime examples; no long theories, just practical examples and real world situations. After the very brief high level introduction, there will be a couple of real world, live websites examples of what can be achieved with ZOO apps and elements; then the real work will begin. The speaker will present a classic client website request, and show how it could be built in a very fast way using a custom ZOO app. At the end, there will also be the time to show (if there will be any interested developer in the room) to display how to create custom ZOO elements, and even custom ZOO plugins.

By: joomla

Read the original here:
The power of ZOO - Daniele Rosario - Video

River Delta India – Video

River Delta India
RDI provides expert solution for multiple technologies such as Java, Microsoft, PHP, MySQL, Joomla as well as Mobile Platforms. Apart from Technology we are also proficient in Network-Server-Database Monitoring services.

By: RiverDeltaIndia

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River Delta India - Video