Joomla 3.0 optimized for mobile devices
Summary: Joomla, a popular open source content management system, was recently upgraded to a 3.0 release with enhanced database integration, administrative tools and optimization for mobile devices. A 3.01 security fix went out Tuesday.
The recently released Joomla 3.0 upgrade will be a treat for web content producers that want to improve the functionality for mobile users.
Most notably, version 3.0 leverages Bootstrap, Twitters' tool collection for creating websites and web applications, for ntaively optimizing how content is displayed on smartphones, tablets and other mobile devices.
"The Joomla CMS can now display content on mobile devices as clearly and distinctly as it does on a personal computer or Mac," according to a statement issued by the project after this version's completion late last month."This innovation makes Joomla the first major CMS that includes the Twitter Bootstrap framework that enables it tobe 100 percent mobile-friendly by default."
The open source project claims that roughly three percent of the web is run on Joomla services and that Joomla serves as the web content backbone for large enterprises including Citibank, eBay, General Electric, Harvard University, Ikea, McDonalds and Sony. It competes with other open source CMS offerings such as WordPress and Drupal.
Joomla! 3.0 offers a total of 15 new features including a new PostgreSQL driver and a new user interface for administrators. As it is already integrated with MySQL and SQL Server, the addition of the PostgreSQL driver makes Joomla database independent for the first time, the sttement indicated.
It also incorporates thethe "ability to copy a template, the option to disable the ability to change the Username in Profile and the installation of language packages directly from the extension manager, which makes it easier to manage other languages," the statement added.
The last upgrade, version 2.5, was introduced last January. The project issued a security fix, 3.0.1, on Tuesday, October 9.
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Joomla 3.0 optimized for mobile devices