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Male Supremacy Is at the Core of the Hard Right’s Agenda – Southern Poverty Law Center

Christianity, many members of the American hard right contend, should hold a preeminent place in our society and even form the basis for our laws. White people, they (often implicitly) suggest, deserve to hold a dominant position in society because of their supposed innate superiority.

The hard right, in other words, wants to revive an older social order, before the Civil Rights Movement, womens and gay liberation movements, and other social and political transformations upset what was a thoroughly white-dominated, patriarchal society. Gender, then how it is understood, practiced and described in our laws is clearly of central concern to the hard right. Their goal is to uphold male supremacy, a movement that scholar of right-wing movements Chelsea Ebin describes as a complex system that serves to assert, support, and promote the supposed superiority of men, and subjugate women, trans, nonbinary and gender-nonconforming people.

But in most scholarship and media focused on the hard right, the movements gender politics are taken for granted or given secondary importance. Writing and commentary on the Jan. 6 insurrection, for instance, has lifted upthe role of white supremacyin the attack, but usually fails to explore the fact that the insurrectionists were not only overwhelmingly white but also overwhelmingly men (with some notable exceptions).

White supremacy is central to the hard right, but so is a desire to maintain a patriarchal society where people adhere to strictly defined gender roles and men act from a position of dominance.

Given the hard rights actions over roughly the past year, its impossible to ignore the centrality of male supremacyin the movement. Even far-right extremists have noted the shift. Ive noticed in the last three or four years, there seems to be a lot of generalized resentment of women on the right, like beyond typical, white nationalist podcaster Joseph Jordansaid in a July 2022 podcast, calling the Republican Partys positions akin to the Reddit Manosphere, a violently misogynistic online community.

Politicians, influencers, grassroots activists and members of extremist groups have collectively embarked on a campaign to strip women of their rights, force them into subservient societal and familial roles, demonize LGBTQ+ people, deny trans people access to spaces that conform to their gender identity, refuse them crucial medical care, and ban schools from even acknowledging the existence of LGBTQ+ people and families. This is a program championed in state houses and in protests in the streets to force people into heteronormative, patriarchal social structures.

Male supremacy has always played a role in right-wing movements. But now it has taken center stage, lending the hard right ideological coherence while acting as a tremendously mobilizing force. This comes at a time when the hard right is increasingly embracing authoritarianism. Its followers are less willing to compromise and increasingly argue they must use a heavy hand to contend with the people they view as political enemies, which include anyone who upsets traditional gender roles and family structures. Not only is the movement bearing down on those who resist male supremacism; it also seems increasingly willing to condone intimidation, force and violence to suppress and silence them.

Historically, at the core of the modern conservative movements agenda have been its efforts to impose a particular family structure, one with a working father and dependent mother who plays the role of primary caregiver for her children. Through social and economic policies namely, the erosion of the social safety net conservatives aspired to make this patriarchal unit into the primary source of economic security and, in the process, sought to winnow the viable life and career paths available to women. They required the protection of the family, the right argued, which was one of the many reasons it opposed the Equal Rights Amendment that would have made men and women equal in the eyes of the law. The amendment, they insisted, would strike at the heart of what conservative activist Phyllis Schlafly in 1978 called womens family support rights.

The rights goals remain much the same today, but its hard-right faction has doubled down on their moral orthodoxy while rejecting many traditional conservative economic strategies. For this growing segment of the right, the primary problem facing the country is the supposed assault on what it sees as traditional American culture and family, led by the Democratic Party, the broader political left, feminists, LGBTQ+ people, and others who fail to fit their rigid views of gender. They want to impose, through the power of the state, stringent gender roles and social hierarchies, and to punish those who deviate from them. This is paired not with market libertarianism, but with a protectionist nationalist economic program and a desire for severe limitations on immigration. As writer Julie Kohler wrote in an essayanalyzing the recent shift in the American political landscape for Democracy, the hard rights animating ideas are less about market fundamentalism and more about the preservation of a nostalgic family ideal and all of the racial and gender hierarchies it encompasses.

The 2022 midterm elections threw this shift into sharp relief. While voters rejected most hard-right candidates, the movement drew lessons from the handful who did manage to pull out a win, including, especially, Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis. Republicans, take note of DeSantis win: were done with the old, corporate tax cuts GOP, Allie Beth Stuckey, who hosts a culture and politics podcast from a biblically reformed, political conservative perspective for the hard-right network The Blaze, tweeted on the evening of the election. We want you to use all the power available to you to crush the entities crushing us.

What made DeSantis stand out, his supporters across the hard right pointed out, was his focus on culture war issues a now-tired euphemism used by the right (and, often, the media) to obscure their campaign against, primarily, LGBTQ+ people, Black people, and those who can get pregnant. The governor has imposed restrictions on the speech of educators, signing a law that bansthem from including discussions of sexual orientation or gender identity in classroom instruction. He has barred Medicaid recipients and transgender youthfrom receiving gender-affirming care, and the Stop WOKE Act he signed into law in December seeks to combat what he calls woke indoctrinations in schools and workplaces by prohibiting instruction or trainings that may make people feel guilt or anguish. In Florida we are taking a stand against the state-sanctioned racism that is critical race theory, DeSantis said of the law, which is currently under a temporary injunction. He has also urged the legislature to pass a six-week abortion ban, which would make Florida one of the most restrictive states in the country for those seeking abortion care. And, most recently, in an effort to increase state surveillance of transgender people, DeSantis asked all public universitiesin the state to hand over medical records of students they know to have sought gender-affirming care.

DeSantis is doggedly focused on halting the woke agenda: We will never, ever surrender to the woke mob. Florida is where woke goes to die, he said in his election night victory speechin March.

But, according to the hard right, what exactly is the woke agenda, which they have deemed the most essential threat facing the country? It refers to the general pursuit of equity. Wokeism is built on the democratic error of treating equality as The Good and pursuing it ad absurdum, argued a recent piecein The American Mind, a publication of the right-wing and increasingly illiberal Claremont Institute. The American Minds pages are filled with diatribes against the woke agenda and woke comms. Woke communism has a scapegoat (white males, whom the woke comms say oppress all minority groups), the chairman of Claremonts board of directors, Thomas Klingenstein, argues in a February 2022 article, and a utopian vision of society, one where there are equal outcomes for all identity groups in every area of human life.

Wokeism encompasses all that the hard right finds objectionable: the pursuit of racial equity thus the hard rights persistent attacks on critical race theory and equality of people of different genders and sexuality. Less an actual movement than a boogeyman concocted by the hard right, the woke left is portrayed as a tyrannical movement that will use any strategy in the war its waging, Klingenstein writes, on America, on men and women, and on human nature itself.

Recent years have seen many rights-based political mobilizations: the #MeToo movement, an increasingly visible trans rights movement, the Black Lives Matter movement and others. Weve also seen a reactionary backlash driven, in large part, by the hard rights constant attempts to convince the public that masculinity or, more accurately, the social and cultural supremacy of men is under acute threat. In some cases, they argue that a failure to restore traditional masculinity would result in the literal destruction of the nation. The implication is that dramatic action, including violence, could be necessary to stop the attack being carried out by the hard rights perceived enemies.

Figures like Jordan Peterson have used the supposed crisis to launch successful public careers. The former psychology professor has arguedthat hierarchies are natural and necessary for society to function, while lamenting that the masculine spirit is under assault. That assault, he told a New York Times reporter in 2018, is the reason that a self-declared misogynist incel (or involuntary celibate) committed a mass murder in Toronto earlier that year. He was angry at God because women were rejecting him, Peterson said. His proposed solution is enforced monogamy, because without societal intervention women will inevitably pursue high-status men a cardinal belief of the misogynist incel community. For these ideas, Peterson has won praise and admiration across hard-right media, including Ben Shapiros Daily Wire, which declared him one of the most important minds in history, and now hosts his podcasts and a special lecture series with the former professor.

Hard-right figures, including those with prominent platforms in media and government, are keen to tell men they are the victims of a left-wing culture war. Missouri U.S. Sen. Josh Hawley, in a speechto the National Conservatism Conference, told the audience of hard-right influencers that the lefts supposed project to deconstruct America begins with and depends on the destruction of American men, while Fox News consistently airs segments telling viewersthat America has a masculinity crisis brought on by the radical left. Last year, Fox host Tucker Carlson produced a documentary called The End of Men, a pseudoscientific look into declining testosterone levels that argues the supposed assault on masculinity is not only cultural, but physiological. (It featured as an expert Raw Egg Nationalist, who argues that the globalists are using the food system to emasculate men, a conspiracy theory he distributes in books and a magazine he produces with Antelope Hill, a white nationalist publisher.) Enemies are everywhere: the left, feminists, LGBTQ+ people, universities, corporations, the pharmaceutical industry, and government are all conspiring, activists and media personalities argue, to break men down by denying them the chance to fulfill their natural role as patriarchs.

The belief that society is immersed in a crisis of masculinity is, of course, nothing new. During moments when the social order has been in flux, men have reacted to perceived threats by embracing hypermasculine postures what the scholars of gender Dan Cassino and Yasemin Besen-Cassino call compensatory behaviors, many of which are socially maladaptive. In the aftermath of Vietnam, for example, the loss of the war, along with the domestic political strife it created, worked together with the feminist, LGBTQ+, and civil rights movements to challenge patriarchal society and, especially, the dominance of white men. In response, American men began to dream, to fantasize about the powers and features of another kind of man who could retake and reorder the world, sociologist and historian James William Gibson wrote in Warrior Dreams: Violence and Manhood in Post-Vietnam America. Not only did men fantasize about becoming paramilitary warriors, they increasingly bought military-grade weapons, patronized the hundreds of new indoor shooting ranges that popped up around the country, and increasingly participated in organized paramilitary groups, giving rise to the militia movement.

Many decades after the tumult of the post-Vietnam era, more societal upheavals have produced similar results. Donald Trumps presidency, with its blatant misogyny and racism, came on the back of the failed War on Terror, the election of the countrys first Black president, and multiple recessions circumstances that a prescient 2009 Department of Homeland Security report warned could fuel a resurgence in radicalization and recruitment in right-wing extremist movements. Its little surprise that profits have reached historic highs for gun manufacturers who in their marketing, according to a recent House Oversight Committee report, tout assault rifles military pedigree, make covert references to violent white supremacists like the Boogaloo Boys, and prey on young mens insecurities by claiming their weapons will put them at the top of the testosterone food chain. The presence of guns has exploded at political protests, carried in the vast majority of incidents by right-wing activists.

There has also been a recent surge in activity among militant extremist organizations, at protestsand beyond.

That includes, especially, the participation of the Proud Boys. Male supremacy is a core component of most extremist groups, but few openly proclaim it like the Western chauvinist organization. Formed in 2016 and open only to cisgender men, the Proud Boys have become the largest and most active hate group in the United States. Their brand of masculinity proclaims that men should be dominant in all parts of society, mens job is to protect women, and, crucially, men must be willing to engage in violence in order to protect the patriarchal order. Women are fundamentally meant to be mothers and caretakers and nothing more, according to the group, which includes venerating the housewife as one of their core tenants. Men, meanwhile, are meant to embrace violence as an essential part of their being. Youre not a man unless youve beat the shit out of someone, Gavin McInnes, the groups founder, has proclaimed.

The Proud Boys believe that feminists are actively trying to destroy men, and the group offers them a place to pursue and defend their rightful place in the social order. Indeed, the Proud Boys have, from the start, portrayed the group as a way to save men from the hold of feminism. McInnes founded the group as an old school mens club, something ubiquitous for most of the History of America, until they were beaten down by the Second Wave Feminists of the 1970s and 80s, a widely shared Telegram post proclaimed on the sixth anniversary of the Proud Boys founding. Those men, seeking beer and brotherhood, had awakened a smoldering desire, lying dormant in too many men to ... well, just to be allowed to be men!

Even the male supremacist beliefs of extremist groups have seemed to harden in recent years. While older extremist groups like the Ku Klux Klan had women as members and others, like Tom Metzgers White Aryan Resistance, had affiliated womens organizations, many of the largest and most violent far-right extremist groups active in recent years only allow men. That includes Patriot Front, The Base and Atomwaffen, among others. Though the Klan, racist skinheads and neo-Nazi groups often relegated women to supportive caretaking duties aligned with regressive gender roles, many of todays extremist groups see no role for them at all.

Despite their exclusion from many of todays most prominent hate groups, women are active participants in the hard rights campaign to uphold male supremacy and create restrictive gender distinctions. One clear example is the so-called tradwife (or traditional wife) movement, which proclaims that women can achieve personal happiness and contribute to a healthier national culture by embracing subservience to men.

Womens interest in the tradwife movementis, in some ways, a response to modern economic realities. The movement is rooted in many young womens sense of discontent with mainstream society and capitalist systems that in the U.S., in any case make balancing motherhood and work a near-impossible task, with virtually no childcare support, limited sick leave, and few protections for women who need time away from work for childcare or eldercare responsibilities, Cynthia Miller-Idriss, a scholar of extremism and radicalization, has noted. Some women have responded by looking backward to a romanticized version of domesticity captured by the 1950s propaganda that forms the backbone of the tradwife aesthetic.

The tradwife movement exists largely online, led by influencers whose content depicts stylized domestic bliss their homes, cooking, clothing and children alongside captions that encourage chastity and, often, homeschooling, homesteading and fundamentalist Christianity. Tradwives present submission as freedom and a return to the natural order, before feminism deceived women into thinking they could achieve fulfillment outside family life and heterosexual relationships. Teach your daughter about homemaking before the internet teaches them about corporate slaving, an Instagram account that sells women classes on the principles of tradwifery recently posted. Others promise, Her happiness comes from making his life easier.

Tradwife culture strongly overlaps with the racist right. Tradwife influencers frequently note that their lifestyle has political ends: By supporting men and having many children, they are fighting back against the so-called great replacement, a white nationalist theory that says white people are being systematically replaced by immigration and other forces, including the media, that encourage racial intermarriage and low white birthrates. Others suggest feminism is a Jewish plot to destabilize society and having children provides them a way to fight back. You had another kid? How many kids are you going to have? the first panel of a meme in a white supremacist Telegram channel devoted to traditional dating asks. More than my enemies, reads the second.

New media outlets aimed at women, have also emerged to support the male supremacist politics of the hard right. The preeminent publication among these ventures is Evie, an online magazine that publishes, it says, quality content that affirms your femininity, encourages virtue, and offers a more truthful perspective than the biased agenda of other publications. It is also explicitly anti-feminist, anti-hormonal birth control, and anti-abortion. The sites many fearmongering articles about birth control pills claim they are not only harmful but fail to treat anything. (Women take birth control pills for many medical issues outside of preventing pregnancy.) Hormonal birth control promised freedom but tricked our bodies into dysfunction and pain, the sites founder, Brittany Martinez, argues.

Birth control, according to Evie, is one of the many lies feminism has sold to women. I seriously cannot believe that millions of women were PSYOPed into believing that painful period cramps are totally normal, one Evie writer says in a TikTok video. PSYOP, a military term popular with far-right conspiracists, means psychological operation, and describes organized state-led efforts to influence people and culture without using force. The Evie writer tells viewers that they can make their painful menstrual symptoms disappear not with birth control, but by tuning into your body and, specifically, their menstrual cycle. The video turns out to be an ad for an app Evie has created called 28, which claims to undo some of the damage wrought by feminism by offering women a fitness and diet program that aligns with their menstrual cycle. The app is, notably, backed by Peter Thiel, the billionaire investor who has fraternized with white nationalists and become a major force backing the hard right.

Evies rejection of hormonal birth control seems less guided by actual concern for women and their needs (they dismiss even non-hormonal forms of birth control as mostly harmful) than part of a larger attempt to convince women they will be their most authentic, contented selves if they pursue life as homemakers and caretakers, unburdened by synthetic hormones and the stresses of a career. Traditional gender roles, they suggest, are natural, while women who eschew these roles are miserable, unattractive to men, and trapped in a victim mentality. Unsurprisingly, figures like Jordan Peterson are cited throughout their catalog of articles.

Evie is also full of anti-trans content and warnings that young people are fall[ing] prey to the trans agenda. Following growing anti-trans hostility on the right, the sites anti-trans content increased 333% from 2021 to 2022, according to Media Matters. Like many of the right-wing pundits in the anti-trans moral panic, Evie claims they are motivated by their concern for children. But their content reveals deep enmity toward those who fail to conform to traditional gender roles. Their pronouns are they/them bc theres multiple demons inside of them, one of their writers posted about gender nonconforming people on Twitter, echoing many others on the hard right who paint trans people as satanic.

Evie and their allies paint stark boundaries around womanhood and femininity, arguing that trans women are not only not real women, but that they present an acute threat to women and girls. One outlet that takes that argument especially far is Reduxx, which calls itself a feminist and pro-child safeguarding publication. The site is nothing but rabid transphobia: Like many white nationalist websites that list endless pages of Black crime meant to suggest that Black people are inherently prone to criminality, Reduxx is an endless scroll of alleged trans sex offenders and pedophiles. The site is regularly used as a source by right-wing news outlets, including, especially, Fox News.

Male supremacism has not only become the glue that holds together the hard right; it is also increasingly fueling the harm, threats, intimidation and violence coming from the movement.

Much of that harm comes from the hard rights successful campaign to end access to abortion. Since the Supreme Courts decision overturning Roe v. Wade last year, 13 states have completely banned abortions, and others have dramatically increased restrictions, while anti-abortion activists in such states as Tennessee fight to ban abortion care even for women with life-threatening complications because they will work themselves out.

Access to medication abortion, which accounts for more than half of abortions in the United States, is also under threat thanks to a recent decision by a Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas. In a dubious ruling that even a former clerk of Supreme Court Justice Antonin Scalia excoriated as indefensible, Judge Matthew Kacsmaryk suspended the Food and Drug Administrations approval of mifepristone, an abortion drug that has proven extremely safe and effective since it came to market more than 20 years ago. The Justice Department has now asked the Supreme Court to block the ruling. Whatever the courts eventual decision, the Texas ruling shows just how far out on a legal limb the hard right is willing to venture in order to stop people from accessing effective and safe abortions, even when that agenda is wildly unpopular.

Not only is it more difficult for people to access abortion care, but many, especially people of color and those who are poor, cannot access that care at all. It also makes people vulnerable to other forms of harm. Pregnancy increases the chances of intimate partner violence and its severity. Homicide is the leading cause of death associated with pregnancy. Additionally, states with the most restrictive abortion laws have the worst maternal and child health outcomes, which compounds the harms for Black women, who are more likely than any other racial group to face pregnancy complications.

The anti-abortion movement has long been an especially violent constituency of the hard right, a trend that began in the post-Vietnam era after it began moving away from protest and toward retribution, Carol Mason, a scholar of gender and the far right, has argued. Activists increasingly began seeing themselves as abortion warriors who could justify their violence as a way of defending innocent life and restor[ing] the order of God. Killing or threatening an abortion provider, in other words, was an act of righteousness. The movement also, notably, began to attract the participation of white power activists, who saw abortion as part of a larger plot to diminish the white population. Abortion is racial suicide for the white race, Klansman J.D. Alder said in a 1994 message that Klan members could hear by calling into a hotline. Men such as Paul Hill, who had murdered a doctor who performed abortions and a clinic escort in Pensacola that year, are heroes for eliminating baby killers and saving the lives of unborn beautiful white babies.

While the 1990s were the high point of anti-abortion violencemirroring the violence emanating from the militia movement at that timethe threats to abortion providers are once again increasing. The National Abortion Federation, which has tracked violence and disruption against abortion providers and facilities since 1977, noted a 163% increase in hoax devices or suspicious packages between 2018 and 2021, while assaults rose from 15 to 123 during that same time period. Between 2020 and 2021, stalking of abortion providers, staff, and patients rose 600%. Anti-abortion activism is increasingly attracting the attention of far-right extremist groups like the Proud Boys and Patriot Front, especially as those demonstrations surged in the lead-up to the Supreme Courts decision overturning Roe. While only 1% of far-right public events focused on abortion in 2020, by 2022 it was the focus of more than 14% of the demonstrations in which they participated, according to the Armed Conflict Location and Event Data Project (ACLED). Even after the fall of Roe, the hard right seems to feel the status quo is not punitive enough and are relying on fear to augment the countrys current draconian policies.

The hard rights violence has been especially targeted at LGBTQ+ people trans people in particular in the last two years. The fact that this violence comes at the same time as the attack on reproductive rights is no coincidence collectively, these campaigns are an attack on bodily autonomy and gender equity, and serve to enshrine male supremacy in the law. This campaign of violence is one of the most nakedly dehumanizing and dangerous efforts the hard right has launched in recent memory, and it is especially dangerous and effective because it has the combined support of politicians, legislative bodies, judges, influencers and extremist activists.

The campaign against trans people paints them, as well as their allies, as devious and socially dangerous: They are groomers socializing children in order to sexually abuse them, while at the same time attempting to recruit people into the LGBTQ+ community. Trans people are the primary targets, but doctors, Democrats and others who provide gender-affirming care and work to protect trans rights are also demonized. In fact, when a November 2022 SPLC poll asked people if they believed that Democrats are attempting to sexualize children by indoctrinating them into the LGBTQ lifestyle, 74% of Republicans agreed, including 51% who strongly agreed.

In 2022, legislators across the country introduced 315 bills targeting LGBTQ+ people, and trans youth, in particular. In a lawsuit against the USDA, 22 states are attempting to take away LGBTQ+ kids access to free school lunches. In the latest legislative wave, eight states have introduced bills to ban children from attending drag performances (Tennessee passed such a bill, but a federal judge has blocked its implementation). Donald Trump said, if reelected president, he would ask Congress to pass a bill establishing that the only genders recognized by the United States government are male and female, and they are assigned at birth, and that he will sign a new executive order instructing every federal agency to cease all programs that promote the concept of sex and gender transition at any age.

While the Republican Partys anti-trans crusade is harmful on its own, it also provides a pretense for hard-right activists who have come to see intimidation, threats and other forms of violence as viable political tools. The Proud Boys alone targeted more than 40 LGBTQ+ events with harassment or protests in 2022. In some cases, they carried weapons. Schools, teachers, hospitals and other individuals and organizations have faced death and bomb threats after they were targeted by hard-right influencers like Chaya Raichik, who runs the Libs of TikTok Twitter account that targets LGBTQ+ people for ridicule by her followers. And in November 2022, five people were killed by a mass shooter at an LGBTQ+ nightclub.

In the aftermath of that deadly shooting, hard-right activists chose to double down on their rhetoric. If [drag shows are] causing this much chaos and violence, why do you insist on continuing to do it? If, according to you, its like putting peoples lives at risk, if the effort to have men cross-dress in front of children is putting peoples lives at risk, why are you still doing it? the Daily Wires columnist Matt Walsh asked on his online show. More recently, Walsh has suggested that providing gender-affirming care should be considered a capital crime and it should earn the prescribed penalty for such crimes. His followers seemed to have absorbed that message. At his Rally to End Child Mutilation in Nashville late last year, one supporter in the crowd was pictured holding a sign reading, Doctors who mutilate children should be KILLED. The rhetoric is an eerie echo of the kind used against medical professionals who provided abortions in the 1990s, when activists declared that murdering abortion providers should be considered justifiable homicide. That decade, anti-abortion activists killed seven people.

The hard right is emboldened by their recent successful efforts to roll back the rights of women, trans, nonbinary and gender nonconforming people. Some have suggested that no-fault divorce should be outlawed, or that Republicans should pursue federal bans on abortion and gender-affirming care. Even the rights to contraception and same-sex marriage seem to be on the table.

But two things can be true at once: even while the hard right is highly mobilized and can count many recent wins, their agenda is, for the most part, unpopular. More than three-quarters of Americans support laws protecting LGBTQ+ people from discrimination, while a majority say that parents of transgender children should be allowed to access gender-affirming care for their child. When it comes to abortion, 64% of Americans say the procedure should be legal in all or most cases.

That conflict between what a majority of Americans want, and the actual policies that rule our lives is indicative of the present strain on our democracy, where the hard right holds disproportionate power. The male supremacist philosophy undergirds every wing of the hard-right movement and its efforts to erode the rights of LGBTQ+ people, women, Black people and religious minorities. And without an effective countermovement to build and restore democratic principles and institutions, the male supremacist agenda will continue to advance.

Illustrations by Cristiana Couceiro

Follow this link:
Male Supremacy Is at the Core of the Hard Right's Agenda - Southern Poverty Law Center

Victim Of Ex-UFC Fighter Karl Roberson’s Alleged Burglary Was … – OutKick

Leonard had his $80,000 Presidential Rolex stolen along with $60,000 in Cuban chains and a $30,000 bracelet among other things. None of it has been recovered.

Leonard did, however, have cameras stationed in and outside his home, which caught the two men breaking and entering. Leonard said that Thompsons pink shoes in the video gave him away, and helped authorities connect the dots.

Same shoes were worn in a rap video, Leonard said.

Thompson was later connected to Roberson, who Leonard said hes been around the country, around the world with him as his right-hand man.

Once authorities came to Leonard saying Roberson was a primary suspect, though, he initially did not believe them because of his friendship. However, the video evidence changed his mind.

The body language, everything. Thats what set it all off, Leonard said about believing it was Roberson on video in his closet stealing his valuables. We knew from that point on it was Karl just from the body language, the build. Knowing him for 19 years, the mannerism. The little trot that he did out of the closet. It was very similar to his UFC jog around the ring. Every little thing knowing someone for that long I kinda just picked it up from there.

I couldnt unsee it as much as I wanted to.

If that was not enough, Leonard said Roberson had been liking and responding to his social media posts and tried to blend in when Leonard was sharing photos and video of the incident to spread the word about the burglary.

Roberson also visited Leonards shop to talk about possible branding less than a year ago.

I built a whole logo for him, branded it, gave him tens of thousands of dollars worth of my time and consultation to build a brand for him, and he basically screwed me over with that too, Leonard said.

While the value of his jewelry was a large amount, Leonards peace of mind is something he cant put a price on. He suffers from PTSD following his days in the Army, when he was deployed to Iraq for over 400 days from 2009-10, and having someone break into his home has been tough.

Having it be someone he considered a friend makes it even worse.

Its not the same kid I grew up with. Its not the same kid in those pictures, Leonard told Fox News Digital. I had no idea Karl has this other side of him and Im very disappointed and feel betrayed.

Police held Roberson for approximately two to three weeks before he was eventually released.

Roberson made his MMA debut in May 2015 and would climb the ranks before appearing on Dana Whites Tuesday Night Contender Series in 2017. He beat Ryan Spann and earned himself a UFC contract.

Roberson went on to own a 9-6 record in UFC, but after losing his final four matches, his last in July 2022 to Kennedy Nzechukwu, he was no longer on the UFC roster.

Roberson did not immediately respond to comment when asked by Fox News Digital.

This article was contributed byScott Thompsonof Fox News Digital.

Fox News Paulina Dedaj also contributed to this report.

Continued here:
Victim Of Ex-UFC Fighter Karl Roberson's Alleged Burglary Was ... - OutKick

How I used ChatGPT to build and sell a product for thousands – Business Insider

Ihor Stefurak. Ihor Stefurak.

Three weeks ago, I brought ChatGPT on board as my CTO on a project. We crafted a Chrome extension and received $1,000 worth of pre-orders within 24 hours.

Last week, I sold it on Acquire. It was only listed for one week, and out of the 50 people who contacted me about it, five proposed bids.

I'm an entrepreneur with a background in the Ukrainian startup ecosystem. After a six-year stint at a startup accelerator, I transitioned to working full-time on my own ventures. Since 2017 I've launched and sold multiple projects, and I currently manage a diverse portfolio of five businesses.

It started as a fun experiment to see what was possible with ChatGPT. I'm not a programmer and haven't crafted Chrome extensions, but I've written apps script for Google Sheets.

I love simple products and built something last year called Lofi Garden. It's an app with a single play/pause button on the menu bar that controls a lofi playlist on your Mac.

With that project in mind, I wanted to create an invisible AI assistant that could be prompted by a simple command in any text area of any website. All a user has to do to get an original tweet or Replit coding, for instance, is type "/ai prompt" and press Enter.

For example, I prompted Type Slash AI to write me something about happiness in the style of entrepreneur and former AngelList CEO Naval Ravikant:

It produced an original paragraph:

Then, I fed it my first prompt by asking it to write code for a simple Chrome extension that monitors input boxes on websites.

In total, ChatGPT wrote three JavaScript files to execute the idea, an HTML file, and a manifest.json file to run the extension in Chrome-based browsers.

I devoted hours to testing, reporting errors, and requesting revisions. When I was content with the results, I recorded a demo, designed a landing page with a 'pre-order' button linked to Stripe, and tweeted it. The tweet went viral and 500,000 people saw it. I made $1,000 within 24 hours.

In the end, ChatGPT helped me develop a working project in just 10 hours and I played the role of prompt engineer. Was it easy? Somewhat. Can people who don't write code do it? Yes, if they understand the code logic.

A human developer could have undoubtedly built this faster and better, but the idea here is that I'm not a developer and still managed to create this.

I saw many makers trying to capitalize on the same idea without success weeks after. The barrier for entry is low because the project is very simple, but grabbing attention is crucial. My story a man utilizing ChatGPT as CTO made all the difference.

Most of those who launched after me relied on Twitter to get users. But this wasn't my first launch, and I knew from the get-go that I needed a more comprehensive approach. So I took a pen and paper to outline what channels I could use to bring in sales.

I managed to get a feature in an AI newsletter from Ben Tossell, the founder of MakerPad. I also reached out to TikTok influencers, shared my story with the media, and reposted it on Hacker News, Reddit, Facebook. I even cooked up a programmatic SEO project for the extension.

Not all of these avenues succeeded, but I did receive pre-orders and engaged early users, which was my primary focus.

Because my extension went viral and gained traction, I was able to make a choice: Should I grow it, sell it, or shut it down?

I chose to sell and move forward. I plan on using the money from the sale to buy a small house in a village here in Ukraine, and my girlfriend and I are currently location hunting.

ChatGPT served as my CTO, but I was tied up writing the prompts, which kept me from putting more effort into marketing. I recommend using the AI chatbot if you're starting a simple project with JavaScript or Python. I also recommend not replicating products you see on the market. Instead, focus on a topic you care about, and use ChatGPT to power you and/or other people in the niche.

I'm now focusing on using AI to help people learn how to think better by using "mental models," or an explanation of a thought process about how something works in the real world.

Modern thinkers like Naval Ravikant, psychologist Jordan Peterson, and billionaire investor Ray Dalio are big on explaining their mental models. Leaders, engineers, and investors use already-formed mental models as well as personally-developed ones. These models help enhance self-understanding and ultimately lead to better decisions and big overall improvements.

I still believe the ideal startup team should consist of a tech expert and a marketer. Combine them with ChatGPT for an indomitable squad.

Ihor Stefurak is an entrepreneur with a background in Ukrainian startups.


Excerpt from:
How I used ChatGPT to build and sell a product for thousands - Business Insider

Internet Slams Bud Light’s Response After Weeks of Silence – Newsweek

The Bud Light controversy rumbles as the beer brand broke its silence on social mediawith would-be boycotters responding with fury.

Earlier in April, Bud Light faced widespread criticism and calls for a boycott of its products after it sent personalized merch to transgender influencer and actress Dylan Mulvaney.

Bud Light's parent company, Anheuser-Busch, faced calls for a boycott on all of its products as its stock sat untouched on store shelves, some people destroyed its goods, its share price dropped and celebrities weighed in on the debate.

Outspoken Republican Kid Rock fired an assault rifle at multiple Bud Light cans in a viral video, while comedian and podcast host Joe Rogan called the whole ordeal "goofy."

The dispute over transgender brand ambassadors is symbolic of a wider debate about the inclusion of transgender women in female issues and spaces. Some say transgender women should be treated the same as other women, while others say they are different and that hard-won women's rights must be protected.

Throughout the discussion, Bud Light and Anheuser-Busch have remained relatively quiet, with Bud Light only posting its first social media post on Friday, April 14.

"TGIF?" the official Bud Light account tweeted out tentatively. The tweet received a couple of thousand likes, a few thousand retweets and over 25,000 comments.

The busy comment section was filled with people still seemingly furious about the collaboration with Mulvaney, people mocking those people, and typically for the internet, jokes and memes.

"Stop promoting transgender ideology," stated Stephen Miller, former senior adviser to Donald Trump.

Polish politician and member of parliament Dominik Tarczyski weighed in within the comment section to Bud Light's tweet. He wrote: "NO! Thank you."

British TV journalist and self-professed publican Adam Brooks suggested it was too late for Bud Light now. "Nah. You've blown it," he wrote.

Just as a viral video suggested Bud Light stands for something else, ("B**** you don't like it? Go home then") many popular comments made a new acronym out of the TGIF comment. "That Guy Isn't Female," wrote @MattsIdeaShop, and many other Twitter users, including member of the Oklahoma Senate, Nathan Dahm.

American lawyer and Republican Party official Harmeet K. Dhillon also made her feelings clear with a brief acronym of her own. "GTH," which we can safely assume stands for "Go To Hell." Later across the weekend, Dhillon added on Twitter: "Dylan Mulvaney controversy at Anheuser-Busch is giving the company a bitter sip of woke."

Psychologist and right-wing social media presence Jordan Peterson also weighed in over the weekend.

He called for a "boycott" for Budweiser and Nike. The sports brand was also slammed after it hired Mulvaney to advertise its new range of sports bras. He also shared a link to a free service offering "woke alerts" to people who want to be aware when a company "caves to the woke mob," as put by the team behind the service.

But some Twitter users took umbrage with the outrage. Damon Gonzalez wrote: "Karens are mad. Lol. F'ing hypocritical cancel culture snowflakes." And Smedley G. added: "Look at all these fragile conservative snowflakes. So emotional. After 30 or so failed boycotts in the past decade, they feel this one is going to work. Isn't that cute?"

On the same day that the Bud Light account shared its "TGIF?" message, the official account for Anheuser-Busch issued a statement from its CEO, Brendan Whitworth.

After discussing the history of the Anheuser-Busch brand, Whitworth suggested he was "focused on building and protecting" the brand's heritage.

"I care deeply about this country, this company, our brands and our partners," he wrote, ending with: "Moving forward, I will continue to work tirelessly to bring great beers to consumers across our nation."

This statement was also mocked by social media users and comedians such as Rob Delaney and the Hodgetwins. They pointed out that the best comments are available to read under the hidden replies feature, which was filled with angry messages aimed at the brand.

Read the original here:
Internet Slams Bud Light's Response After Weeks of Silence - Newsweek

Caught in the act: Fans destroy Andrew Tate for projecting his dog as a wolf on Twitter – Sportskeeda

Modified Apr 17, 2023 15:02 GMT

Andrew Tate was hounded by fans in his replies after making it sound as though he had a pet wolf.

The controversial internet personality tweeted a photo of his dog, which appears to be a breed of Alaskan Malamute. The former kickboxing champion added that it was the first time seeing his dog since his arrest four months ago.

According to Tate, his dog had been 'acting up' because he wasn't around and hoped that seeing him would return him to being an obedient animal once again.

Tate then added that if required, he would have no issue facing his 'wolf' in hand-to-hand combat.

After posting the video of his dog and his typical cryptic caption, fans of 'Top G' have taken issue with the fact that his dog isn't a wolf, which he had previously led them to believe.

Multiple fans joked that the only animal they saw in the video was a 'fat husky'.

Another fan praised Andrew Tate for his confidence but stated that 'Cobra' had no chance of victory fighting a wolf.

Check out more fan reactions below:

Israel Adesanya has revealed that he is a fan of Andrew Tate and believes his message about male masuclunity is an important one for society.

The UFC middleweight champion opined that Tate's philosophies can be held in the same regard as male rights activist Jordan Peterson and former Navy SEAL David Goggins. 'The Last Stylebender' believes the world is out to "soften" the men of today, and has taken inspiration from those who dare challenge that.

Speaking to Emilio Urrutia on the Honey Badger Hour podcast, Adesanya said:

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Caught in the act: Fans destroy Andrew Tate for projecting his dog as a wolf on Twitter - Sportskeeda