Archive for the ‘Jordan Peterson’ Category

Conservatives Are Wrong: There’s Nothing Natural About Hierarchy – Jacobin magazine

When Roger Scruton died early last year at the age of seventy-five, right-wing outlets hailed him as the most important conservative thinker of his era, even sacred. The honorifics were understandable. The British philosopher possessed a rare combination of theoretical intelligence and expository panache that made him both a deep and accessible thinker. Whereas conservative figures like Jordan Peterson and Ben Shapiro blow a lot of hot air complaining about Marxist authors, Scruton took the increasingly novel step of actually reading leftists and meticulously responding to their points.

But Ive come here to criticize Sir Roger, not praise him, and Scrutons virtues should not blind us to the severe ethical and political flaws of his traditionalist conservatism. So I want to do two things. First, explore Scrutons conservatism and what it tells us about the right-wing worldview. And second, explain one of the key moves in the conservative playbook: to naturalize power and existing forms of authority. For thinkers like Scruton, such arrangements are to be revered and rarely questioned yet like Dorothys Oz, when you look past the flash and bang and peel back the curtain of power, the authorities Scruton defends often look not only unimpressive but theoretically and morally bankrupt.

For many people, the bond of allegiance has immediate authority, while the call to individuality is unheard. It is therefore wrong to consider that a politician has some kind of duty to minister to the second of these, and to ignore the first. . . . But if individuality threatens allegiance as it must do in a society where individuality seeks to realize itself in opposition to the institutions and traditions from which it grows then the civil order is threatened too.

Roger Scruton, The Meaning of Conservatism

Conservatives like Scruton are right to regard themselves as defending a more ancient set of ideas than their liberal and socialist rivals: in this case, the notion that inequalities whether of virtue, status, wealth, or strength are natural and should be reflected in society. But modern conservatism is in fact younger than left-wing politics, arising as a response to Enlightenment-era revolutions in France, Haiti, and the United States.

For early thinkers on the Left who insisted that individuals were moral equals and thus deserving of political and economic rights a central task was to unmask power by revealing its contradictions, hypocrisies, and reliance on violence and coercion. Above all, they argued that the world as it is doesnt conform to some inviolable pattern, vindicated either by nature or religion. It is the product of human decisions, and thus capable of being remade.

This desacralized vision of political society, with authority exposed as mere power, was anathema to early conservatives like Edmund Burke. They castigated their opponents abstract and chaotic visions of the world and claimed to be realists, unmoved by fanciful visions. When progressive movements toppled their preferred authorities (kings, priests, even slaveowners), reactionaries and counterrevolutionaries fought to restore the proper order of things in some modified form.

Right-wing intellectuals labored, often begrudgingly, to reinvest the toppled system of power with moral gravity to, in a sense, sublimate power as authority. I say begrudgingly because, as Scruton himself noted, conservatives have traditionally preferred the natural instinct in unthinking people who, tolerant of the burdens that life lays on them, and unwilling to lodge blame where they seek no remedy, seek fulfillment in the world as it is to accept and endorse through their actions the institutions and practices into which they are born. In an ideal world, conservatism would need only offer reaffirmations rather than apologetics and counterblows. After all, the danger of defending power is that it implies power is open to analysis and criticism and not, as conservative philosopher Russell Kirk put it, an enduring moral order beyond critique.

In his book On Human Nature, Scruton calls our attention to an interesting (and, to my mind, correct) point from Hegel: my sense of being me, of being an I, depends on an immense net of inherited social relations. The autonomous I of liberal theory, creating a wholly independent identity, simply isnt tenable.

But Scruton takes this point much further: he argues, in true conservative fashion, that inherited social relations shouldnt be subjected to scrutiny because they are sacred a move that very quickly becomes an apologia for some people getting more power than others. Later in the book, Scruton says we should adopt a posture of submission and obedience toward authorities that you have never chosen. The obligations of piety, unlike the obligations of contract, do not arise from the consent to be bound by them. He goes on to claim that the main task of political conservatism, as represented by Burke, Maistre, and Hegel, was to put obligations of piety back where they belong, at the center of the picture.

At times, Scruton lends the point a sentimental gloss by likening it to a filial obligation. Just as a child loves and appreciates their parents, so too should we accept the guidance, protection, and, yes, discipline that those in power mete out. Scruton makes this association most explicit in his metaphysical tome The Soul of the World: Not all of our obligations are freely undertaken, and created by choice. Some we receive from outside the will. . . . It is hardly surprising, therefore, if they are wound into the order of things by moments of sacrificial awe.

Scrutons analogy between a political association and a family is wildly, even comically, stretched. Putting aside the fact that abusive families and marriages warrant dissolution, a political union is ultimately backed not by mutual relations of love and assistance but violence. Scruton gestures at this, rather disturbingly, when he talks about securing society against the forces of selfish desire through sacrificial awe.

The obvious question is whether those who would sacrifice others for their preferred eternal social order are in fact the selfless ones dedicated to filial love and community. But there is a deeper point here. Underneath Scrutons call to defer to political and economic authorities is a history of prisons, imperial wars, torture of dissidents, mass starvation, genocide, racism, poverty, patriarchal abuse, and more. From the perspective of those who have suffered and died at the hands of such authorities, calls for pious reverence can only seem a mockery. If such is to be our god, we should celebrate the death of God.

It would overstate things to call Scruton an out-and-out apologist for authoritarianism (though he had a sneaky habit of going soft on regimes like Francos Spain, Pinochets Chile, and the post-antebellum South). Scruton was squarely in the tradition of British ordered liberty conservatism, accepting many of the classical liberal freedoms when complemented by a respect for traditional authorities, practices, and culture mores. What he opposed, above all, was the idea that political allegiance should be seen as voluntary and that individuals should be free to recreate society as they like.

His main target on this point was the social contract tradition inaugurated by Hobbes, Locke, and Rousseau and carried on in the twentieth century by thinkers like Rawls and Nozick. Social contract theorists argue that it is voluntary consent, not mere allegiance, that grants political and economic authorities their legitimacy. If I never explicitly agreed to respect political power, or to venerate the existing regime of property rights, then I am under no obligation to do so.

Scruton is relentlessly critical of this idea, arguing that it animates a wildly emancipatory impulse that quickly becomes destructive. In Fools, Frauds and Firebrands: Thinkers of the New Left, he pillories the restless demands for liberation since the French Revolution, always seeking out new victims and emancipation of the structures: from the institutions, customs and conventions that shaped the bourgeois order, and which established a shared systems of norms and values at the heart of Western society.

Theres a long history of right-wing intellectuals criticizing the contractarian model. Edmund Burke famously mocked its rootless abstraction before putting forth his own grandiose vision of political society as a contract between those who are living, those who are dead, and those who are to be born. In Burkes mind, no generation is entitled to break the great and primaeval contract of eternal society that allocates all physical and moral natures to their appointed place. Rather than a voluntary contract, Burkes covenant is a duty imposed upon all, the high and the low alike, to keep to their appointed place.

Scrutons criticisms are in the same vein. He claims that our pious obligations to respect authority are unlike a contract because they do not arise from the consent to be bound by them but instead from the predicament of the individual. I am born into a system of political authority and hierarchical traditions, which apparently requires me to not just tolerate but revere them.

This is an extremely bizarre claim that no one would consistently hold to, Scruton included. No person born into, say, Hitlers Germany had a moral obligation to revere the authorities quite the opposite. The only criteria Scruton seems to accept in differentiating the good authorities from the bad is ultimately aesthetic those who seem worthy of respect just are. Scruton writes in The Meaning of Conservatism that it does not matter if the reason for venerating traditional authority cannot be voiced by the person who obeys it because tradition is enacted and not designed.

Scruton is right to criticize the hyper-libertarian vision of a social contract, which assumes only those obligations I deliberately chose are binding upon me. But this vision was never adopted by any of the classical social contract theorists or contemporaries like John Rawls. For these theorists, the point of thinking about a hypothetical social contract was to determine what kind of political system a group of equals would choose for themselves.

Predictably, the result of this exercise is usually more egalitarian and free than conservatives are willing to permit, since no contractor in an equal position would accept a political system that severely limited their personal freedom or left them deeply impoverished. They would demand a political system that worked in the interests of all, not just the few.

So the real problem with the contractarian model for conservatives like Scruton is that it inspires us to think of political authority as mere power that must continuously justify its legitimacy to all those it seeks to rule, and not just those who benefit from it. Where power fails to do so, we are under no obligation to obey, let alone revere, the authorities. We may even be obligated to overthrow them.

It is this emancipatory and revolutionary impulse that has inspired the liberatory movements that have arisen since the French Revolution. And we are all the better for them.

Much of human history has conformed to Thucydidess gloomy diagnosis that the strong do as they will, and the weak suffer what they must. Whatever improvement weve seen in modern times has been inspired by the idea that there is nothing morally impressive about mere strength and power that in fact they have all too often accrued in the hands of people like Donald Trump or Jair Bolsonaro who are comically ill-equipped to command much of anything.

Rather than revere authority or wealth and ask what we owe it, we should recognize that any granting of authority and power is contingent upon what it does for all. It is this ideal of a truly just society that we should venerate and seek to create not the rust and fantasia of sacred power that conservatives like Scruton would have us bow before.

See the rest here:
Conservatives Are Wrong: There's Nothing Natural About Hierarchy - Jacobin magazine

The best smart thinking and self-improvement books to buy for Christmas 2021 –

Once upon a time three brothers, working together at New Yorks Creedmoor Psychiatric Hospital, discovered that a histamine pill worked better for the mentally ill than electroshock therapy, and so played their part in revolutionising post-war psychiatric medicine. Given his book is called Empire of Pain (Picador, 20), one may rightly guess that Patrick Keefe is setting this family up for a fall. And what a fall: the Sacklers, in learning how to turn drugs into money, seem to have forgotten their humanity. The aggressive over-prescription of oxycontin, made by their company, contributed to an opioid crisis which in total led to the deaths of over half a million Americans. This is a ghastly story, told with rigour and aplomb.

The corruption that attends vast wealth seems to have eluded Bill Gates: he might genuinely want to save the world. How to Avoid a Climate Disaster (Allen Lane, 20) finds him studying hard problems: marginal costs, global equity, steel, cement and (yes) IT. Like any techno-realist, Gates can be twitted over the detail. He underestimates how viral the vegan message has become in the West, and underplays the nuclear waste problem. Still, here is a man worth arguing with.

One things for certain: climate change on its own will not bring down our civilisation. Catastrophes are why we have civilisations in the first place, and when societies collapse, its their own silly fault for having grown sclerotic, knotted and ungovernable. Niall Fergusons Doom (Allen Lane, 25) attempts to relate this epic picture of rise and fall to the responses of governments across the world to the Covid pandemic. Its anecdotal, partisan and oddly touching in its exhortation to keep calm and carry on.

Jordan Peterson is the living exemplar of that advice. A practising Canadian psychologist, rendered dangerously frail by prescription medicine, he has become for some a demagogue, for others the imminent second coming of Christ. The advice in Beyond Order (Allen Lane, 25), a follow-up to his global bestseller 12 Rules for Life, reflects some new and painful awareness of mortality. But it was always Petersons intimate, self-revealing style that made his life advice so powerful, so energising, and so hard to reduce to politics (though God knows people tried).

Petersons war against the fogginess of convenient and avoidant thinking echoes throughout Oliver Burkemans Four Thousand Weeks (Bodley Head, 16.99), a plea to abandon middling priorities and embrace the difficult and the important in life. To do so means resigning oneself to what the Germans, in their genius, dub Eigenzeit that is, the time it takes to do something properly.

Stephen Walkers Beyond (William Collins, 20) celebrates the worlds first man in space, Yuri Gagarin, who had patience and fortitude in spades, not just to weather the Soviets early space programme, but his strange celebrity afterlife, too. In the US, celebrity dogged the Nasa astronauts even before their historic flights. Walker straddles public and private worlds to bring us intimate portraits of the Cold Wars most gentle warriors.

Tristan Gooleys fortitude is nothing to sneeze at, either. Years ago, even as the rest of us were following our new-fangled in-car GPS systems into fields or over the edges of cliffs, the writer was flying and sailing, solo, across the Atlantic, guided by the stars. In The Secret World of Weather (Sceptre, 20) the author of bestsellers The Natural Navigator and How to Read Water entices us to read and even predict the weather, simply by paying attention to the things (trees, buildings, surfaces) all around us.

The best smart thinking and self-improvement books to buy for Christmas 2021 -

Duffy, Peterson, Sweenor earn top honors on Section II girls soccer all-stars – The Post Star

Section II All-Stars


Player of the Year: Georgia Greene (Shenendehowa)

Goalkeeper of the Year: Tor Rollins (Guilderland)

Coach of the Year: Scott LaMor (Columbia)

All-Stars: Brooke DelSignore (Shen), Ruth Hotaling (Beth), Bridget McLoughlin (Shaker), Madison McMaster (Sar), Kaiden Ring (Columbia), Mia Van Dyke (Colonie), Maddie Wania (BSpa), Kaleigh West (Nisky), Mayah Wheeler (Shaker).


Player of the Year: Brigid Duffy (Queensbury)

Goalkeeper of the Year: Michelina Lombardi (Averill Park)

Coach of the Year: Tim Ciampa (Queensbury)

All-Stars: Courtney Bush (Mohon), Hannah Bachorik (Mohon), Brooklyn Drago (Scotia), Bayley Duffy (QHS), Meredith Gaylord (AP), Vanessa Jorgensen (SGF), Julia Afsar-Keshmiri (QHS), Rylee OConnor (Scotia), Ella Blesi (BH), Samantha Torres (BH).


Player of the Year: Abby Dolge (Ichabod Crane)

Goalkeeper of the Year: Olivia Horan (Mechanicville)

Coach of the Year: Rob Klug (Broadalbin-Perth)

All-Stars: Gabriela Amoroso (Schal), Jaclyn Benedetti (Cohoes), Ally Brown (V'ville), Abby Buckley (Tam), Brooke Bush (B-P), Simone Cassano (Schal), Sophie Champagne (Tam), Nevaeh DAloia (Mech), Lilly Farrell (V'ville), Maddie Finn (CCHS), Payton Graber (Schal), Ella Grupe (G'ville), Emma Haller (Greenville), Erin Mash (Names), Sarah McMahon (Schy), Anna Nichols (Names), Katie Pagnotta (Ravena), Alayna Preston (B-P), Courtney Toher (Mech), Gianna Viscusi (Schal).


Player of the Year: Katelyn Krohn (Schoharie)

Goalkeeper of the Year: Lorelai Peterson (Corinth)

Coach of the Year: Sheila Golden (Maple Hill)

All-Stars: Kara Bacon (B-W), Haley Drinon (Scho), Isabella Estill (Still), Alayna Fletcher (MHill), Lila Frasier (LG), Addyson Galuski (Water), Samantha Gorey (LG), Faith Ingber (G'wich), Carolina Lott-Diamond (H-L), Amber MacNeil (HoF), Stephanie Martin (Galway), Cassidy McClement (Waterford), Kelsey Meca (Mayfield), Gianna Morse (MHill), Gabs Mowery (B-W), Giana Murphy (Canjo), Hser Nay Yo (Ren), Addi Perry (Chatham), Meg Perry (HoF), Morgan Phelan (Scho), Cameryn Shultes (M'burgh), Ashlee Stevens (B-K), Isabella Vecchio (Waterford)


Player of the Year: Sydney Schell (St. Johnsville)

Goalkeeper of the Year: Kathryn Sweenor (Salem)

Coach of the Year: Zale Benton (St. Johnsville)

All-Stars: Ryane Anderson (Ger), Angel Aratare (FA), Jordan DeNinno (St.J), Jo Galarneau (Mekeel), Kaylea Hickey (St.J), Morgan Staats (Ger), Kaelin Thompson (North), Paige Trzaskos (FA), Leah Valovic (North), Olivia Winchell (FA).

Read more from the original source:
Duffy, Peterson, Sweenor earn top honors on Section II girls soccer all-stars - The Post Star

Buzzell, Martinec earn region player of the year honors – Meadville Tribune

The Meadville Bulldogs football team beat up on fellow Region 5 opponents this season and were rewarded with 16 all-region honors and the region player of the year in Griffin Buzzell.

Buzzell, the teams only senior, was a leader on both sides of the ball. The Region 5 player of the year helped the Dogs win the programs second District 10 title. Meadville is still alive in the playoffs and plays Jersey Shore in a PIAA quarterfinal game on Saturday.

Buzzell was named a first-team running back and linebacker. He ran for 1,398 yards and 19 touchdowns. Fellow running backs Khalon Simmons and Brady Walker joined Buzzell on the first-team. Simmons leads the Bulldogs in yards (1,811) and touchdowns (30). Walker ran for 810 yards and 15 scores from the fullback position. Simmons and Walker were also first-team on defense. Simmons at defensive back and Walker at linebacker.

Also on the first-team for Meadville was Jordan Young (tight end and defensive line), Ruric Douglas (offensive and defensive line), Rhoan Woodrow (offensive and defensive line) and Justice Esser (offensive line).

On the second team was Esser (defensive line), Brighton Anderson (linebacker) and Ryan Reichel (defensive back).

Conneaut, also in Region 5, had three players named to the second-team Dylan Lehman (all-purpose and linebacker), Ryan Green (offensive line) and Braden Groover (defensive back).

Cochranton went undefeated in the regular season and made it to the District 10 title game for the second time in program history. Leading the Cardinals was running back Jack Martinec. Martinec set two school records in his senior season. He ran for a record 1,815 yards and a record 21 touchdowns. He was rewarded with Region 2 Player of the Year honors. Martinec was also a first-team defensive back.

Also on the first-team for Cochranton was Trent Way (offensive and defensive line), Ramy Sample (offensive line), Brayden Schlosser (linebacker), Stephen Martinec (defensive back). On second-team for the Cards was Wyatt Barzak (tight end and defensive back) and C.J. Maynard (offensive line).

Maplewood went 5-5 and lost in the district semifinals. The Tigers had eight players named to all-region teams. On the first-team was Luke Sleeman (defensive line), Connor Palmiero (defensive back) and Ben Gilberto (linebacker). On second-team was Palmiero (wide receiver), Cole Doolittle (offensive line), Ethan Peterson (defensive line), Logan Gross (linebacker), Jason McFadden (linebacker) and Logan Kennedy (defensive back).

Garrett Hodak led Cambridge Springs with 717 rushing yards and seven touchdowns. He was named a first-team running back and linebacker. Also for the Blue Devils on first-team was Jackson Carico (defensive line). On second-team was Van Jones (all-purpose and defensive back), Hunter Haregsin (offensive line), Colby Deets (defensive line) and Kaiden Boozer (defensive line).

Saegertown had two players named to the second-team all region team. Josh Perrine (offensive line and linebacker) and Zach Yoder (punter).

The all-region teams are voted on by coaches. The teams were released on Wednesday.

Region 1



Anthony Gentile Greenville 12 TE

Omar Stewart Farrell 12 WR

Garen Levis Sharpsville 11 WR

Jase Herrick Greenville 11 WR

Kabron Smith Farrell 10 QB

Anthony Stallworth Farrell 12 RB

Jalen Wagner Reynolds 11 RB

Kylon Wilson Farrell 11 AP

Jaimen Holden Farrell 12 OL

Preston Williams Farrell 12 OL

Anthony Jackson Farrell 11 OL

Malachi Shepard Farrell 11 OL

Jacob Rust Sharpsville 12 OL

Mitchell Mason Reynolds 12 OL

Braden Scarvel Sharpsville 11 OL

Special teams

Liam Campbell Sharpsville 11 K

Liam Campbell Sharpsville 11 P

Gavin Murdock Lakeview 12 P


Kein Wade Farrell 11 DL

Dominic Alfredo Sharpsville 12 DL

Malachi Owens Farrell 11 DL

Mitchell Mason Reynolds 12 DL

Jacob Rust Sharpsville 12 DL

Taidon Strickland Farrell 12 LB

Anthony Jackson Farrell 12 LB

Omar Stewart Farrell 12 LB

Ian Smith Sharpsville 12 LB

Kylon Wilson Farrell 11 DB

Luke Edwards Wilmington 12 DB

Cole McCallister Wilmington 12 DB

Lamont Samuels Farrell 11 DB

Jase Herrick Greenville 11 DB



Andrew Frye Sharpsville 11 TE

Michael Chrastina Wilmington 11 TE

Simeir Wade Kennedy Catholic 10 WR

Cole McCallister Wilmington 12 WR

Blaze Campbell Kennedy Catholic 11 WR

Caullin Summers Sharpsville 10 QB

Chris Roth Sharpsville 12 RB

Luke Edwards Wilmington 12 RB

Zack Tedrow Sharpsville 12 AP

Levi Swartz Greenville 12 AP

Jaki Burris Farrell 10 OL

Elon Horchler Wilmington 12 OL

Logan Leskovac Greenville 10 OL

Marlin Jones Reynolds 12 OL

Dominic Alfredo Sharpsville 12 OL

Ashton Williamson Wilmington 12 OL

Special teams

James Winters Wilmington 10 K

Haydin McLaughlin Reynolds 11 P


Malachi Shepard Farrell 11 DL

Anthony Gentile Greenville 12 DL

Marion Morris Farrell 10 DL

Triston Barr Mercer 12 DL

Colson Minshull Mercer 12 DL

Kole Tarary Kennedy Catholic 12 LB

Zair Thomas Farrell 11 LB

Chris Roth Sharpsville 12 LB

Braedon Summers Sharpsville 11 LB

Ben Miller Wilmington 10 LB

Haydin McLaughlin Reynolds 11 DB

Zack Tedrow Sharpsville 12 DB

Blaze Campbell Kennedy Catholic 11 DB

Gavin Murdock Lakeview 12 DB

Brandon Chambers Farrell 10 DB

Region champion Farrell

Region player of the year Anthony Stallworth, Farrell

Region 2



Eric Dorr Northwestern 12 TE

Wyatt Lookenhouse Eisenhower 11 WR

Eric Steinle Northwestern 12 WR

Ryan Tewell Northwestern 12 QB

Garrett Hodak Cambridge Springs 12 RB

Jack Martinec Cochranton 12 RB

Keegan Eckstrom Eisenhower 11 AP

Caleb Penley Eisenhower 11 OL

Ken Jarvis Northwestern 12 OL

Read the original here:
Buzzell, Martinec earn region player of the year honors - Meadville Tribune

Week 9’s Top NFL Storylines: Jordan Love, Adrian Peterson and the Other Josh Allen – InsideHook

With Monday Night Football between the Bears and Steelers in the books, Week 9 is over and the NFLs first 17-game season is officially past the halfway point. While we cant get to everything like the rise of road-field advantage in the league here are four of the top storylines to emerge with the seasons ninth week in the books, and whether were buying or selling on em.

In his first career start in the NFL for the Green Bay Packers on Sunday afternoon, second-year quarterback Jordan Love did not appear ready for primetime.

Filling in for immunized-but-not-vaccinated Aaron Rodgers, Love completed 19-of-34 passes for 190 yards with a touchdown and an interception in a 13-7 loss. On a day that saw Patrick Mahomes complete just 54% of his passes and play one of his worst games of the season, Love was worse. Bad news for him and the Packers; good news for Rodgers.

Love, who had trouble avoiding the blitz, appeared to have issues identifying coverages and missed open wide receivers down the field, is being groomed as Rodgerss successor. The second-year quarterback will theoretically be given the starting job if the reigning NFL MVP departs from the team this offseason, which has seemed imminent at times. Theoretically is the operative word her, as Love being any sort of replacement for Rodgers is far from a reality if Sunday is representative of his skillset as a pro.

With a starting-caliber quarterback on an affordable contract in his back pocket, Green Bay general manager Brian Gutekunst would have had options this offseason if things with Rodgers (who has two seasons left on the bloated contract he restructured this summer) reach what seems to be an inevitable denouement: trading the 37-year-old away for a slew of valuable draft picks. If Love cant play, the balance of power in that equation shifts dramatically, as Rodgers would then be an even more valuable commodity than he already is, and Green Bay would likely be inclined to bend to his will and figure out how to retain him.

It was a losing day for the Packers and Love after Rodgerss COVID-19 diagnosis kicked off a losing week for the franchise. Had Love played better on Sunday, it would have been a win for Green Bay in more ways than one. As it stands, Rodgers is the big winner of his longtime teams loss to the Chiefs.

Favored by 15 points heading into a game against the toothless Jaguars on Sunday afternoon, the Bills and star quarterback Josh Allen had just been anointed as the favorites to win the Super Bowl in February in L.A.

Allen and the Bills were then upset in grand fashion by Jacksonville, losing 9-6, in a game that saw Jacksonville defensive end Josh Allen register a sack, interception and fumble recovery against his Buffalo namesake to go along with a team-high eight tackles and a pass defense. In sacking Buffalos Allen, Jacksonvilles Allen became the first player in NFL history to sack a quarterback of the same name, even though Sunday marked the fourth instance in NFL history that a starting QB and defensive player with the same name have faced off.

Drafted No. 7 overall by the Jaguars the year after the Bills selected their franchise quarterback at No. 7 in the first round, Jacksonvilles Allen recorded 10.5 sacks his rookie season and was named to the Pro Bowl, though Sundays interception of his quarterback counterpart was the first pick of his three-season career.

I know were about to play against another freaking Josh [Allen]. Got a little beef with that but hes been a helluva player, the Jacksonville Allen told Pro Football Focus before the game.You know, I definitely wanna be one of those guys that people talk about and people know about. I want to be respected by my peers. I know its not given. I know I have to work it and Im gonna work my ass off just to be the best out there and get my name called as, OK, this dudes a top guy in the NFL that you need to keep an eye on. So, thats one of my goals, earning the respect of my peers and go out there and have fun.

Mission accomplished.

As for Buffalos Allen, it may have been preordained he was going to be outshined by Jacksonvilles Allen on Sunday after he appeared on Monday nights ManningCast alongside Peyton and Eli. With Allen and the Bills going down in flames, all six players who have joined the ManningCast went on to lose their next game.

A surefire Hall-of-Famer with a complicated legacy due to his history of child abuse, Adrian Peterson took the field for Tennessee on Sunday Night Football after being signed by the Titans earlier in the week to help fill the void left by a long-term injury to star running back Derrick Henry.

In his first game action since carrying the ball seven times for 63 yards (nine yards per carry) and a score for the Lions in a season-ending loss to the Vikings in 2020, the 36-year-old had 10 carries for just 21 yards (2.1 yards per carry), but did score a touchdown in Tennessees convincing victory over the Rams in Los Angeles. The touchdown was the 125th of Petersons career, making him just the 12th player in NFL history to reach the mark.

Without Henry, Tennessees run game as a whole struggled against a sturdy LA defense and the Titans produced season-low 69 rushing yards, the fewest rushing yards the franchise has had in a win since 2012. If the Titans want to extend their five-game win streak, getting their running game back on track will be crucial, and it appears Peterson may actually be able to help accomplish that.

The last non-quarterback to be named NFL MVP, Peterson is clearly not even close to the player he was during his 2012 MVP season. But with eight rushing touchdowns in his last 17 games, Peterson is still showing he has a nose for the endzone and can be utilized as a goal-line back and in other short-yardage situations. Can he carry the ball 20 times and turn the corner? No. But 10 or fewer touches in gotta-have-it situations seems plausible.

I felt like it was OK, Peterson said of his debut with the Titans. I think we left a lot out there as a running back group. I know I did as well. As we continue to get practice and get reps in, well continue to build that chemistry with those guys up front. I try to just stay focused on just being the best teammate I can, and just grinding and putting in work. And I know those things will come into play.

Crazy as it sounds given that the four-time All-Pro has now rushed for 14,841 yards while playing for six teams across parts of 15 seasons, Peterson may actually be right.

Entering Week 10 of the season, the only NFL teams with fewer wins than the San Francisco 49ers are two-win Jets, Dolphins, Jaguars and WFT, one-win Texans and winless Lions. For a team that started this season with real aspirations of making it to the Super Bowl for the second time in three years following an injury-plagued 2020 campaign in the midst of a pandemic, that is some pretty poor company to keep.

But upon closer examination of what the 49ers have really been since they blew a 10-point lead with seven minutes left in Super Bowl LIV and lost to the Chiefs, perhaps the perception of the Niners as something other than a cellar-dweller is incorrect.

Sitting in the basement of the NFC West 3-5 following yesterdays 31-17 home loss to the Arizona Cardinals and backup quarterback Colt McCoy (who did not have the benefit of throwing to injured star wideout DeAndre Hopkins), the 49ers are now losers of eight straight games in San Francisco.

Since losing that game to the Chiefs, the Niners are 9-15 overall and appear on their way to missing the postseason for the fourth time in the five seasons since Kyle Shanahan took over as coach and John Lynch took over as general manager prior to the 2017 season. Overall, the Shanahan/Lynch regime has a 32-40 and has only finished above .500 once, when San Fran went 13-3 on the way to the Super Bowl. Remove that year and theyre 19-37.

Whats truly amazing about the collective record of Shanahan and Lynch, who both received extensions in 2020 that run through 2025, is that often-blamed Niners quarterback Jimmy Garoppolo has a career record of 25-12 with the team. Collectively, Shanahan and Lynch are losers while Garoppolo is a winner (albeit a flawed one that threw an interception and took five sacks against the Cardinals) who the coach and GM are dead-set on replacing with rookie Trey Lance after surrendering first-round picks in 2022 and 2023 to obtain him in Aprils draft.

We didnt play very well today at all,Shanahan saidafter the loss to Arizona. I was real disappointed. I thought wed played really well. We had a good week of practice that wed even improved from the week prior, but obviously it didnt go that way.

It hasnt gone that way since the Super Bowl and, outside of one year, it really hasnt gone that way with Lynch and Shanahan running things. The Super Bowl hangover is lingering in San Fran, but that may not be whats truly ailing the team.

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Read more from the original source:
Week 9's Top NFL Storylines: Jordan Love, Adrian Peterson and the Other Josh Allen - InsideHook