Archive for the ‘Jordan Peterson’ Category

Jordan Peterson said hes getting a Covid vaccine and anti-vax fans are furious – indy100

Jordan Peterson has alienated loads of his fans by announcing that he is getting the coronavirus vaccine.

Writing on Twitter, the controversial professor told his followers he didnt have enough antibodies to prevent reinfection, necessitating a good old dose of the vaccine. He said:

But people were unimpressed with his attempt to not get ill and, commenting on his post, many expressed their distress that their hero had fallen victim to logic groupthink:

That Petersons fans hold opinions such as those above is perhaps unsurprising. The psychologist has garnered controversy for comparing trans activists with Chairman Mao, arguing that men have protected women throughout history rather than oppressed them, and advocating enforced monogamy, among other lovely ideas.

While he has never expressed mistrust in vaccinations or claimed that coronavirus is not real, his politics are part of a right-wing political playbook that often involves anti-vax views.

And so, his fans wiped their tears using pages ripped from Petersons bible 12 Rules For Life:

Peterson has not responded to any of his critics, so whether the backlash has quelled his desire to not be infected with coronavirus remains to be seen, although somehow we doubt it.

We look forward to hearing Peterson announce the 13th rule for life though, get the coronavirus vaccine.

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Jordan Peterson said hes getting a Covid vaccine and anti-vax fans are furious - indy100

Justin Trudeaus Plan to Control the Internet – The Wall Street Journal


Prime Minister Justin Trudeau has a plan to regulate speech on the internet by placing it under the control of the Canadian Radio-television and Telecommunications Commission. His bill is so awful that Peter Menzies, a former vice chairman of the commission, said it doesnt just infringe on free expression, it constitutes a full-blown assault upon it and, through it, the foundations of democracy.

Mr. Trudeaus Liberals claim they merely want to level the playing field between traditional broadcasters and online players such as Netflix and Spotify. Yet on its face the bill goes much further.

To begin with, anyone who makes programs available over the internet would be treated as a broadcaster and under the thumb of the CRTC. While websites wouldnt need a formal license to operate in Canada, the commission would have open-ended power to impose conditions and require them to make expenditures to support the Canadian broadcasting system. Who has to do this and how much do they have to spend? Theyll tell us later.

The legislation also vaguely alludes to the need for the Canadian broadcasting system to serve the interests of Canadians of diverse ethnocultural backgrounds. Again, whod have to do this and what theyd have to do is anyones guess.

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Justin Trudeaus Plan to Control the Internet - The Wall Street Journal

Bitcoin, Hierarchy And Territory – Bitcoin Magazine

12 Rules For Life Series, Essay One

This article was previously published on Medium.

Ive been an avid reader and student of philosophy, psychology and other related topics since my early teens.

My uncle first influenced and introduced me to thinkers like Aristotle, Alexander the Great, Plato and Socrates, and as I grew older, I discovered many others.

Some helped me understand the world and human beings better (Robbins, Taleb, Bruce Lee, Watts, Clare Graves, Frankl, Sowell, Rand, Hoppe, Rothbard, etc.), while others helped reinforce the formers ideas by either consistently contradicting themselves, introducing ridiculous ideas of their own or just regurgitating things others have said but completely out of context, thus exhibiting no understanding at all. Some examples include the likes of Marx, Sam Harris, Derrida, Harari, Piketty, Kelton and Keynes.

Either way, they all helped me sharpen and hone my own viewpoints, so for that, Im thankful even for the dumb texts Ive read.

In the last five years, Ive come to really enjoy and align with the philosophies of a particular individual, whom by now youve surely guessed is Jordan Peterson.

While I believe the most profound modern philosopher is likely Murray Rothbard, I believe Peterson is the most articulate and, for me, (personally) one of the most authentic and courageous people alive today.

So today as an homage to Jordans work, and as an attempt to introduce him and his audience to Bitcoin, Ive decided to write a series of articles that examine Bitcoin through a Jordan B. Peterson lens.

Im going to use his most popular book, 12 Rules For Life as the framework. While Ill follow the structure of the book because each of the chapters is quite dense, I will look to glean a number of lessons along the way with my interpretation of the essence of each.

I hope you find value in this series of essays, and if youre a Bitcoiner who has friends that youve not yet been able to orange pill, but are aligned with Jordans ideas and philosophy, I hope this becomes a useful resource.

Jordans first rule in the book is stand up straight, with your shoulders back.

He explores how the individuals position in the social hierarchy impacts their hormonal (serotonin) and dopaminergic systems, and vice versa, hence making it a feedback loop.

More importantly, though, the essence of the lesson is how by owning oneself and taking responsibility (standing up straight), you can influence these systems to either cease a downward spiral or commence an upward journey in life.

The part of our brain that keeps track of our position in the dominance hierarchy is therefore exceptionally ancient and fundamental.

It is a master control system, modulating our perceptions, values, emotions, thoughts and actions. It powerfully affects every aspect of our Being, conscious and unconscious alike.

- Peterson, 12 Rules For Life

This chapter is extraordinarily dense, with so much to unpack and relate to Bitcoin. It was hard for me to choose a single angle, so Ive explored multiple sections and how they each relate; socially, evolutionarily, economically and psychologically.

Note: I will use the words territory and private property interchangeably.

We live in a world with finite territory, and much like any other species, including the now-famous lobsters, our ability to subsist relies on how well we select, protect and handle our territory (aka; private property in a more anthropomorphic sense).

Territory matters. A few truths we must come to terms with are:

Humanity has, over the millennia, developed methods of protecting territory because it is fundamental to our survival as a species. We are collaborative by nature, and the means through which we collaborate is the exchange of private property. This private property (or territory) starts with you and extends to anything you mix your time and energy with on a voluntary basis without having taken it by force from another, although the latter does (and has) happened throughout history, hence the critical need for defence.

Examples of mechanisms for defence include anything from:

Whats important to note here is that without a mechanism for the protection of private property, society collapses. We are all individuals, who are inherently diverse and value everything subjectively. We cannot all own a portion of each other, nor own a part of everything. Its a physical and social impossibility.

Territory is not a social construct. Its a biological imperative.

Its the mechanism thats evolved through which nature achieves balance and equilibrium. Its an emergent, bottom-up phenomenon, not a top-down decree like pseudo scientists would have you believe.

Petersons overview on territory is brilliant, but I would recommend the incredible work by Robert Ardrey (The Territorial Imperative), or you can wait for a piece Ill be writing in the future entitled: Private Property As A Biological Imperative, in which Ill dig deeper into the above.

So if territory and private property are central to existence, then how do we value, order and select it, knowing that we are all subjective beings and that all property is scarce?

Pecking orders are natural phenomena, and found across all living systems. Hierarchies have to develop because life cannot exist without some form of selection, and this cannot exist without prioritization.

This is not to say that there is one right way. Life is not so simplistic. We exist in a complex world where hierarchies and methods for prioritization emerge across multiple dimensions (remember the subjective nature of humans and what they value).

In other words, hierarchies will always form, so the question is not whether they should exist or not (thats like arguing about the existence of gravity), but in what form are hierarchies most conducive to life?

As with most things, its a spectrum.

On one side, we have hierarchies by fiat. These are unnatural and abhorrent. They exist by decree and because there is little to no skin in the game for some, they form at the expense and the exclusion of many.

On the other hand, we have those which are natural and emergent. These are best classified as hierarchies of competence. They are ergodic and dynamic by nature because participants have skin in the game.

Then, of course, we have everything in between. Reality is such that things are messy, and the extremes are rare.

If modernity has shown us anything, its that institutions that may have initially arisen due to competence and a desire for order, but cemented themselves by fiat and thus have become monopolies, will not only begin to decay, but as described by the cobra effect, they will pose a greater danger to existence than the original chaos they set out to manage.

The most prone to such degeneration (enhanced and accelerated by the moral hazard of having no skin in the game) are state monopolies on money, violence, morality and ethics (i.e., law). Why?

Because they are the levers of society. Theyre the glue which binds us. And because of this, they seem to incentivize two key reactions:

This edifice becomes more dangerous and fragile the larger it grows, and like the proverbial beast that must continually be fed, it continues to consume all in its path until it starves and collapses.

All hierarchies are dynamic, and even natural hierarchies tend to adjust, evolve, deconstruct and re-emerge, but fiat hierarchies, in particular, are prone to catastrophic collapse because, through monopolization and the incessant need to control and manage, they deviate further from natural order and become increasingly fragile.

I wrote about fiat versus natural authority at greater length here:

Resistance Is NOT Futile (1/2)

Inequality is one of the most pushed subjects today and one which is deeply misunderstood.

Many who know my work will know my position on inequality. I believe there is nothing more natural than inequality, and in fact, it is the basis of all diversity, nuance and life itself.

Nature is perfect in its imperfection and the result is a naturally unequal distribution of everything from skills, to values, to likes, dislikes, shapes, sizes, interests, resources, effort and everything else one can perceive.

The only thing that should be equal in the world is equality in probability. This means the game were all playing remains dynamic, because we all have skin in the game.

This is by and large how hierarchies naturally emerge, grow, correct and persist, unless of course there is a mechanism via which those at the top can remove their skin from the game, and thus remove the natural equality in probability inherent to stable, emergent systems (after which they decay and collapse).

People are not really angry about inequality, but unfairness. When the opportunity to move up exists and the risk to fall remains, the game is fair and the results are dynamic. If not, the game is rigged.

Read more here:

Utopian Dystopias

And here.

The Pareto principle is a perfectly natural power law distribution most commonly known as the 80/20 rule and best documented by Italian economist Vilfredo Pareto.

The Pareto principle states that for many outcomes roughly 80% of consequences come from 20% of the causes.

You know this not only in your own life (i.e., a smaller number of the things you do produce most of the results), but can see it all around the world and can even deduce it using some simple logic.

You know full well that a few of the songs by a band are their best. That a few players in any sport are disproportionately more impactful than the rest. That a few actors produce most of the hits. That a few hard and smart employees at work produce most of the output.

At a macro level, this manifests itself as uneven Pareto-type wealth distribution.

Think of the following example:

Two people start out working. One does the average nine to five, while the other decides to work two jobs, and save every penny of the second.

As they progress, the saver builds up a small capital base which he decides to use as his investment capital. The other person just continues working the nine to five and hangs out with friends afterwards.

Fast forward a few years, and the saver managed to grow his total wealth through some intelligent investments. He now has a greater capital base from which to invest and further compound that wealth, i.e., earning 5% a few years ago on a $1,000 investment may have yielded $50, but now that same 5% yields $500 per month because hes got $10,000 invested (for example).

Their proportionate wealth will start to look very much like an 80/20 distribution.

Now heres the beautiful part.

The saver, turned investor, gets addicted to his strategy and gets super greedy in the process, so he decides to take some silly risks to yield 50% on investment. He puts up a large chunk of his capital for it and then loses it because he was wrong about his investment.

Hes now back to square one and needs to practically start all over again.

This is the dynamic nature of life and how excessive risk can (and does) lead to natural rebalancing in any system.

Now lets look at the situation in an alternate universe. Saver never gets greedy but gets extremely risk averse. Instead of investing any more of his capital, he just decides to put it all where its safe and he no longer cares about growth.

In this scenario, the original spender who has seen his friend get ahead decides that he wants to catch up. Well, he begins to work harder, save and put those savings toward investments or activities that can yield a higher return. Hes got less to lose, hes younger and, as such, is willing to take more risk.

Over time, he begins to catch up because the original saver is content where he is.

Once again, the system rebalances. All distribution is dynamic and can either compound or erode. It does not standstill. There is no such thing as a static system. Thats exactly why equality can never exist. Its a static, imaginary, utopian (dystopian) dead state.

Inequality, Prices law and the Pareto distribution are all perfectly normal.

Unfairness is the real problem. When the game is rigged, people get pissed off.

Unfortunately, via the monopolization of violence, ethics, morality and most importantly, the production of the most important human technology (money), the state has managed to rig the game.

On a short enough timescale (which is long by individual standards), they are no longer subject to the downside. Neither are any of the organizations, institutions and representatives that can get close to any of the key monopolies of the state.

The result is unnatural distributions, and instead of the system re-balancing via natural correction, we get these 99/1 or even 99.9/01 type distributions of wealth.


Because: heads they win, tails you lose.

Its like playing a game of monopoly with one person keeping their hand in the box of money, so they cant lose. Or better yet, playing a game of poker where the initial leader of the game knows the dealer, makes a deal, and as such, any time he loses on the river, he gets bailed out from the chips that are in every other players stack.

If thats how the game is played, the rest of the players will soon leave. And thats exactly whats happening now, with Bitcoin.

Poker is actually a great analogy because it incorporates not only skill but luck. Prudent early play can get you ahead. You have to take risks sometimes, you have to bluff, sometimes youll have to fold. If you play well, you can amass enough chips to begin to play harder and more rough, but, the chance to lose it all always exists, and thus, keeps the game fair.

Modernity is a rigged poker game and Bitcoin fixes it by tearing money out of the hands of any one player and thus reintroducing skin in the game for all.

Changing tack a little here is the evolutionary idea of fitness and selection.

As Jordan writes:

The idea of selects contains implicitly nested within it the idea of fitness.

It is fitness that is selected.

The fit in fitness is the matching of organismal attributes to environmental demand.

Fitness is that which is ever more accurately approximated across time, and its important to note that its neither a linear process nor one that is always trending toward more fitness.

Its like a dance. There is a direction across time, but much like two dancers, it moves, sways and swings as it hones and adapts toward ever more fitness.

Bitcoins proof-of-work network is much the same. The difficulty adjustment, incentive mechanism and the work required to participate make Bitcoin an organism that one can argue are alive.

Brilliant minds like Gigis have done this topic far more justice than I can here, so I suggest a review of the following:

Proof Of Life

Furthermore, there is the natural selection process we as individuals make in our pursuit of economic survival. Ive called it Economic Darwinism and its related to Greshams law (i.e., good money pushes out bad money).

We select the money that best performs the three key functions of money:

Making the wrong selection relegates us to poverty and diminishes our capacity to cooperate, collaborate and interact with the rest of society.

As such, we are incentivized to converge and select the fittest mechanism via which the product of our labor can be stored, exchanged and measured.

This fittest medium is unequivocally Bitcoin, and the self-reinforcing, convergent nature of the network effect of money will only continue to accelerate this realization as it spreads globally.

This then brings me to the idea of:

Status is the metaphysical relationship between us and the rest of the world.

Its our relationship to not only the dynamic distribution of all the resources, wealth, skills, shapes, sizes, etc., in the world, but our position in the multitude of hierarchies across every dimension and category one comes into contact with.

This is where the rubber meets the road and why our systems are hormonally, neurologically and biologically wired the way they are.

Read more here:
Bitcoin, Hierarchy And Territory - Bitcoin Magazine

Colin McEnroe (opinion): Is it really ‘cancel culture,’ or just cheating? – The Advocate

In case you missed it, last week a famous horse trainer blamed his animals drug violation on cancel culture.

This would be Bob Baffert. I have lost a fair amount of money betting against Bafferts horses. Hes really good. And theres no question he wants to clean up his act. In fact, heres what he said.

We can always do better and that is my goal. Given what has transpired this year, I intend to do everything possible to ensure I receive no further medication complaints.

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The problem is that he said this last November after four bad drug tests in one of his barns over a stretch of six months. And then, despite his promise to do everything possible, his Kentucky Derby winner Medina Spirit tested positive for a regulated agent called betamethasone.

Bafferts career is dotted with medication violations, at least 30 of them.

So he went on Fox News where else? and said, We live in a different world now. This America is different. It was like a cancel culture kind of a thing so theyre reviewing it."

Youve got to think that Lance Armstrong, Pete Rose, Lance Armstrong, Mark McGwire and a host of others are kicking themselves now. They could have blamed cancel culture when they were caught cheating. (Hopefully, Medina Spirit isnt kicking himself. That seems dangerous.)

And poor Tonya Harding. They so canceled her.

Look, to the extent that cancel culture is a thing, Im often not a big fan of it. But we need a definition.

Lets start with what it is not. Cancel culture is not about ostracizing people whose proven misdeeds would have gotten them kicked to the curb in any era. We didnt need cancel culture to deal with Harvey Weinstein. The existing norms of Western civilization are sufficient.

Cancel culture is about something more subtle. What if somebody said or wrote or as is so often the case tweeted something unpalatable?

In 2014, Jeopardy! champion Ken Jennings tweeted nothing sadder than a hot person in a wheelchair. He has apologized for that and other offensive tweets, but, yes, you have to wonder what sort of (answer-filled) mind thinks something like that is not horrible, right out of the gate? And now Jennings is under consideration to be the host of his favorite game show.

Cancel culture would dictate that Jennings be essentially erased from culture. He doesnt get the new job. Nobody books him for college lectures. Nobody interviews him about anything. He doesnt get to come back for tournaments of champions.

Most of that stuff is not going to happen. Theres some kind of ineffable ratio that pits how big a deal you are against the severity of your offense. Jennings isnt exactly a supernova, but hes probably too big to cancel over some admittedly creepy tweets.

The same goes for J.K. Rowling, who cant seem to shut up about transpersons. Her tweets have been very offensive to the LGBT community, although it might be unrealistic to expect sound social policy thinking from someone who also gets drawn into protracted arguments about whether wizards use toilets. (Rowlings recent ruling was that for centuries, wizards used magic to make their poop and pee disappear but that recently theyve been stepping up to the porcelain. Im not making this up.)

However, by some metrics, Rowling is the most successful literary writer of all time. Too big to cancel. She would have to do something much more horrible, like deny the reality of COVID and write a thinly veiled antisemitic rant.

Wait. Singer Van Morrison did both of those things recently, and he probably wont be canceled. Morrison has been a hate-filled crackpot crying out against reasonable pandemic restrictions for the past year, and his recent song They Own the Media recycles toxic tropes historically directed at Jews.

He would be difficult to cancel. Too many people, including me, love too many of his songs. Its almost as if certain people have tenure.

The wolves of cancel culture rarely bring down the biggest, strongest, healthiest caribou (or horse). You have to be a little less famous. You have to be working for a liberal arts college or a publication that values its status among a certain kind of left-oriented consumer.

The Wall Street Journal recently ran an opinion piece marveling at the way Jordan Peterson a notorious Canadian right-wing culture warrior has escaped cancellation. This is absurd. The people who run cancel culture have always hated Jordan Peterson. You cant lose standing you never had.

The sad part of cancel culture is the way it picks off less famous people of value. The New York Times and Slate, respectively, recently brought the cancel cudgel down on journalists Donald McNeil Jr. and Mike Pesca over the n-word not because they called anybody the n-word or used the n-word in print but because they, as far as I can tell, engaged in discussions about the use of the word in which they either cited it or argued that there might be occasions where the word itself should be spelled out instead of attenuated.

I get that. Way back in the 90s, there was a tendency to use n-word for the slur repeatedly uttered by Mark Fuhrman, an L.A. cop investigating the Simpson-Goldman murders. I always thought the biggest beneficiary of that policy was Fuhrman.

McNeil was terrific at his job. I know and like Pesca, whom I consider valuable partly because hes so committed to hashing things out rather than reflexively saluting the flag everybody else around him salutes.

The problem with canceling people like them is that the rest of us dont get a vote. If 10,000 of us said these guys were way too valuable to cancel because of a side issue that involved no apparent malign intentions, it wouldnt matter. Weve lost them and their work over a set of rules that arent even written down anywhere.

And Van Morrison just keeps chugging along. (To be fair, Pesca is a really, really terrible singer.)

We need to have a very real, nuanced conversation about how to improve public discourse without washing out valuable voices. That conversation does not involve doped-up horses.

Colin McEnroes column appears every Sunday, his newsletter comes out every Thursday and you can hear his radio show every weekday on WNPR 90.5. Email him at Sign up for his newsletter at

The rest is here:
Colin McEnroe (opinion): Is it really 'cancel culture,' or just cheating? - The Advocate

Jordan Peterson to Tucker Carlson: Do you want the truth on your side, or do you want to hide behind falsehood – Fox News

Canadian clinical psychologist Jordan Peterson examines the deeper meaning of life and how to live it in a new episode of Fox Nations "Tucker Carlson Today."

In his new book "Beyond Order: 12 More Rules for Life," Peterson breaks down some of these rules for living to the fullest and pressed that making the decisionto be honest is an essential practice.

"Whatever happens as a consequence of telling the truth is the best thing that can happen," he said. "It doesnt really matter how it looks to you at the moment, or maybe even across the years. Its an article of faith, in some sense."


Peterson posed the question:Isreality better constituted as a consequence of truth or falsity?If it is a consequence of truth, he explained, then being honest really is the best decision.

"This is what happened because I said what I had to say as clearly as I could say it," he said. "And thats as good as it could be Its good compared to all possible, realistic alternatives."

In religion, Peterson proposed, telling the truth is a divine attribute as well as a "fundamental presupposition of our culture." And people who believe in these standards must act them out.

"Youre going to take the consequences one way or another," he said. "So, you want the truth on your side? Or do you want to hide behind falsehoods?"

New episodes of "Tucker Carlson Today" are available every Monday, Wednesday and Friday exclusively on Fox Nation. Join Fox Nation today to watch Tucker's full interview with Scott Yenor and other great episodes.


Fox Nationprograms are viewable on-demand and from your mobile device app, but only for Fox Nation subscribers.Go to Fox Nationto start a free trial and watch the extensive library from your favorite Fox News personalities.

Read more:
Jordan Peterson to Tucker Carlson: Do you want the truth on your side, or do you want to hide behind falsehood - Fox News