Archive for the ‘Knockout Game’ Category

Knockout Game Attacker Asked Man If He Had A Gun Before …

A teenager playing knockout game punched a man in the face after he made certain that the victim was not carrying a gun, a Florida man told police.

According to a witness who saw the attack unfold, a teenager approached a man who was walking alone on Neptune Beach on July 31, the Florida Times-Union reported Friday.

According to the victim, the teen, who was with three accomplices, asked him if he had a glock.

While Glock is a weapons manufacturer, the term glock is also used generically to describe any type of handgun.

After the man said that he did not have a weapon, the teen punched him in the face.

Instances of the knockout game have been widely reported in cities across the country over the last several years. Carried out most often by teenagers usually in groups the goal of the so-called game is to knock a target unconscious. Several people have died during the attacks.

Fearing that outcome, the victim pulled out a folding knife that he was carrying and pretended it was a gun, according to the Florida Times-Union.

The attackers fled down the beach but were soon apprehended. The victim identified his attacker, who turned out to be 15-years old.

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Knockout Game Attacker Asked Man If He Had A Gun Before ...

Knockout Game perp shot, killed – WND

Tiffany Thompson got her wish: Demetrius Murphy met the Right Person and he will not be playing the Knockout Game any more. Ever.

A St. Louis homeowner shot Murphy dead late last week during a burglary. And a whole lot of people in St. Louis feel relieved, if not safer.

Murphy was a member of a group that is credited with making the Knockout Game a St. Louis tradition, then a national pasttime.

The rules of the Knockout Game are simple: Begin with a bunch of black people. Anywhere from three to 30.

Find a white person, but an Asian will do. Alone is important. Older is better. Weak and defenseless even more so.

Without warning, punch that person in the face as hard as you can. You win if you score a Knockout.

If not, keep punching until your arms and legs get too tired to continue. Or the person dies.

You can play anywhere, but vibrant and culturally mixed neighborhoods are probably the best. That is where the victims are: Asians, gays, artists, yuppies, seniors , college students people who wont fight back.

Over the last two years, hundreds of people around the country have become victims. Some say over 100 in St. Louis alone. Some died. Others, like Murphys victim Matt Quain, suffered broken bones in his face and jaw.

Last week, four members of the national Championship Alabama football team were arrested after three played the game two times, and the fourth tried to use a debit card taken during the attacks.

Many of these cases of black mob violence are documented in the book White Girl Bleed a Lot: The return racial violence and how the media ignore it.

Murphy and his friends were arrested in November 2011 when police found a 13-year-old girl who witnessed the Knockout Game assault on Quain. The charges were dismissed after she failed to show up. The mayor of St. Louis said there was no doubt in his mind the witness was intimidated and too frightened to testify. The mother of the witness said the same several months later.

The gang was jubilant, and took to FaceBook to say so. FREE ALL MY TKO GUYS, said one of the members of the mob that was freed, reported the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Two days later, two members of the group tracked down Quain and threatened him again.

He threatened them with pepper spray and they ran.

The pace of the Knockout Game picked up in other places with other victims. That is when Tiffany Thompson made her wish at a news site reporting the results of the latest St. Louis victim:

as a black woman i will say this, i wish they would run into the right person who is armed to defend themselves with a firearmi bet we will see a drastic decrease in violence in our city. it is embarrassing and shameful the image these losers portray of blacks in st louis. i do not and never will reside anywhere besides the suburbs of this city, because no one is safe among these savages. do not get angry when people call them thugs, because that is exactly what they are and no excuses can be made for this barbaric behavior! its disgusting!!!

That right person was a St. Louis homeowner who found Murphy and a friend in his backyard at 1:30 a.m.

Missouri citizens are protected by the so-called Castle Doctrine that allows the use of deadly force against intruders.

But Murphys friend, a 17-year-old man, was charged with murder because he was an accomplice to a felony where a person was killed.

Murphys grandfather, Paul Furst, told KSDK that Murphy was mentally challenged did not deserve to die:

I believe this is another one of the Trayvon Martin stories where people are getting so gun happy they shoot just on impulse now. I could understand if he was a threat. But on the property, he was not a threat.

Murphys grandfather had nothing to say to a neighbor who said he, too, was a victim of Murphy: Jonathan Preiss told the St. Louis Post-Dispatch:

I live 3 houses down from where the shooting took place. I believe they are the ones who threw a rock and a brick into my window, stole my tv, ps3, wii and games as well right before this happened. They ransacked my room, no regard for my property. I am still freaked out over this whole thing. I hope this is a lesson of the consequences for violating my communitys privacy.

Murphy was 15 years old.

See the Big List of black mob violence.

The rest is here:
Knockout Game perp shot, killed - WND Knockout Game a Lie?: Awww, Hell No! eBook …

The New York Times says the Knockout Game is a lie. USA Today says it is a myth, a product of white fear. This book settles that once and for all.

This is the most complete collection of Knockout Game links and videos and stories ever assembled.

"Knockout Game a Lie?" uses hundreds of links to videos and stories that provide the compelling answer: "Aww, hell no!" It also contains a link to a video with hundreds of examples.

Created by the author of White Girl Bleed a Lot, Colin Flaherty has written more about the Knockout Game than anyone. So says American Thinker, Bretibart and Daily Caller.

"Knockout Game a Lie?" documents the denials: How the Knockout Game is a myth because black mob violence and black on white crime that is wildly out of proportion is also a myth, say the deniers.

But the Knockout Game attacks just kept happening by the hundreds.

By the time the Knockout Game became a national buzz word in November of 2013, I had been writing about it for two years. First in White Girl Bleed a Lot. Then dozens of times afterward in,, Breitbart, and lots of other places.

Critics liked it: Thomas Sowell, Allen West, Breitbart, Joseph Farah, Thomas Lifson, the Daily Caller, WND, American Thinker, David Horowitz, Jamie Glazov and others said I was ahead of the curve. Way ahead.

Others like the Los Angeles Times and Village Voice and Salon said I was making the whole thing up. National talk radio host Thom Hartmann said White Girl Bleed a Lot caused the Knockout Game. Just the way MSNBC said White Girl Bleed a Lot caused the Boston Marathon bombing.

There is a lot of craziness surrounding the denials of the Knockout Game. These denials cannot survive the truth, so lets present that here without racism. Without rancor. Without apologies.

After you read Knockout Game a Lie?, you might try to explain it, but you can no longer deny it.

When you get there, let me know.

View post: Knockout Game a Lie?: Awww, Hell No! eBook ...

Knockout Game fueled by ‘Holder effect’? –

When Barack Obama the son of a black father and white mother was elected president in 2008, many hailed it as a monumental step forward for racial reconciliation in the U.S.

But five years into his presidency, is the Obama White House actually making racial tensions worse?

Thats the charge of Russ Vaughn, who posits in an American Thinker commentary that Attorney General Eric Holders treatment of the Knockout Game phenomenon is revealing the White Houses racial agenda is more concerned with retribution than reconciliation.

The Obama administration and the Holder Justice Department are deliberately disinclined to prosecute hate crimes where blacks are the perpetrators and whites are the victims, Vaughn writes. It is becoming increasingly disturbing that it is not just the Obama administration and the brown-nosed media that have attempted to sweep this new criminal activity under the rug, but [also] local police departments. Its happening all over the country, and not just in the major urban centers. I call this racialization of the law and criminality the Holder Effect, for it was the relatively new attorney general who famously announced that his Justice Department would side with his people.

Vaughns column alludes to the Knockout Game, a violent trend wherein young thugs deliver unsuspecting victims a single blow to the head in an attempt to knock out the target. Dozens of examples in recent months have shown the Knockout Game is particularly popular among black youths targeting white or Jewish victims.

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.

Unable to ignore it any longer, [the media] play it down especially the racial aspects of it, Vaughn continues, because that may put our black president, his black attorney general and all those black and liberal white lawyers in Holders civil rights division in a bad light because they arent investigating what appears to be serial hate crime.

Which of course is true; Vaughn writes, our president is silent on what is a matter of growing public concern primarily among white Americans, who constitute, to date, all but one of the victims of this criminal game.

As WND reported, Holders DOJ actually has acted upon the Knockout Game, bringing up hate-crime charges in only one case: that of Conrad Alvin Barrett of Katy, Texas, a white man who targeted a black victim in December.

The irony of case the wasnt lost on Vaughn.

Out of the hundreds of these crimes that have occurred, the first Knockout Game perp to be charged by the Justice Department with a hate crime, and done so with great swiftness, is white, Vaughn states. Holder Effect, indeed.

Allen West, the black former congressman from Florida, also noticed the irony and similarly suggested the charges (and previous lack thereof) reflect Holder holds a racially charged political agenda.

I am glad the U.S. Department of Justice has finally stepped forward, but it begs the question, what took so long? West asks on his blog. Does Eric Holders inaction regarding previous crimes involving blacks attacking whites actually reflect his own hate crime?

West continues, The real question behind the decision to prosecute Mr. Barrett is not his actions, but rather the perception of an even more heinous double standard emanating from the Obama administrations Department of Justice under Eric Holder sure seems like its being used as a platform for the progressive socialist version of social justice.

With the medias help?

Vaughns column also charges the nations mainstream media with deliberately burying the racial overtones of the Knockout Game because they contradict the narrative of racial progress trumpeted upon Obamas election.

In spite of the best efforts of the liberal media to first suppress news reports about the Knockout Game phenomenon, and then, when that failed, to poo-poo the idea that any such thing as this violent and obviously race-based crime even existed, the truth will out, Vaughn writes. Thanks to the Internet, the liberal elites who censor the output of the major news organizations can no longer cover up events that fail to depict contemporary life as they wish it to be.

He continues, This inability to totally control the dissemination of news now causes the media establishment to put even more than their normal amount of spin on their output when they are forced to cover an issue or risk looking foolish for the outright denial of an ongoing crime wave that everyone knows is growing. For instance, when they are forced to cover this offense, they still will not use the actual name of Polar Bear Hunting because of its all too obvious racial implications.

No one has done more than Colin Flaherty, author of White Girl Bleed A Lot, to document both the rise of racial violence in the U.S. as well as the medias persistent campaign to underreport its severity.

I have uncovered hundreds of recent examples of black mobs and black teens taking violent actions toward specifically white targets. There can be little doubt there is a racial motivation behind these crimes, Flaherty told WND, upon news of hate-crime charges brought against Barrett. Where have Obama and his DOJ been until now?

White people dont have a monopoly on hate, Flaherty continued, and it smacks of some alternate agenda for this administration to ignore scores of black hate crimes until a white hate crime is found to finally pounce upon.

Flaherty suggested that agenda may be to keep the state of racial tensions in the U.S. under wraps.

For years, there has been an effort to scrub news stories about these crimes of any details about the assailants race, he explained. The press has been so determined to avoid any mention of violence among blacks, that it has created a false narrative that its only youths committing these crimes. I have to wonder if the administration didnt deliberately seize upon this case, knowing the publicity would further the narrative theres no problem with black violence in America, just random violence.

As WND reported, some lawmakers in New York are fighting back against the Knockout Game, proposing it be made a felony and calling on President Obama and Attorney General Holder to respond.

After years of establishment media silence about the Knockout Game, several attacks in New York City pushed the vicious pastime into the national media spotlight. However, the damage from the game was evident years ago. As early as July 2011, the American Thinker featured an article on the Knockout Game.

The media is slowly starting to acknowledge that the attacks are a form of racial violence. A New York City CBS outlet reports:

There have been seven so-called knockout or polar bear assaults in the Crown Heights and Midwood sections of Brooklyn. The alternate name polar bearing comes from the fact that the victims are white.

In the Huffington Post, Al Sharpton wrote that the attacks are racist:

These kids are targeting innocent people, and in many cases specifically targeting Jewish folks. We would not be silent if it were the other way around, and we will not be silent now. This behavior is racist, period.

Black mobs routinely terrorize cities across the country, but the media and government are silent. Read the detailed account of rampant racial crime in White Girl Bleed A Lot: The Return of Racial Violence to America and How the Media Ignore It.

See a trailer for White Girl Bleed a Lot:

Originally posted here:
Knockout Game fueled by 'Holder effect'? -

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Sign up for FREE e-book and videoon the Knockout Game.

People keep saying it: The Knockout Game is a lie. But it keeps happening.

Ive been writing about the Knockout Game for three years. First, in my book White Girl Bleed a Lot.

From Breitbart to Allen West to Thomas Sowell to the Daily Caller to the Los Angeles Times to the Village Voice to NPR and lots of places in between, I am acknowledged as the guy who has written more on the Knockout Game than anyone. Before anyone.


And here is what you need to know:

1) The Knockout Game is a black thing. It is a crime of racial violence.

2) It is a game.

3) A lot of people do not know it exists. Worse, some deny it.

That is what I demonstrate with hundreds of examples and links in this book and video.

For a limited time, they are FREE.

In this e-book, you get some of my most popular Knockout Game stories. As well as a record of those who deny it.

Along with the e-book are more than 200 links to stories and videos about the Knockout Game from all over the country.

More than 1000 victims.

Almost all new.

I even put some of them together in a video.

So you can see for yourself. That is the most important thing here.

This is the most complete collection of links and videos and stories on the Knockout Game ever assembled.

And all you have to do to get them is sign up for my free newsletter.

I spend a lot of time on YouTube and Facebook. But the fact is, those sites are both vulnerable to shut down. This topic is that controversial.

That is why people who want to get the latest news about racial violence, without Racism. Without Rancor. Without apologies, need to sign up for this newsletter so we can stay in touch. No matter what.

If you need to know more about the Knockout Game, or if one of your friends or family is in denial about it, you need this to show them what is really going in.

If you know someone moving into a gentrified area. They need this.

If your child or a friend is going to school near a black neighborhood, they need this. They are soft targets.

If your local talk show host says racial violence and the Knockout Game is a myth, they need this too.

Sign up.

Now would be good.

And let me know what you think!

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