Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

Ted Nugent Urges Trumpers to Assault Liberals at Rally: Id Love You More If You Went Berserk on the Skulls of the Democrats – MetalSucks

So far, right-wing crackpot, insensitive asshole, and Putin sympathizer Ted Nugent has been smart about keeping his hardcore political blathering relatively bloodless. The dude is the king of the just my opinion defense which, hey, is valid, and is what MetalSucks is based on. But at a Trump rally last night, Ted took the stage and straight-up urged the crowd to commit acts of violence against the people who he considers the enemies of America.

As reported by Consequence of Sound, Ted took the stage at a Trump rally in Austin on Saturday night and said the following:

force, if I do say so myself, everyone in your life to think of what the enemies of America have done over the last 14 monthsThey didnt sneak into the White House they lied, they cheated, they scammed, and everyday the Democrats violate their sacred oath to the Constitution. And if you cant impress you friends on that, they shouldnt be your friends.

I love you people madly, but Id love you more if you went forward and just went berserk on the skulls of the Democrats and the Marxists and the Communists.

So first off, to get in front of it, heres how Teds going to explain this away: hes going to say he means a war of knowledge and information. Hes going to claim that when he said berserk on the skulls, he meant that he wanted those in attendance to challenge the thinking of these enemies of America. Its actually outraged liberals fault for misinterpreting him, right?

But its pretty clear by Teds tone that he didnt mean that, and its pretty clear by their reaction that the crowd didnt take it that way. This is a call to violence, and if people get hurt because of it, lets not get bogged down in Teds long-winded, acrobatic explanation about how this was actually the lefts fault.

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Ted Nugent Urges Trumpers to Assault Liberals at Rally: Id Love You More If You Went Berserk on the Skulls of the Democrats - MetalSucks

Bill Maher Laments About A Liberal World That Seems To Be Going Mad In Real Time Takes – Deadline

Bill Maher cant understand what has happened to the world he once knew, as he lamented during Fridays Real Time on HBO.

Several times during the show, an exasperated Maher threw up his hands and questioned the craziness of life in these United States. Cases in point: It used to be a liberal thing to be suspicious of defense contractors, he said during a discussion of the decision to send $40 billion to Ukraine. Later, during a discussion about the kvetching over Elon Musks Twitter bid, Free speech was important to liberals in this country at one time.

In his closing rant, he complained about The audacity of it all, noting it appears there are no lines that cant be crossed, like running on stage during a live show (a la Dave Chappelles recent brush with a nut), or messing with Mike Tyson. Who needs the metaverse when you can do whatever you want in real life? Maher asked.

He noted that 11 Walgreens and six CVS stores have closed in San Francisco in the last year as that city descends into virtual anarchy.

When did they legalize shoplifting? There used to be shame, or at least a skill to it. Now, CVS isnt a store. Its a zoo for teeth whitening strips.

Maher allowed that while there are issues with policing, We cant allow them to be hunted and targeted. He added that the public cant get so wrapped up in what the police shouldnt do that we become El Salvador. He pointed out that Democrats like to point out that crime has been worse before. And who gives a f***, Maher said. Im living now.

Democrats can tell voters that its not so bad, but their opposition knows the truth. He then cut to a Donald Trump speech where the former president promised that crime chaos stops right here, and right now.

Thats a powerful campaign theme when things feel like everything is descending into every man for himself, Maher warned.

During the panel portion of the show, Maher talked with Ian Bremmer, president of Eurasia Group and author of the new book The Power of Crisis: How Three Threats And Our Response Will Change The World, and Jane Harman, who served for six terms in the House of Representatives and is now a Distinguished Fellow and president emerita of The Wilson Center.

After the obligatory Roe v. Wade discussion that produced little dissent, the talk turned to Twitter and Musks bid for the social media service.

Bremmer said hes taking the under on whether Musk can restore civility if he buys Twitter. He pointed out that he loves to stir things up in his own tweets.

Maher noted that accusing Musk on that basis is similar to people attacking him for making fun of the left. Its where the comedy is.

Harman acknowledged that Elon is brilliant, but cautioned he should be careful what he wishes for. If Musks promise to restore Trump and others banned from the service happens all the crazy stuff comes back there, as Harman characterized it his shareholders will sell their stock.

Maher called such fears Straw man arguments. He cited Musks recent joke tweet that he was going to buy Coca-Cola and put the cocaine back in. When I read that, I felt, okay, Daddys home, Maher said. Thats what Twitter should be.

Earlier, Rock and Roll Hall of Famer Rod Stewart stopped by on his way to a Las Vegas residency at Caesars. Maher is a longtime fan, and brought out a cherished single of Maggie May to prove his fanboy bonifides.

The chat was mostly surface level pleasantries, although Maher tried to steer the talk to Stewarts legendary love life, talking about an incident in Stewarts memoir where he made use of the bathroom at Le Dome for a between-courses quickie. Looking back, its nothing to be proud of, Stewart said. It was just an era.

However, he did allow that he enjoys being a rock star.

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Bill Maher Laments About A Liberal World That Seems To Be Going Mad In Real Time Takes - Deadline

Danger for the Liberal Party coming from the right as well as the teals – Sydney Morning Herald

The Liberal Party has fallen out of love with itself. It is evident; it is unmissable. But a divorce is not necessarily the right answer.

The greatest challenge that the Liberal Party faces at this election is not the Labor Party, but the disaffection of former Liberals to the left and the right. While comment has focused on the fear of moderate Liberals that a teal wave could dislodge many of the factions leading lights, turning the party over to the conservative faction, the danger of soft Liberal voters with other priorities peeling off to a range of non-teal minors is just as destabilising. Even a Liberal Party reduced to a conservative rump may be optimistic as new arrangements of Liberal defectors position themselves to attract the traditional conservative base.

Those on the right who have split with the Liberal Party are coming for the partys conservative voters: George Christensen, Craig Kelly, Campbell Newman, John RuddickCredit:SMH

One-time Queensland Liberal premier Campbell Newman and erstwhile Liberal Party reformer John Ruddick are now courting voters with libertarian leanings as senate candidates for the Liberal Democrats. Then there is the United Australia Party with star candidate and former Liberal member for Hughes Craig Kelly. Resigning Liberal member for Dawson George Christensen has, perhaps venally, aligned himself with Pauline Hansons One Nation. For the sake of convenience, though not accuracy, lets refer to those three groupings as right-wing.

While all these men have niche appeal and low chances of gaining the senate or representative spots they are contesting, the softness of the vote makes them important factors in this election and after it. For one thing, the return of the Morrison government depends on whether the sizeable soft vote favours the major party or creates crazy preference flows with the parties of principle. For another, how the party reconstitutes after polling day will be influenced by their voices.

One thing both the supposedly left-Liberal and right-Liberal defectors have in common is that they believe only they represent real Liberal principles and they are willing to kill the party to save it from others. In the media this is most visible among the supporters of the purportedly Liberal-lite teals, like former prime minister Malcolm Turnbull and former Liberal leader John Hewson (and thanks to the ministrations of these gentlemen, the term moderate Liberal risks becoming synonymous with one who wants anything other than the Liberal Party to win). But by splintering the main party, the right-wing defectors are also destroying an alliance that the Liberal Party depends on for scale as well as representative breadth.

This sectarian war is, of course, not new. Before Morrison assumed the prime ministership, the decade of leadership guerilla war and knifings in the Australian Liberal Party reflected a phenomenon that was taking place in similar democracies. The marriage of conservatives and classical liberals was on the rocks. The children had moved out of home, as it were, when the Cold War ended. Mummy and daddy were starting to think they didnt have so much in common anymore.

Rattling around in the philosophical house together, without socialism to jointly oppose, they began to realise each others flaws. As classical liberals celebrated the virtues of globalism, conservatives worried that the liberals breezy acceptance of disruption and globalism had lost sight of the value of tradition and the virtue of nationhood. Conservatives began to posit the notion that the liberal freedom doctrine led not to less state intervention, but to an inevitable requirement that the state regulate all freedoms. As the alliance fell apart and the philosophical alignments came into conflict, liberal scholar Anne Applebaum wrote poignantly about the parting of friends.

But it is, like many late-life break-ups, nonsensical. Rather than a liberation, it is a failure to appreciate that even imperfect relationships make us whole. Thats something that should resonate with conservatives, who seek a return to a more wholistic understanding that society is not built around individual freedom, but around mutual care. If only environmentalist moderates understood this, they might also find a way to connect with conservatives on conservation.

Indeed, the shortcomings of each of the groups that have splintered from the Liberals shows how much they need one another.

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Danger for the Liberal Party coming from the right as well as the teals - Sydney Morning Herald

GUNTER: Yet more Liberal falsehoods surrounding the convoy have been debunked – Toronto Sun

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When members of the Trudeau government insist they relied on advice from police before they brought in the Emergencies Act in February to clear a truckers convoy from downtown Ottawa, theyre, um, not being exactly truthful.

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A quick search of Postmedias archives shows that on at least six occasions during the state of emergency and since, Public Safety Minister Marco Mendicino has insisted it was only because police asked for special powers that the Liberals suspended Canadians civil liberties and seized the bank accounts and assets of hundreds of people connected with the Freedom Convoy.

But we now have proof Mendicinos claims (and similar claims by Finance Minister Chrystia Freeland and Emergency Preparedness Minister Bill Blair) were utter hogwash.

This week, RCMP Commissioner Brenda Lucki told the joint Commons-Senate committee studying the use of the Emergencies Act that Mounties never recommended the government invoke the most draconian law on Canadas books. Nor, to the best of her knowledge, did any other law enforcement agency.

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In the middle of the state of emergency (which existed from Feb. 14 to 23), Mendicino said, We are listening to law enforcement. According to law enforcement we need the Emergencies Act.

As recently as three weeks ago long after the government had ended the state of emergency Mendicino was backfilling with statements such as, We had to invoke the Emergencies Act and we did so on the basis of non-partisan professional advice from law enforcement, and, It was only after we got advice from law enforcement that we invoked the Emergencies Act.

However, on Tuesday, when Senator Vernon White (himself a former Ottawa police chief) asked Lucki about these claims, the commissioner said No, there was never a question of requesting the Emergencies Act.

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Lucki explained the RCMP had given daily factual reports to the staff of various cabinet ministers, but had never given any specific advice about invoking the successor legislation to the War Measures Act.

Indeed, Lucki went further and explained that during the four blockades by truckers at border crossings including high-profile blockades on Windsors Ambassador Bridge and Coutts, Alberta we successfully used a measured approach and existing legislation to resolve (the) blockades.

Now tie all of the Trudeau-ites obfuscation over whether police asked them to declare a state of emergency with testimony before the same committee two weeks ago.

On that occasion, MPs and senators were told by Liberal Justice Minister David Lametti that he had invoked the Emergencies Act after the CBC reported that foreigners likely Russians and American white nationalists were funding the convoy.

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The RCMP have said they werent telling the government that. Nor were CSIS, Ottawa police or the money-laundering investigators at the Department of Finance.

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Indeed, Finance Canadas specialized forensic investigators specifically told their cabinet bosses that the convoys GoFundMe campaign was pretty much what it appeared to be: thousands of small donors simply wanting to help out the truckers who were protesting continued pandemic restrictions.

In early March, the CBC retracted the false foreign-funded, foreign-controlled story.

What Lamettis testimony shows is that the government believed only what it wanted to hear i.e. false reports from their buds at the CBC. And despite ministers insistence ever since, they never acted on advice or requests by any police agency. (Unless the government means Grade 3 crossing guards in Ottawas trendy Glebe neighbourhood who overheard something on the way to school and reported to their moms and dads who work for cabinet.)

Once again, we have been shown that a combination of elite snobbery, progressive self-delusion, hysteria and misplaced faith in the CBC led to suspension of Canadians civil liberties just to rid our nations capital of truckers with loud horns and bouncy castles.

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GUNTER: Yet more Liberal falsehoods surrounding the convoy have been debunked - Toronto Sun

The scorned former PM who left the Liberals weaker and paved the way for a teal wave – Sydney Morning Herald

This notable trend has everything to do with the fact that the political shelf life of heads of government, not only in Australia but around the Western democratic world, has been steadily shortening.


In other words, leaders increasingly either get turfed by their parties or the electorate long before they are ready to call it a day. Alternatively, leaders leave on their terms. Invariably, calling it a day to spend more time with the family is a well-used bit of spin for seeing the writing on the wall not always, but often. Just look at the churn in political leaders in both government and opposition, federal and state, since 1975.

Shorter shelf lives are not unique to politics. Senior executive roles, including chief executives, tell a similar story, although for reasons of governance and accountability to shareholders and stakeholders, succession planning and orderly handovers come into play more than they do in the relatively volatile world of politics. But gone are the 20-year stints at the helm of a public company.

So, what are we to make of who gets a place at the table when it comes to election campaigns? Does it really matter that Scott Morrison has barely been seen in the seats most under threat by the so-called teal independents? Is it personal? Or a sign of the times?


The pollsters and pundits are in overdrive reading the entrails of the prime ministers travel itinerary, attempting to work out whether a seismic shift is about to occur in just eight days that could see a lower house role for non-major party representatives. Whatever the outcome, one of the major parties will be on the treasury benches for the next three years.

Cut through the noise of the federal election campaign with news, views and expert analysis from Jacqueline Maley. Sign up to our Australia Votes 2022 newsletter here.

See original here:
The scorned former PM who left the Liberals weaker and paved the way for a teal wave - Sydney Morning Herald