Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

Voice of the People: Deep division caused by liberals – Kankakee Daily Journal

Now that Biden appears to have won the presidency, liberals are telling us, like they do every time we switch from a Republican president to a Democratic president, it is time for our nation to Heal and come together.

I suppose they mean we must all support the killing of babies before and even after they are born, the government is more important than God, handouts are more important than jobs, and that we should support rioters and looters and defund the police.

Well, they can count me out. The division in this country the past four years was caused by liberals, not conservatives, who made up a fake Russian collusion story and who rioted and looted in liberal-controlled cities.

One thing I will do is say Biden is my president, no matter if I support his policies or not, unlike the whiners and crybabies of the past four years who said over and over Trump is not my president!

Thank you and have a great day.

Go here to see the original:
Voice of the People: Deep division caused by liberals - Kankakee Daily Journal

Our Political System Is Unfair. Liberals Need to Just Deal With It. – The New York Times

The American voters chose to give the Democrats the White House, but denied them a mandate. Even if Democrats somehow squeak out wins in both Georgia Senate races, the Senate will then pivot on Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

Not only does this take much of the liberal wish list off the table, it also makes deep structural reform of federal institutions impossible. There will be no new voting rights act in honor of the late Representative John Lewis, no statehood for Washington, D.C., and Puerto Rico, and no Supreme Court packing. For that matter, the filibuster will not be eliminated, which would have been the essential predicate for all of those other changes as well as expansive climate or health care legislation. Anything that Democrats want to do that requires a party-line vote is forlorn.

In response to this disappointment, a number of left-of-center commentators have concluded that democracy lost in 2020. Our constitutional order, they argue, is rotten and an obstacle to majority rule. The Electoral College and the overrepresentation of small, mostly conservative states in the Senate is an outrage. As Ezra Klein has argued, our constitution forces Democrats to win voters ranging from the far left to the center right, but Republicans can win with only right-of-center votes. As a consequence, liberals cant have nice things.

The argument is logical, but it is also a strategic dead end. The United States is and in almost any plausible scenario will continue to be a federal republic. We are constituted as a nation of states, not as a single unitary community, a fact that is hard-wired into our constitutional structure. Liberals may not like this, just as a man standing outside in a rainstorm does not like the fact he is getting soaked. But instead of cursing the rain, it makes a lot more sense for him to find an umbrella.

Liberals need to adjust their political strategy and ideological ambitions to the country and political system we actually have, and make the most of it, rather than cursing that which they cannot change.

There are certainly some profound democratic deficits built into our federal constitution. Even federal systems like Germany, Australia and Canada do not have the same degree of representative inequality that the Electoral College and Senate generate between a citizen living in California versus one living in Wyoming.

There is also next to nothing we can do about it. The same system that generates this pattern of representative inequality also means that short of violent revolution the beneficiaries of our federal system will not allow for it to be changed, except at the margins. If Democrats at some point get a chance to get full representation for Washington, D.C., they should take it. But beyond that, there are few if any pathways to changing either the Electoral College or the structure of the Senate. So any near-term strategy for Democrats must accept these structures as fixed.

The initial step in accepting our federal system is for Democrats to commit to organizing everywhere even places where we are not currently competitive. Led by Stacey Abrams, Democrats have organized and hustled in Georgia over the last couple of years, and the results are hard to argue with. Joe Biden should beg Ms. Abrams (or another proven organizer like Ben Wikler, the head of the party in Wisconsin) to take over the Democratic National Committee, dust off Howard Deans planning memos for a 50 state strategy from the mid-2000s and commit to building the formal apparatus of the Democratic Party everywhere.

This party-building needs to happen across the country, even where the odds seem slim, in order to help Democrats prospect for attractive issues in red states (and red places in purple states), to identify attractive candidates and groom them for higher office and to build networks of citizens who can work together to rebuild the party at the local level.

A necessary corollary of a 50 state strategy is accepting that creating a serious governing majority means putting together a policy agenda that recognizes where voters are, not where they would be if we had a fairer system of representation. That starts with an economics that addresses the radically uneven patterns of economic growth in the country, even if doing so means attending disproportionately to the interests of voters outside of the Democrats urban base. That is not a matter of justice, necessarily, but brute electoral arithmetic.

That does not mean being moderate, in the sense of incremental and toothless. From the financialization of our economy to our constrictive intellectual property laws to our unjust tax competition between states for firms, the economic deck really is stacked for the concentration of economic power on the coasts. Democrats in the places where the party is less competitive should be far more populist on these and other related issues, even if it puts them in tension with the partys megadonors.

We also need to recognize that the cultural values and rituals of Democrats in cosmopolitan cities and liberal institutional bastions like universities do not seem to travel well. Slogans like defund the police and abolish ICE may be mobilizing in places where three-quarters of voters pull the lever for Democrats. But it is madness to imagine that they could be the platform of a competitive party nationwide.

That doesnt mean that we should expect members of the Squad not to speak out for fear of freaking out the small town voters that Democrats like Representative Abigail Spanberger of Virginia represent. But it does mean recognizing that, unlike the more homogeneous Republicans, the Democrats have no choice but to be a confederation of subcultures. We need to develop internal norms of pluralism and coexistence appropriate to a loose band of affiliated politicians and groups, rather than those of a party that is the arm of a cohesive social movement.

The Democratic Party has a future within the constitution the country has. The question for the next decade is, will we withdraw into pointless dreams of sweeping constitutional change or make our peace with our country and its constitution, seeking allies in unlikely places and squeezing out what progress we can get by organizing everywhere, even when the odds of success seem slim.

Steven Teles, a political science professor at Johns Hopkins University and a senior fellow at the Niskanen Center, is an author, with Robert Saldin, of the book Never Trump: The Revolt of the Conservative Elites.

See the article here:
Our Political System Is Unfair. Liberals Need to Just Deal With It. - The New York Times

Gavin Newsom Is the Face of Privileged Liberal Hypocrisy – The Daily Beast

Liberals never learn. At a time when the erosion of public trust is more dangerous than the plague swirling around us, you would think they would be careful about displays of hypocrisy. Instead, the same technocratic elites who rail about the sin of privilege and criticize Donald Trumps unraveling of the social fabric are telling us by their actions: Do as I say, not as I do.

The latest example comes to us by way of Gavin Newsom, Californias Democratic governor, who was photographed maskless at a Nov. 6, birthday party for a lobbyist. In so doing, he violated his own state guidelines. Newsom apologized, but the incident only underscored the widening social distance between the elites and the plebesand the sense that lockdowns are for the little people, while parties, salon visits, and swanky dinners are for me, but not for thee. Hypocrisy, thy name is Newsom.

And Newsom isnt the only Californian who thinks hes above the rules. Sen. Dianne Feinstein was recently spotted walking around the Senate maskless, and Nancy Pelosiwho drew controversy for visiting a hair salon in Septemberwas forced to cancel a dinner she was planning to welcome newly elected House Democrats after the event caused an uproar.

This is a trendand not just in the Golden State. These conspicuous displays of hypocrisy reinforce the notion that progressive elites think theyre better than the hoi polloi lumpenproletariat who are forced to follow their guidelines. The public might have rejected Trumps handling of the virus, but its easy to see why average Americans, who have to comply with COVID-19 regulations, feel disgruntled by such decadent displays.

Its almost as if the perpetrators are unaware that cultural aggrievement is the most potent force in modern American politics, and that, for a lot of Americans, complying with COVID rules means shuttering a business, postponing a wedding, or never getting to say goodbye to a loved one in a hospital. And, for many of us, it will mean not seeing family members this Thanksgiving.

Now imagine doing all of these things, and then seeing Gavin Newsom and California Medical Association officials enjoying themselves at the French Laundry.

During times of crisis, leaders have to ask others to sacrifice. But this only works when they earn the credibility to do sowhen followers believe that the leader has their best interest at heart and is sharing in the sacrifice. Never mind enduring any real hardship, Californians cant even count on Gavin Newsom to stay home and watch Schitts Creek on Netflix. And this sort of let them eat cake! imagery is even more galling coming from members of a political party fond of lecturing others about their privilege.

So why is this happening? In some cases, of course, the problem is simply that elites view themselves as being above the rules. In other cases, there is more than mere class snobbery at play; theres also political snobbery. More specifically, there is the sense that progressive causes (like protesting the police or celebrating Joe Bidens election) are exempt from the rules, because, after all, the cause is so goodso importantthat the ends justify the means. A Trump rally, for example, is dangerous and irresponsible, while street celebrations for Joe Biden are not just tolerated, but commended.

Case in point: This spring, conservatives protesting Michigans harsh lockdown policies were criticized for not social distancing. Now, some of these protesters behaved in ways that were unbecoming. But the subsequent behavior of liberals did little to quell their sense of victimhood and unfairness. Thats because, in early June, as the Detroit News reported Gov. Gretchen Whitmer, who's voiced concerns about other demonstrations potentially spreading COVID-19 in recent weeks, participated Thursday in a civil rights march in Highland Park with hundreds of people who did not follow social distancing rules. (Dont worry, we are assured by the experts that protests probably did not cause a COVID spike.) To be sure, protesting police violence is legitimate and important, but so are a lot of other things weve been asked to curtail.

A more recent example occurred when D.C. Mayor Muriel Bowser traveled to Delaware to celebrate Joe Bidens presidential win. The problem? Delaware was on her list of states considered high risk for COVID-19. She skirted the rules by insisting that attending Bidens victory party was essential travel. Right.

So traveling to spend her last Thanksgiving with your grandma makes you irresponsible and dangerous, but traveling to celebrate Bidens win is essential travel? You can go to a conference in Hawaii, but you cant schlep to Cleveland for a family reunion?

To the laymans eye, theres a lot of hypocrisy here. But why shouldnt progressive politicians enjoy these perks? They are our betters, arent they?

Excerpt from:
Gavin Newsom Is the Face of Privileged Liberal Hypocrisy - The Daily Beast

Liberals/Progressives Need To Fight As Hard As Conservatives Do – The Hudson Reporter

Dear Editor:

Im baffled by what I see and hear from liberal/progressive Democrats about this shameful conservative and Republican effort to steal the election from BidenNOTHING !!!!!Where are the protests about this shameful and immoral effort to steal the election?Where are the voices?I see and hear virtually nothing.Are we going to be mute for the next two months until they eventually steal it?I guess so.Too many Democrats strike me as being too timid and meek and spineless.They seem to be intimidated by the conservatives.At least the right-wingers fight hard for what they believe in and want.I often get the feeling that Democrats think that if we make nice to those bullying, ranting, right-wing blowhards that that will somehow work. It will not.We need to speak up and fight harder for the humane values which we believe in and stand for.It is about time that we faced-down our political adversaries.

Stewart B Epstein

Read more:
Liberals/Progressives Need To Fight As Hard As Conservatives Do - The Hudson Reporter

Reader letters, Thursday: Senate runoffs give chance to stand against liberals – Savannah Morning News


Senate runoffs give chance to stand against liberals

If the two U.S. Senate seats up for grabs in January should swing to the left, how might a Democratic Senate overturn conservative gains on the Supreme Court? Would this allow the Democrats to "pack the court" in order to force its rulings to uphold the most despicable liberal agendas?

Evangelical Christians and conservatives generally are anchored in their belief that this country is moving in the wrong direction morally and ethically. We have been encouraged by having three recent Supreme Court vacancies filled by conservative, originalist judges who are committed to Interpreting the rule of law as originally intended our Constitutions framers. By their writings, these men clearly accepted that there are moral absolutes upon which our laws, and our behavior, both institutionally and individually, should be directed.

I believe President-elect Joe Biden will attempt to be moderate and reunite us for the common good. But there must be a balance of power to ensure that more progressive Democrats dont lead us off into a morass of "situational ethics, with every man "doing what is right in his own eyes rather than taking into account its impact on love thy neighbor as thyself.

John Sullivan, Savannah

Time to move on from GOP leaders

America has spoken. The majority of people in this democratic society have repudiated Donald J. Trump, his policies and his personality. Georgias two Republican senators have been loud and proud in their support, allegiance and defense of this man.

Now that this wanna-be king has been shown the exit door, why should we keep his court jesters?

Bennie D. Spaulding, Savannah

Read the original:
Reader letters, Thursday: Senate runoffs give chance to stand against liberals - Savannah Morning News