Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than …

No, dont go anywhere.

We need to talk. Ill keep it brief.

Below is a fake news article I wrote around six years ago as a joke, trying to show a friend how easy it is to come up with an article that looks plausible and officialAt the bottom of the page, there is a message saying that this is bullshit, clearly and blatantly, just to make sure nobody took this seriously.

And yet, despite this article being the most poorly written piece of shit and probably the worst joke I have ever made, it has been taken so seriously that I have 256 comments awaitingapproval, snopes has had to debunk it by noting the last paragraph, and Ive had NUMEROUS cases of people sending this link to me as an argument.

This is a microcosm ofa very serious problem.

We have a serious problem with fake newsin this country, and if you have come across this page, you probably googled something to the effect of IQ and political views.

Please, stop.If you keep googling things like this, youre going to find what youre looking for. Youre going to find one of those fake/fictitious news websites run by think tanks or fringe political groups, and youre going to read what you want to hear.

Except, next time, you wont come across this message. You wont come across the disclaimer at the bottom saying this bullshit.

Because while I was just a kid trying to make a point, the other news sources are not. They are political groups who want more than anything to tell you what you want to hear and gull you to join their ranks.

You need to do better. You need to check sources, you need to confirm what people are saying is true, even when you agree with them.

Especially when you agree with them.

If you believe what people say because they look like theyre telling the truth, because you agree with them and you assume that they know what theyre talking about, then you are going to be brainwashed, you are going to be gulled, you are going to be fooled. Theyll lie to you more and more.

Save yourself, and help save everyone else from this epidemic. Dont get gulled. Dont become some liars follower.

Check sources, especially when you want the story to be right. If you see something you agree with, dont be a fool and nod your head then move on like so many have with this page.

Stop, look at the source, follow the numbers, read some abstracts, figure out how they came to that conclusion and why. That way, if what someone says is true, you wont just think its true, youll know its true. And if its not, you will have discovered a liar, and no matter how much you wish what they said were true, call them out because the only thing worse than ignorance is willful ignorance.

Ask questions, think critically. We do not want a future run by liars and their followers.

Thats all.

And now, back to this.

A new study conducted at Harvard University shows that in America, Liberals have a significantly lower IQ than Conservatives. The study was conducted on 100,000 registered voters in 40 different states over the last twelve years, and has concluded its results.The first part of the study lists the correlation between political beliefs and intelligence. Subjects of the study were chosen at random and requested to come to an unmarked van to take a test and answer some questions for a reasonable amount of money.Of the 100,000 people, there were people from many doctrines, from conservative to liberal to marxist to fascist. Socialists came out on bottom, with an average IQ of 87. The second worst were Liberals and then Marxists, with 88 and 89 respectively. Conservatives received an average score of 110, which is significantly above average. However, the conservatives did not score the highest. The holder of second place were Communists with an average I.Q of 115, and the first place was apolitical people who did not follow any specific doctrine, who received a whopping score on average of 135.

IAHYM News attempted to interview President Barack Obama on the new find, but he refused to speak directly. Instead, while walking down the strange hallway, he told correspondent Joseph Ducreux that the studywas ridiculous and false, but failed to provide any reason as to why or how the science of the study is at fault.

Hilary Rodham Clinton was also contacted, but she immediately hung upthe phone when she figured out that the study was being mentioned at all.

Other parts of the study included the daily activities of the various people based on their doctrines. Apparently, Liberals are five times more likely to commit a crime, steal or cheat on a test than anybody else except for Socialists, 52% of which have committed a major felony while being watched. Conservatives not only did not commit any crimes, but they actually prevented them, as the few events where a Conservative was threatened by a thief or mugger was hindered by a concealed handgun. Also, Communists are the most likely to commit rape or sexual assault, second to socialists.

The study was conducted in other countries as well, where 81% of Muslim Extremists admitted to following the Liberal doctrine and idolizing President Barack Obama. The study was conducted by a group of roughly 900 different scientists across the country over the past twelve years, each one taking on a little over a hundred people per person.

Reporting from New York City, this is John Bowling. IAHYM News Network, 2011



































Oh yeah, and everything in that bullshit you just read is completely and totally false. There has been no such conclusive study, and all of the Finds are based on public paranoia.If you, even for a second, thought this find might be true, you are probably an idiot.

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New Study shows Liberals have a lower average IQ than ...

Ontario Liberals now tax your stuff after you die | Guelph …

Posted September 3, 2015

Heres a new, not so nice tax called the Estate Administration Tax (EAT) that the Wynne Liberals slipped through effective Jan. 1, 2015 and no one is talking about it!

Basically, your survivors and executors have to report the value of all your stuff, valuables, cars and trucks, second homes, boats, RVs, right down to the exercise bicycle in the basement.

It is yet another roadblock to discourage real growth in Ontario joining the other job killers and evaporating prosperity. Here are some examples of how the Ontario Liberals have mismanaged the Ontario economy: We have the most expensive electricity rates in North America; a new job- killing Ontario pension plan; the most expensive alcoholic beverages in North America; sky high gasoline taxes; supply management agriculture boards that have driven basic food prices to excessive levels; an integrated sales tax of 13 per cent on all goods and services with minor exceptions.

Yes the province even charges the HST on the cost of your funeral.

The province charges the HST on the electricity you use.

The HST is charged on a number of consumables including vehicles, non-prescription drugs, clothing, and items that most people would describe a food or a derivative.

When does the premier stop her relentless quest to bail out a province she and her predecessor created that is now carrying an $8 billion deficit? Her finance minister claims the Ontario budget will be balanced by 2017.

That runs counter to what her federal Liberal leader is saying. He wants to remove the Harper governments balanced budget legislation and go to deficit financing to fix the countrys infrastructure.

These two leaders who are currently working together to elect federal Liberals in Ontario, but dont seem to be playing from the same page.

For all the details of this new tax grab, go to the link below where the government explains it or you can read the comments from funeral directors printed out below in laymans terms, or both. But be forewarned, its scary stuff.

Our Wynne Liberal Governmentpresumably has to find a way to repay the billion dollars they gave the construction companies not to build the gas-fired hydro plants and subsidizing wind/solar power projects, the Orange air ambulance fiasco, the E-health record keeping program that cost millions, and other boondoggles they created. The aptly named EAT even has local Funeral Directors seeing red.

Heres the skinny of Kathleen Wynnes latest play to extract more money from taxpayers, even after theyre dead.

The current EAT tax rates

Note: There is no estate administration tax payable if the value of the estate is $1,000 or less.

The estate administration tax is calculated on the total value of the estate. For example, for an estate valued at $240,000 the tax would be calculated as follows:

In order to comply with this new death tax, the estate appointed representatives are forced to consult with the following professionals: Financial advisor, registered appraiser, lawyer, funeral director, insurance broker, the Municipal Property Assessment Corporation, the estate banker. Most of who charge a fee for service in preparing the Estate Administration Tax returns. Those fees along, depending on the size of the estate, could run into the thousands.

Yes, and the return, when filed, must be accompanied with payment in full.

Licensed Funeral Directors Tim Baragar and Jeff Neuman are sounding the alarm bells over a tax program that they say will make life difficult for estate representatives in Ontario. Baragar makes it clear that his service does not end at the cemetery.

He and Jeff Neuman do their best to help families obtain pertinent documents and ensure that a loved ones affairs are in order.

Sounding the Alarm

And thats why Baragar and Neuman are sounding the alarm bells over the newly changed tax that took effect on Jan. 1. Its timelines and penalties are something these Funeral Directors think everyone needs to be aware of.

The newly changed tax program that Baragar finds frightening requires an executor to assess, appraise and value any and all property owned at the time of death on a tight timeline. This EAT appraisal includes anything that is not passed directly to a spouse or passed through joint ownership. Assets that are being gifted to charities also need to be included in the valuation. The tax is then calculated and needs to be paid immediately to the Province of Ontario as a deposit.

Baragar explains it this way when a loved one dies and you are named as the executor of the estate, you apply for a Certificate of Appointment of Estate Trustee and then you have only 90 days to file your Estate Information Return. As soon as you file you have to pay the tax as a deposit. And if you dont file, there are serious consequences.

According to the Ministry of Finance, estate representatives who fail to file an Estate Information return as required, or who make false or misleading statements on the return, may be found guilty of an offense and, on conviction, are liable to a fine of at least $1,000 and up to twice the tax payable by the estate or, imprisonment of not more than two years or both.

Has Ontario become a police state?

This is concerning to Baragar. It is completely unreasonable for the Ministry of Finance to expect this reporting within 90 days of the trustee beginning their role, Baragar says. Just getting print outs and information from banks and investment companies takes a lot of time. My biggest concern is that quite typically the trustees are often family members or close friends of the person who has died. So this simply isnt a matter of completing a task that the Ministry of Finance merely views as a new source of income, it is a very emotionally demanding and time-consuming job. Couple that with the added stress of dealing with the loss as a family member or close friend, and it can make this role very upsetting and emotionally draining.

And to be clear the valuation cant be a guess. The Province requires that you be able to back-up what youre filing so if youre not sure what the current market value is of a home, for example, its up to the executor to hire someone to do an appraisal. There is even a link on the Ministrys website to the Appraisal Institute of Canada.

And once you appraise, value and file you still have to be sure that nothing changes. If you made a mistake or if you missed something you have to immediately contact the Ministry (within 30 calendar days) and make all the necessary corrections.

For our Government to threaten these individuals with charges and penalties is absurd, Baragar says. We pay tax when we earn our living. We pay tax when it generates income within an investment. We pay tax when we pull it from that investment, so this same money certainly shouldnt be taxed again within the boundaries of someones estate.

Enough is enough.

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Continued here:
Ontario Liberals now tax your stuff after you die | Guelph ...

Liberals Fail, Volume XXXVII – Kurt Schlichter

Its been a sad week to be a liberal, again. Nothing seems to be going right for our betters and aspiring masters. America continues to prosper, to their dismay. Their conspiracy theories are turning into borscht. Donald Trump is breaking their collective collectivist spirit. They cant even manage to effectively blame conservatives for things conservatives didnt do.

Bathe in their tears. The salty goodness of their sob juice will add a radiant glow to your skin and put a spring in your step.

People are digging the tax bill, which is weird since it killed all of those who survived the mass extinction that followed Trumps withdrawal from the Paris Climate Grift. The stock market bump has largely stopped bumping. Remember the other week when the savvy market players at MSNBC were hoping that Paul Krugmans stock tips were finally going to pay off? Yeah, not so much. There is nothing that liberals hate more than the inevitable prosperity that follows the inauguration of a truly conservative administration.

But what about George W. Bush!?!?!?!?

Like I said, the inevitable prosperity that follows the inauguration of a truly conservative administration.

The Democrats tiptoed through the tulips into the kill zone of Donald Trumps immigration ambush and still probably think they won even as their fantasies of a dozen million new Democrats lies there, a pile of smoldering rubble. Trump played it as we hoped he never really wanted to give the amnesty he offered, but he offered enough to build up the dreams of the Dreamers knowing that the Democrats would crush those dreams under their Birkenstocks. See, if the Democrats had gone for Trumps proposal and imposed real border security, not only would that have turned off the Fresh Democrat Voter spigot but would have left them with zip to pretend to trade for amnesty for the big score, the other 10 million plus illegal aliens who have invaded our country. But now the Democrats have nothing, and Trump is tweeting to Dreamers accurately that the Democrats betrayed them because all the Democrats really care about is replacing the current electorate with a more bueno one.

Democrats, why do you hate Dreamers dreams?

The liberals were also sad about how they cant blame the recent shooting on conservatives at least not honestly. How many outright false stories did their Democrat transcriptionists in the mainstream media have to correct as they desperately tried to tie this murderer to patriotic conservatives? Its got to be deeply disappointing when, time after time, the killers stubbornly refuse to be conservative, observant Christian or Jewish NRA members. Instead, Jackie Earle Haleys mutant doppelgnger cultivates the kind of anti-Semitic, race-obsessed weirdness that would have made him fit right in on any liberal college campus.

The liberals lies no longer work, and they are realizing it. Too bad they got nothing else. They demand more power for the government, yet in seemingly every one of these cases it turns out the government has totally dropped the ball. Perhaps tracking down a guy who babbles online about shooting up a school cuts into their on-the-job sexting action. Better give the bureaucrats who screwed-up this and multiple other cases even more power, and take rights away from the citizens who didnt do anything wrong becauseuhwell, uh, you must like mass murder if you dare ask questions like that!

Nope, not an effective argument. And the liberals seem to know it. They are just going through the motions with their reflexive claims that the Normals who had nothing to do with this atrocity are to blame. Whether you are some stand-up comic tweets about how Normals blood on your hands because a dirtbag mutant a continent away committed a crime after the FBI shrugged, or a millennial doofus who writes for Vox trying to explain Heller without stating its basic holding, it just doesnt work anymore. Nor do tweets about how awful it is that Trump is smiling with the heroes from that awful day it must means he likes school shootings, I guess. Seems legit. Whatever.

The left is shooting intellectual and rhetorical blanks, because now were wait for it woke. We see the truth. No one who wants us to give up our guns does so because they want us to be more able to defend ourselves from crime or tyranny. Their agenda is clear, no matter how much they lie and deny.

Disarmament is key to converting us from citizens to subjects, and were just not playing that game. So they mutter about the NRA which you need to join if you dig freedom and we keep buying guns and ammunition to create the facts on the ground that will ensure their long-sought after end state of another Venezuela will never happen here.

And for the folks who forgot about that whole American Revolution thing, and are unfamiliar with the insurgencies in Vietnam, Iraq, and Afghanistan, heres a look at the power of armed citizens with small arms and how they can absolutely fight and win against would-be dictators in the modern world.

Then theres their pivot to the latest bimbo trying to use an alleged ancient fling with the president to get some attention. The liberals once again got all aroused by the idea that this would do him in with his fans: Well, your so-called president got with a Playboy Playmate and also a porn star and also a Slovenian super model and..andwait

Yeah, thatll totally take out Trump. Well turn on him because he allegedly scored with too many hot women.

You know, we kept warning them how they would hate the new rules, and now they so do. You normalize Oval Office trysts with chubby cigar aficionados and then when you start whining because a then-playboy canoodles with a then-Playboy Playmate, and youre stunned that instead of us hanging our heads we start offering high-fives?

We dont care. Thats the new rule. Learn it. Know it. Live it.

And then theres Robert Mueller and his agonized admission that no American citizens were willingly involved with Russian meddling in the election. Note the word is now meddling. They dont use the word collusion anymore since Mueller admitted that there was no collusion which is what weve been saying for over a year in response to Team Felonia Milhous von Pantsuits pathetic attempt to explain away her humiliating defeat at the hands of patriotic Americans.

Instead of frog-marching the whole of Trump World out of the West Wing for partying with Putin, Muellers festival of liberal onanism has instead resulted in indictments of a bunch of trolls who remain safely out-of-reach in Vladivostok, the better to avoid the feds being humiliated in court like they were by Cliven Bundy. But hey they were going for Trump and instead got the mastermind manipulators behind 13 follower accounts such as @MAGATrumpMAGAGuy and @BernieSuperFan72, so thats almost as good.

Collusions fades to meddling which fades to random tweeting which fades to framed victim of liberal machinations Mike Flynn either withdrawing his coerced guilty pleas or getting a presidential pardon based on the tidal wave of recent revelations of wrongdoing swirling about his railroading. Either one works.

Yeah, its been a sad week to be a liberal, again. Good.

See the original post:
Liberals Fail, Volume XXXVII - Kurt Schlichter

Liberals livid after deal to end shutdown – POLITICO

United We Dream executive director Cristina Jimnez, whose group has mobilized its grass roots to push for Dreamer protection, tweeted that "Dems failed to fight & use their leverage to protect immigrant youth." | Reed Saxon/AP Photo

Activist groups were angry at how the negotiations turned out, with some calling it '#SchumerSellout.'


01/22/2018 02:09 PM EST

Updated 01/22/2018 04:21 PM EST

Liberal activists are furious with Democratic senators after most of them agreed to reopen the federal government without a firm path to shielding young immigrants from deportation.

As the third day of the shutdown dawned, liberal advocates and immigration groups fired off a joint statement blasting as unacceptable Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnells offer merely to hold a vote on immigration with no promises for action from the House or White House in exchange for Democratic votes to reopen the government. But three hours later, Democratic senators agreed to just those terms sparking anger on the left.

Story Continued Below

Millions of people flooded the streets of every major American city to stand up to Trump this weekend, tweeted Leah Greenberg, co-executive director of the influential activist network Indivisible. Your constituents want you to fight. How can you possibly not understand that?

Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer on Monday argued Democrats secured critical assurance for Dreamers, who are at risk for deportation as soon as March after President Donald Trumps decision to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program.

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We have a way to address the fate of the Dreamers, starting right now instead of waiting until March, Schumer said on the floor.

But activist groups that have provided his caucus crucial firepower during fights against GOP health care and tax bills were not buying that explanation.

Murshed Zaheed, political director of the liberal group CREDO Action, said Democrats decision shows Schumers willingness to betray progressives.

Call it the #SchumerSellout, he said in an interview. Hashtagged.

Ben Wikler, Washington director of, slammed McConnells offer to Democrats and lamented the minoritys splintering over protecting Dreamers.

Whats clear from todays joke deal is that the grass-roots movement demanding unity and courage has a lot of work to do to ensure that the whole Democratic Caucus is ready to fight when the time comes, he said in an interview.

United We Dream Executive Director Cristina Jimnez, whose group has mobilized its grass roots to push for Dreamer protection, tweeted that Dems failed to fight & use their leverage to protect immigrant youth. A false promise to vote on immigration from Rs is not a strategy to win. We wont be fooled. This vote means deportation.

Not every group on the left lambasted Senate Democrats on Monday.

Organizing for Action, an offshoot of the political organizing arm built by former President Barack Obama, attempted to keep the blame for the three-day shutdown on the GOP, even as it offered faint praise for the Senate agreement.

The good news for the American people is that the government shutdown a crisis needlessly manufactured by Mitch McConnell, Paul Ryan, and the White House will soon be over, OFA spokesman Jesse Lehrich said in a statement. But lets be clear: This stopgap measure is not a solution. Its merely a band-aid for a self-inflicted wound that remains untreated.

Schumer spokesman Matt House urged all supporters of Dreamer aid to come together around securing the strongest possible showing for an immigration deal next month, when McConnell has vowed to move to a debate on the issue.

Lets take advantage of the renewed attention and sympathy for Dreamers, and focus on winning the vote 17 days from now, House wrote in an email.

House Democratic leaders are expected to vote against the Senates three-week government funding patch, which cleared a key procedural hurdle on an 81-18 vote. That opposition may ensure that the ire of activists remains trained on the upper chamber, where only 16 Democrats voted against advancing the stopgap bill.

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Liberals livid after deal to end shutdown - POLITICO

Why Liberals Are So Physically Monstrous And Repulsive …

No one wants to hear that they are ugly. It is a physical manifestationthat one is not attractive enough for the opposite sexto pass on their genes. By nature, humans want to have access to the highest value mate available. It is one of the simplest insults yet one of the most effective, unless the target knows, basing his reasoning on facts, that according to criteria that have not changed since the dawn of time, he or she is not ugly but more attractive than a large portion of the population.

We have observed extensively how feminism and other leftist principles can ruin someones appearancein mere years. Even the science that those liberals love so much confirms it.But by dissecting what causes these extreme changes, we can call out its supporters and give them the dose of truth that could help them see the light if they did notrefuse to ingest it.

We will not include here cases ofdisfigurement due to birth defects, accidents or diseases. We will focus on manageable physical beauty.Universal and eternal beauty standards exist: men should be tall, muscular, visually successful etc. Women should be young, fertile, have long hair, feminine faces, big breasts, balanced, round buttocks among other things. Optimum beauty can be synthetically engineered as we know what are its key elements.

Liberals are not born uglier. They voluntarily remain ugly or become uglier to fit a narrative. Appearance is ideology.It takes a special kind of hypocrisyto call something that is universally seen as ugly beautiful and vice-versa.Now lets get to the roots of liberal ugliness.

Sociallyprivilegedpeople or those born with no deformitywont have to work as hard to reach attractiveness as they know that they have a safety net. They can spend more time at university, listening for hours to liberal professors who never worked a day in their life and believe in social justice. They will let themselves go and become ugly if they believe that beauty is what is inside.

They also have a weaker bond with their peers. Their school of thought neglects the notions of realism or adversity, left-leaning voters tend to see human relationships, such as friendship, as granted. They dehumanize their fellow activists and see them more like tools to reach their goals. This is why they care less about each others appearance, are less objective when they call something beautiful and can so easily turn on one another.

Where are the friends that should tell her the truth?

Whereas those who had to be dedicated to reach beauty know what hard work means. Conservatives understand the sexual market even if they can think that it isunfair and translate it through their conservative political opinion.

Staying attractive requires work. I rarely, among the younger generations, came across an obese person that is naturally conservative. Laziness in health reflects itself in politics with the obvious choice of gibs me dat, junk food and claiming that being a sad sack of lard is equivalent to being a cancer patient.

Good looking people tend to earn more money, either through their ability to convinceor the inner strength they needed to reach this level of beauty (principle applied to their work ethic that leads to results), hence are more hostile to see their hard-earned wealth redistributed, through welfare for example. That phenomenon could explain why they tend to be conservatives.

It is much harder to work out and watch what you eat than become a fat sod and claim that you are attractive and attack people that still think normally and state the fact that you are ugly.

This is where the snowflake moniker comes from: I am special, look at me or I dont fit the mold, check out my new tattoo. They see that they do not reach the universal standards of beauty so they want to change its definition and punish those who challenge them. Like a sport where you can reach the top only through hard work and dedication, but someone decides to change the rules at the last minute then accuses the others of cheating.

Right-wing people, because they decide to accept life as it is (even if they hate it), know that nothing comes for free and that effortis always needed.

One of the core values of the Left could be summed up with I do not have to make any sacrifices, things will be given to me and people will accept me as I am. Due to biology and reality, we know that this is impossible.

Quite often, liberals justify their failure to succeed in the current system because of someone else holding them down. They have no one else to blame but themselves and still try to bring others down to their level. The people that call for change are almost always the ones that fail in the already existing order.

The Left made the refusal of reality their standard. Looks matter, money doesnt make you happy but is still essential, not everyone is equal, one cannot help the whole world, etc. Those truths can not be accepted as it would crush social warriors very existence

This study (like anyone with a pair of eyes) confirms that conservative female politicianstend to display ultra-feminine attributes (long hair, dresses, softer body language) to attract or convince higher value men from the same political tribe. Liberal female politicians always seem more masculine (read ugly)

Liberals can call a morbidly obese woman with a shaved head and large tattoos beautiful or inspirational, just like an onlooker will pretend to find modern art beautiful just to be part of the circle of smug liberals when that art is often nothing more than an actual pile of shit.

Equality is a false god.They cannot admit they are wrong or the narrative would collapse. Effeminatemen with perceived low social status are not attractive to women just like masculine women obsessed with being strong and independent are unattractive to men.

Leftists are also guilty when they accept media lies. Either they do not have the ability or choose not to see through the ideological manurethe Mainstream media feeds them (I would believe the latter).This is also why Liberals want to control the language and redefinewhat words mean in order to support their dogma.

By advertising their ugliness as beauty and showing media support to ugly people, liberals convey the message that they can see past the physical aspect and be SO progressive.Nothing could be further from the truth, especially in their private life. But they must sing their false song when they are broadcasted.Following the laws of the sexual market, if their survivaldepended on it, ugly feminist land-whales would quickly learn that it is an advantage to look good.

There are genuinely attractive Liberals, those who are exposed in the media or have some degree of elite-approved fame. They are attractive because it is needed to sell what the people in chargepush for,because beauty and sexual attraction sell. Ugliness does not.

Those famous left-wingersare what French author and ideologist Alain Soralcalls the thought police auxiliaries, who enforce the Elites agenda and are rewarded through their zeal.

Liberal beautiful celebrities only act liberal. They do not want to share their wealth with the poor, open their house to refugees or go for a walk with bodyguards that advocate forgun control by remaining unarmed. They only follow what they are told to do, to get attention and surf the wave of political correctness. Or their bosses will blacklist them and destroy their careers.

I am the first to agree that they are also ugly, fat conservatives. What is unacceptable is if they are happy with their situation and do nothing to change it.

In our age of cultural collapse, it is undeniable that a person that intentionally becomes ugly tends to vote left where the majority of beautiful people among the general publicthink towardsthe right.

Must See: 27 Attractive Girls Who Became Ugly Freaks Because Of Feminism

Read the rest here:
Why Liberals Are So Physically Monstrous And Repulsive ...