GUEST COLUMN: Dispelling common myths about liberals – Lufkin Daily News
Submitted in response to a column by Dr. David Palmer, DDS, of Huntington.
Myth No. 1. Liberals believe they are better than you. Nothing can be further from the truth. Democrats, whether centrists, moderates or liberals, believe that everyone counts and that everyone has something worthwhile to contribute. They dont think all conservatives are deplorable (those who hate gays, women and freedom of speech for others). Liberals support public schools, private schools, vocational schools, on-the-job training, blue-collar workers and the self-educated, as well as those who have a college education.
Myth No. 2. Liberals are not very patriotic. Ridiculous. Democrats (centrists, moderates and liberals) say the Pledge of Allegiance, sing the national anthem and think America is great. They continually try to make it even better, and thats why they are called progressives. Liberals honor the troops that are sent to life-threatening wars declared by politicians, and they honor these brave soldiers after they come home, unlike politicians on the other side of the aisle, who vote against veteran benefits as a rule. They honor the flag as well as the country it symbolizes, and 99 percent are horrified when one is burned.
Myth No. 3. Liberals have a major problem with the Constitution. Democrats are astounded when they hear this condemnation, as they honor and value our Constitution and the civil liberties stated in the Amendments. Liberals see the First Amendment being threatened by conservatives, as they talk about banning peaceful protest and marches. Liberals believe in the constitutional right to worship any way one wants or does not want to worship, with no exceptions. The Constitution does not support a national religion, as they fear some conservatives wish. Liberals believe in the Second Amendment wholeheartedly, which gives U.S. citizens the right to bear arms, and they understand why our founders insisted on that amendment being added. Being against mass death doesnt mean being against gun ownership. Supporting gun reform to reduce death caused by automatic weapons doesnt mean supporting gun confiscation. Conservatives were convinced that our previous president was going to take all the guns away, but it never happened. However, this fear-mongering resulted in many gun and ammo sales (Smart marketing, if unethical).
Myth No. 4. Liberals dont want to debate. Democrats welcome debate when the conversation is respectful (being called libtards or other schoolyard names on social media is admittedly a turnoff). Liberals deal in truth, and when the other person is unwilling to research his claim and back it up with facts, but instead claims fake news, the response is usually an emoji on Facebook of rolling eyes or face palm. If ideology is the topic, liberals also welcome the conversation, as long as its not passed off as fact.
Myth No. 5. Liberals/Democrats are attracted to certain jobs. Really? Does that mean that conservatives/Republicans are also attracted to certain jobs? This ludicrous statement cannot be backed up with fact. Some conservatives claim that liberals are attracted to journalism careers simply because they want to influence elections, citing the previous presidential election, specifically. Actually, the newspapers and media reported just what Donald Trump wanted reported; in fact, many people believe CNN got him elected by airing every vulgar thing he said, which was appealing to his supporters. Should people be restricted from considering various viewpoints and options? Should citizens be restricted from pursuing certain jobs? Of course not.
Myth No. 6. Liberals want to kill unborn babies. This is a bunch of baloney. Democrats do not want to kill unborn babies, period. They march to protect a womans right to have a tubal ligation, a hysterectomy or a D&C. All these things are protected by Roe v. Wade, and were not protected before this Supreme Court ruling. They are pro-choice, which supports a womans right to make a choice to have an abortion based on health and personal reasons, including rape, incest or endangerment of a mothers life. They think this decision should be made between the woman, her doctor and her faith, but not the government, and the Fourteenth Amendment protects this choice. Liberals are not just pro-birth as many conservatives are, but rather, they believe in birth control, sex education, counseling, helping the pregnant mother and helping the baby when it is born. With counseling provided at Planned Parenthood, abortions are avoided 80 percent of the time at one California clinic, according to a nurse who works as a counselor there. Liberals note the fact that some conservatives want to de-fund Planned Parenthood, which provides many more services than abortion, but not hospitals where abortions also are offered.
Myth No. 7. Liberals have no sense of humor and are easily offended. Democrats dont get their feelings easily hurt, despite what youve been told. Political correctness is a term made up by conservatives; liberals simply believe in showing respect.
Myth No. 8. Liberals want to reward lazy people. Democrats do not want to dole out welfare checks to able-bodied men or women who will not work. They are definitely in favor of doubling down on prosecuting welfare fraud and are amazed when this is not mentioned. Liberals believe in helping people with education, training and finding jobs, while maintaining their dignity. Liberals do think its a shame that people who work a 40-hour week still qualify for food stamps. This fact is either not understood, or it is ignored by most conservatives. The majority of food stamp recipients arent the lazy stereotype, but are children, the elderly, the disabled, and yes, the working poor who make up 56 percent of them.
Myth No. 9. Liberals are not very religious. This is simply false. The Christian left is extremely strong in the belief of following in Christs footsteps of helping people and not turning away from anyone, even though one might not hear them pound the podium with righteousness and take to the airwaves to point fingers at others. They are puzzled as to where our critics get this information (Just look around and you wont see many liberals going to church), and for that matter why it concerns them at all. Our Constitution very clearly is against our government interfering in anyones right of religious freedom. There is also a very strong Jewish left, Hindu left, Buddhist left. (Not your brand of religion? Remember, liberals believe in the First Amendment.)
This list could go on and on, but if you want to understand liberals ... Ask a liberal. Not a conservative dentist.
Vernay Carrington of Lufkin is a former centrist turned moderate who is leaning further left with every news cycle.
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GUEST COLUMN: Dispelling common myths about liberals - Lufkin Daily News