Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

Liberal bill to reverse Conservative move to strip citizenships passes Senate –

A Liberal bill that would make it easier for people to become Canadian citizens has passed the Senate, after over a year of back-and-forth in Parliament.

Bill C-6 was designed to repeal many of the previous Conservative government's changes to how people become citizens and how they can lose that status.

Among other things, the legislation repeals a provision that strips dual citizens of their Canadian status if convicted of terrorism, treason or espionage.

But far more people lose their citizenship because it was obtained fraudulently and current law gives them no right to appeal, something not addressed in the Liberals' original bill.

The Senate proposed adding such an appeal and the Liberals agreed to that and several other amendments late last week.

The bill went back to the Senate and after a brief debate, passed by a vote of 51-29.

Former immigration minister John McCallum introduced the bill in 2016, following through on a Liberal campaign promise that had in part spawned Prime Minister Justin Trudeau's famous "A Canadian is a Canadian is a Canadian" line during the heated debates of the 2015 election.

The issue was the Conservatives' citizenship law, which allowed for stripping citizenship from dual nationals convicted of certain serious crimes.

It has been applied to one person: Zakaria Amara, convicted for his role in a 2006 terror plot in Toronto and his citizenship is now likely to be reinstated.

The Liberals' original bill makes two other changes: restoring the age range for language and knowledge requirements for citizenship to 18 to 54 from 14 to 64. One of the Senate amendments had sought to raise the upper age to 59 but the Liberals did not accept that.

The other change in the bill repeals a Conservative provision that required people to say they intended to reside in Canada as part of their citizenship application.

Among the notable Senate amendments was one allowing people a right to appeal if their citizenship were to be revoked because of fraud.

The Liberals accepted it, though their hand was forced a bit after a recent Federal Court ruling saying citizens deserved an independent hearing before their status was revoked.

The Opposition Conservatives have condemned that move, saying it risks encouraging people to lie on their application, because of the lengthy appeals process.

They say their process which left decisions on revocation in the hands of the bureaucrats was more efficient, and court appeals were still possible if the law was wrongly applied.

Read the original post:
Liberal bill to reverse Conservative move to strip citizenships passes Senate -

Rex Murphy: Liberals need to stop using Trump as a shield for their own incompetence in losing an election – National Post

National Post
Rex Murphy: Liberals need to stop using Trump as a shield for their own incompetence in losing an election
National Post
Donald Trump beat Hillary Clinton. That is not a complicated sentence. Nevertheless the fact conveyed in that sentence came as a monstrous shock to many of the best political minds, pundits and reporters in the whole United States. The greatest brains ...

and more »

Read more:
Rex Murphy: Liberals need to stop using Trump as a shield for their own incompetence in losing an election - National Post

20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes – Townhall


Posted: Jun 15, 2017 12:01 AM

After Republican Rep. Steve Scalise was shot yesterday, many liberals on twitter CELEBRATED and said things like,

The Only Good Fascist is a Dead One.

Thats a Shame but babies blown to bits at Sandy Hook was worse and Scalise takes money from the @NRA

If the shooter has a serious health condition then is taking potshots at the GOP leadership considered self defense?

If KKK support Steve Scalise dies, the shooter deserves a holiday, true leadership. Now the trumps, kush, & miller need to be transitioned.

Is it any wonder? The most prominent liberals in America regularly accuse conservatives of being racist, sexist, Nazis, fascists who want children to die and are killing the planet and ruining the environment all because of their hate of the poor and minorities. Liberals today aim a nastier stream of propaganda at Republicans than America did at the Nazis; so is it any wonder that some people take the next logical step and become violent?

Meanwhile, you have plays, rap videos and prominent liberals glorifying the murder of the President, liberals applauding unrepentant terrorists like Bill Ayers, all while cops at left-wing universities stand back and allow violent students to riot, threaten and disrupt conservative speakers. Were moving fast towards a point where clashes between armed gangs of thugs on both sides will leave people dead because liberals believe conservatives arent human beings and thus, dont deserve the same protection under the law.

Im not going to blame Bernie Sanders for the shooter who supported him or say that liberals and Democrats should be held personally responsible for it. The only person responsible for what the shooter did was the shooter. However, this sort of political violence is doomed to grow ever more common and bloodier unless liberal Democrats start changing the sort of rhetoric they engage in on a regular basis. Rhetoric like this

1) "Michele (Bachmann), slit your wrist. Go ahead... or, do us all a better thing [sic]. Move that knife up about two feet. Start right at the collarbone." -- Montel Williams

2) F*ck that dude. Ill smack that f*ckers comb-over right off his f*cking scalp. Like, for real, if I met Donald Trump, Id punch him in his f*cking face. And thats not a joke. Even if he did become president watch out, Donald Trump, because I will punch you in your f*cking face if I ever meet you. Secret Service had better just f*cking be on it. Dont let me anywhere within a block. Rapper Everlast on Donald Trump

3) I have zero doubt that if Dick Cheney was not in power, people wouldnt be dying needlessly tomorrow.Im just saying if he did die, other people, more people would live. Thats a fact. Bill Maher

4) I know how the tea party people feel, the anger, venom and bile that many of them showed during the recent House vote on health-care reform. I know because I want to spit on them, take one of their Obama Plan White Slavery signs and knock every racist and homophobic tooth out of their Cro-Magnon heads. The Washington Posts Courtland Milloy

5) F*** God D*mned Joe the God D*mned Motherf*cking plumber! I want Motherf*cking Joe the plumber dead. Liberal talk show host Charles Karel Bouley on the air.

6) Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Are you angry? [Yeah!] Well, weve been watching intifada in Palestine, weve been watching an uprising in Iraq, and the question is that what are we doing? How come we dont have an intifada in this country? Because it seem[s] to me, that we are comfortable in where we are, watching CNN, ABC, NBC, Fox, and all these mainstream giving us a window to the world while the world is being managed from Washington, from New York, from every other place in here in San Francisco: Chevron, Bechtel, [Carlyle?] Group, Halliburton; every one of those lying, cheating, stealing, deceiving individuals are in our country and were sitting here and watching the world pass by, people being bombed, and its about time that we have an intifada in this country that change[s] fundamentally the political dynamics in here. And we know every Theyre gonna say some Palestinian being too radical well, you havent seen radicalism yet. U.C. Berkeley Lecturer Hatem Bazian fires up the crowd at an anti-war rally by calling for an American intifada

7) "That Scott down there that's running for governor of Florida. Instead of running for governor of Florida, they ought to have him and shoot him. Put him against the wall and shoot him. He stole billions of dollars from the United States government and he's running for governor of Florida. He's a millionaire and a billionaire. He's no hero. He's a damn crook. It's just we don't prosecute big crooks." -- Rep. Paul Kanjorski, D-Pa

8) ..And then theres Rumsfeld who said of Iraq We have our good days and our bad days. We should put this S.O.B. up against a wall and say This is one of our bad days and pull the trigger. Do you want to salvage our country? Be a savior of our country? Then vote for John Kerry and get rid of the whole Bush Bunch. From a fund raising ad put out by the St. Petersburg Democratic Club

9) Republicans dont believe in the imagination, partly because so few of them have one, but mostly because it gets in the way of their chosen work, which is to destroy the human race and the planet. Human beings, who have imaginations, can see a recipe for disaster in the making; Republicans, whose goal in life is to profit from disaster and who dont give a hoot about human beings, either cant or wont. Which is why I personally think they should be exterminated before they cause any more harm. The Village Voices Michael Feingold, in a theater review of all places

10) But the victim is also inaccurately being eulogized as a kind and loving religious man. Make no mistake, as disgusting and deservedly dead as the hate-filled fanatical Muslim killers were, Thalasinos was also a hate-filled bigot. Death cant change that. But in the U.S., we dont die for speaking our minds. Or were not supposed to anyway. Thalasinos was an anti-government, anti-Islam, pro-NRA, rabidly anti-Planned Parenthood kinda guy, who posted that it would be Freaking Awesome if hateful Ann Coulter was named head of Homeland Security. Linda Stasi, New York Daily News,on a victim murdered in the San Bernadino terrorist attack

11) Cheney deserves same final end he gave Saddam. Hope there are cell cams. Rep. Chuck Kruger (D-Thomaston)

12) If I had my way, I would see Katherine Harris and Ken Blackwell strapped down to electric chairs and lit up like Christmas trees. The better to light the way for American Democracy and American Freedom! Democratic Talk Radios Stephen Crockett

13) May your children all die from debilitating, painful and incurable diseases. Allan Brauer, the communications chair of the Democratic Party of Sacramento County to Ted Cruz staffer Amanda Carpenter

14) Violence solves nothing. I want a rhino to f*ck @SpeakerRyan to death with its horn because it's FUNNY, not because he's a #GOPmurderbro. Jos Whedon

15) I hope Roger Ailes dies slow, painful, and soon. The evil that man has done to the American tapestry is unprecedented for an individual. Think Progress editorAlan Pyke

16) But, you know, the NRA members are the current incarnation of the brownshirts from Germany back in the early 30s, late 20s, early 30s. Now, of course, there came the Night of the Long Knives when the brownshirts were slaughtered and dumped in the nearest ditches when the power structure finally got tired of them. So I look forward to that day. Mike Malloy

17) "Or pick up a baseball bat and take out every f*cking republican and independent I see. #f*cktrump, #f*cktheGOP, #f*ckstraightwhiteamerica, #f*ckyourprivilege." -- Orange is the New Black star Lea DeLaria responding to a meme about using music to deal with violence

18) I wish they (Republicans) were all f*cking dead! Dan Savage

19) Sarah Palin needs to have her hair shaved off to a buzz cut, get headf*cked by a big veiny, ashy, black d*ck then be locked in a cupboard. Azealia Banks advocates raping Sarah Palin over a fake news story

20) Yes, Im angry. Yes, Im outraged. Yes, I have thought an awful lot about blowing up the White House, but I know that this wont change anything." -- Madonna

Disgrace: NYT Editors Recycle Debunked Palin-Giffords Lie to Give Leftists Cover (Update: Oops)

See the rest here:
20 Liberal Calls For Violence Against Conservatives in Quotes - Townhall

Liberals ready to move to change House rules on omnibus bills, prorogation –

The Liberal government is ready to move forward with several reforms to the rules of the House of Commons, with proposed changes covering prorogation and omnibus legislation.

The changes won't include new rules to codify a prime minister's question period, but the Liberals are committing to continue the recent practice of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau taking all questions each Wednesday.

The Liberals backed away from other proposals in April, after the government's release of a discussion paper on reform prompted opposition outrage.

When the Liberals refused to agree that they would only proceed with the consensus of all parties, Conservatives and New Democrats filibustered a Liberal MP's attempt to have the government's proposals studied by a House of Commons committee.

The motion to implement the changes will be put forward after several days of negotiation between the Liberals, Conservatives and New Democrats, but it is not yet clear whether there is all-party agreement to proceed.

The Conservatives had been threatening to trigger more than 200 votes to tie up the House of Commons unless the Liberals compromised.

The new Liberal motion could be debated by MPs next week.

Under the changes proposed by the Liberals, a government minister would be required to table an explanation after every use of prorogation to explain why the government prorogued Parliament. That explanation would then be referred to a House committee.

For omnibus legislation, the Speaker would also be empowered to allow for separate votes and studies for bills "where there is not a common element connecting the various provisions or where unrelated matters are linked." Budget bills that implement measures outlined in the federal budget would still be permitted.

In addition to prorogation and omnibus bills two issues that became points of controversy in recent years the Liberal motion would change the date on which the government's budgetary requests are tabled in Parliament and codify that parliamentary secretaries can be non-voting members of House committees.

The possibility of codifying a weekly prime minister's question period had raised concerns that a prime minister might use that as an excuse to only appear at one session of question period each week, though the Liberals said that was not Trudeau's intent.

"The prime minister's question period is here to stay under this government," said Mark Kennedy, director of communications for government House leader Bardish Chagger. "And just as it became the convention not something in the standing orders in the United Kingdom, we are confident it will become the convention here."

The rest is here:
Liberals ready to move to change House rules on omnibus bills, prorogation -

If Liberals Held Equal Standards For Shootings, They’d Blame Themselves For Alexandria – The Federalist

A little more than six years ago, after the horrific shooting of Rep. Gabby Giffords and her constituents, many members of the media embarked on a viciously dishonest anti-conservative smear campaign.

The New York Times editorial board declared that, while it would be facile and mistaken to attribute this particular madmans act directly to Republicans or Tea Party members, it was nonetheless acceptable to blame them at least indirectly for the massacre. Seizing a good opportunity to make some money, Sen. Bernie Sanders fundraised off the tragedy by condemning right-wing reactionaries with their threats and acts of violence.

New York Times columnist Paul Krugman, meanwhile, who has almost literally gone insane, blamed the Giffords shooting in part on the eliminationist rhetoriccoming, overwhelmingly, from the right. At Media Matters, Eric Boehlert condemned the tide of hateful, insurrectionist rhetoric that too many conservatives refuse to condemn. And Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas simply tweeted: Mission accomplished, Sarah Palin.

Well. There was never any evidence that the Tucson shooting had anything to do in the slightest with anything Republicans had ever said. The shooter turned out to be an apolitical madman who was more obsessed with NASA hoaxes than with any real-world political goings-on. Liberals pounced on the event not to moderate our political rhetoric butnow heres a surpriseto cynically use a tragedy in order to bash conservatives.

If proof of such were needed, we need only examine the media reaction to yesterdays shoot-up of a GOP baseball practice in Alexandria, Virginia. The shooter, as is now well-known, was an extremely liberal, anti-conservative Sanders supporter who apparently despised Republicans with every fiber of his being.

Now, unlike 2011, there really is hateful, insurrectionist rhetoric flying about. Note, for instance, Madonnas publicly stated desire to blow up the White House, or comedian Kathy Griffins violent fantasy photo shoot wherein she beheaded President Trump, or the Public Theater rendition of Shakespeares Julius Caesar in which a Trump stand-in is assassinated. This is literal eliminationist and insurrectionist rhetoric.

So, after the Alexandria shooting, did the same media that roundly condemned Republicans for allegedly inspiring the Tucson shooting condemn todays hysterical liberal climate that has allowed such toxic rhetoric to flourish?

Of course not. The New York Times, for one, half-heartedly compelled liberals to hold themselves to the same standard of decency that they ask of the right, without mentioning the violent and wild-eyed liberal rhetoric that has permeated Washington for the past eight months or so. As of this writing, Krugman has been radio silent. Boehlert blamed GOP policy for the shooting. Moulitsas implied that the GOPs chickens were coming home to roost. Sanders distanced himself from the shooter without bringing up the political hysteria to which he has ably contributed.

I wonder what the difference between the two shooters could be to inspire such divergent reactions. Do you wonder? Its a real head-scratcher, isnt it?

In reality, most of us know that the shooter, like virtually all mass shooters, was little more than a crazy, unbalanced lunatic whose politics were almost certainly irrelevant to the crime he eventually committed. Millions of Americans believe very much the same things as did the shooter but wont go shoot up unarmed conservative politicians. Politics, be they liberal or conservative, are generally irrelevant to craziness.

Conservatives tried to explain this in 2011. The Left wasnt hearing it. Now the shoe appears to be on the other foot. So The New York Times is right: liberals should hold themselves to the same standards they ask of the Right. With that in mind, they should accept responsibility for this terrible shooting. It is the Left, after all, that has perpetrated this tide of hateful, insurrectionist rhetoric for months now. They must own it.

The other option, of course, would be for liberals to apologize for their opportunistic seizure of the Giffords shooting six years ago and admit how transparently stupid it was. That would be the preferable choice. But somehow I doubt they will. Republicans are getting what they want, Moulitsas declared. With political instincts like that, who needs apologies?

See the original post:
If Liberals Held Equal Standards For Shootings, They'd Blame Themselves For Alexandria - The Federalist