Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

The Liberal Lie So Big It May One Day Split the Country – Townhall


Posted: May 13, 2017 12:01 AM

Civilization has been aptly called a thin crust over a volcano. (Liberals) are constantly picking at that crust. -- Thomas Sowell

After Hollywood jackass Jimmy Kimmel was criticized for exploiting his sons illness to push his political agenda and incorrectly insinuating that surgeries for newborns werent covered before Obamacare, he did a follow-up on the subject where he said, I would like to apologize for saying that children in America should have health care. It was insensitive, it was offensive, and I hope you can find it in your heart to forgive me.

Drop dead, Jimmy Kimmel, you colossal ass.

This is a great example of what may be the most annoying, dishonest thing that liberals habitually do.

Jimmy Kimmel favors a certain political policy. Its one that has been a disaster for tens of millions of Americans, including a lot of children.

Jimmy Kimmel could have said, Obamacare may not be perfect and it may have been sold with a lot of lies, but I believe its worth it for everyone else to pay more so the small percentage of the population with pre-existing conditions and no insurance can be covered. That pitch may not be a political winner, but at least it would be an honest argument.

Instead, Kimmel is essentially arguing that ONLY people who agree with him care about the healthcare of children and the rest of us want children to die.

This sort of rhetoric has become commonplace on the Left and its not just dishonest, its evil. Its bad for the country. It could even potentially split the country apart one day because we wont be able to continue to live with each other. In fact, weve already reached the point where Californias threats to secede are being met with cries of faster please, what can we do to help? from millions of conservatives.

Yes, it may currently give liberals some small temporary political advantage to claim that everyone who doesnt support gay marriage hates gays, everyone who doesnt think rape culture exists supports rape, that everyone who doesnt back free birth control for women hates them, everyone who wants to stop illegal immigration hates Latinos and that everyone who doesnt want to tear down Confederate statues hates black Americans, but it also injects pure poison into our culture.

If you believe someone doesnt want kids to have healthcare, hates gays, hates women, hates minorities and wants more rapes to happen, you will probably detest that person. However, liberals seldom consider that the reverse of this is also true. You will also probably detest people who falsely accuse you of not wanting kids to have healthcare, hating gays, hating women, hating minorities and wanting more rapes to happen. In the Palestinian territories or Syria, there might be significant numbers of people who believe many of those aforementioned beliefs. In America, there are very few. What this means is that there are large numbers of people liberals have inspired hatred towards via falsehoods and also large numbers of people whove grown to abhor liberals after being targeted by their lies.

Put another way, liberals are CREATING an America where its natural to HATE people of differing political views. Not disagree with, HATE.

My initial reaction to hearing Jimmy Kimmels, I would like to apologize for saying that children in America should have health care, comment was thinking that Id enjoy punching him in his smug face.I have no doubt that vast numbers of people that liberals dishonestly call racists, misogynists and homophobes feel exactly the same way. Of course, its one thing to feel that way and its another to actually do it or suggest others do it as many liberals do. We have left-wingers rioting in the streets to stop people they disagree with from speaking at colleges and publicly encouraging each other to physically attack Nazis, while accusing pretty much everyone who doesnt toe the liberal line of being a Nazi.

Weve gotten to the point where someone as inoffensive as Betsy DeVos cant even give a commencement speech at Bethune-Cookman University without gaggles of idiots screaming and booing. If those liberals cant even show a modicum of courtesy for Betsy DeVos at a commencement speech, how do they work with people they disagree with? How do they go to church with them? How do they date? How do they share the same space? If the answer is, They cant do any of those things, then how do we ultimately share the same country?

I have a left-wing acquaintance who is still endlessly complaining about Hillary Clinton getting coverage from the very liberal mainstream media that was too negative for his taste. When I noted that Hillary may have gotten some harsh coverage at times, but Trumps coverage was much worse, I was told in so many words that, Yes, but Trump deserved it. Similarly, have you noticed that liberals dont seem to accept and respect the fact that conservatives found Obama just as loathsome as they find Trump?

Its the liberal mentality that says, People who disagree with us on anything are racist, sexist, homophobic and evil. Therefore, we dont have to treat them fairly. Therefore, their concerns are irrelevant. Therefore, its acceptable to lie about them, take away their rights or even use the IRS or legal system to mistreat them. Therefore, they dont matter. At all.

I loathe liberalism, but I dont hate liberals. I would not be okay with lying about them, preventing them from speaking at universities or attacking them because of their political views. I think a lot of liberals are deeply misguided and put their emotions above logic and the good of the country, but I dont think most of them are evil. Unfortunately, many liberals dont afford conservatives that same courtesy and one day, that may split the country because what brings us together as a nation is becoming smaller than the liberal hatred that is dividing us.

UPDATE: Missile Launched by North Korea Landed in Sea of Japan

Go here to see the original:
The Liberal Lie So Big It May One Day Split the Country - Townhall

If Liberals Hate Him, Then Trump Must Be Doing Something Right – New York Times

New York Times
If Liberals Hate Him, Then Trump Must Be Doing Something Right
New York Times
The talk-show host Rush Limbaugh was positively giddy, opening his monologue on Wednesday by praising Mr. Trump for what he called his epic trolling of liberals. This is great, Mr. Limbaugh declared. Can we agree that Donald Trump is probably ...

Read the original here:
If Liberals Hate Him, Then Trump Must Be Doing Something Right - New York Times

The ‘Merrick Garland for FBI’ scheme shows why liberals lose – Washington Post

We live in a golden age of political stupidity, but I'm not being hyperbolic when I say this: The idea of pulling Judge Merrick Garland off the D.C. Circuit federal appeals court and into the FBI is one of the silliest ideas I've seen anyone in Washington fall for. It's like Wile E. Coyote putting down a nest made of dynamite and writing NOT A TRAP on a whiteboard next to it. It's also an incredibly telling chapter in the book that's been written since the Republican National Convention the story of how Republicans who are uncomfortable with the Trump presidency gritting their teeth as they use it to lock in control of the courts.

On Thursday, as we reported at The Washington Post, Sen. Mike Lee (R-Utah) gave real oomph to an idea that had been bouncing around conservative media. Democrats had vetted and praised Garland when President Barack Obama nominated him for the Supreme Court how, then, could they object to the idea of putting him in charge of the FBI?

[Sen. Mike Lee floats Garland for FBI, a move that would skew D.C. Court of Appeals]

The reasons to object were quickly explained by reporters and by liberal court analysts like Dahlia Lithwick. Garland probably wont want to give up his lifetime tenure as the chief judge of the second-most important court in the land, Lithwick wrote, and surely the most significant bulwark against Trump administration overreach, in exchange for a 12-minute gig on The Apprentice before he uses the wrong color highlighter and gets fired by a crazy person. Among most court-watchers, the scheme was pretty obvious: Lee would give Republicans a chance to tweak a Garland-less court, changing a 7-to-4 liberal majority to a 6-to-5 majority. And in his tweet, Lee was explicit: IfGarland went to the J. Edgar Hoover Building, Democrats wouldn't need a President Trump/Russia special prosecutor.

Yet what Lee apparently realized was that the churn of political conversation in Washington would get his idea looked at seriously.Lee floated the idea before the Senate's final votes of the week, meaning that senators of both parties would be available to reporters for hours. In that time, they were confronted with a shiny object the Garland-for-FBI float with little time to consider it. The conservative Washington Examiner went all-in on the story, getting Sen. Tom Udall (D-N.M.) to say that Garland meets a lot of criteria and Sen. Richard Blumenthal (D-Conn.) to say he'd back him, but Garland probably wouldn't want the job. (The Examiner also quoted Sen. Roy Blunt (R-Mo.) as saying it would also create a vacancy in the important D.C. circuit, so maybe I like it better the more I think about it. Well, yeah.)

Lee, who does not stop in the hallways to talk to reporters, must have realized that the senators who did would push the idea along. Democrats, after all, came to feel that Garland was a good man robbed of a job their first instinct, when asked about him, was obviously to sing his praises. Their secondthought might be to point out that this was a cartoonishly obvious ploy togive a conservative judge a lifetime appointment on a powerful court. But most people, hearing the idea, might not get to the second thought. Amusingly, a number of liberal opinion-havers glommed onto the Garland idea, apparently unaware that he was still on the court in D.C. From aformer secretary of the treasury:

From a Democratic strategist who literally one month earlier was tweeting about how Garland could hold Trump accountable in the D.C. Circuit.

From Rep. Elijah Cummings (D-Md.), who stands to chair the House Oversight Committee if Democrats win the midterms.

To be fair, thequestion put to Cummings was What do you think of the idea, now being floated, to put Merrick Garland in charge of the FBI? His answer: Garland would be fine. That's less hearty than the praise of Summers, whose tweet, as of this writing, is being roundly mocked by the (typically well-behaved) denizens of Politics Twitter.

But is it Summers's fault that the scheme wasn't obvious? Every reporter asking about Lee's idea knew that it was a ploy to open up a seat on the D.C. Circuit. Every Democrat or liberal observer has the power to recognize the ploy. Why have some of them been suckered?

The reason, I think, is a fanciful analysis of Trump's relationship with the GOP that has caused Democrats to make mistake after mistake for the better part of two years. For a long time, Democrats assumed that Trump would lose the Republican nomination. When he didn't, they highlighted Republican critics of Trump inside the party, in the hope of winning them over to Hillary Clinton. Some suburbanite Republicans did come over, but according to the exit poll, 88 percent of self-identified Republicans went for Trump, compared with 89 percent of Democrats for Clinton.

Six months later, Democrats are still obsessed with finding intra-Republican resistance to Trump. Some of that's just accepting reality Republicans control Congress and most of the states, so they can stop Trump when Democrats can't. But some of it assumes an Aaron Sorkin-scripted conclusion to the Trump presidency. At some point, possibly, Trump's own party will stand up to him and bring him down. When Republicans say they want Garland for FBI, Democrats hear Trump's party in rebellion, because that's what they want to hear.

They are getting it exactly backward. Lee, like most Republicans, is willing to grit his teeth through most of what Trump does in exchange for priceless long-term conservative gains in the regulatory state and in the courts. Democrats understand this attitude when Republican voters display it. They know that manyRepublicans put up with Trump so that they could keep Garland off the Supreme Court and replace former justiceAntonin Scalia with a conservative.

Famously, Lee was the first sitting senator to demand that Trump quit the presidential race after the release of live mic recordings that found him crudely joking about sexual assault. If anyone spoke to my wife, or my daughter, or my mother, or any of my five sisters, the way that Donald Trump has spoken to women, I wouldn't hire that person, Lee said at the time. What he said next was more important Trump had become a distraction and needed to allow someone else to carry the banner to defeat Hillary Clinton.What Trump had done was horrible, but not horrible enough to countenance a vote for thecandidate who could keep him from the White House.

At the time, Democrats heard this as the trumpet kicking off a civil war inside the GOP. It really wasn't. Some Democrats want this week's Lee gambit to reveal that Republicans are now bailing on Trump and ready for a real Russia probe. That's not what's happening. So far, the major Republican response to the firing of James B. Comey, from one of the party's leading Trump critics, is to suggest that Trump be given an open slot on a key court that can be filled by a conservative judge.

Visit link:
The 'Merrick Garland for FBI' scheme shows why liberals lose - Washington Post

‘SNL’ Weaponized Against Trump, by and for Liberals – LifeZette

Actress and comedian Melissa McCarthy was spotted Friday outside CNNsNew York offices on a motorized podium, doing her parody of Sean Spicer, the White House press secretary. She was presumably filming a scene for an upcoming episode of Saturday Night Live.

Stunts like this only further prove how far down the liberal rabbit hole the satirical show has gone. At this point, it might as well be considered an anti-Trump political action committee.

The only parody performances we ever get to see are of conservatives the series refuses to grow or become anything more than a program that makes tired old jokes about anything and everything Trump-related.

Related: Trump and Rosie Finally Agree on One Thing

"Saturday Night Live" is made by, and for, liberals. It continues to ignore a major portion of the country and voters at its own peril.

It's no longer satire but a weaponized political tool, used by the Left for its own purposes.

'SNL' Weaponized Against Trump, by and for Liberals - LifeZette

Proof That Liberals Are Stupid – Townhall


Posted: May 14, 2017 12:01 AM

I rarely use the word stupid. Most frequently the word I use is ignorant which means lacking knowledge or awareness. Stupid means something significantly different. Stupidity means lacking intelligence, understanding, reason, wit and/or good sense. Republicans have often referred to liberals as just plain wrong though some invoked stupidity in a knee-jerk manner. If you doubted that liberals are stupid, we now have proof.

The proof comes from the high priests of the Left the editorial board of The New York Times. What set them off and displayed their complete lack of intelligence and good sense was their editorial attacking former President Obama for taking a $400,000 speaking fee from Cantor Fitzgerald. In an editorial entitled The Cost of Obamas Speech, they reacted with shock that he would accept such a fee from the forces he was fighting against. And this is not feigned shock like Captain Louie in Casablanca. This is real shock.

They even quoted his own words from The Audacity of Hope. I read that book. I just thought the people who fell for his slop were fools. Now I know they are stupid.

Ruth Marcus joined the chorus of the offended and took to the pages of the Washington Post to chastise the Obamas for the $400,000 fee. The stupidity of the Left was further validated when Vox published an article with a title that states the $400,000 fee will undermine everything Obama believes in.

Everything Obama believes in is Obama. Did you really think he was going to live by all that garbage he was shoveling down your throats?

Isnt it interesting that the Obamas are following the same pattern as the Clintons? First, totally forget where you came from. The Obamas will return to Chicago as frequently as the Clintons have returned to Arkansas. The Obamas will do obligatory visits to the presidential library and maybe catch a Chisox game.

In Los Angeles we live with celebrities on a daily basis. We have a term for people like Obama who are enamored by these celebrities Star_____. The Obamas would be the King and Queen of that if they were not exceeded by you guessed it, the Clintons.

But did you not get a hint where the Obamas were headed when they signed what is estimated to be a $60-65 million deal for their memoirs. Penguin is going to have to sell a lot of books. That means a royalty of $6.50 on each of 10 million books sold. Seems more like a bribe than good business.

But let us review what the Obamas have been doing since they left office:

Amazingly, none of this set-off the Leftists. Hanging with the ultra-rich is fine; just dont take Wall Street money.

Did you really think Obama was going to be hangin with the common folk? Jay Z and Beyonc will be how they will be rollin in the future along with clipping his Gs as he did when he was talking to the common folk. Maybe some time at Oprahs many estates. He will be hobnobbing with anyone rich and famous who will take him on exclusive golf courses where he can wine and dine with the elite.

Some would say the Obamas deserve to make a lot of money because they sacrificed for the country for eight years. Not to get technical, but the people of the United States provide handsomely for them. Obama receives a pension of $205,700 the first year out of office which will increase over time. He also receives funding for staffing, rent, travel, etc. This does not include his secret service protection. This amounts to millions of dollars each year. He may even have some friends who would pick up a few meals for him and maybe a few rounds of golf.

Fascinating how easily the Left is captivated by rich people who are willing to say and do things that further their own exclusive lifestyle. Somehow they still think the Democratic Party cares about the commoner. It is all about power and money. Money in their pockets.

The question is, are you stupid enough to believe them?

UPDATE: Missile Launched by North Korea Landed in Sea of Japan

See the original post:
Proof That Liberals Are Stupid - Townhall