Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

Advisory for Liberals: Stop Talking and Start Acting – City Watch

RESISTANCE IS AN ACTION--Why do a broad range of factions -- that we commonly label as liberal -- continue ad nauseum to content themselves with only reporting the latest irrational, depressing and demoralizing behavior of our profit-driven corporate-controlled American government?

At the same time these liberals content themselves with preaching a rational alternative for what is possible to people who already agree with them. They seem to purposefully avoid any action designed to make their progressive ideas become the basis for more rational actions that could be taken by the government.

But of course, the liberal's exclusively verbal and intellectual take or, if you will, game -- never seems to reach a mainstream American audience that still doesn't have a clue as to what is going on in the programmed dissipation of the American dream of social equity.

What if the Amy Goodmans, the Robert Reichs, the Noam Chomskys, the Chris Hedges, the Henry Louis Gates, and other insightful liberals took a page from Martin Luther King's playbook? In dealing with a segregated public transit system in Selma, Alabama, instead of merely reporting the ever increasing outrageous assaults on our democracy, Dr. King proactively posited a well-organized plan of action that those in power could no longer ignore with impunity. Ironically, it is my belief that such organized, concerted action would be far easier and would accomplish far more if it were adopted by these current leaders.

King understood that a public transportation system in Selma that relied on a 70% African American ridership could no longer send these riders to the back of the bus -- unless those riders and their supporters allowed them to continue doing so. The bus boycott that ensued was based on a simple economic premise: either truly integrate this public transportation system or our well-organized boycott will bankrupt it. When push came to shove, the fear of looming bankruptcy of public transit in Selma trumped good old fashion publicly sanctioned racism.

If we could apply this same principle (based on the fundamental democratic idea that majority rules) to changing the de facto segregated public education system that still exists in Los Angeles sixty-three years after Brown vs. Board of Education established that "separate but equal... is inherently unequal," then we could also stop the now unimpeded move toward corporate privatization of public education for profit and the further dumbing of America.

Like the Selma bus boycott, a boycott of still segregated and quantifiably inferior public schools might go something like this:

-Students do not go to school, but rather go to classes that are organized in churches and other public buildings, where they are taught by retired or other qualified teachers -- many of whom were themselves removed from their teaching careers based on fabricated charges.

- However, the students regular teachers would show up at their regular schools and the school district would still be required to pay them.

- But since the students aren't there and schools receive their money from the state and federal government based on in-seat average daily attendance, now, like in Selma, you've finally created negative financial consequences that the corrupt folks in power in schools, government, and corporations can no longer ignore as they do now.

Liberals would finally make the news by doing something that can no longer be ignored by corrupt corporate interests and their respective media vassals. In addition, this action would serve to educate what has been, up until now, an unaware and discriminated against majority as to the meaning behind the phrase majority rules.

In order to organize an effective action-oriented anti-oligarchy opposition from the Left, wouldn't it be relevant to wonder just how many degrees of internet separation there are among the still silent majority in this internet age? Would people who receive a solicitation to join a well-organized public school boycott that has a clear shot of succeeding be more likely to get involved if Matt Damon or John Stewart -- whose mothers are teachers were to reach out and ask them to do so? And wouldn't they reach out to their respective networks to get people onboard?

Use the list below to create, add to, and share in creating our own 2017 Selma bus-boycott-type organization necessary to bring to an end to the criminality that is destroying our society.

What we have been experiencing up until now has been the end product of a war started long ago under Reagan to dismantle public education for profit. We have witnessed the further dumbing down of America so that "alternative facts" and irrational policies could then go unchallenged by undereducated Americans who have been subjected to this system for the last 40 years and are no longer capable of understanding what is going on and what will be its Orwellian conclusion.

In pursuit of this end, I would argue that the 1st Amendment right to freedom of association -- even virtually -- is the most important civil right we have if we are to bring about measurable change in bad actions and policies. This would make all of our other rights possible to achieve.

With the Internet, the facilitating association has become more doable. But we must overcome the purposefully nurtured hopeless lethargy that has made the majority think they are the minority. Our truth is nowhere to be found as reported in the mainstream corporate media.

What follows is, for starters, an initial contact information list of some who have already shown that they know better. If you can think of others or have a better way of reaching out and networking, add to this list and share what you do with all of us in the comments section below. Remember, most of us presently remain unaware of just how powerful we could be in organizing effective opposition to the growing dangerous alternative reality we are forced to live under:

Reverend Dr. William Barber info@naacpnc.org9196824700

The Black Star Project Address: 3509 S King Dr #2B, Chicago, IL 60653 Phone: (773) 285-9600

Noam Chomsky

Stephen Colbert

Matt Damon

Ava DuVernay contact Mercedes Cooper

Professor Henry Louis Gates 617.496.5468

Amy Goodman 431-9090

Chris Hedges

Rachel Maddow

Professor Diane Ravitch


Michael Rezendes, The Boston Globe 135 Morrissey Boulevard Boston, MA 02125 Tel: 617-929-3047 Cell: 617-763-1458 Fax: 617-929-2019

John Stewart

And ... Lenny Isenberg

(Leonard Isenberg is a Los Angeles observer and a contributor to CityWatch. He was a second generation teacher at LAUSD and blogs at can be reached at Edited for CityWatch by Linda Abrams.


Read more from the original source:
Advisory for Liberals: Stop Talking and Start Acting - City Watch

A Tale of Two Modern-Day Liberals – Wizbang (blog)

Classic liberals are generous with their own money. Modern-day liberals are generous with other peoples money.

In an opinion piece published by USA Today, Democrat senators Chris Coons and Jeff Merkley demonstrate that they are modern-day liberals.

It is the opinion of Coons and Merkley that the U.S. government must use federal tax dollars to help non-Americans who live outside of the USA even when it is not vital to the USA for the U.S. government to do so.

Ah, but according to Coons and Merkley, it is vital to the USA.


It is ridiculous for the U.S. government to borrow money to keep the U.S. government functioning and then to give away that money to foreigners in foreign lands in order to rescue some of those foreigners from chronic problems that those foreign lands are notorious for.

Apparently, it has escaped Coons and Merkleys attention that it is the job of the U.S. government to take care of U.S. citizens, and the latter arent properly taken care of if the former burdens the latter with a massive national debt.

With a national debt approaching $20 trillion and a federal budget deficit approaching $600 billion, U.S. citizens cant afford to have their federal tax dollars given away in such a manner when private charities are capable of meeting the needs of foreigners that Coons and Merkley are so concerned about.

Indeed, private charities are providing the foreign aid that Coons and Merkley are concerned about.

So, why dont Coons and Merkley ask Americans to donate to the charities that are doing what Coons and Merkley want done?

Could this be the reason why?

That above-posted graphic is supported by an August 2013 Huffington Post report titled One Thing Red States Do Better Than Blue States. Here is the first paragraph of that report:

People who live in deeply religious regions of the country the solid-red states of the Bible Belt and Utah give more of their income to charity than those who dont. Of the top 10 most generous states, according to a Chronicle of Philanthropy study based on itemized charitable contributions among people who made at least $50,000, nine voted for Mitt Romney in 2012.

I cannot vouch for the accuracy of the above-posted statistics by WalletHub and the Huffington Post. However, if those statistics are accurate, then perhaps they explain why Coons and Merkley are modern-day liberals because they dont expect blue-state residents to be classic liberals.

Read the original:
A Tale of Two Modern-Day Liberals - Wizbang (blog)

Liberals Criticize Frelinghuysen’s ‘Intimidation’ of Activist – Roll Call

Liberal activists are criticizing RepublicanRep. Rodney Frelinghuysenover what they call the congressmans intimidation of one of his constituents.

Frelinghuysen sent a campaign fundraising letter to a board member of Lakeland Bank in his district in which he says,But lets be clear that there are organized forces both national and local who are already hard at work to put a stop to an agenda of limited government, economic growth, stronger national security.

In a handwritten footnote at the bottom of the letter, Frelinghuysen wrote, P.S. One of the ringleaders works in your bank,WNYC reported.

Saily Avelenda, who worked as vice president and assistant general counsel for the bank, said she resigned partially because of Frelinghuysens letter.

Ithought my Congressman put them in a situation, and put me in a really bad situation as the constituent, and used his name, used his position and used his stationery to try to punish me," said Avelenda, an activist with the liberal group NJ 11th for Change.

NJ 11th for Change also criticized the congressmans letter, saying in a statement, We are outraged and alarmed by Representative Frelinghuysens intimidating action against an ordinary constituent, as reported this morning by NPR,the group said in a statement. WNYC is an NPR affiliate.

Frelinghuysens office directed questions to his campaign, which issued a written statement saying,The Congressman wrote a brief and innocuous note at the bottom of a personal letter in regard to information that had been reported in the media. He was in no way involved in any of the bank's business and is unaware of any of the particulars about this employee's status with the bank.

But Democratic challenger Mikie Sherrill blasted the New Jersey Republican.

Frelinghuysen has gone from simply refusing to meet with his constituents and telling them to back off, to threatening constituents who are exercising their freedom of speech, he said in a statement.

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View original post here:
Liberals Criticize Frelinghuysen's 'Intimidation' of Activist - Roll Call

Inside the Beltway: Progressives stage a ‘CPAC for liberals’ – Washington Times

Its big doings on Tuesday for those opposed to President Trump. The Center for American Progress convenes a daylong Ideas Conference at an upscale hotel in the nations capital an event rumored to be modeled after the remarkably successful Conservative Political Action Conference, or CPAC. Fox News already has called the conference CPAC for liberals, while Politico reports the event as the first real cattle call of the Democrats nosing around 2020 presidential runs.

Theres something to that. Lawmakers with an eye on the White House are in evidence, along with outspoken Democratic icons. Yes, ever-vigilant C-SPAN will be there beginning at 9 a.m.

On the stage at one point or another: Sens. Elizabeth Warren, Amy Klobuchar, Kamala D. Harris, Kirsten E. Gillibrand, Cory A. Booker and Christopher Murphy; House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi; Reps. Maxine Waters, Keith Ellison and Adam B. Schiff; and Govs. Steve Bullock of Montana and Terry McAuliffe of Virginia, plus Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti.

Former White House Security Adviser Susan E. Rice also will make an appearance. Daily Kos founder Markos Moulitsas and civil right activist DeRay McKesson are among those serving on a panel simply titled The Resistance.

Climate change, reproductive rights and immigration are among the many issues of the day; its that kind of event. The left-leaning press will likely have a jubilant day. Progressive values are under attack, and now more than ever, progressives must not only fight back but also offer the American people a better alternative, advise the organizers.

An evening Progressive Party at a bodacious federal facility features Sen. Charles E. Schumer; tickets range as high as $5,000 each. And just in time, Hillary Clinton has announced that Onward Together, her new political organization, will support Run for Something, a new group that recruits young progressives to run for local office. Co-founder Amanda Litman reports the group already has signed on 10,000 people who are ready to give it a shot.


Viewers who back both conservative values and actor Tim Allen are taking on ABC.

Last Man Standing stands out in the sea of network television sitcoms. It is a show that appeals to a broad swath of Americans who find very few shows that extol the virtues with which they can identify; namely conservative values, states a new public petition on, asking ABC not to cancel Last Man Standing, and calling for a public boycott of the network and its advertisers.

The petition has drawn close to 20,000 signatures in 48 hours.

Last Man Standing was not just selling conservative ideals though, as some of the characters in the show are clearly of the liberal persuasion, yet the characters on the show all manage to get along and take care of one another, despite their politically opposed views. The show is about more than politics though, it is about family. In fact, politics is only a secondary part of the show, but one in which many Americans can readily identify, the petition continues.

Last Man Standing is one of the only shows on broadcast television, and the only sitcom, that is not constantly shoving liberal ideals down the throats of the viewers. And sadly, that is likely the real reason the show has been canceled.


It is a major transportation hub in the nations capital and a monumental train station in the classic sense. Union Station is a block from the U.S. Capitol, and has long been a historic landmark in its own right. There are those who seek naming rights for the site, and it is as complex as naming a major sports arena.

For the third time in three years, Missouri Sens. Claire McCaskill and Roy Blunt have introduced legislation to christen the mammoth station Harry S. Truman Union Station. The 33rd president was indeed a Missouri native, and the lawmakers are eager to honor him. But its complicated.

D.C. Delegate Eleanor Holmes Norton has approved of the bill in past years. Mayor Muriel Bowser has not revealed her opinion, though her predecessor, former Mayor Vincent Gray, says city residents should have their say in the matter.

An ongoing poll conducted by, a local new organization, reveals that 72 percent of Washingtonians would vote nay on the Truman bill if they could.

Truman himself might not have been keen on the idea either, if a 1946 letter to the Independence Examiner is any gauge. Truman contacted the newspaper after it led an effort to rename a local road for the president.

I have no desire to have roads, bridges or buildings named after me, Truman advised the paper.


An unusual bout takes place Tuesday night: Ohio Gov. John Kasich vs. Vermont Sen. Bernard Sanders, both former presidential hopefuls and both with strong opinions on just abut everything. The pair will face off in a town hall debate before a live audience at 9 p.m. EDT on CNN.

Anchors Jake Tapper and Dana Bash will moderate the event, with attention paid to the continuing drama over Obamacare, Trumpcare, tax reform and other topics of excruciating interest.


59 percent of Americans say major climate and science marches in Washington, D.C., during April will encourage scientists to become more politically active; 41 percent of Republicans and 73 percent of Democrats agree.

49 percent say the marches will increase efforts to deal with climate change; 32 percent of Republicans and 62 percent of Democrats agree.

48 percent support the goals of the marches; 25 percent of Republicans and 68 percent of Democrats agree.

48 percent say the marches will raise support for more government science funding; 31 percent of Republicans and 60 percent of Democrats agree.

41 percent say the media cover marches too much; 68 percent of Republicans and 26 percent of Democrats agree.

Source: A Pew Research Center poll of 1,012 U.S. adults conducted May 3-7 and released Friday.

Hoots and hollers to

The rest is here:
Inside the Beltway: Progressives stage a 'CPAC for liberals' - Washington Times

Liberals Are An Inferno Of Flaming Crazy And We Should Pour Gasoline On The Fire – Townhall


Posted: May 15, 2017 12:01 AM

Pity the Democrats, to the extent you can without bursting into hysterical laughter at their agony. America has thoroughly rejected them in every branch of the federal government plus out in the states, and on top of that they were utterly humiliated by the guy they all claimed was a complete moron. Which begs the question what does that make the sanctimonious harpy he crushed in the Electoral College?

They still havent realized whats going on. Their ego-driven drive to dominate normal people and shape us into New Socialist Nongendered Beings has blinded them to the bitter reality.

We think they, along with their minions in the media, in Hollywood, and on campus, suck.

They are baffled at our refusal to acknowledge their moral, intellectual, and political superiority. It doesnt just compute.

Yeah, well compute this, geebos.

You look nuts. I mean wacko, zonked out, Hey, that goldfish is firing a mind control laser at my brain and making me break dance nuts.

But dont stop. No, pump it up. Youre at 11, and I say take it to 12.

This is great!

All this insanity is going to help us normals retain power, from your gyno-hat marches to the fake hate crimes to your insistence that the Russians are responsible for everything from Hillary losing the election to the rarely-discussed but well-known liberal epidemic of ED.

Heres a little test. Its been about six months since Trump treated The Smartest Most Accomplished Woman In The World like a NordicTrack treats Harry Reid, and does anyone know even one person who has said, You know, I voted for Trump, but now after Neil Gorsuch, General Mattis and H.R. McMaster, I really wish I had checked the box for Felonia von Pantsuit?

Im not talking about alt-right weirdos they dont count. I mean literally, unless they remove their off-brand Nike knock-offs. I mean normal people. Who voted for Trump and now says something remotely like this?

Yeah, I really regret not letting Hillary pick a SCOTUS judge who thinks the Constitution bans guns but mandates taxpayer-subsidized transsexual abortions!

Wow, that 70% drop in illegal alien entries into America and all those deportations of MS-13 guys are depriving the country of valuable, productive future Democrat voters!

Gosh, I hate so much how Trump has paid attention to that sliver of our country lying between I-5 and I-95!

It was Ashley Judds v-cap slam poetry, combined with Bill Nyes sex confusion clip, that convinced me what America needs is liberals back in power!

No one.

No one who voted for Trump has ever said any of those things. Oh, they might have voted for him reluctantly, but no statistically significant slice of them wish they hadnt.

But the Democrats work under the assumption that such folk exist and are receptive to their tantrums. Good! These liberals are crazy, and theyre stupid, and we totally need to encourage them to keep doing crazy, stupid things.

We conservatives are supposed to be terrified by polls that say that the House could flip to the Dems in 2018. Just ask President Clinton about how the liberal wishcasting multiplier effect on the polls worked for her, but the fact is that we have 18 months to go. On the Democrat side, it looks to be 18 months of kookiness that will leave us normals scratching our heads and snickering.

Yes, I know that just this morning I was saying Comey should have been fired but then Trump actually did it and his doing what I suggested is the worst constitutional crisis ever!

Bombing Putins ally was a cunning ploy to throw us off the trail!

Why, even though failed FBI Director Jim Comey, James MC Leakmaster J Clapper, Diane Crypt-keeping It Real Feinstein, and even noted particle physicist Maxine Waters concede that theres no evidence that Trump and Putin are breeding a collusive love child, Im still convinced of the existence of this sweeping, enormous, and invisible conspiracy that occurred for some reason somehow, and about which absolutely zero evidence of Trump collusion has leaked out during ten months of colonoscopy-esque investigation despite everything else leaking out.

Sounds legit.

Sure, Congress polls right around the popularity of Outhouse scuba diving and Borrowing Charlie Sheens toothbrush, but then who wants to live in a country where we like our politicians? Its not like in 2016 we were high-fiving these guys. We get that a GOP Congress is a necessary evil. But we also get that a Democrat Congress is an unnecessary evil.

And while these liberal spazzes and their fussy Fredocon gimps are shrieking about the coming Armageddon in their high-pitched, girlish voices, Trump is just rolling along. Special prosecutor, schmecial prosecutor hes not falling for it. And did you see the ten judges he just nominated? You usually have to come up with roses and champagne to score like that.

Heres how this goes. The Democrats, along with the media and Team Tinfoil, keep whining about Russians Russians Russians, and normal people keep tuning them out. While theyre babbling about nonsense that means nothing outside of the coastal looney bins, normal people are tuning into how the stock market and the job market just keep getting better, how were not taking guff from foreign creeps anymore, and were not talking about how much taxes will go up but about how much theyll go down.

Tax reform is going to pass. Obamacare is getting repealed its as dead in the Senate as it was in the House, which is not at all. Our military is getting rebuilt. Were going to stop leading with our chin on trade. Things are going to keep getting better, and people will see it.

The only way the President can still screw this up is by choosing to screw this up. He wont do it by messing with liberals. Keep tweeting those twerps into a sputtering rage! It pays dividends every time he provokes them to new heights of lunacy.

No, the President only fails by forgetting his conservative friends, and that is becoming a problem. Where are the hardcore cons at State and Defense? He needs to get solid business leader Anthony Scaramucci into the White House, like we conservatives were promised (A guy who can raise $20 million might come in handy). And as for judges, well, the motto for conservatives is No Justice Willett, No Peace.

The Democrats are being crazy and its a bad look. So lets keep helping them do it. We can pity them even as we laugh at them.

Federal Judges Ask if Travel Ban Is Biased Against Muslims

More here:
Liberals Are An Inferno Of Flaming Crazy And We Should Pour Gasoline On The Fire - Townhall