Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

UNTOLD: Are Liberals Narrow-minded? – Youth Radio

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I am a democrat, and similar to many of my fellow liberals we tend to be biased against many conservatives. Although there is a common misconception that young people do not care about politics, that is my no means the case in my school community. All of us, conservatives and liberals alike, zealously feed off of like-minded individuals and scoff at the opposing side. At my school, Saint Marys College High School in Berkeley, conservatives are severely outnumbered which makes sense given the bay areas history: from being the birthplace of the free speech movement decades ago, to recently hosting the womens march in protest of the election of president trump.

Due to this, conservatives are not always afforded the dignity and respect that is their basic human right. For many fellow liberals, this notion is absurd. Those who do not believe in a womans right to chose, who not only support a president that is notorious for spewing rhetoric that degrades women but is also officially backed by numerous hate groups such as the KKK.

Keeping this in mind, surely we, the left who champion various social justice issues and advocate for the equality of all human beings must be on the side of right.



I hate to break it to us but it appears that the so-called side of right seems to be in the wrong.

Mali M.Dandridge is a Bridge Journalism student at Youth Radio. She was raised in the Bay Area- specifically, Oakland, Ca. It was there that her love of storytelling blossomed. Her pieces have thus far followed the theme of untold stories which reflects her dedication to revealing the undisclosed truths of others. She currently attends Saint Marys College High School in Berkeley, and she plans to graduate in the spring of 2018. She then plans to continue her education at a university of her choosing.

Tags: Berkeley, conservative, democrat, liberal, Lit Mag, narrow-minded, Republican, student, Trump, untold, youth radio

Originally posted here:
UNTOLD: Are Liberals Narrow-minded? - Youth Radio

Thoughts on how liberals conflate issues (column) – York Daily Record/Sunday News

Jon Johnston 3:56 p.m. ET March 20, 2017

Been thinking about Democratic Party tactics specifically conflating (associating or overlapping two disparate ideas/dynamics with each other) as means to (1) scam Obama's and Hillary's base (not people one associates with those who are well-read or prone to do their homework) and/or (2) change the debate (whatever the subject du jour). By its nature this tactic is more successfully utilized by leftists (as opposed to normal people) who can achieve and advance power only through obfuscation, lest the proverbial "light of day" expose them for what they are.

A multitude of recent examples spring to mind. Leftists (proven to be no friends of our Constitution), being repeatedly hammered for supporting/encouraging unfettered access to our country for illegal aliens now conflate the terms immigration and illegal immigration to wind up with just the term immigration.

So, while normal people hear immigration as applying to those who actually obey our laws and respect our national sovereignty, Obama's/Hillary's base hears that word applying both to the aforementioned as well as to liars, criminals, or cheats (essentially, the definition of illegal aliens). Conflating the two terms (legal and illegal) allows party officials and their "useful idiots" (to borrow from an apt Soviet term) a platform to advance their plan for open borders.

Paraphrasing the O.J. Simpson trial "sidebar": somebody at York Democratic Party HQ please step up to the plate, and tell the rest of us in York County what 1,000,000 illegal immigrants flooding across open border during the next 12 months will look like, either downtown or in the burbs? I'm thinking, for instance, jobwise? How many jobs are available in York County? Who, exactly, is going to support the rest of that 1,000,000 influx?

A favorite leftist topic has been Russian hacking into the presidential election. Now here is a conflator's dream (again, a Democrat). First there's the conflating of hacking with interfering. The implied, always implied, thought implanted in small minds is that those dirty Russkies changed the vote count (in the voting machines). But, if Hillary and her co-conspirators can scam her base into thinking that is what happened ("Please pay no attention to that man behind the curtain" John Podesta whose hacked account exposed Hillary for the criminal mastermind she is) or (OR) conflate that news by associating presidential candidate Trump "talking to the Russian. Voila! Trump and those Ruskies stole the election!

How about this one. MSNBC's Rachel Madcow made a point of telling her robotic listeners that it is not illegal to "publish" the two-page 2005 IRS tax return of Donald Trump. (A) It is a felony for an IRS employee to disclose someone's tax returns, (B) knowing that it is illegal, no one pointed a gun at Madcow's head, and told her she must tell everyone about the details. By using the tactic of conflating, she misdirects the Hillary/Obama base instead toward her scoop.

And the ongoing conflating of the AHCA (Republican version) versus Obamacare is true rhetorical genius. Note the left's tired rhetoric that replacing Obamacare would result in millions of people winding up sans insurance. I could be stretching the definition of insurance coverage a tad, but it doesn't require a MENSA-level IQ to realize that as we sit here, millions of Americans who have five-figure family deductibles as well as monthly insurance premiums higher than a car payment don't have insurance!

Although I'm partisan, I'm not fanatical enough that I don't realize there are many, many folks who voted Democrat who are not politically ignorant. The question is how many will exhibit the integrity to step forward, renounce what the party has become, recognize that each vote for a Democrat fuels the party machine, and that party officials will crush whatever sane people attempt to reform that group.

I'm not one to "hog the ball" so I'll let someone else jump in to discuss conflating global warming with man-made global warning.

Jon Johnston lives in Windsor Township.

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Thoughts on how liberals conflate issues (column) - York Daily Record/Sunday News

Tim Allen Calls Out Hollywood Liberals: ‘This is Like 30s Germany’ – Fox News Insider

Comedian Tim Allen said being a Republican in Hollywood can be difficult because the majority of people in show business tend to be staunchly liberal.

"You gotta be real careful around here, you know. You'll get beat up if you don't believe what everybody believes," Allen told ABC's Jimmy Kimmel.

"This is like 30s Germany," the "Last Man Standing" and "Home Improvement" star said. "I don't know what happened. If you're not part of the group: 'You know what we believe is right', I go 'Well, I might have a problem with that.'"

Pirro: The Intolerant Left is 'Changing the Rules' on Law and Ethics

Trump: Obama's Been Nice Personally, But There's 'Animosity' From His People

O'Reilly Slams Hillary's Speech: 'Most Divisive Woman in the Country'

Allen, 63, is one of a few known Republican or conservative-leaning actors in Hollywood, the list of which also includes Dennis Miller, Jon Voight, Kelsey Grammer and James Woods.

Allen's political views have occasionally ruffled feathers, like when his current program reportedly edited-out his jokes about President Obama being "a Communist," as well as banter about Hillary Clinton, according to Fox News Radio.

He supported Gov. John Kasich (R-Ohio) in the Republican primary, according to the Independent Journal Review.

Allen also told Kimmel he attended President Trump's inauguration in Washington, and attended a veterans' ball at the time.

He also discussed his concerns about privacy from government surveillance.

"If a government drove by down the street with like a gray sedan with a camera on it, you'd be rioting and going to Washington. But if it's white with emojis and Google on it, 'yay', you're waving at it [while] they're taking pictures of your house."

Bolling: 'RINO' Establishment Must Get Out of the Way of the 'Trump Train'

Feinstein on Trump: 'I Think He's Going to Get Himself Out' Of Office

Dershowitz: If Obama Issued Trump's Travel Ban, It Would've Been Upheld

See more here:
Tim Allen Calls Out Hollywood Liberals: 'This is Like 30s Germany' - Fox News Insider

LEVY: Ontario Liberals may be losing death grip on Toronto: Poll – Canoe

Sue-Ann Levy, Toronto Sun Mar 17, 2017

, Last Updated: 8:18 PM ET

TORONTO - Is Toronto ground zero for latte-sipping elitists and the Liberal machine poised to paint itself Tory blue in the next provincial race?

A Forum poll, released exclusively to the Toronto Sun, shows that the Progressive Conservative lead in Toronto over the Kathleen Wynne-led Liberals has jumped four percentage points in the last month with 36% of those polled saying theyd vote Tory in the 2018 election, compared to 31% for the Grits.

The poll of 966 Toronto voters from March 8-10 shows the PC tide prevails despite Wynnes attempts to buy back support with her March 1 promise to lower Hydro rates by 25%.

Tory Leader Patrick Brown and his PCs are commanding huge leads in the former North York, York and Etobicoke and are running neck and neck with the Liberals in Scarborough.

The downtown chattering classes and residents of the former East York seem to be the only Liberal holdouts in this latest poll not surprising given the Lib-left grip on downtown and East York wards on Toronto city council. But the NDP is not far behind in both those areas of the city.

Forum president Lorne Bozinoff said the poll numbers show a continuing shift away from the Liberals and if they hold up until the June 2018 election, Wynne and her Liberals would be in big, big trouble in Toronto.

One would expect that Toronto is where the Liberals are the strongest, he said. These are Tory sweep kind of numbers.

To say the Liberals are strong (and have traditionally been strong) in Toronto is an understatement.

I saw it when I ran in the 2009 St. Pauls byelection as a PC candidate against Liberal Eric Hoskins and knocked on doors where residents insisted theyd voted Liberal since the dawn of time and would never change, no matter what.

Save for PC Raymond Chos September 2016 surprise byelection win in ScarboroughRouge River and two NDP ridings, Toronto is a Liberal stranglehold.

All 19 of the remaining 22 seats are held by Liberals no matter how much arrogance and disdain they show towards voters, no matter how much they mortgage our future and no matter how much they ruin health care. And lets not forget how the Liberals have sidelined doctors, kowtowed to their favourite unions and made a mess of most things they deal with most specifically hydro.

I have forever wondered when voters would have enough and perhaps the time has finally come.

Lets be practical however. The election is still more than a year out and it all depends on what Brown does to convince voters (particularly in Toronto) he can win. For far too many, hes still very much an unknown entity.

It also depends on what the Liberals plan to do with their hugely unpopular leader, although there is little strength on the benches and I cant for the life of me think of one cabinet minister whod re-energize their dying fortunes.

Bozinoff said the latest poll numbers reflect a number of things that the Wynne Liberals have not addressed (other than with the latest Band-Aid) including hydro rates and the real estate bubble that has made homes unaffordable in Toronto.

He said people are just generally tired of seeing the same politicians on TV all with the baggage of 14 years in government.

Theres also the Trump effect. Bozinoff said Wynne is just not connecting well with the average Ontarian and the daily issues they face.

The poll showed another interesting connection between party affiliation and who would vote for Toronto mayor.

Those more likely to support the PCs are 45-64 years of age, male, wealthier and would vote for Doug Ford for Toronto mayor. Liberal supporters in this poll are 65-plus, transit riders and would support John Tory.

Click here for the full poll results.

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LEVY: Ontario Liberals may be losing death grip on Toronto: Poll - Canoe

The Horror of Smug Liberals – New York Times

New York Times
The Horror of Smug Liberals
New York Times
Oh, those smooth-talking, self-congratulating white liberals. Listen to them moon over Barack Obama. Look at how widely they open their arms to a black visitor. Don't be duped. They're wolves in L. L. Bean clothing. There's danger under the fleece ...

Read more:
The Horror of Smug Liberals - New York Times