UNTOLD: Are Liberals Narrow-minded? – Youth Radio
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I am a democrat, and similar to many of my fellow liberals we tend to be biased against many conservatives. Although there is a common misconception that young people do not care about politics, that is my no means the case in my school community. All of us, conservatives and liberals alike, zealously feed off of like-minded individuals and scoff at the opposing side. At my school, Saint Marys College High School in Berkeley, conservatives are severely outnumbered which makes sense given the bay areas history: from being the birthplace of the free speech movement decades ago, to recently hosting the womens march in protest of the election of president trump.
Due to this, conservatives are not always afforded the dignity and respect that is their basic human right. For many fellow liberals, this notion is absurd. Those who do not believe in a womans right to chose, who not only support a president that is notorious for spewing rhetoric that degrades women but is also officially backed by numerous hate groups such as the KKK.
Keeping this in mind, surely we, the left who champion various social justice issues and advocate for the equality of all human beings must be on the side of right.
I hate to break it to us but it appears that the so-called side of right seems to be in the wrong.
Mali M.Dandridge is a Bridge Journalism student at Youth Radio. She was raised in the Bay Area- specifically, Oakland, Ca. It was there that her love of storytelling blossomed. Her pieces have thus far followed the theme of untold stories which reflects her dedication to revealing the undisclosed truths of others. She currently attends Saint Marys College High School in Berkeley, and she plans to graduate in the spring of 2018. She then plans to continue her education at a university of her choosing.
Tags: Berkeley, conservative, democrat, liberal, Lit Mag, narrow-minded, Republican, student, Trump, untold, youth radio
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UNTOLD: Are Liberals Narrow-minded? - Youth Radio