Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

Liberalism’s Fake Sense of Morality – Townhall


Posted: Feb 27, 2017 12:01 AM

Liberals constantly stake a claim to some religion-free moral high ground, which is laughable considering liberalisms ideology is immoral at its core. Since November of last year, leftists have been too blinded by inane hatred for Trump to see the irony.

Sure, there are liberals out there who lead decent lives and you can find some on the other side who dont. Difference is, though, the longer a liberal remains liberal, the harder it is for them to see the light...the truththat all their ideology does is cover them with a cloak of morality.

The false sense of morality gives them license to live a life filled with double standards. Whats wrong is wrong, right? No. Their skewed perception of right and wrong allows them to believe its okay to do wrong, but its not okay for those on the right, both religious and secular. Which is why they found it perfectly acceptable for recent womens marches, supposedly protesting a decade-old nasty Trump joke, to chant obscenities through a microphone and put on a display of vulgarity, filthy enough to make even Trump blush.

As a wise person once said: There are none so blind as those who will not see.

Enough already with the fake moral outrage.

Clear and simple, liberals hate Trump because he beat Hillary Clinton. Period. End of story. They are so overcome by anger and hatred, they fail to realize that until recently, Trump could have been their candidate.

I say until recently because Trump is transitioningtransformingchanging. Prayer works, and Trumps blanketedcovered with it. Surrounding himself with some incredibly adept advisors doesnt hurt either.

Another huge factor in this evolution is that with each fake news report or violent riot or piece of leaked information Trump is becoming less like a liberal and more like Ronald Reagan. Who Trump was during the primaries is not who he is today.

Liberals cant handle that this immoral man received a moral mandate to do what is right for America.

And, by gosh, hes doing it, despite the snotty-nosed brats who continue to throw tantrums and wet their pants every time Trump takes positive action to restore America to her former greatness.

Trump made no pretense about who he was and is doing exactly what he said he would do versus the self-serving candidates liberals typically choose, who put on a mask of morality every election cycle.

Thats why their beloved former Sen. Harry Reid had no problem telling a bold-faced lie about Mitt Romneys taxes during the 2012 presidential election. Years later, an unrepentant Reid justified his actions during a news interview where he refused to acknowledge wrongdoing saying, with an arrogant grin, Well, they can call it whatever they want, Romney didnt win, did he?

The Washington Post gave three Pinocchios to the lefts Coolest Prez, ever, Obama, who made a campaign promise that insurance premiums would decrease under Obamacare. Obama was also responsible for this fish tale: If you like your doctor, you will be able to keep doctor. Period. If you like your health care plan, you will be able to keep your health care plan. Period. No one will take it away. No matter what.

But were not supposed to notice the duplicity, were supposed to dwell on the good intentions of a party devoid of conscience.

Folks, this really isnt about politics. Im genuinely concerned some of our liberal friends are drowning in an ideology every bit as dangerous as Eves apple. Every time they take a bite, they are tempted to believe its okay to lie and hate and suppose they are morally superior to everyone else -- for absolutely no reason at all.

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Liberalism's Fake Sense of Morality - Townhall

Liberals propose dialing back new MHA pensions, could save $5.2 million –

The Newfoundland and Labrador government could be once again making a changeto the pension plansof newly-elected MHAs.

In a tweet Monday morning, the Liberal caucus posted a letter from ChairRandy Edmunds to House of Assembly Speaker Tom Osborne requesting that the legislature's management commission explore moving to a defined contribution pension plan for members elected in 2015 and beyond.

That's a change from last December, when the house voted to grandfatherMHAs in the older, more lucrative plan despite earlier recommendations that they fall under a new pension plan.

In his letter, Edmunds said that the change the Liberals are now proposingcould save government as much as $5.2 million, compared to the $3.6 million that would have been saved with the original recommendation thatthe Members' Compensation Review Committee proposed before the vote last December.

If passed, the change would affect20 MHAs first elected in the 2015 election 19 Liberals, and one Progressive Conservative.

While the total savings could be $5.2 million, the actual amount depends on whetherMHAsarere-elected for a second term and become eligible for pensions.

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Liberals propose dialing back new MHA pensions, could save $5.2 million -

Oscars 2017: Conservatives, liberals, filmmakers. Who isn’t boycotting? – The San Diego Union-Tribune

Another year, another Oscars boycott. Several, actually.

But the difference this year is that theplanned boycotts of Sunday nightsAcademy Awards ceremony have less to do with race and diversity in Hollywood, as was the case last year, andmore to do with nationalpolitics

On one side of the political spectrum, conservatives and supporters of Donald Trump will skip the Oscars ceremony to protest bitter people of the entertainment industry including Meryl Streep andAlec Baldwin, both known for blasting President Donald Trump on live television. On the other side of the political spectrum, people objecting to Trumps travel ban will use the Oscars as a stage to air their criticism.

Related:'Oscar Not So White' after 2017 Academy Award nominations

A group of Republican women out of Tempe, Arizona, announced their boycott on Facebook with a post that calls for others to skipthe ceremony, change the channel or go for a walk with your family members and tell them how much you love them.

Many conservatives were irritated byanacceptance speech by Streep at the Golden Globe Awards. While outspoken liberals applauded the speech in which Streep criticized Trump without using his name, vocal conservatives said the speech was out of touch with much of America.

Let them know that we will not be silenced and that we are no longer going to be shamed for what we believe,the Tempe Republican Womens post reads. We must continue the fight! Boycott the Academy.

The same weekend Trump issued an executive order banning entry to refugees and foreigners from seven mostly Muslim countries, Iranian filmmaker Asghar Farhadi said he would skip the Oscars. Farhadis film The Salesman is nominated for best foreign language film this year.

Countries affected by the ban include Iran, where Farhadi comes from, but he told Variety that he would still skip the Oscarseven if exceptions were made to let him into the U.S.

Joining her film director,actress Taraneh Alidoosti called the visa ban racist and she would not attend the Academy Awards in protest.

Hollywood talent agency UTA, which represents Farhadi,also announced that it would cancel its traditional Oscars party and holda pro-immigration rally instead, Deadline Hollywood reported.

In years past, Trump has been an avid viewer of the Oscars offering much more than his two cents on Twitter in past yearsbut the president doesnt plan to watchthe Academy Awards on Sunday night because ofanother event highlighting his new role.

Though the reasons are not explicitly political, Trump wont be watching the Oscars because he will be attending the annual Governors Ball at the White House on Sunday.

Are you watching the Oscars or are you skipping the eventyourself? Chime in.

Join me in a conversation: Shoot me a private email with your thoughts or ideas on a different approach to this story. As always, you can alsosend usa tweet.

Twitter: @RunGomez

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Oscars 2017: Conservatives, liberals, filmmakers. Who isn't boycotting? - The San Diego Union-Tribune

Liberals and Trump – New York Times

New York Times
Liberals and Trump
New York Times
To the Editor: Re Are Liberals Helping Trump? (news analysis, Sunday Review, Feb. 19): Liberals are not to blame for the movement of moderate conservatives into the Trump camp. Rather, it is these moderate conservatives' defensiveness that keeps them ...

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Liberals and Trump - New York Times

5 ideas liberals and conservatives could agree on – Detroit Free Press

Michael J. Reitz, Guest Writer 11:15 p.m. ET Feb. 25, 2017

The Michigan State Capitol building on Monday, Nov. 28, 2016, in Lansing.(Photo: Elaine Cromie/Detroit Free Press)Buy Photo

Donald Trumps election unsettled many people. Hundreds of thousands of people are protesting his presidency, appointees and policies. And here in Michigan, Republicans control the governors office and both chambers of the Michigan Legislature. If you find yourself in the political minority, take heart.

There are a number of proposals lawmakers may tackle that all voters could support ideas that would especially benefit Michigans neediest residents.

Here are five ideas to consider:

Eliminate barriers to jobs:The best anti-poverty program, by far, is a good job. Work provides resources, yes, but it also gives a person a greater sense of worth, dignity and purpose. Do you remember your first job? Chances are it was tough, low-paying and something you wouldnt want to do again. But I bet you are grateful for it and can recite many lessons you learned in the role. Giving people a clear path to a job is a noble and life-affirming task.

The State of Michigan requires a license for more than 200 occupations, which affects more than 20% of workers. (Compare that to the minimum wage, which applies to only 1% of workers.) Installing wood floors, laying concrete, painting a wall, siding a house these all require permission from a government agency. The states licenses are usually accompanied by high fees and costly training. The result? We prevent people from obtaining meaningful work.

Improve the states school-ranking system:In January, the Michigan School Reform Office announced that 38 academically struggling schools could face closure after three straight years of low achievement. This announcement understandably ignited concerns.

While accountability is critically important, the manner of evaluating schools could be improved. The states Top-to-Bottom ranking merely assesses schools based on average student test scores.It fails to take student poverty into account. As a result, schools that are demonstrating growth in spite of socioeconomic hurdles can be unfairly penalized.

Promote criminal justice reform:An effective criminal justice system achieves public safety while maximizing resources. Michigan incarcerates more than 43,000 people and spends $2 billion each year on corrections. Prison sentences and prison stays here, which exceed national averages in length, consume ever more money. The state could improve how it collects and manages data to help researchers and policymakers better understand rehabilitation, prisoner re-entry and recidivism; bills in the Senate will do this.

Michigan has 3,100 criminal statutes on the books. The Legislature could reduce the likelihood that you unwittingly commit a crime by repealing outdated or duplicative laws.

If you are suspected of a crime, the police can confiscate your cash and property without an arrest or conviction. Lawmakers should protect individual property rights by banning forfeiture without the conviction of a crime.

Give citizens a tax cut:Lawmakers should reconsider a bill that would roll back the personal income tax. This would let taxpayers keep their own money and do more to boost the economy than the states costly corporate-welfare giveaways. Families can make better decisions about how to spend their money than lawmakers and bureaucrats who try to lure companies through subsidies, credits and targeted tax cuts.

Shine the light on government actions:One of the lessons from the Flint water crisis is that open government is good government. Michigan is the only state with a law that specifically exempts the governor from its Freedom of Information Act. The Legislature is also exempt from FOIA. As a result, documents and communication within those branches of government are not available to the public.

Its time to extend FOIAs requirements to the governor and the Legislature. As the law explains: The people shall be informed so that they may fully participate in the democratic process.

Casting a vote in a presidential election is a great privilege and right, but one need not wait until 2020 to practice civic engagement. There are real opportunities in 2017 to promote and advance ideas to help the people of Michigan.

Michael Reitz is the executive vice president of the Mackinac Center for Public Policy in Midland.

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5 ideas liberals and conservatives could agree on - Detroit Free Press