Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

MELVYN FEIN: Liberals at the barricades –

During the early nineteenth century, when the French were unhappy with their governments, they went to the barricades. The Parisians would tear up their streets to use the cobblestones to construct barriers from which they could fight the authorities. These served as a defense while they sought to defeat the army or police.

Today it is the liberals who are at the barricades. They hate the Trump administration and hope to overthrow it. As a consequence, they are using every weapon in their arsenal to prevent him from implementing his policies.

This should not be too surprising. Although it is unprecedented in American history, it fits in with the socialist agenda. Lest we forget, liberals are socialists. As such, they are heirs to a tradition of revolution and unrest. They see nothing wrong with toppling regimes with which they disagree.

And make no mistake about it; liberals want to depose Trump. They boast about protesting, but that is not what they are doing. They are seeking to sabotage and intimidate. The goal is to wrest the government from Republican hands, so that it does their own bidding.

Liberals are not democrats. They do not respect traditions of compromise and moderation. For them, the laws and constitution are tools. If these enable them to get want they want, they are followed. If not, they are ignored.

Consider the many ways that liberals are attempting to impose their will. Because they regard themselves the best and the brightest, they have no scruples about dictating how others should behave. As they see it, if they must force foul tasting medicines down our throats, it is for our own good.

This includes ignoring the plain words of the constitution. One of Americas great strengths is that we are a nation of laws. We defer to these rather than the whims of arrogant authorities. Not so, for liberals. If they conclude that the law might thwart their desires, the law is set aside.

Unelected judges did exactly this when they put a halt to Trumps temporary pause on immigration from terrorist permeated states. These magistrates did not apply the law as written. They simply decided that they knew what was in the countrys interest and enforced it.

Democratic senators behaved in the same way. Despite a long tradition of allowing presidents to appoint cabinet officers who share their views, they slow-walked the confirmation process. Although they realized they would lose, they hoped to prevent a conservative administration from governing.

Washingtons entrenched bureaucracy followed suit. Functionaries with matching socialist leanings refused to obey lawful administrative directives. They even leaked sensitive information that might disrupt Trumps foreign policy. Anything that challenged their technocratic control was fair game.

Then there were the mobs. They were everywhere. They prevented speakers from appearing on college campuses. They interrupted the townhall meetings of legislators. They attempted to prevent a hated Secretary of Education from visiting a public school.

Next, there were the journalists who put a target on the back of Trump and anyone associated with him. Nothing the new government did met with their approval. As a consequence, they said whatever was required to make him and his people look bad. Truth and accuracy had little to do with their stories.

The central aim of socialists is to dominate the government. They believe in achieving this by any means necessary. It does not matter to them who won an election. They dont care whether this was by fair or foul means. All that matters is whether they get to pull the strings.

Thus, when the governor of the state of Washington did a gig about a court decision that stymied Trump, he was dancing on the grave of the constitution. Likewise, when Elizabeth Warren got bent out of shape when stopped from violating Senate rules, she was thumbing her nose at institutional integrity.

This is what socialists do. It is part of their revolutionary heritage. If you hate America and all it stands for, this makes them heroes. But if you love our nation and its history, it confirms that they are a threat to our values!

Melvyn L. Fein, Ph.D. is a professor of sociology

at Kennesaw State University.

See more here:
MELVYN FEIN: Liberals at the barricades -

Are Liberals Helping Trump? – New York Times

New York Times
Are Liberals Helping Trump?
New York Times
Mr. Medford should be a natural ally for liberals trying to convince the country that Mr. Trump was a bad choice. But it is not working out that way. Every time Mr. Medford dips into the political debate either with strangers on Facebook or friends ...

The rest is here:
Are Liberals Helping Trump? - New York Times

Female Muslim Proudly Votes For Trump, Liberals Act As Expected [VIDEO] – Daily Caller


Standing courageously against the orthodoxy of the lefts promoted stereotypes of Trump voters is Asra Nomani, a life-long liberal, female Muslim immigrant.

After explaining her vote for President Donald Trump, she endured a torrent of hate, vitriol and swift condemnation from the intolerant liberal left, many of her old friends and current colleagues. (RELATED: F**K YOU. GO TO HELL: Georgetown Prof Loses It On Muslim Trump Voter)

Nomani, raised in West Virginia, is a respected journalist and author, who has dedicated the last 15 years to reforming her Muslim religion since the murder of Daniel Pearl, her friend and colleague at the Wall Street Journal.

Nomani calls what Americans are facing since the election an insurgency or a civil war, as she watches Americas escalating violence, disruption and social chaos. In the distorted eyes of the left, Nomani can be called a fascist, racist or hater because by voting for Trump, she has left the tribe and needs to be ostracized or killed, she says with her fingers in quotes.

The resolute, soft-spoken Muslim, who does not wear a headscarf, has learned not be defined by other peoples idea of what it means to be honorable. In this interview, she spoke as a shameless person who voted for Trump, refusing to internalize the shaming by her old friends.

In this exclusive video interview for The Daily Caller News Foundation, Nomani worries that America is losing the ability to live peacefully with those who differ from each other. Its on us to be the civility we want to see in the world, although hate-filled message boards should be moderated by those who run them, she adds. (RELATED:Psycho Shrew: Georgetown Prof Doubles Down After Attacking Muslim Trump Voter)

Conservatives, who are attracting new allegiances, have an opportunity to expand their numbers since the national election, she says. The intolerance, anger and vulgarity surfacing by the radical left is now eroding their popular support, driving many away with their any means necessary tactics rare in America.

Hoping they will call out any intolerance in their ranks, Nomani calls on conservatives to expand their numbers by welcoming those being pushed out by the intolerant left.

Nomani wrote a revealing investigative pieceon the violent protests against Milo Yiannopoulos speaking at the University of California, Berkeley recently. Berkeley is known to her as a place housing the honor brigade, which has tried to silence the debate on Islamic extremism. In her piece, she tracked the hashtag, #ShutMiloDown, to an agitation website fomenting speech-stopping violence months before the Feb. 1 violence.

She is watching the far left working with the far right of her faith, including the Muslim Brotherhood, to create a powder keg environment. Her focus is encouraging greater awareness, exposure and then defeat of this dangerous network.

People in the media consider certain involved organizations as untouchable sacred cows, such as ACLU and Planned Parenthood, Nomani says.

Everybody is more than happy to follow the money when it comes to the Koch brothers, right?, she says. The journalist believes we have to equally follow the money on the left to see how these influencers are trying to affect our society and politics.

Nomani considered attending the so-called Womens March but then realized it was not for all women; it was for women who despised Donald Trump.

The last seven minutes of the video interview is a tribute to her murdered friend and colleague, Daniel Pearl,from the Washington bureau of the Wall Street Journal who was beheaded by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed 15 years ago.

The terrorists used two weapons, she says, a knife to his neck and a camera for their propaganda to recruit and radicalize more Muslims. Her lifes mission is now irreparably altered because she was forced to confront the truth and the dangerous ideology she found herself facing in the murder of Danny Pearl. She views extreme Islam as the number one threat to America. Until stopped, Americans cant live with peace, safety, security and self-determination, she says.

For more on Nomani, read her booksor follow her on Twitter at @AsraNomani.

Videographer Sean Moody is credited with the video work for this piece.

Mrs. Thomas does not necessarily support or endorse the products, services or positions promoted in any advertisement contained herein, and does not have control over or receive compensation from any advertiser.

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Female Muslim Proudly Votes For Trump, Liberals Act As Expected [VIDEO] - Daily Caller

Charles Davenport Jr.: Liberals favor protest over law – Greensboro News & Record

When it comes to mobilizing the base, realists on the right will grudgingly concede that liberals outperform conservatives. Its not even close. Progressives march, demonstrate, boycott and raise hell at the drop of a hat; the traditionalist, in response, rolls his eyes, bites his tongue and goes to work.

The efforts of noisy, left-wing agitators do not always or even, usually lead to electoral success. Still, to those of us who prefer order over chaos, law over anarchy and assimilation over multiculturalism, progressives domination of the news cycle, day after day, is tiresome.

A partial explanation comes to mind: Liberals typically argue with emotional appeals, while conservatives are persuaded by reason and evidence. Of the two forms of persuasion, an emotional appeal is more likely to inspire protests (which often include vandalism, arson and assorted acts of violence). Those who read newspapers or watch serious television news understand that professional journalists are highly skilled practitioners of the emotional appeal.

Reason and evidence might persuade, but they dont drive frenzied mobs into the streets. A high-profile illustration is the manner in which each camp has reacted to President Donald Trumps executive action on immigration.

The Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals began its convoluted, legally indefensible ruling on Trumps immigration order as follows: To rule on the Governments motion, we must consider several factors, including whether the Government has shown that it is likely to succeed on the merits of its appeal, the degree of hardship caused by a stay or its denial, and the public interest in granting or denying a stay.

Of the three factors mentioned by the court, the second and third are irrelevant; only the first (legal merit) matters. But, for obvious reasons, the court studiously avoided the law most pertinent to its decision: Title 8 US Code, section 1182(f). That law had to be ignored, for it represents an insurmountable stumbling block (or should I say wall?) in the path of the courts predetermined ideological outcome: a defeat for Trump.

Judge for yourself. Here is Title 8 US Code, section 1182(f): Whenever the President finds that the entry of any aliens or of any class of aliens into the United States would be detrimental to the interests of the United States, he may by proclamation, and for such period as he shall deem necessary, suspend the entry of all aliens or any class of aliens as immigrants or nonimmigrants, or impose on the entry of aliens any restrictions he may deem to be appropriate.

Passive news consumers, those who obtain their information (if any) from celebrities, Facebook and the E! television network, have never heard of the relevant immigration law. Because of the limited, largely inaccurate and inflammatory information they receive, they take to the streets to shout, burn and loot.

Only active news consumers, those who seek out additional (and legitimate) sources of information are aware of section 1182(f). If the law is what matters, its a slam-dunk. Case closed. That is a rational, evidence-based argument.

But among progressives, including the frequently overturned, activist Ninth Circuit Court, whether Trumps executive order is legal doesnt matter at all; what matters is delegitimizing the Trump administration and obstructing its progress. By any means necessary legal or not.

The Ninth Circuits decision advances the left-wing portrayal of Trump as an ignorant bigot who discriminates against Muslims (and blacks, women, gays, lesbians, the poor, the handicapped, etc.). That is an emotional appeal. Among leftists, the illusion of hate is a great motivational tool. It is quite effective, unfortunately, but it has nothing to do with the law.

Charles Davenport Jr. is a News & Record columnist who is published on the first and third Sundays of the month. Contact him at

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Charles Davenport Jr.: Liberals favor protest over law - Greensboro News & Record

Whiny Liberals: New York City Moms Kill Skating Party Because Trump Renovated The Rink – Townhall

A group of liberal moms at an elite New York City school torpedoed an annual ice-skating party because Donald Trump rebuilt the rink in the 1980s. The Dalton School said that the event was shelved due to low participation, thoughreported anti-Trump sentiment is said to be the real reason. When The New York Post asked the school's parent association president about the allegation, she refused to comment:

I think it is completely insane, said one Dalton parent who disagrees with the protest. Like him or not, it feels like a strange place for New Yorkers to protest. And sad that kids now have no skating party.

Before Trump took over the project in the 1980s, the Wollman Rink in Central Park was a symbol of government incompetence. The rinks repairs and renovations went $12 million over budget, contractors botched the amount of concrete needed, and for six years the incomplete rink served as a lightning rod for the press to remind the Ed Koch administration how untamed things were in the city, according to Bloomberg. When Trump finally took it over, he finished two months ahead of scheduled and $775,000 under budget:


The renovation of Wollman Rink had begun poorly and turned disastrous. Rather than using brinewater as a coolant to freeze the rink, the parks commissioner elected to use Freon, a chemical used in air conditioning units and now widely banned for its ozone-depleting properties. It was an immensely complicated operation, and one the city was incapable of properly completing. A subcontractor underestimated the amount of concrete needed to pour the rink's floor and so was forced to dilute the mixture. Design flaws meant that one part of the rink was six inches lower than the rest. There was an ongoing feud between the Parks Department under the mayors control in Manhattan and its capital projects bureau in Queens, still staffed with loyalists to Robert Moses who saw the construction of an ice rink as a frivolity. The projects lead contractor was officially ruled to be in default, but by that point the principal of the company that was originally building the rink had been killed in a car accident en route to a company-wide getaway to Atlantic City, and the company subsequently disbanded.


The Koch administration, meanwhile, was being consumed by a massive corruption scandal involving a kickback scheme in its parking violations bureau, a scandal that led to the suicide of the Queens borough president, a close Koch ally. And the citys comptroller, Harrison Goldin, was eyeing his own mayoral challenge to Koch and held up any further work on the rink. Turning the project over to Trump was a way to break the political logjam and to rid himself of the cascading bureaucratic mishaps, even as Trump released a letter he wrote to Koch decrying incompetence that ''must be considered one of the great embarrassments of your administration. (Koch meanwhile railed to anyone who would listen that Trump was a blowhard and a supreme egotistical lightweight, according to Soffer, his biographer.)


Trump had Wollman Rink up and running by November 1, two months ahead of schedule and $775,000 under budget. Skating stars like Dorothy Hamill, Scott Hamilton, Dick Button, and Aja Zanova-Steindler glided across the ice at the ribbon cutting, with Button declaring the new rink to be like skating on velvet.

Read more:
Whiny Liberals: New York City Moms Kill Skating Party Because Trump Renovated The Rink - Townhall