Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

I aim to expose liberals for their intolerance: Your Say – USA Today – USA TODAY

USA TODAY 5:52 p.m. ET Feb. 6, 2017

During the Chattanooga Women's March in Tennessee on Jan. 21, 2017.(Photo: Doug Strickland, AP)

Letter to the editor:

I live in California, Im a heterosexual white male, and I wear a bright red hat that really infuriates people.

My hat has a patriotic phrase on the front: Make America Great Again, but from the looks I get, youd think it was some sort of communist propaganda. Contrary to the belief of those who see me wear it, I am not a racist, sexist, or bigot. In fact, the ones who get the most upset upon seeing my hat are probably bigots themselves my beliefs are different, and that really seems to grind their gears.

Wearing the hat is my way of protesting the politically correct movement thats successfully turning half of the U.S. into pansies. Its my jab at all the liberals who claim to be tolerant, yet seem to be very intolerant of my hat (and my views). Its my attempt to expose the hypocrisy of some of those on the left who think Im deplorable for donning such an accessory.

The truth is, Im sick of the politically correct nonsense. Im sick of seeing people shamed into silence. My hat is my counterattack. Its me refusing to change my wardrobe because people are offended. I love American values and the freedom we enjoy to say what I want to say, believe what I want to believe and wear what I want to wear and I wont let the ill-feelings of others scare me into submission.

Are you offended by the hat I wear? Your answer might say more about you than it does about me.

Noah Peterson; Santa Clarita, Calif.


Policing the USA

Facebook comments are edited for clarity and grammar:

Lets let the man whom we elected do his job. Even if you did not vote for him, the American way is to respect who is in office. Let President Trump do his job. His tactics may be too harsh for some, but he is doing all he talked about during his campaign.

Sylvia L. Ossa

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I aim to expose liberals for their intolerance: Your Say - USA Today - USA TODAY

Liberals Explode with Vitriol as #NotMySuperBowlChamps Trends … – Breitbart News


The left-wing sports media has been out for blood for the better part of a year because Patriots quarterback Tom Brady, coach Bill Belichick, and team owner Robert Kraft all came out as unapologetic fans of President Trump. And, now that theyve won the Super Bowl the lefthas turnedapoplectic.


Since last nights big game, liberals have flooded Twitter, Facebook, and other social media services with several versions of the hash tagafter Trump pal Tom Brady led his team to yet another Super Bowl title.

Along with #NotMySuperBowlChamps, users also employed #NotMySuperBowlChampions and #NotMySuperBowlTeam to attack the Patriots.

Of course, even as the liberals were losing their minds, again, many otherstook time out to slam liberals by sticking their finger in theireyes and joking about how the Falcons won the popular vote or how the Russians hacked the Super Bowl.

Then there was this laugher

Follow Warner Todd Huston on Twitter @warnerthuston or email the author at

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Liberals Explode with Vitriol as #NotMySuperBowlChamps Trends ... - Breitbart News

CNN segment explodes when Trump supporter’s jab against … – Raw Story

Ryan Lizza, CNN's Poppy Harlow and Penny Nance from Concerned Women for America on CNN (Screen capture)

A spokeswoman for Pres. Donald Trump appeared to crash her own segment on Sunday when she insulted New Yorker columnist Ryan Lizza by saying moral relativism is a new subject for liberals. reported that Lizza and CNNs Poppy Harlow were speaking with Trump supporter and Concerned Women for America (CWA) CEO Penny Nance about Trumps troubling remarks on Saturday about Russian Pres. Vladimir Putin.

Republicans, said Lizza, are tearing their hair out right now because Trump refuses to say anything negative about Russia and he refuses to talk about the United States and the way it operates in the world as anything that is more special or unique than our adversaries.

Vice Pres. Mike Pence dodged the question on Sunday as to whether the U.S. was morally superior to Russia, which, Lizza noted, is normally a standard Republican talking point.

Harlow turned to Nance for her response, which was to immediately attack Lizza for calling out the administrations moral relativism with regards to Russia.

Well first off let me say Im gratified deeply gratified to see liberals talking about moral relativism, Nance said. Thats a new subject for them.

Conservatives have long used the phrase moral relativism as a cudgel against liberals, saying that liberals do not believe in right and wrong as absolutes and are therefore morally suspect.

In 2012, U.S. Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) stood on the House floor and declared that moral relativism is the biggest problem in America, an erosion of all that traditional Americans hold dear.

No, thats not a new subject for me, Lizza said, bristling. You dont know me. Moral relativism is not a new subject for me.

Nance went on the defensive, I didnt interrupt you. Please dont interrupt me.

Lizza wasnt letting the insult pass, however, perhaps uncomfortable with being called amoral on one of the largest news networks in the world.

Please dont make a personal attack on me, he said. Thank you very much.

Stop, ordered Nance. I wasnt even talking about you.

Lizza responded that she made the condescending remark right after he finished making a statement who was he to assume she was talking about?

I would love to talk, but you talked over me, like, over a woman which is disrespectful, Nance complained. But let me just say

No, its disrespectful to come on the air and accuse me of not caring about moral relativism, Lizza shot back.

Nance appealed to Harlow to make Lizza stop talking, Poppy, are you going to let him just berate me on air? Are you going to continue to just let him do this?

You know what, Penny? Harlow responded. You said something, hes defending himself and now Im out of time, guys.

Whatever, huffed Nance.

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See the original post here:
CNN segment explodes when Trump supporter's jab against ... - Raw Story

Cory Bernardi to quit Liberals to form own conservative party – The Guardian

The outspoken South Australian Liberal senator Cory Bernardi will break away from the Turnbull government early this week to form his own conservative movement.

Bernardi has gone to ground but expectations within the government are now hard set that the split is on.

The South Australian has been telling friends hes been waiting for the resumption of parliament for 2017 to clarify his intentions, which have been the subject of internal speculation for much of the summer.

Bernardi is likely to confirm his position either on Tuesday, which is the first day of the new parliamentary year, or by midweek.

There was speculation that Queensland conservative Liberal National party backbencher George Christensen might join Bernardi, but Christensen said he remained loyal to his leader Barnaby Joyce and the LNP, as long as the government held true to its values.

Christensen told Guardian Australia he still believed he could be effective within government.

I still believe we can effect change from within government, thats why I am not going anywhere, Christensen said.

Christensen said he remained loyal to Joyce, and to the National Party.

Im here in the government, as long as the government holds true to the values of the people that put us there.

Christensen said Bernardi had not approached him to join and they had not spoken for the past week but that the South Australian senator was a wasted talent on the backbench.

As parliament returns for the first week of the year, Newspoll shows Labor in front 54% to 46%. At the same time conservative MPs are pushing back against reports that moderate Liberals are positioning to move marriage equality forward following the failure of the plebiscite legislation.

Treasurer Scott Morrison labelled the reports that moderates were involved in a new push for a free vote fake news.

But conservatives, including Tony Abbott, insist that a plebiscite engineered under his leadership but rejected by the parliament is the only way forward.

Christensen also warned fellow MPs against any push for a free vote.

If this government goes down the road of breaking its agreement with the people that we made that we were going to do to a plebiscite, then, you know, the shows over, Christensen said.

And he again had an ambiguous warning for the Turnbull-Joyce government on moving away from the conservative agenda.

We need to reconnect with our core constituency and with the people at large and I think that theres moves a foot to do that, Christensen said. So I really do hope that we succeed in doing that. Because if we drift away any further, you know, its going to become untenable.

Bernardis defection has been a long time coming. His Conservative Leadership Foundation reregistered a number of domain names relating to a conservative party in December 2014, including, and

Immediately after the election last year, when the Coalition almost lost office, Bernardi warned a conservative revolution was required within the Liberal party to reset the broad policy direction and if we dont do that weve got a taste of the revolution waiting for us outside.

He had a ringside seat in the US during the presidential election that saw Donald Trump take the presidency on the back of a conservative, grassroots insurgency.

His preparations to break away have intensified after what he witnessed in the US.

The split to open the political year will add to the list of woes being faced by the prime minister, which include bad polling, a lack of Senate support for the governments policy agenda and a threat from a resurgent One Nation party.

The treasurer, Scott Morrison, attempted to hose down the dangers posed by the split in an interview on Monday where the Sydney broadcaster Ray Hadley declared the only hope the government had of retaining power was if Malcolm Turnbull resigned as prime minister.

Morrison said what Bernardi did was ultimately up to him. Lets see what he announces, what he chooses to do is a matter for him.

Originally posted here:
Cory Bernardi to quit Liberals to form own conservative party - The Guardian

The Washington Salon That Saved Liberalism – POLITICO Magazine

The presidential election of 1920 seemed like a disaster for liberals. They had broken with their partys two-term president when he began to abridge civil liberties at home and abroad and he brought home a peace treaty from Paris that they could not accept. Then their internationalist ideals ran headlong into a pro-business Republican who campaigned on an America First message. When Warren G. Harding won the White House in a landslide, liberals, once ascendant, found themselves in the political wilderness.

Twelve years passed before Democrats reclaimed the White Housean agonizingly long time for liberals in 2017 who might be looking for historical parallelsbut during those 12 years, from 1920 to 1932, liberalism flourished as an opposition movement. Unbound from the obligations of governing, liberals embraced underdog causes free speech for antiwar radicals, freedom from unlawful searches and seizures during the postwar roundups of radical immigrants, and fair criminal trials for southern blacks causes that came to define American liberalism for decades. What at first looked like disaster was in fact the beginning of a renaissance.

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The roots of this liberal opposition movement began in a dilapidated, Dupont Circle row house known as the House of Truth.

For seven years, a whos who of politicians, judges, journalists, and artists turned the house into one of Washingtons most vibrant political salons. The lawyer Felix Frankfurter and journalist Walter Lippmann lived in the red brick, three-story house. Supreme Court Justices Oliver Wendell Holmes and Louis Brandeis were regular guests at the carefree dinner parties where they discussed lifes verities, hence the houses playful name. The sculptor Gutzon Borglum, who befriended Frankfurter and Holmes and went on to create Mount Rushmore, was a regular too. In this intellectual hothouse, they conceived and launched a magazine, The New Republic, which became the voice of the liberal movement. They wrote New Republic editorials and articles advocating for minimum wage and maximum hour laws and the rights of organized labor and celebrating Holmess and Brandeiss dissents on freedom of speech.

How or why I cant recapture, Frankfurter recalled in his oral history, but almost everybody who was interesting in Washington sooner or later passed through that house.

The House of Truth got its start in 1912 when Frankfurter and two other disenchanted Taft administration officials transformed their bachelor pad into the de facto campaign headquarters for former president Theodore Roosevelt. They believed Roosevelt would prosecute more monopolies and promote their pro-labor agenda. With Roosevelt as president again, they hoped to empower organized labor to transform America into an industrial democracy. The houses owner and visionary, Tafts commissioner of Indian affairs, Robert G. Valentine, quit the administration to join Roosevelts third-party Bull Moose presidential campaign.

After Woodrow Wilson defeated Taft and Roosevelt in the 1912 presidential election, Frankfurter and other liberals in government continued to live in the house while working for the Wilson administration. In 1914, Herbert Croly, Lippmann, Frankfurter and several others founded The New Republic and soon broke with Roosevelt, who referred to the magazines editors as three anemic Gentiles and three international Jews. One of those Jews, Lippmann, lived at the House of Truth with Frankfurter in 1918 while they worked together in the war department. The former progressives Lippmann and Frankfurter rebranded themselves as liberals.

The word, liberalism, was introduced into the jargon of American politics by that group who were Progressives in 1912 and Wilson Democrats from 1916 to 1918, Lippmann wrote in 1919. They wished to distinguish their own general aspirations in politics from those of the chronic partisans and the social revolutionists. They had no other bond of unity. They were not a political movement. There was no established body of doctrine. American liberalism is a phase of the transition away from the old party system.

Lippmann, Frankfurter and other liberals soon became disenchanted with the Wilson administrations wartime abridgement of civil liberties the censorship of the journalists at home and abroad and the Espionage Act prosecutions of radical immigrants opposed to the war. They still believed in governments ability to regulate the economy during an age of increasing industrialization, but they became more attuned to governments excesses. In the process, they created a new liberal movement that stood up for the rights of societys underdogs.

In 1919, Justice Holmes replaced Theodore Roosevelt as the hero of the House of Truth. In November of that year, newly minted liberals praised Holmess dissent that defended the free speech rights of Communist Party leader Jacob Abrams. Holmes believed that Abrams and other Communists should be able to print leaflets criticizing the nations war effort without fear of criminal prosecution.

Earlier that year, Holmes had upheld the Espionage Act convictions of several other antiwar radicals, but he had become concerned about the mounting threat to free speech. During the summer of 1919, he had learned that the post-war Red Scare threatened the jobs of his friends Frankfurter and Roscoe Pound at Harvard Law School. The Justice wrote Harvard president A. Lawrence Lowell emphasizing the importance of Frankfurter and Pound to the future of the school. Indeed, one of Frankfurter and Pounds liberal colleagues, Zechariah Chafee, almost lost his job after writing an article about the Abrams case.

Though the House of Truth broke up as an active political salon in 1919, the houses friends and former residents continued to expand their liberal network and began to challenge what they saw as the Wilson administrations constitutional excesses.

In early 1920, Frankfurter and Chafee represented 20 radical immigrants rounded up during the Palmer Raids and scheduled for deportation. Frankfurter and Chafees investigation revealed unconstitutional searches and seizures by Attorney General A. Mitchell Palmer and his men, who included a young J. Edgar Hoover. As a result of their investigation, the two Harvard law professors saved 16 immigrants from deportation. Frankfurter and Chafee signed a report challenging Palmer about his unconstitutional conduct. In February 1920, Frankfurter became a founding member of the national committee of the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU).

During the 1920 presidential election, the Democratic Party had lost its standard bearer in Wilson, who had suffered an incapacitating stroke in October 1919, and both the stricken president and his party largely faded from view. With his Return to Normalcy campaign and America First slogan, Harding crushed Ohio Governor James M. Cox, winning 404 electoral votes and 37 states. The House of Truths residents and frequent guests had gone their separate ways Frankfurter returned to teaching at Harvard Law School; Lippmann briefly rejoined The New Republic before leaving for the editorial page of the New York World and writing his groundbreaking book, Public Opinion; Borglum made his first trip to South Dakotas Black Hills in 1924 and began working a project, Mount Rushmore, which consumed the rest of his life; Holmes and Brandeis soldiered on as the Supreme Courts liberal wing.

Liberals turned to the Court to protect basic civil rights and civil liberties. In 1923, Justice Holmes wrote a groundbreaking opinion that the mob-dominated criminal trials of black Arkansas sharecroppers violated the due process clause. His opinion in Moore v. Dempsey marked the first time that the Supreme Court had reversed a state criminal conviction on due process grounds. In his later years, Holmes repeatedly stood up for the right to fair criminal trials for southern blacks and, together with Brandeis, for free speech of unpopular radicals.

During the 1924 presidential election, many liberals supported third-party candidate Robert La Follette not because they thought that La Follette would win but because they were thinking about the future of the countryin 1944, not 1924. You see, Frankfurter wrote Lippmann, Im incorrigibly academic, and, therefore, the immediate results of the 1924 election do not appear very important. The directions which we further or retard for 1944 are tremendously important. An increasingly conservative Lippmann refused to support La Follette or other liberal causes. During the early to mid-1920s, Frankfurter, but not Lippmann, opposed a 15-percent quota on Jewish students at Harvard College and championed the academic freedom of fired Amherst College president Alexander Meiklejohn.

In 1927, Frankfurter and other liberals called for a new trial for Italian anarchists Nicola Sacco and Bartolomeo Vanzetti. Six years earlier, Sacco and Vanzetti had been convicted of robbery and murder before a prejudiced Massachusetts judge and with almost no appellate review of the fairness of the proceedings. Frankfurter wrote a groundbreaking book that became a bible for Sacco-Vanzetti partisans. He also enlisted an ambivalent Lippmann to make the New York World a leading voice about the case. Liberal lawyers and journalists championed the cause of Sacco and Vanzetti until the final hours of August 23, 1927, when the two men were executed.

During the 1920s and early 1930s, liberals lost a lot of battles, but they won some, too.

They did not give up when their preferred candidate, Democratic nominee Al Smith, lost the 1928 presidential election to Herbert Hoover. Instead, they defeated one of Hoovers Supreme Court nominees, Judge John J. Parker, and succeeded in lobbying Hoover in January 1932 to replace the retired Justice Holmes with a legal giant of equal stature, Benjamin Cardozo (whom Frankfurter succeeded on the Court in 1939). And in November 1932, they ousted Hoover and elected New York governor Franklin D. Roosevelt to the White House.

And once they had it back, Democrats wouldnt give up control of the White House for another 20 years.

Read more from the original source:
The Washington Salon That Saved Liberalism - POLITICO Magazine