The Rise of Progressive ‘Fake News’ – The Atlantic
There is an enormous amount of crazy-sounding news right now.
President Donald Trump really did set off a diplomatic crisis with Australia, possibly out of personal exhaustion. The White House really did fail to mention Jews in their statement commemorating the Holocaustand then, bizarrely, refuse to even recognize the error in the following days. And the president somehow incited a feud with Arnold Schwarzenegger during the National Prayer Breakfast.
If progressives are looking to be shocked, terrified, or incensed, they have plenty of options. Yet in the past two weeks, many have turned to a different avenue: They have shared fake news, online stories that look like real journalism but are full of fables and falsehoods.
Its a funny reversal of the situation from November. In the weeks after the election, the press chastised conservative Facebook users for sharing stories that had nothing to do with reality. Hundreds of thousands of people shared stories asserting incorrectly that President Obama had banned the pledge of allegiance in public schools, that Pope Francis had endorsed Donald Trump, and that Trump had dispatched his personal plane to save 200 starving marines.
The phenomenon seemed to confirm theorists worst fears about the internet. Given the choice, democratic citizens will not seek out news that challenges their beliefs; instead, they will opt for content that confirms their suspicions. A BuzzFeed News investigation found that more people shared these fake stories than shared real news in the three months before the election. A follow-up survey suggested that most Americans believed fake news after seeing it on Facebook. When held to the laissez faire editorial standards of Facebook, the market of ideas fails.
Now the left has its own panoply of wishful thinking. Twitter accounts purportedly operated by disgruntled government employees@AltNatParSer, @RogueNASA, and the extra dubious @RoguePOTUSStaffhave swelled in number to become a shadow bureaucracy. Conspiratorially minded Medium posts insist to anyone who will read them that the real story of the Trump administration is even more layered and nefarious than it seems. And satirical news of poor quality has gotten passed around as a weird story more than once. (Queen Elizabeth II didnt actually say she could kill Donald Trump with a sword.)
Or at least thats how it seems to me. Brooke Binkowski is the managing editor of Snopes, the English-speaking internets most important rumor-debunking site. It is her job to sit around and look at some of the most popular falsehoods on the web all day. Earlier this week, I asked her if she had seen a spike in the amount and popularity of fake news aimed at liberals.
She immediately replied: Of course yes!
Theres a lot of confusion, and people are profiting from the confusion on all sides of the continuum, she told me. She said she had seen a concerted spike in fake news aimed at liberals since the inauguration.
She emphasized that theres no equivalence between the falsehoods coming from the American left and the right in the past two weeks. Individual Democrats on Facebook may cling to pleasant stories and wishful thinking, but the Republican White House press secretary spouts off lies beneath the presidential seal. On Thursday, Kellyanne Conway, a senior advisor to the president, referenced a terrorist attack that never happened.
But a preponderance of fake information ultimately harms the political cause that absorbs it. Its also bad strategy: Michael Walzer writes that the lefts task at this moment in history is to help hold the center. A polluted information environment does little to preserve the consensus reality that permits democracy to work.
My conversation with Binkowski, edited for clarity and readability, follows below.
Meyer: First things first. Have you been seeing more fake news or hoaxes aimed at the left lately?
Binkowski: Yes, there has been more coming from the left. A lot of dubious news, a lot of wishful thinking-type stuff. Its not as filthy as the stuff I saw that was purportedly coming from the rightI dont think a lot of it was actually coming from the right, I think it was coming from outside sources, like Macedonian teenagers, for examplebut there has been more from the left.
Its more wish-fulfillment stuff. Trump About to be Arrested! Well, yeah, whens that gonna happen? And we know its coming from the left because I know its coming from known players. Bill Palmer used to run the Daily News Bin, and it was basically a pro-Hillary Clinton news site. It was out there to counter misinformation. Which, okay, fair enough. But then he started to reinvent it as a news site, more and more, and he changed the name to the Palmer Report. The stuff that he puts out there, its nominally true. When you click on it, its some innocuous story [with an outlandish headline]. That is very harmful, I think.
The right-wing stuff often has this element of racial fear, even if it is subtle. One of the best examples I can think of was from this otherwise innocuous hoax news website. They make themselves look like a legitimate local news site, although they dont specify where, of course, and then they steal mugshots from one of those sites that host mugshots, and then they write a story around them that has nothing to do with reality. I saw a steady drumbeat of that over the past year or so, preying on racial fears.
Meyer: You saw the number of stories like that go up over the past year?
Binkowski: Yeah. Big time. I saw that pick up a lot last year.
Meyer: Is there advice you have for readers about how to recognize fake news?
If it arouses an emotional response is youif you see the headline and go, I cant believe this, Im so angrythen its probably something you need to check against something else. News is going to be rage-inducing, its going to be terrifying, it will make you happy. But if you have that visceral a response to something, then it is written specifically to arouse that response so youll share it. Just say no.
But I really dont want to make this the responsibility of the person reading the news, when there are so many things that have been broken down and atomized and made into individual responsibility that should be a collective responsibility. [News] should be a public service, and that is how public services exist and maintain themselves. And it should be seen as such.
Meyer: Do you have a fairly dim view of human gullibility, because you sit around and look at this stuff all day?
Binkowski: You know, I actually dont. Sometimes my faith in humanity is severely challenged. I actually think that people in the aggregate, even now, are smart. I think humans are smart. I really do. I realize that were in a generally discouraging moment in history, but I dont think people are stupid, and I dont think people are necessarily gullible.
Have you ever read The Gift of Fear? The gist of it is, trust your instincts because normally theyre picking up on things that you arent consciously noticing. Its an interesting book, and its generally about crime and rape and violence.
Ive always wondered why we slow down for car accidents. And the author of the book, [Gavin de Becker,] says, We always slow down for car accidents out of an ancient impulse, which is that humans want to learn. Thats why we developed these enormous brains. People always want to learn.
And I thought, you know what, thats true. Even people who are sending around these stupid stories that are complete BS, they would latch onto actual news, not conspiracy theories, if there was more actual news out there. I think that people are going about the fake news issue the wrong way. Pinching off fake news isnt the answer. The answer is flooding it with actual news. And that way, people will continue looking for information, and they will find vetted, nuanced, contextual, in-depth information.
There will always be a subset of people who reject it. I think 10 percent of the population either way. But I really do believe that humanity, although we may destroy ourselvesI really do have a lot of faith in us as a species.
Meyer: That ties to another thread in the left wishful thinking, which is the fake Twitter account from the government insiders who are rebelling against Trump. The most-followed example is @RoguePOTUSStaff.
Binkowski: Isnt that a fun read? Its gotta be BS, but its such a fun read. Ive messaged them several times at this point, saying, I dont want to know who you are, but can you at least prove that what youre saying is true somehow? We can use the encryption tool of your choiceI dont care who you are, as long as you are who you say you are. Theyve never replied, but they havent blocked me like theyve blocked some of our writers.
Meyer: Is there any other kind of fake news that youre regularly seeing?
Binkowski: I think weve temporarily lost our ability to enjoy satire in the United States. Theres a few satire stories that have made their way to us. I mean, most people usually mistake satire for real stories, but now its really bad. I think the left has collectively completely lost its sense of humor for nowalthough, I mean, the left maybe never had one in the beginning.
I just edited a story an hour ago about how Trump allegedly replaced a portrait of George Washington with a picture of a character from Ghostbusters 2. People are like, Is this true? Is this actually true!? No, its not. Its supposed to be satire.
Meyer: It is funny to me that, just a few months after attributing the election result in part to conservative-leaning fake news, there has been a surge of it among the party thats newly out of power.
Binkowski: Its so disappointing. I know I keep saying that. But we have also always had this misinformation, weve always had propaganda, weve always had disinformation, and weve always had BS. This has been part of American media forever. Weekly World News, if people remember that. National Enquirer is still doing whatever it is theyre doing. I do think fake news is always going to be part of the media and information ecosystem. I just think it needs to be balanced out by actual news.
We have to bolster the immune system of journalism, because thats going to be the only way out of this possible authoritarianism and inundation with fake news. People are so fearful, and thats whats driving this. People are afraid. The world is changing. It has changed. Theres all kinds of people around with different looks and different names and they look different and they talk different and it doesnt help when you get this constant line of BS.
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The Rise of Progressive 'Fake News' - The Atlantic