Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

100 + reasons the BC Liberals must go. No Strings …

While the BC Liberals have always been very good at shouting their real and more often allegedwins, they are by far the mastersof spin whosmoothlydeflect their failures into thin air.

The extent towhich they will do this is quite phenomenal.

In the period oftime since Christy Clarkbecame premier,her skill as a political chameleon driven to garner votes has not gone un-noticed by the press, nor the voters of B.C.

Thankfully, British Columbians have long and solid memories of the Liberal era of government.Sadly, they continue to vote for them because the NDP have never been able to show why they deserve the vote more.

Ive never been a member of any political party and I never will be,but Ive investigated, researched and covered so many stories of the current governments misdeeds, that its been my opinion they need to go.

Regular readers know that I have held both the Liberals and the NDPs feet to the fire,and will continue to do so any new government can expect my full attention to their activities in governmentas well and possibly a new list if required.But facts are facts.

The BC Liberals have fostered an environment of deception and secrecy in the BC legislature, one where the less the people know about what is going on, the better it is for their party.

In 2010, I asked my readers to see how fast they could come up with 100 reasons NOT to vote for Gordon Campbell ( and the Liberals) again. Readers rose to the challenge, and the comment sections quickly filled with concrete examples of Liberal failures that have all occurred during that Golden Decade during whichthe BCLiberalsrevealed an agenda of slice and dice vs. corporate welfare.

Ironically, our current premier Christy Clark played a large role in many of the most drastic changes to the provinces most vulnerable citizens, while she was young MLA mentoring under Campbell. Its important to remember that while Christy Clark has tried to rebrand the BC Liberal brand as new and different from Gordon Campbell how different and new can they be when all the same names,faces and donors are still there?

Deals arent made in the legislature, but back rooms of restaurants and behind closed doors.

British Columbians must not be fooled by cheeky smiles,glib responses and a well-oiled,big money campaign. Let the facts speak for themselves.

What began as a fun challenge to readers, has become a comprehensive list of100 + reasons the BC Liberals must go.

Please, feel free to continue to add to the list in the comment section below, and I simply ask that you provide concrete examples with links, if you can, so we can provide an honest and factual record of what I call the decade of deceit.

You are welcome to tweet, facebook and/or print the list for distribution I only ask that you include reference back to this page.

Thank you,

Laila Yuile

146) During the Liberal leadership race, Clark campaigned on calling an early election to get a mandate from the people in fact she said two years was too long to goto wait for an electionwith new leadership and then promptly broke that promise once in the premiers office.

145) Christy Clark thought it was funny to drive through a red light, on the urging of her son, with a reporter in the car. Her son stated You always do that. Clark denied that was true,but the entire incident called into examination her judgement.

144)In 2001, newly elected Campbell tore up legally signed and binding contracts between the govtand the HEU, creating a rush to privatization that continues to this day.

143)Campbell gave himself a whopping raise of $ 60,951 in 2007, which works out to a crazy 48.1% hike and gave all BC MLAs a pay raise of 29% while he was at it.

142)Drunk driving conviction in 2003 while on vacation in Hawaii ( I feel strongly politicians who are convicted for any crime, should no longer to be able to hold office, based on the notion that they need to provide an example of a standard of integrity that is inherent to the position. )

141) Fabricating an energy crisis in BC to be solved by forcing the public utility BC Hydro to buy power at twice the market value from Liberal-stocked independent power producers and then reselling it at a loss to owners of air-conditioners in California .

140)Closed 24 of 68 courthouses so the Attorney General could meet budget targets , therefore putting excessive strain and overload on the remaining ones, and forcing people to travel further to deal with family and criminal matters.

139)above reduction inthe number of courthouses has now lengthened the trial wait times in some areas to years, which often results in the accused being released from all charges because of the right to a speedy trial.

138) Since 2001, 10 jails have been closed across the province, creating dangerously overloaded conditions in the remaining facilities,and increasing the likelihood many criminals will serve time in the community or receive suspended sentences because of that overcrowding.

137)Massive, MASSIVE cutbacks to legal aid services in this province, across the board, for the entire time the BC Liberals have been in power . More people than ever are unable to remedy family law and simple legal matters because of lack of funding and resulting closures to free clinics, help lines and offices. in the reasons below.

136)85% of Legal Aid offices in BC closed,

135)reduction in 75% of staff

134)cut family law by 60%

133)Closure of LawLine, a free legal assistance number for low income people to access help and advice.

132)Closure of 5 regional Legal Aid offices in Surrey, Victoria, Kelowna, Kamloops and Prince George.

131)legislating the Paramedics working conditions.

130)Campbell supports and champions the Enbridge project, and refuses to commit to protect the BC coastline from a spill like the Exxon Valdez You can read the debate here :

129)The B.C. Liberals issued permits to a company that wanted to burn creosote soaked railway ties in the city of Kamloops without any consultation. The project was only stopped when countless community members and more than 100 Interior doctors opposed the project. ( from BC NDP site)

128)Massive cuts to the Parks Budget over the years has resulted in a lack of protection for endangered ecosystems, a lack of park rangers, and unsafe and unsanitary conditions in provincial campgrounds across the province. Many free campgrounds and picnic areashave been de-commissioned over the years

127)committed to NOT introduce internet gaming in 2007, then created and introduced the new BCLC online gambling site this year, again increasing and furthering the incidence of gambling addiction and family strife, since there is no way to police it.

126)raised gambling limits to $ 9,999.00 a mere $1 below the reportablelevel to FINTRAC, the agency that monitors and polices money laundering lol.

125)raised MSP premiums, while service and wait times increased and get ready for another MSP premium increase January 1st, 2013.

124)Campbell lowered tax rates the wealthy benefit the most from those rate cuts, while instituting user fees for some public services that were formerly paid out of tax revenue. This resulted in proportionally higher tax increases for the working poor struggling the hardest to make ends meet.

123) Charging user fees at publiclyfunded hospitals in Vancouver , even to people with insurance, for anyone requiring short term residential care to recover from a medical treatment coming soon to a hospital near you

122)closed 176 schools between 2001 and 2009 . ONE FREAKING HUNDRED AND SEVENTY SIX SCHOOLS!!!!

121)cut funding to the Success by 6 program, an initiative which gave young children a head start through more than 400 projects in 240 communities in British Columbia, including early childhood literacy programs, music and social programs for preschoolers, mentorship programs for single mothers, and pregnancy support .

120)Cuts to seniors services and care

119)Cuts to PACs across BC ( Parents Advisory Councils) resulting in parents struggling to make ends meet having to pay more for school related activities

118)Cuts to Annual Facility Grants

117)government continually breaks its own class size limit legislation

116)cuts to funding and programs for special needs children in schools as a result of budget cuts.

115)highest tuition fees ever on record , for university and colleges in BC

114)Liberalsshow theirtrue feelings about education and the future of our province, and cut $16 million dollars in student loan funds, with no warning, leaving students unable to attend classes, and wreaking havoc on families already financially strapped

113) In addition to the above loan cuts, the BC liberals also cut non-repayable grants to student, also with no warning as detailed in the above link. Some university students found out the hard way when they called Student Aid BC to find out where their grant was, after enrolling and days prior to classes commencing.

112)BC has one of the highest BC Student loan rate in the country.

111)BC post secondary students collectively pay more in fees than government collects in corporate income tax, showing whereLiberal priorities really are.

110)cuts to surgeries in BC

109)cuts to diagnostic and rehabilitation services

108)cuts to community outreach services

107)HORRIFIC cuts to domestic violence programs and violence against women outreach and counselling programs

106)cuts to many vital medical and health related items previously funded for those on income assistance

105)closed CHIMO Achievement Centre, a therapeutic day program for adults with disabilities

104)cuts to income assistance programs

103) althoughthe Liberalsincreased the number of Casinos and access to other forms of gambling, continued cuts have been made to the amount of gaming grants given out to social service agencies, programs, playground and schools only a small portion were ever restored.

102)Special needs assessment for children eliminated in the Fraser Health Authority, meaning families must travel to Sunnyhillat Childrens hospital for diagnostic services and care

101)Autism: BCs Early Intensive Behaviour Intervention programs werecut

100)Therewere onlyenough regulated child care spaces for 15% of children under 12 inBC

99)elimination of conservation officers mean less enforcement and protection over larger areas, putting people and wildlife at risk

98)Cuts to environment ministry saw the Environmental Stewardship divisionwhich includes protection of BCs 2,000 species at risk, fish and wildlife habitat, and air and watersliced by almost $4 million

97) unregulated fish farms on the coast of bc and their impact on wild salmon stocks, as well as the increase in fish farm licencesthe Libs handed out during their tenure.

96)the systematic rape of many rivers in BC through Independent Power Projects

95) whilethe Liberalscontinually pressed and pushed these projects as safe, clean energy, the truth is that they can, and have extremely horrific impacts on the environment around them, as detailed in this post

94) The announcement by Campbell to flood hectares of prime land for yet another dam to generate power the province will sell elsewhere and Christy Clark continues the push for Site C, admitting its needed for her LNG dreams

Site C essential for LNG development: Clark

93) Crown land giveawaysand contracts apparently based onpolitical donations

92)clearing ALR land for development, over and over

91) TheLiberals admitted that during the lastelection they suppressed information showing the number of people in BC forced to apply for welfare had increased by 10,000.The information was releasedshortly after the election

90)Gordon Campbell claimed he was not aware of how bad the financial outlook of the province was prior to the election, despite the world financial crash that was well underway. ( sound familiar?)

89)The public is kept in the dark as John Les, the provinces top cop, is under police investigation for almost a year

88)The coincidental and repeated occurrence ofdevelopment and real estate companies who donate large $$ to the Liberal party of BC, getting lucrative landdeals and approvals across the province

87)The coincidental and repeated occurence of other corporations( mining,gas, oil and independent power producers) who donate large $$ to the Liberal party of BC getting lucrative contracts, deal and approvals across the province:

“Moral hazard is when they take your money and then are not responsible for what they do with it.”~ Gordon Gekko

86) In February 2008, the public learned that Campbells TransLink board voted themselves a 500 percent pay raise. Only a few weeks later, the premiers BC Ferries directors received an increase of up to 60 percent on April 1, 2008 the same day ferry fares were increased for British Columbians. Compare this with the fact that in 2008, more than 50,000 British Columbians worked for minimum wage or less

85) The very large and expensive mess that is known as BC ferries

84)The very large and expensive mess that was known as the BC Transmission corporation

83) The very large and again, expensive mess known as BC Hydro , which is on the path to financial ruin and another opinion

82) 2010 olympic debt legacy

81)Despite those tough economic times Campbell decided to appoint a larger, expanded cabinet, costing us all more ( for quite a bitless, in my opinion)

80)The over-inflated, expensive and relatively useless Public Affairs Bureau( otherwise known as internet trolls who monitor,watch and read everything written anywhere about Campbell and his Liberal co-horts)

79) Die Entscheidungvon Campbell, deutsche Scheifhrschiffezu kaufen , or for those of you who do not speak German, Campbells decision to buy crappy german ferries

78). Choosing to contract out the storage, handling and administration of our personal medical records to an American company,which leaves personal information potentially open to dubious uses with American law enforcement

77)Campbell failed to hold regular legislature sessions- twice

76) Christy Clark has spent so little time in the legislature,she needs a map to find her way around the building when she does show up. Only 19 days in session in one calendar year!

75)Campbellsdecision to sign TILMA the Trade, Investment, and Labour Mobility Agreement

74)Sold off BC Gas, now known as Terasen

73)Passed Bill 20, which prevents local municipal veto of Run of the River projects

72) Exporting raw logs to China and elsewhere ( a direct contradiction to a campaign promise he made prior to first being elected back in 20o1) all while closing BC mills who could process wood here.

71)Vancouver convention centre completely ridiculous cost overruns , which technically might make it the largest screw-up in the history of BC that is, until the final and true bill for the new Port Mann bridge comes in

70)Sea to sky highway over-runs with no toll to cover costs . Campbell told press repeatedly at photo ops that the cost of the highway would be $800 million, yet the final cost was nearly$2 billion +

69)A report in 2007 stated that the province could have saved the taxpayer over $ 220 million by financing it themselves, because borrowing costs were underestimated by Partnerships BC, and the government always ALWAYS- gets a better finance rate than other entities.

See original here:
100 + reasons the BC Liberals must go. No Strings ...

Liberals | New York Post

Brussels is what happens when liberals dont push immigrants tointegrate

On Tuesday, when Islamist suicide bombers blew themselves up in Brussels, killing 35 innocent people and injuring 240, the European Unions foreign policy representative, the Italian Federica Mogherini, happened to...

Liberal leaders are hoping to fire up voters through a massive nonviolent mobilization aimed at thwarting Donald Trumps presidential hopes writing a call-to-arms letter Tuesday demanding action. More than...

February 13, 2016 | 3:00pm

As President Obama prepares to carefully fasten his bike helmet and ride off into the sunset, how do we know his presidency has been a total failure? Because even liberals...

February 11, 2016 | 6:14pm

College students have a reputation for being liberal, but first-year students havent described themselves as this liberal by this measure since 1973, when the Vietnam War was winding down and...

January 22, 2016 | 8:55pm

Jane Mayer of The New Yorker has a new book out: Dark Money: The Hidden History of the Billionaires Behind the Rise of the Radical Right. Its mostly about those...

January 18, 2016 | 2:56pm

Few things characterize liberals more than their eagerness to find offense and play the victim even when someone calls them by a name they should be proud of: liberals....

News of rampant sexual harassment at a leading progressive public relations firm seems to have surprised some on the Left: How can enlightened liberals, so staunchly committed to womens equality...

December 6, 2015 | 8:00pm

Progressives are increasingly preoccupied with income inequality, and their current hero, Sen. Bernie Sanders, favors increasing the tax systems progressivity. So, in this 103rd year of the income tax, its...

November 29, 2015 | 6:00am

We know where humanity came from: It evolved incrementally, from the bottom up, amid much trial and error, not via the top-down efforts of an all-wise creator who anticipated every...

November 4, 2015 | 12:04am

As fate would have it, the poll showing Mayor de Blasios lowest approval ratings ever arrived Monday, the 50th anniversary of John V. Lindsays election. The timing could be a...

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Liberals | New York Post

Liberals say Tories lowballed estimate and government …

VANCOUVER The federal Liberals have announced another multimillion-dollar top-up for a key project under the national shipbuilding strategy after the former Conservative government lowballed the original budget, says the minister in charge.

We inherited a bit of a mess, said Public Services and Procurement Minister Judy Foote shortly after committing an additional $30 million to build an offshore oceanographic science vessel.

The project is over budget and behind deadline.

Were working to try to fix that mess.

Foote made the announcement in front of hundreds of hard hat-toting workers gathered inside a Seaspan Shipyards hangar in North Vancouver on Monday.

The minister also promised $35 million for Seaspan to start work on three joint supply ships. Those vessels will deliver fuel, ammunition, spare parts, food and water to Canadian and allied vessels, allowing them to remain at sea for long periods.

The previous government relied on an unrealistic costing methodology that failed to take into account various price increases including inflation, Foote told reporters after the event.

This is the second cash infusion for the science vessel since the Conservatives initial $108-million budget in 2008 was boosted by $35 million a year later. Mondays announcement puts the projects overall cost at more than $170 million, or 60 per cent over budget.

Conservative procurement critic Steven Blaney said the Liberals inherited a rigorous process that was recognized by the auditor general as being fair and competitive.

The new government is responsible to ensure those ships are delivered on time and at cost, he said.

The Liberals cannot blame others for meeting the responsibility to ensure the best interests of the navy, of the coast guard and of the taxpayers. Thats what we expect them to do, Blaney said.

They are in charge. Now they have to step up to the plate.

During her announcement, Foote left the door open to the possibility of further cost overruns and downplayed the suggestion that Seaspan is to blame for the spiralling price tag.

Its not about fault. We have not had a shipbuilding industry in this country in 20 years, so getting it right is really important, she said, adding that more funds would be made available if necessary.

Seaspan president Brian Carter said the initial 2008 budget predated his companys involvement in the national shipbuilding strategy, which became official four years later.

When we came into this situation it was our first look at the projects and we made an honest assessment of what we thought it would take to build these ships, he said.

And right now were working right to that estimate.

Carter said he was unable to provide an overall dollar figure for the science vessel, explaining that final estimates are typically made after the construction contract is signed and immediately before building begins.

When we came into this situation it was our first look at the projects and we made an honest assessment of what we thought it would take to build these ships

The offshore oceanographic science vessel is the fourth of 17 ships tentative slated for construction at the North Vancouver shipyard. Work has already started on the first of three fisheries vessels, which also have budget woes.

Internal briefing notes dated Nov. 16 show the budget for those ships spiked by 181 per cent between 2009 and 2015 to $687 million.

The documents attributed this increase to the federal governments inexperience overseeing multiple, complex ship projects, as well as a steep learning curve for Seaspan, which needed to find skilled staff and learn to use its new facilities.

This announcement comes days after Foote rejected an unsolicited bid from Quebec-based Davie Shipyard to take over many of the contracts already awarded to Seaspan.

A draft statement obtained by The Canadian Press last week acknowledged Davie had proposed to build or repurpose a fleet of Canadian Coast Guard icebreakers and support ships years ahead of the current schedule and at a fraction the cost of Seaspan.

The statement said the federal government did not respond to unsolicited proposals.

Liberals say Tories lowballed estimate and government ...

Liberals expected to face backlash after budget backs off …

OTTAWA The Liberal government is expected to face an uproar from disabled veterans after backing offits promise to reintroduce lifelong pensions for those injured in the line of duty.

Tuesdays federal budget included a number of new measures to help ex-soldiers struggling with injuries they sustained in uniform. That includes reopening nine Veterans Affairs Canada offices closed by the previous Conservative government, and hiring more front-line workers.

Our veterans have dedicated their lives to the defense of their country, Finance Minister Bill Morneau told the House of Commons. They deserve our gratitude, our respect and our support. We made a solemn promise that they will have it. And we will keep that promise.

But the budget made no mention of bringing back disability pensions for veterans who are forced to leave the military because of their injuries.

The Liberals were the only party that campaigned on a promise to bring back disability pensions for injured veterans after they were abolished in 2006 and replaced with a controversial new system that included lump-sum payments. The pledge was a centrepiece of their effort to court veteran voters.

Tuesdays budget instead boosted the amount injured veterans can receive through those lump-sum payments. The increases will be retroactive for about 70,000 veterans who have been given such a payment since 2006.

The government will also make it easier for some severely injured veterans to receive long-term benefits, and increase the amount others receive while searching for work after they leave the military. Those two measures are expected to benefit about 20,000 injured veterans this year.

The increased lump sums, expanded benefits and other measures will assuage many veterans, others will be upset and even angry the Liberals didnt bring back the pensions. The government also faces the risk of being painted with the same brush as the Conservatives when it comes to veterans.

Some critics, including the Conservatives and NDP, had previously accused the Liberals of promising to re-introduce the disability pensions simply to win votes. They had warned that such a move would be prohibitively expensive, and that the new system was more responsive to the needs of todays veterans.

Theres fiscal realities to some of these things that have to be addressed, former veterans affairs minister and current Conservative MP Erin OToole told the Ottawa Citizen last month in response to the Liberals promise.

Theres fiscal realities to some of these things that have to be addressed

And its irresponsible to get some veterans and some advocacy groups believing that theres going to be some major, retroactively applying payment of some sort.

The disability pensions were abolished when the Conservatives implemented the New Veterans Charter, a new system of benefits and services for those who had served and were injured after the Korean War, in 2006. The charter had received unanimous support in the House of Commons the previous year.

Focused on getting veterans into the workforce, the charter replaced pensions with a lump-sum payment for injuries and career training. But modern-day veterans, including many who had served in Afghanistan, said it was unfair. They said the lump sums and other benefits offered them less support than the previous system.

The government is also increasing funeral benefits for low-income veterans. Currently, veterans with assets worth about $12,000 can receive financial support for the government for their funerals. That amount will be increased to about $35,000, which should help about 109 veterans per year.

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Liberals expected to face backlash after budget backs off ...

Democratic Underground

The Left Column


(New Civil Rights Movement) Republican North Carolina Gov. Pat McCrory says that even though he personally called for lawmakers to take action against Charlotte's nondiscrimination ordinance, even though Republicans initiated a special one day legislative session to do so, even though Republicans drafted and pushed HB2 through both chambers, even though every Senate Democrat walked out making the bill's passage by Republicans unanimous, even though he personally signed HB2 less than 12 hours after it was first introduced last month in the General Assembly, and even though he staunchly has defended HB2 every day since, liberals are to blame for it.

"This hornets nest, he argued, was first kicked not by him, but by the Democratic City Council in Charlotte, which passed a nondiscrimination ordinance in February allowing transgender people to use mens or womens bathrooms," The New York Times reports. "Before it passed, he said, he emailed the Council to warn it that if it changed 'basic restroom and locker room norms,' he would be forced to support a state law overriding them."


(Fortune) No, I dont do that, Trump said on the Opie and Anthony show in 2005. Theres a lot of women out there that demand that the husband act like the wife and you know theres a lot of husbands that listen to that Im really like a great father but certain things you do and certain things you dont. Its just not for me.

I mean, I wont do anything to take care of them. Ill supply funds and shell take care of the kids. Its not like Im gonna be walking the kids down Central Park, Trump said in a 2005 interview with Howard Stern. Marla used to say, I cant believe youre not walking Tiffany down the street, you know in a carriage. Right, Im gonna be walking down Fifth Avenue with a baby in a carriage. It just didnt work.


(CNN) Former Pennsylvania U.S. Sen. Harris Wofford announced Sunday that he is marrying a man 50 years his junior, almost 20 years after his wife died.

Wofford, a Democrat who was also a top adviser to John F. Kennedy and Martin Luther King Jr., announced his marriage to Matthew Charlton in a New York Times op-ed published Sunday.

"Too often, our society seeks to label people by pinning them on the wall -- straight, gay or in between," Wofford wrote. "I don't categorize myself based on the gender of those I love. I had a half-century of marriage with a wonderful woman, and now am lucky for a second time to have found happiness.


(In These Times) On Monday, the Pittsburgh Post-Gazette reported accounts of unusually candid comments by an oil and natural gas industry executive, Terry Bossert, at a Pennsylvania Bar Institute gathering in Harrisburg this April.

We heard Range Resources say it sites its shale gas wells away from large homes where wealthy people live and who might have the money to fight such drilling and fracking operations, stated an attendee.


(The Hill) Republican presidential hopeful John Kasich says he opposes voting rights in Congress for Washington, D.C., in part because it would give more votes to the Democratic Party.

What it really gets down to, if you want to be honest, is because they know thats just more votes in the Democratic Party, Kasich said.


(Charlotte Observer) NBA Commissioner Adam Silver reiterated Thursday that if North Carolinas LBGT law remains unchanged, the 2017 All-Star Game would have to be moved from Charlotte.

Silvers comments on the states controversial House Bill 2 came at the Associated Press Sports Editors commissioner meetings Thursday, according to attendees. Earlier in the day, Silver again called the law problematic for the league as it stands, but he said hes confident state lawmakers will do the right thing.


(The Week) In the eyes of the British government, the U.S. may now be a risky destination for LGBT travelers. The British Foreign Office posted a travel advisory update to its website Tuesday warning members of the lesbian gay, bisexual, and transgender communities about anti-LGBT laws passed recently in North Carolina and Mississippi.

"The U.S. is an extremely diverse society and attitudes towards LGBT people differ hugely across the country," the advisory reads. "LGBT travelers may be affected by legislation passed recently in the states of North Carolina and Mississippi."


(CNN) On Tuesday, Schilling caused a social media backlash when the former Red Sox pitcher shared an anti-transgender image on Facebook, according to Bleacher Report

Schilling has since deleted the image which had a man in ripped women's clothes under a caption that read: "Let him in to the restroom with your daughter or else you're a narrow minded, judgmental, unloving, racist bigot who needs to die!"


(NPR) Treasury Secretary Jacob Lew is expected to announce that he has decided to put abolitionist leader Harriet Tubman on a new $20 bill, according to a spokesman for the Treasury Department.

The decision caps a public campaign asking for the change and months of deliberation by the Treasury to either replace Alexander Hamilton on the $10 bill or Andrew Jackson on the $20 bill.

As we reported, an unofficial contest by the activist group Women on 20s gave the nod to Tubman to take Jackson's place on the $20 bill. The campaign then sent a petition to President Obama.


Yesterday, Ted Cruz sent a campaign fundraising email whining about the significant sacrifice hes made to run for President. He whined about facing constant attacks, nonexistent family time, his limited health and sleep, and having no personal time.

Are you kidding me? Were supposed to pity him because trying to be the leader of the free world is hard?! Ive got two words for you, Ted: Boo hoo.

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Democratic Underground