Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

Star Trek Online #12: Leggy Liberals – Video

Star Trek Online #12: Leggy Liberals
Explore strange new worlds, seek out new life and new civilizations, and boldly go where people have probably gone before! Duuuu, du du duuuuuu, du du duuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu. (Star Trek TNG theme ...

By: The Sanctus Nex, Lord of Melons

See the original post:
Star Trek Online #12: Leggy Liberals - Video

Liberals and Liberal Media envy for Bill O’Reily – Video

Liberals and Liberal Media envy for Bill O #39;Reily

By: benalvino1860

Read the original:
Liberals and Liberal Media envy for Bill O'Reily - Video

Liberals Adam Vaughan, Wayne Easter Contradict Themselves on Terror – Video

Liberals Adam Vaughan, Wayne Easter Contradict Themselves on Terror
Liberal MP Adam Vaughan is raising eyebrows for attending a protest against Bill C-51 over the weekend. The Liberal Party supports the anti-terror legislation put forward by the Conservative...

By: Rebel Media

Liberals Adam Vaughan, Wayne Easter Contradict Themselves on Terror - Video

Are Liberals At Fault For The Breakup Of The Family?

When Liberals Blew It. That was the title of a Nicholas Kristof column in The New York Times last week. The column commemorated the fiftieth anniversary of Daniel Patrick Moynihans famous report on the breakdown in African-American family structure. Subsequently, Moynihan wrote:

From the wild Irish slums of the 19th-century Eastern seaboard, to the riot-torn suburbs of Los Angeles, there is one unmistakable lesson in American history: a community that allows large numbers of young men to grow up in broken families never acquiring any stable relationship to male authority, never acquiring any set of rational expectations about the future that community asks for and gets chaos.

Since the time of that prophetic pronouncement, things have only gotten worse and not just in the black community. Kristof reports the latest numbers:

In 2013, 71 percent of black children in America were born to an unwed mother, as were 53 percent of Hispanic children and 36 percent of white children. At some point before they turn 18, a majority of all American children will likely live with a single mom and no dad.

[On children living without two parents, see this chart on how we compare with other countries.]

What does this have to do with liberals? Well they uniformly and viciously attacked the messenger accusing Moynihan of being a racist. While calling for a bigger and more generous welfare programs, they refused to endorse any effort to change the behavior of the people they were helping. Questioning patterns of behavior was blaming the victim in their view.

So in the face of liberal silence and indifference, things got progressively worse. Also writing in The New York Times, David Brooks describes what a fatherless society looks like:

The health of society is primarily determined by the habits and virtues of its citizens. In many parts of America there are no minimally agreed upon standards for what it means to be a father. There are no basic codes and rules woven into daily life, which people can absorb unconsciously and follow automatically.

According to Sara McLanahan of Princeton and Christopher Jencks of Harvard, a fathers absence increases antisocial behavior, such as aggression, rule-breaking, delinquency and illegal drug use especially among boys. Having only one parent reduces the chance that a child will graduate from high school by 40 percent.

Originally posted here:
Are Liberals At Fault For The Breakup Of The Family?

If you're happy but don't show it, you're conservative

Conservatives tend to say they're more satisfied with life than do liberals, but when they open their mouths, it's liberals who seem to show more happiness, a new study suggests.

A handful of studies of late have shown that conservatives tend to report greater satisfaction in life than their liberal counterparts. Social scientists have suggested that this could be because the cultural, personal and religious beliefs of conservatives are simply more adaptive. Others suggest those values serve as palliative psychological armor to rationalize the social inequities that tend to trouble liberals.

But a study looking at the words and expressions of members of Congress, published online Thursday in the journal Science, tested this apparent "ideological happiness gap" against smiling behavior and the use of positive and negative words. It found that liberals smile more, their smiles tend to show more genuine enjoyment, and they use more positive language than their conservative counterparts.

So what gives? Are conservatives hiding an inner grumpiness? Are liberals out of touch with their inner happiness?

Here's what researchers think is going on, and it could have implications on the way social science is conducted and public policy is evaluated.

The ideological happiness gap that has received so much attention is largely based on self-reporting. UC Irvine social psychologist Sean Wojcik, the lead author of the study, suspected there could be a difference in the way conservatives and liberals filled out psychological questionnaires used to gauge life satisfaction and happiness.

Conservatives tend to have what we call more of a self-enhancing style of self-report, which involves a more flattering way of evaluating the self," Wojcik said.

Previous studies have shown that such self-enhancement is more common among individualists, in Western cultures, among those who believe more strongly in hierarchies, and among the religious, all of which are traits common to U.S. conservatives.

Researchers used, a psychological research website, and it basically duplicated what other studies have found - conservatives report higher rates of happiness. But it also showed that "self-deceptive enhancement" was higher among conservatives than among liberals, and in fact was mediating the association between ideology and life satisfaction.

They next turned to the 113th Congress, a two-year session that just ended in January. Where else, they figured, is the liberal-conservative divide more apparent? The voting record of members provides an easy measure of their ideology. The Congressional Record records their words, and the Congressional Pictorial Directory captures their facial expressions.

Originally posted here:
If you're happy but don't show it, you're conservative