Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

LoL Alex Jones #43 – Snot-Nose British Liberals! – Video

LoL Alex Jones #43 - Snot-Nose British Liberals!
Meet Martin from Munich, Germany. Martin calls the show to talk about experiences involving the holy spirit. He reads a letter his wife wrote about her experiences in church with the holy spirit,...

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LoL Alex Jones #43 - Snot-Nose British Liberals! - Video

Syria Assad Slaughter Continues as Liberals Stop Obama, UK From Bombing Dictator 8 31 13 – Video

Syria Assad Slaughter Continues as Liberals Stop Obama, UK From Bombing Dictator 8 31 13
News in World.

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Syria Assad Slaughter Continues as Liberals Stop Obama, UK From Bombing Dictator 8 31 13 - Video

Liberals buoyed by Warrens promotion

Liberals have high hopes that Sen. Elizabeth Warren's (D-Mass.) promotion to Democratic leadership will give them more sway in the next Congress.

Under pressure to shake things up after a disastrous midterm election cycle, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) this week named Warren to an advisory role where shell serve as a liaison to groups on the left.

While Reid and Sen. Charles Schumer (D-N.Y.) will still have the reins on political strategy, Warren's appointment has been seen a sign that Democrats might move in a more populist direction.

TJ Helmstetter, director of candidate communications support at the Progressive Change Campaign Committee (PCCC), said Warren's message "is exactly the direction the party needs to take in order to win again."

"Warren's appointment to Senate leadership is a reflection of the leadership she already exerts among the party faithful," Helmstetter said. "No matter who runs for president in 2016, they'll need to adopt Elizabeth Warren's economic populist agenda of big, bold ideas in order to excite voters and win."

Warren has had somewhat of a mixed record in garnering support from her party on high-profile policy initiatives.

Democrats were wary of endorsing the bill she introduced with Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) that would reinstate the 1999 repeal of the Glass-Steagall banking law, which required commercial banks to split their investment banking operations.

Warren argues that President Clinton's repeal of Glass-Steagall contributed to the financial meltdown.

But on the issue of student debt, Democrats rallied behind Warrens proposal to cut student loan rates by raising taxes on the wealthy. The legislation failed to pass the Senate, but Democrats used it as a rallying cry on the stump during the midterm campaign.

A Warren adviser said the leadership position will give her an opportunity to advocate on policies and priorities that she cares about from her seat in the weekly, closed-door leadership meetings.

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Liberals buoyed by Warrens promotion

Wynnes shocking blunder


Every time the Kathleen Wynne Liberals are called on the carpet over skyrocketing electricity prices in Ontario, they go into their patented, but we eliminated coal routine.

Meaning they eliminated polluting coal-fired electricity and replaced it with clean energy sources such as solar and wind power.

So today, lets expose this claim for the nonsense it is.

When Dalton McGuinty and the Liberals came to power in 2003, they promised to close all of Ontarios coal-fired electricity generating stations, which at the time were supplying 25% of Ontarios power needs, by 2007.

That was completely unrealistic and the Liberals didnt in fact eliminate coal until this year.

Meanwhile, in 2014, wind and solar power provide about 4% of Ontarios electricity.

So even for the Liberals whose math skills are not the greatest, as evidenced by the fact theyve doubled Ontarios debt to almost $300 billion since coming to power in 2003 it ought to be obvious you cant replace 25% of the system with 4% of it.

Beyond that, theres a whole other problem with Liberal claims wind and solar power were used to replace coal.

That is, wind and solar power cant replace coal because, unlike coal, they cannot provide base load power to the grid on demand.

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Wynnes shocking blunder

The lies that are central to Obamas agenda

Damn Americans. They just dont see the wisdom of surrendering to experts the power they need to remake the country into a progressive paradise.

Sighing with regret, liberals like Jonathan Gruber admit that theyre forced to hoodwink the citizens. For their own good.

Gruber, the MIT economist who (in the words of The New York Times) put together the basic principles of ObamaCare and helped Congress draft the specifics of the legislation is one of a long line of liberals driven by the belief that the stupidity of the American people is so insurmountable that persuasion is futile. Liberalism: the place where compassion blurs into condescension.

Lack of transparency is a huge political advantage and basically, you know, call it the stupidity of the American voter or whatever, but basically, that was really, really critical to getting the thing to pass, Gruber said, in a newly unearthed 2013 video that went viral last week.

Grubers jocular tone wasnt surprising. In explaining why a huge tax increase was disguised to conceal it from the American people, he was admitting what was obvious to close observers: The law is really just a redistribution scheme. Even the Democrats didnt think ObamaCare could pass by being so described.

Thats why deception, as Gruber says, was central to its design.

Except Gruber got it wrong: The people werent actually fooled. Most Americans are not wonks. They simply suspected that the law was too good to be true.

ObamaCare will cut your premiums? By $2,500 a year? And reduce the deficit? While giving gold-plated coverage to tens of millions more people? Who wont have to pay much? And none of this will result in anyone losing their current plan?

To the average person, Obama sounded like a used-car dealer shouting, Free Ferrari. Gets 100 miles to the gallon! Did I mention it runs on rainwater?

Americans didnt buy it. Never did. At no time has approval for ObamaCare hit 50% in the Gallup poll.

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The lies that are central to Obamas agenda