Archive for the ‘Liberals’ Category

Liberals get behind ICAC witness Sinodinos

AAP Federal MPs are standing by Arthur Sinodinos after he was linked to a NSW corruption probe.

Prime Minister Tony Abbott has declared confidence in Assistant Treasurer Arthur Sinodinos, who has been drawn into a NSW anti-corruption inquiry.

The NSW Independent Commission Against Corruption has opened hearings in regard to Australian Water Holdings (AWH), a company which Senator Sinodinos joined as a director in 2008 before he entered parliament.

It is alleged the family of disgraced former Labor powerbroker Eddie Obeid bought a 30 per cent stake in AWH, after which Mr Obeid lobbied fellow NSW Labor ministers to approve a multi-million-dollar business contract between state-owned Sydney Water and AWH.

The contract would have benefited now Senator Sinodinos by up to $20 million in bonuses, the inquiry has heard.

The minister - who will appear as a witness at the inquiry in coming weeks - told parliament in February 2013 he had not been aware of Mr Obeid's involvement or that of the Obeid family when he joined the company.

He also said in that speech that he had foregone his entitlement to a shareholding in the company.

ICAC is also looking at whether the former NSW Liberal Party executive member's placement on the company board was aimed at opening lines of communication with the Liberals.

The inquiry has heard AWH charged administration costs to Sydney Water, including $75,636 in donations to the Liberal Party - which the party has decided to refund.

Mr Abbott told parliament the former chief of staff to John Howard had served the country "long and faithfully" and he stood by the minister.

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Liberals get behind ICAC witness Sinodinos

Climate Scientist: Liberals WIll Use Carbon Tax To Make Government Bigger – Video

Climate Scientist: Liberals WIll Use Carbon Tax To Make Government Bigger
At a hearing Thursday on the Keystone oil Pipeline, James Hansen, former director of NASA #39;s Goddard Institute for Space Studies, testified before Congress th...

By: yazchat

Continued here:

Climate Scientist: Liberals WIll Use Carbon Tax To Make Government Bigger - Video

WA Liberal Senate Team – A Better Deal for WA – 2014 TVC – Video

WA Liberal Senate Team - A Better Deal for WA - 2014 TVC
On April 5, vote 1 Liberal and put Western Australia First. For more information, go to: Only the WA Liberal Senate Team...

By: Liberals WA

The rest is here:

WA Liberal Senate Team - A Better Deal for WA - 2014 TVC - Video

Long-term Liberals: analysis

By SEAN FORDMarch 17, 2014, 9 a.m.

THE Liberals are well placed to govern Tasmania for a decade.

THE Liberals are well placed to govern Tasmania for a decade.

Fourteen seats (maybe 15) in a 25-seat parliament is a strong start.

Other key advantages are not the Liberals' doing.

First is how strongly Labor is now on the nose with voters, in Braddon and beyond.

A former "Labor state" now looks set to elect eight Labor MPs at most.

The Greens have also taken a haircut, in the swing against them and quite likely to the extent of two of their five seats.

But the biggest plus for the Liberals is the economic cycle.

Tasmania is heading into strong economic recovery, as shown by the most recent jobs figures and other economic data.

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Long-term Liberals: analysis

Christians Claim Liberals Are Brainwashing Children – Video

Christians Claim Liberals Are Brainwashing Children

By: finch lorda

See the original post here:

Christians Claim Liberals Are Brainwashing Children - Video