Why Should Liberals Like Libertarian Ideas – Video
Why Should Liberals Like Libertarian Ideas
By: Karl Dickey
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Why Should Liberals Like Libertarian Ideas
By: Karl Dickey
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For those of you who do not know, especially young people, I am compelled to inform you of the generally un-known truth that the word "Liberal" has a proud heritage and was originally a word that described men who were the political opposites of modern "Liberals."
The word "Liberal" was forcibly stolen and corrupted by evil men who intentionally perverted the use and meaning of the word. In the long forgotten past, the word "Liberal" described honorable and principled men who held to a philosophy of government that advocated Constitutional Republicanism. Constitutional Republicanism is a type of government almost unknown to most of the world. America was originally a Constitutional Republic. A Constitutional Republic defined is characterized by a very small government with limits on its powers of taxation and whose other powers are strictly limited by rigorously enforced Constitutional edicts. But modern Liberals are nothing more and nothing less than Communists, Socialists and Dictators. Modern Liberals promote, advocate and enforce the centralization of all political power into an all powerful central government. The honorable old Liberals of the 19th century must be spinning in their graves over the outrageous corruption and modern use of the word "Liberal." Following are 60 Truisms about Liberals:
At the most basic level, the Liberal is anti-God. He is an intellectually dishonest, unprincipled, mentally immature, spoiled child who is forever in search of a world without moral consequence. That is why the Liberal makes "The State" his god. The Liberal worships THE STATE. The Liberal attempts to use his god (government) to eliminate all moral consequences for immoral behavior. In the name of "Justice," the Liberal also pretends to make his god (The State) "level" all peoples so that the wise or the beautiful or the genius will have no advantage over the unwise, the ugly and the simpleton in the marketplace. The Liberal calls this tyrannical State of Government, UTOPIA.
The Liberal vainly imagines that freedom from moral consequence can be secured by a collectivist, totalitarian state.
Liberals use moralistic platitudes and catchy phrases like "social justice" and "The Brotherhood of Man" to appeal to the naive masses who are duped into believing that the ultimate goals of Liberals are genuinely benign and beneficient. However at the root, like the Prince in Machiavelli's greatest work, the single moral principle that Liberals adhere to is the continual accumulation and centralization of all power.
The ideologies of Liberals must inevitably end in world-wide totalitarianism.
All non-sexual individual freedoms are despised by the Liberal. Why? Because those kinds of individual freedoms, (such as economic self-reliance) demand moral responsibility.
The fundamental power struggle of Liberals may be classified as the individual versus the collective. The Liberal supports the collective in every contest against the individual. The individual must be relieved of all power in favor of the collective. All power must be centralized.
Liberals hate Individualism because it demands moral responsibility. Liberals support collectivism because they hope to eliminate the need for moral responsibility.
The U.S. Constitution and specifically the support for rugged individualism which is evident in the Bill of Rights, is the enemy of the Liberal.
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Former ACT Liberal senator and chief minister Gary Humphries has accused the party's Canberra branch moving too far to the right and losing its way.
Mr Humphries says the Canberra Liberals face years in the political wilderness if they continue to act as foot-soldiers for Prime Minister Tony Abbott's Coalition Government.
Mr Humphries says the debate over same-sex marriage is an example of how the Liberals are out of touch with the community.
He says there is general support for same-sex marriage in Canberra and even among some Liberal MLAs.
"But when the recent debate was held about the ACT Government's legislation, which admittedly was a stunt, those voices were stilled inside the Liberal Party and effectively the sense of the Liberal Party representing a broad church of opinion on issues like that, was denied," he said.
Mr Humphries says the Canberra Liberals need to make a clear distinction between federal and Territory politics.
Since ACT self-government was introduced 25 years ago, the Liberals have won government twice in 1995 and 1998.
"The things that we did in those years to win was to make very clear to the people of the ACT that we were a different brand of Liberalism, to the kind that they were seeing at the federal level," he said.
"I think one of the reasons in 2012 that we failed again after more than a decade of Labor Government, was that we have become less interested in projecting a sense of us being for and about Canberra.
"We are more inclined to want to put our hand up and support what the Federal Liberals are doing, to the detriment of our image in Canberra."
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Andrea Janus, CTVNews.ca Published Thursday, March 27, 2014 12:57PM EDT Last Updated Thursday, March 27, 2014 8:23PM EDT
Ontario Provincial Police allege that former Ontario premier Dalton McGuintys chief of staff hired a staffers boyfriend to wipe out government hard drives that contained information about the $1.1 billion gas plant scandal.
According to an OPP search warrant released Thursday, police are investigating David Livingston, McGuintys last chief of staff, on an allegation of breach of trust. The document alleges that Livingston gave the staffers boyfriend unrestricted access to 24 hard drives from the premiers office to wipe them clean.
Police say in the document that they believe that an analysis of those hard drives will afford evidence of breach of trust.
The allegations have not been tested or proven in court.
Premier Kathleen Wynne said that if true, these allegations are very disturbing.
This is not the way a government should operate, this is not the way a premiers office should conduct itself and it is not the way my office operates, she told reporters in a brief statement Thursday afternoon. She did not take questions.
Wynne noted that Livingston never worked for her or her government, and said she has answered any questions about the gas plant scandal truthfully.
She also said that my office and my government will continue to co-operate fully and to provide all information required as the police investigation goes on.
The search warrant alleges that Livingston gave Peter Faist, identified as partner to McGuintys former deputy chief of staff Laura Miller, access to the drives. Police allege Faist was able to access the hard drives because Livingston gave him the special global administrative right assigned to his executive assistant Wendy Wai.
Here is the original post:
Ontario Liberals to co-operate with probe into deleted gas plant emails
ABC Graphic showing final make up of Tasmania's lower house after 2014 election.
The Tasmanian Liberals will go into the new parliament with more than twice as many members as Labor.
The end of counting has confirmed the Liberal Party will govern with a five-seat majority.
The party has won an unprecedented four seats in Braddon.
The Tasmanian Electoral Commission's final count has seen rebel Labor backbencher Brenton Best lose his battle in the north-west electorate.
Mr Best took a parting shot at the ALP.
"I can sleep of a night knowing that I've done the very best I can, I've been honest with the people, I've been upfront and I've tried to run the best campaign that I can given the limited support I had from the party machine throughout the election," said Mr Best.
It is the first time since the size of Parliament was reduced by 10 seats that a party has claimed four out of five seats in any electorate.
Liberal incumbents Adam Brooks and Jeremy Rockliff have been joined by former teacher Joan Rylah and Roger Jaensch in Braddon.
Mrs Rylah says it is an honour to become an MP.
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