Elizabeth Warren’s inflation boogeyman and other commentary – New York Post
Libertarian: Sen. Warrens Inflation Boogeyman
Sen. Elizabeth Warren is calling for the use of antitrust laws to target grocery retailers, claiming when only a handful of them dominate the market, they can force high food prices on Americans while raking in record profits, notes Reasons Joe Lancaster. Yet the senator could hardly have picked a worse industry to use as an example: Grocery stores consistently have among the lowest profit margins of any economic sector. In fact, the entire retail grocery industry currently averages barely more than 1 percent in net profit. If Warren really wishes to lower grocery prices, she needs to combat inflation by paring back profligate government spending.
From the left: Toddler Parents Unique Burden
Parents of kids under 5 have a knife hanging over our heads, moans Jaime Greene at Slate: Tots must still quarantine for 10 days if exposed to COVID, and a 10-day quarantine is enough to break a person. . . . This is about claustrophobia, and monotony, and how the little things in the world that help parents stay sane a library, a play date, running errands and dragging him along are off the table when youve been exposed. Hes old enough to need friends and playmates, to need the blessed, skilled teachers who can guide a tiny human tornado through a day of activities and circling up and songs. Worse is how the world seems to have utterly forgotten we exist.
Pandemic journal: Joe Missed a Key Opportunity
The Wall Street Journals editors are scratching their heads wondering why the Biden administration failed to order more treatments for COVID-19 sooner. On Tuesday, Team Biden put in for more of GlaxoSmithKline and Vir Biotechnologys monoclonal antibody treatment and Pfizers antiviral Paxlovid. Alas, these treatments will probably arrive after the Omicron COVID variant crests. Yet it was obvious even early in the pandemic that treatments were going to be critical to living with COVID. The Biden folks couldve taken a page out of the Trump administrations playbook, accelerating orders for treatments as President Donald Trump did for vaccine development. Instead, it focused relentlessly on masking, testing and vaccines with therapies as a fourth priority. Living with endemic COVID means therapies are crucial. And having more therapies this winter might have saved thousands of lives.
School beat: Dems Must Break Unions Grip
Chicagos unlawful teachers-union strike exposed an indifference not just to science but to the emotional and academic well-being of more than 340,000 schoolchildren, roar Bloomberg Opinions editors. It also showed why President Joe Biden and other Democratic leaders need to break the grip of teachers unions over the countrys public schools or risk irreversible damage to the students who can afford it least. Biden shouldve stood unequivocally against the teachers and with Chicagos students, whove already suffered far too many interruptions in recent years due to labor disputes. Yet he can and should still take other steps to curb union power: The pandemics impact on student learning has been disastrous; its past time for Democratic leaders, starting with the president, to show whose side theyre on.
From the right: Bidens Trumpian Demagoguery
President Joe Biden delivered one of the most demagogic speeches of any modern president on Tuesday, thunders John Fund at Spectator World. You might say it even had Trumpian tones. The president was pushing two bills to nationalize the election process and ban states from enacting their own voter-integrity laws, but the outright lies and vicious smears in this embarrassing spectacle made my head spin. Biden first claimed the Jan. 6 Capitol riot was a coup, which went well beyond the usual hyperbole. Then, almost everything he said after that particularly regarding Georgias new voting law was either untrue, a distortion or blatant exaggeration. Politics is often rough and tumble, with truth being the first casualty, but Bidens distortions did double damage coming from a presidential podium.
Compiled by The Post Editorial Board
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Elizabeth Warren's inflation boogeyman and other commentary - New York Post