Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

[REPOST] The Non-Libertarian FAQ | Slate Star Codex

[This is a repost of the Non-Libertarian FAQ (aka Why I Hate Your Freedom), which I wrote about five years ago and which used to be hosted on my website. It no longer completely reflects my current views. I dont think Ive switched to believing anything on here is outright false, but Ive moved on to different ways of thinking about certain areas. Im reposting it by popular request and for historical interest only. Ive made some very small updates, mostly listing rebuttals that came out over the past few years. I havent updated the statistics and everything is accurate as of several years ago. I seem to have lost the sources of my images, and Im sorry; if Ive used an image of yours, please let me know and Ill cite you.]


0. Introduction

A. Economic Issues

1. Externalities2. Coordination Problems3. Irrational Choices4. Lack of Information

B. Social Issues

5. Just Desserts and Social Mobility6. Taxation

C. Political Issues

7. Competence of Government8. Health Care9. Prison Privatization10. Gun Control11. Education

D. Moral Issues

12. Moral Systems13. Rights and Heuristics

E. Practical Issues

14. Slippery Slopes15. Strategic Activism16. Miscellaneous and Meta


0.1: Are you a statist?


Imagine a hypothetical country split between the tallists, who think only tall people should have political power, and the shortists, who believe such power should be reserved for the short.

If we met a tallist, wed believe she was silly but not because we favor the shortists instead. Wed oppose the tallists because we think the whole dichotomy is stupid we should elect people based on qualities like their intelligence and leadership and morality. Knowing someones height isnt enough to determine whether theyd be a good leader or not.

Declaring any non-libertarian to be a statist is as silly as declaring any non-tallist to be a shortist. Just as we can judge leaders on their merits and not on their height, so people can judge policies on their merits and not just on whether they increase or decrease the size of the state.

There are some people who legitimately believe that a policys effect on the size of the state is so closely linked to its effectiveness that these two things are not worth distinguishing, and so one can be certain of a policys greater effectiveness merely because it seems more libertarian and less statist than the alternative. Most of the rest of this FAQ will be an attempt to disprove this idea and assert that no, you really do have to judge the individual policy on its merits.

0.2: Do you hate libertarianism?


To many people, libertarianism is a reaction against an over-regulated society, and an attempt to spread the word that some seemingly intractable problems can be solved by a hands-off approach. Many libertarians have made excellent arguments for why certain libertarian policies are the best options, and I agree with many of them. I think this kind of libertarianism is a valuable strain of political thought that deserves more attention, and I have no quarrel whatsoever with it and find myself leaning more and more in that direction myself.

However, theres a certain more aggressive, very American strain of libertarianism with which I do have a quarrel. This is the strain which, rather than analyzing specific policies and often deciding a more laissez-faire approach is best, starts with the tenet that government can do no right and private industry can do no wrong and uses this faith in place of more careful analysis. This faction is not averse to discussing politics, but tends to trot out the same few arguments about why less regulation has to be better. I wish I could blame this all on Ayn Rand, but a lot of it seems to come from people who have never heard of her. I suppose I could just add it to the bottom of the list of things I blame Reagan for.

To the first type of libertarian, I apologize for writing a FAQ attacking a caricature of your philosophy, but unfortunately that caricature is alive and well and posting smug slogans on Facebook.

0.3: Will this FAQ prove that government intervention always works better than the free market?

No, of course not.

Actually, in most cases, you wont find me trying to make a positive proof of anything. I believe that deciding on, for example, an optimal taxation policy takes very many numbers and statistical models and other things which are well beyond the scope of this FAQ, and may well have different answers at different levels and in different areas.

What I want to do in most cases is not prove that the government works better than the free market, or vice versa, but to disprove theories that say we can be absolutely certain free market always works better than government before we even investigate the issue. After that, we may still find that this is indeed one of the cases where the free market works better than the government, but we will have to prove it instead of viewing it as self-evident from first principles.

0.4: Why write a Non-Libertarian FAQ? Isnt statism a bigger problem than libertarianism?

Yes. But you never run into Stalinists at parties. At least not serious Stalinists over the age of twenty-five, and not the interesting type of parties. If I did, I guess Id try to convince them not to be so statist, but the issues never come up.

But the world seems positively full of libertarians nowadays. And I see very few attempts to provide a complete critique of libertarian philosophy. There are a bunch of ad hoc critiques of specific positions: people arguing for socialist health care, people in favor of gun control. But one of the things that draws people to libertarianism is that it is a unified, harmonious system. Unlike the mix-and-match philosophies of the Democratic and Republican parties, libertarianism is coherent and sometimes even derived from first principles. The only way to convincingly talk someone out of libertarianism is to launch a challenge on the entire system.

There are a few existing documents trying to do this (see Mike Hubens Critiques of Libertarianism and Mark Rosenfelders Whats (Still) Wrong With Libertarianism for two of the better ones), but Im not satisfied with any of them. Some of them are good but incomplete. Others use things like social contract theory, which I find nonsensical and libertarians find repulsive. Or they have an overly rosy view of how consensual taxation is, which I dont fall for and which libertarians definitely dont fall for.

The main reason Im writing this is that I encounter many libertarians, and I need a single document I can point to explaining why I dont agree with them. The existing anti-libertarian documentation makes too many arguments I dont agree with for me to feel really comfortable with it, so Im writing this one myself. I dont encounter too many Stalinists,so I dont have this problem with them and I dont see any need to write a rebuttal to their position.

If you really need a pro-libertarian FAQ to use on an overly statist friend, Google suggests The Libertarian FAQ.

0.5: How is this FAQ structured?

Ive divided it into three main sections. The first addresses some very abstract principles of economics. They may not be directly relevant to politics, but since most libertarian philosophies start with abstract economic principles, a serious counterargument has to start there also. Fair warning: there are people who can discuss economics without it being INCREDIBLY MIND-NUMBINGLY BORING, but I am not one of them.

The second section deals with more concrete economic and political problems like the tax system, health care, and criminal justice.

The third section deals with moral issues, like whether its ever permissible to initiate force. Too often I find that if I can convince a libertarian that government regulation can be effective, they respond that it doesnt matter because its morally repulsive, and then once Ive finished convincing them it isnt, they respond that it never works anyway. By having sections dedicated to both practical and moral issues, I hope to make that sort of bait-and-switch harder to achieve, and to allow libertarians to evaluate the moral and practical arguments against their position in whatever order they find appropriate.

Part A: Economic Issues

The Argument:

In a free market, all trade has to be voluntary, so you will never agree to a trade unless it benefits you.

Further, you wont make a trade unless you think its the best possible trade you can make. If you knew you could make a better one, youd hold out for that. So trades in a free market are not only better than nothing, theyre also the best possible transaction you could make at that time.

Labor is no different from any other commercial transaction in this respect. You wont agree to a job unless it benefits you more than anything else you can do with your time, and your employer wont hire you unless it benefits her more than anything else she can do with her money. So a voluntarily agreed labor contract must benefit both parties, and must do so more than any other alternative.

If every trade in a free market benefits both parties, then any time the government tries to restrict trade in some way, it must hurt both parties. Or, to put it another way, you can help someone by giving them more options, but you cant help them by taking away options. And in a free market, where everyone starts with all options, all the government can do is take options away.

The Counterargument:

This treats the world as a series of producer-consumer dyads instead of as a system in which every transaction affects everyone else. Also, it treats consumers as coherent entities who have specific variables like utility and demand and know exactly what they are, which doesnt always work.

In the remainder of this section, Ill be going over several ways the free market can fail and several ways a regulated market can overcome those failures. Ill focus on four main things: externalities, coordination problems, irrational choice, and lack of information.

I did warn you it would be mind-numbingly boring.

1. Externalities

1.1: What is an externality?

An externality is when I make a trade with you, but it has some accidental effect on other people who werent involved in the trade.

Suppose for example that I sell my house to an amateur wasp farmer. Only hes not a very good wasp farmer, so his wasps usually get loose and sting people all over the neighborhood every couple of days.

This trade between the wasp farmer and myself has benefited both of us, but its harmed people who werent consulted; namely, my neighbors, who are now locked indoors clutching cans of industrial-strength insect repellent. Although the trade was voluntary for both the wasp farmer and myself, it wasnt voluntary for my neighbors.

Another example of externalities would be a widget factory that spews carcinogenic chemicals into the air. When I trade with the widget factory Im benefiting I get widgets and theyre benefiting they get money. But the people who breathe in the carcinogenic chemicals werent consulted in the trade.

1.2: But arent there are libertarian ways to solve externalities that dont involve the use of force?

To some degree, yes. You can, for example, refuse to move into any neighborhood unless everyone in town has signed a contract agreeing not to raise wasps on their property.

But getting every single person in a town of thousands of people to sign a contract every time you think of something else you want banned might be a little difficult. More likely, you would want everyone in town to unanimously agree to a contract saying that certain things, which could be decided by some procedure requiring less than unanimity, could be banned from the neighborhood sort of like the existing concept of neighborhood associations.

But convincing every single person in a town of thousands to join the neighborhood association would be near impossible, and all it would take would be a single holdout who starts raising wasps and all your work is useless. Better, perhaps, to start a new town on your own land with a pre-existing agreement that before youre allowed to move in you must belong to the association and follow its rules. You could even collect dues from the members of this agreement to help pay for the people youd need to enforce it.

But in this case, youre not coming up with a clever libertarian way around government, youre just reinventing the concept of government. Theres no difference between a town where to live there you have to agree to follow certain terms decided by association members following some procedure, pay dues, and suffer the consequences if you break the rules and a regular town with a regular civic government.

As far as I know there is no loophole-free way to protect a community against externalities besides government and things that are functionally identical to it.

1.3: Couldnt consumers boycott any company that causes externalities?

Only a small proportion of the people buying from a company will live near the companys factory, so this assumes a colossal amount of both knowledge and altruism on the part of most consumers. See also the general discussion of why boycotts almost never solve problems in the next session.

1.4: What is the significance of externalities?

They justify some environmental, zoning, and property use regulations.

2. Coordination Problems

2.1: What are coordination problems?

Coordination problems are cases in which everyone agrees that a certain action would be best, but the free market cannot coordinate them into taking that action.

As a thought experiment, lets consider aquaculture (fish farming) in a lake. Imagine a lake with a thousand identical fish farms owned by a thousand competing companies. Each fish farm earns a profit of $1000/month. For a while, all is well.

But each fish farm produces waste, which fouls the water in the lake. Lets say each fish farm produces enough pollution to lower productivity in the lake by $1/month.

A thousand fish farms produce enough waste to lower productivity by $1000/month, meaning none of the fish farms are making any money. Capitalism to the rescue: someone invents a complex filtering system that removes waste products. It costs $300/month to operate. All fish farms voluntarily install it, the pollution ends, and the fish farms are now making a profit of $700/month still a respectable sum.

But one farmer (lets call him Steve) gets tired of spending the money to operate his filter. Now one fish farm worth of waste is polluting the lake, lowering productivity by $1. Steve earns $999 profit, and everyone else earns $699 profit.

Everyone else sees Steve is much more profitable than they are, because hes not spending the maintenance costs on his filter. They disconnect their filters too.

Once four hundred people disconnect their filters, Steve is earning $600/month less than he would be if he and everyone else had kept their filters on! And the poor virtuous filter users are only making $300. Steve goes around to everyone, saying Wait! We all need to make a voluntary pact to use filters! Otherwise, everyones productivity goes down.

Everyone agrees with him, and they all sign the Filter Pact, except one person who is sort of a jerk. Lets call him Mike. Now everyone is back using filters again, except Mike. Mike earns $999/month, and everyone else earns $699/month. Slowly, people start thinking they too should be getting big bucks like Mike, and disconnect their filter for $300 extra profit

A self-interested person never has any incentive to use a filter. A self-interested person has some incentive to sign a pact to make everyone use a filter, but in many cases has a stronger incentive to wait for everyone else to sign such a pact but opt out himself. This can lead to an undesirable equilibrium in which no one will sign such a pact.

The most profitable solution to this problem is for Steve to declare himself King of the Lake and threaten to initiate force against anyone who doesnt use a filter. This regulatory solution leads to greater total productivity for the thousand fish farms than a free market could.

The classic libertarian solution to this problem is to try to find a way to privatize the shared resource (in this case, the lake). I intentionally chose aquaculture for this example because privatization doesnt work. Even after the entire lake has been divided into parcels and sold to private landowners (waterowners?) the problem remains, since waste will spread from one parcel to another regardless of property boundaries.

2.1.1: Even without anyone declaring himself King of the Lake, the fish farmers would voluntarily agree to abide by the pact that benefits everyone.

Empirically, no. This situation happens with wild fisheries all the time. Theres some population of cod or salmon or something which will be self-sustaining as long as its not overfished. Fishermen come in and catch as many fish as they can, overfishing it. Environmentalists warn that the fishery is going to collapse. Fishermen find this worrying, but none of them want to fish less because then their competitors will just take up the slack. Then the fishery collapses and everyone goes out of business. The most famous example is the Collapse of the Northern Cod Fishery, but there are many others in various oceans, lakes, and rivers.

If not for resistance to government regulation, the Canadian governments could have set strict fishing quotas, and companies could still be profitably fishing the area today. Other fisheries that do have government-imposed quotas are much more successful.

2.1.2: I bet [extremely complex privatization scheme that takes into account the ability of cod to move across property boundaries and the migration patterns of cod and so on] could have saved the Atlantic cod too.

Maybe, but left to their own devices, cod fishermen never implemented or recommended that scheme. If we ban all government regulation in the environment, that wont make fishermen suddenly start implementing complex privatization schemes that theyve never implemented before. It will just make fishermen keep doing what theyre doing while tying the hands of the one organization that has a track record of actually solving this sort of problem in the real world.

2.2: How do coordination problems justify environmental regulations?

Consider the process of trying to stop global warming. If everyone believes in global warming and wants to stop it, its still not in any one persons self-interest to be more environmentally conscious. After all, that would make a major impact on her quality of life, but a negligible difference to overall worldwide temperatures. If everyone acts only in their self-interest, then no one will act against global warming, even though stopping global warming is in everyones self-interest. However, everyone would support the institution of a government that uses force to make everyone more environmentally conscious.

Notice how well this explains reality. The government of every major country has publicly declared that they think solving global warming is a high priority, but every time they meet in Kyoto or Copenhagen or Bangkok for one of their big conferences, the developed countries would rather the developing countries shoulder the burden, the developing countries would rather the developed countries do the hard work, and so nothing ever gets done.

The same applies mutans mutandis to other environmental issues like the ozone layer, recycling, and anything else where one person cannot make a major difference but many people acting together can.

2.3: How do coordination problems justify regulation of ethical business practices?

The normal libertarian belief is that it is unnecessary for government to regulate ethical business practices. After all, if people object to something a business is doing, they will boycott that business, either incentivizing the business to change its ways, or driving them into well-deserved bankruptcy. And if people dont object, then theres no problem and the government shouldnt intervene.

A close consideration of coordination problems demolishes this argument. Lets say Wandas Widgets has one million customers. Each customer pays it $100 per year, for a total income of $100 million. Each customer prefers Wanda to her competitor Wayland, who charges $150 for widgets of equal quality. Now lets say Wandas Widgets does some unspeakably horrible act which makes it $10 million per year, but offends every one of its million customers.

There is no incentive for a single customer to boycott Wandas Widgets. After all, that customers boycott will cost the customer $50 (she will have to switch to Wayland) and make an insignificant difference to Wanda (who is still earning $99,999,900 of her original hundred million). The customer takes significant inconvenience, and Wanda neither cares nor stops doing her unspeakably horrible act (after all, its giving her $10 million per year, and only losing her $100).

The only reason it would be in a customers interests to boycott is if she believed over a hundred thousand other customers would join her. In that case, the boycott would be costing Wanda more than the $10 million she gains from her unspeakably horrible act, and its now in her self-interest to stop committing the act. However, unless each boycotter believes 99,999 others will join her, she is inconveniencing herself for no benefit.

Furthermore, if a customer offended by Wandas actions believes 100,000 others will boycott Wanda, then its in the customers self-interest to defect from the boycott and buy Wandas products. After all, the customer will lose money if she buys Waylands more expensive widgets, and this is unnecessary the 100,000 other boycotters will change Wandas mind with or without her participation.

This suggests a market failure of boycotts, which seems confirmed by experience. We know that, despite many companies doing very controversial things, there have been very few successful boycotts. Indeed, few boycotts, successful or otherwise, ever make the news, and the number of successful boycotts seems much less than the amount of outrage expressed at companies actions.

The existence of government regulation solves this problem nicely. If >51% of people disagree with Wandas unspeakably horrible act, they dont need to waste time and money guessing how many of them will join in a boycott, and they dont need to worry about being unable to conscript enough defectors to reach critical mass. They simply vote to pass a law banning the action.

2.3.1: Im not convinced that its really that hard to get a boycott going. If people really object to something, theyll start a boycott regardless of all that coordination problem stuff.

So, youre boycotting Coke because theyre hiring local death squads to kidnap, torture, and murder union members and organizers in their sweatshops in Colombia, right?

Not a lot of people to whom I have asked this question have ever answered yes. Most of them had never heard of the abuses before. A few of them vaguely remembered having heard something about it, but dismissed it as you know, multinational corporations do a lot of sketchy things. Ive only met one person whos ever gone so far as to walk twenty feet further to get to the Pepsi vending machine.

If you went up to a random guy on the street and said Hey, does hiring death squads to torture and kill Colombians who protest about terrible working conditions bother you? 99.9% of people would say yes. So why the disconnect between words and actions? People could just be lying they could say they cared so they sounded compassionate, but in reality it doesnt really bother them.

But maybe its something more complicated. Perhaps they dont have the brainpower to keep track of every single corporation thats doing bad things and just how bad they are. Perhaps theyve compartmentalized their lives and after they leave their Amnesty meetings it just doesnt register that they should change their behaviour in the supermarket. Or perhaps the Coke = evil connection is too tenuous and against the brains ingrained laws of thought to stay relevant without expending extraordinary amounts of willpower. Or perhaps theres some part of the subconscious that really is worry about that game theory and figuring it has no personal incentive to join the boycott.

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[REPOST] The Non-Libertarian FAQ | Slate Star Codex

Australian Libertarian Society


The Australian Libertarian Society (ALS) is the central portal for information about the libertarian movement in Australia.

Active since 2000, the ALS supports free-markets, individual liberty and the promotion of peaceful, voluntary interaction between people. The aim of the ALS is to bring together the many different strands of libertarian thought spread through Australia, including objectivisists, Rothbardians, classical liberals, anarcho-capitalists, moderates, pragmatic libertarians, Austrian economists, free-marketeers, and anybody else who believes in freedom.

The main activities of the ALS is to arrange occasional events, maintain the ALS blog thoughts on freedom, to provide commentary and analysis from a libertarian perspective, and to support other organisations and projects which share a libertarian agenda. If you would like to be involved, the easiest way is to become an active contributor at the ALS blog. The most recent articles are shown on the right column >

The ALS was a co-sponsor of the 2nd, 3rd and 4th International Conference on Climate Change (ICCC), hosted by the Heartland Institute. ALS representatives have spoken at the ICCC and also at the Festival of Dangerous Ideas (Sydney). The ALS also hosts the original australian political quiz. Some articles from the ALS blog are also published at the online mens magazine get frank. If you want to re-print ALS material, have a libertarian project in Australia, or need a libertarian perspective on any issue, please get in touch.


Young Australian libertarians may be interested in the liberty and society sessions, hosted by the Centre for Independent Studies, and the Kennard Freedom prize run by the Institute for Public Affairs.


The ALS is an Associate Supporter of The International Coalition Against Prohibition (TICAP), which fights for individual self-ownership and believes that the State has no duty to forbid or mandate what substance goes into the body of a person by his own will, regardless of consequences for the user.

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Australian Libertarian Society

Anti-Libertarian Criticism | Keeping libertarians in check …

While I think it would be cool to produce an actual map image, heres a general breakdown of my understanding of the various sectors of the American libertarian movement. It is by no means completely comprehensive, but touches on some of the main groups. Sometimes these groups overlap and an individual can be seen as having multiple tendencies, and at other times theyve also been known to have fights betweeneach other.

Paleo-Libertarians This is the socially conservative wing of the libertarian movement. Theirbig distinctive issues are immigration control, racial politics, opposing the U.N., fundamentalist Christian-western identity, and opposing democracy. This group also has some overlap with the anarcho-capitalists associated with Lew Rockwell and Hans Hoppe. This is where the white nationalists and assorted conservative cranks can safely overlap with libertarianism, as a political ideology designed in such a way as to potentially enable their causes.

To a certain extent, this is what the left-libertarians are fighting against within libertarianism and where I think their best and most effective internal criticism is focused. I know that when I was a left-lib, these people were my most common target of criticism. I was greatly dissapointed to find that most libertarians are sideline sitters and denialists on this controversy, and that for the most part only some left-libs were the ones willing to speak up about it.

Bleeding Heart Libertarians While this is in reference to a particular blog, many of the most visible authors of that blog seem to represent a certain kind of libertarian thats broader than the blog. The defining feature of these libertarians is that they are academic elitists, often with a moderate liberal bent and usually minarchist in orientation. Some try to square libertarianism with Rawls and other aspects of modern liberal political philosophy. Compared to the left-libertarians, they tend to be fairly vanilla. But they also can be found weaving nuanced philosophical tales over the top of obvious moral conundrums bleeding heart fascists.

In a way theyrepresent the closest you can get to mainstream libertarianism within the university. IMO, most of their work comes off as technical philosophic hair-splitting that amounts to nothing of import, and overall the premise of the site comes off as a weak PR campaign with a leftward veering eye. They will never be the kind of libertarians that can particularly appeal to people outside academia. The most radical voices are the handful of left-libertarians who are occasionally featured as writers.

Molyneuvians These are those libertarians who are followers of Stefan Molyneux. Consider it a new spin on Randian cultism. This is about hanging ones hat on the words of Molyneux and goes much further than standard libertarian philosophy, in that it binds one to particular ideas about psychology, metaphysics, morality, religion, and human relationships. To be a true follower of Molyneux is to accept a very rigid, all-encompassingphilosophy of everything. The libertarianism of Molyneux naturally appeals most to people with childhood issues, and it overlaps with the ideas of anti-schooling and criticism of traditional parenting.

Those who are truly dedicated to Molyneux are essentially online cult members who have substituted Molyneux for their parents. While Molyneux has gotten into controversy and has former cult members who are detractors, he has remained a staple in the libertarian movement and is perhaps the prime example of a libertarian individual achieving a high amount of media traffic and status through the internet.

Neo-Objectivists You cant talk about the Molyneuvians without talking about the Neo-Objectivists. This is a group of libertarians and ancaps who either are former Objectivists (followers of Ayn Rand) or otherwise people who integrate Objectivism into their libertarianism. Since theres a lot thats wrong with Objectivism, this introduces its own interesting problems. In some cases, it leads some libertarians to take stances very much like thatof neo-conservatives when it comes to foreign policy and domestic police power.

For others, its more about the philosophic grounding of libertarianism in certain ethical and cultural terms its centered around supporting property rights and markets in Aristotilean terms of flourishing and a culture of enlightened self-interested individualism, leading us into a special twist on bizarro-land. Rands philosophy has been prodded mercilessly and found wanting by a lot of people for good reason.

Left-Libertarians The left libertarians are an odd bunch. The left libertarians are somewhat multi-tendency, but I think it would be accurate to say that the general two tendencies are (1) the fusing of libertarianism with the cultural left and (2) the attempt to either reclaim or reformulate libertarianism as to be anti-capitalist or non-capitalist. In my opinion, as has been spread about through various posts on this blog, the left-libertarians have mainly succeeded at the former (while also bringing along some of the negative baggage of the existing cultural left) but failed at the latter.Its also true that the majority define themselves as anarchists and dominantly use individualist anarchism as their linchpin (which, while perhaps useful, is a limited cut-off point).

The problem is that contemporary American libertarian ideology *is* capitalistic, the bulk of the anarchist movement in the world is anarchist-but-not-libertarian (an important distinction), and that to really start to belong to the economic left the left-libertarians would have to basically cease to be libertarians in their viewson markets.

Beltway Libertarians These are those libertarians who are heavily involved in conventional politics or represent the official Libertarian Party themselves (as a side note: there are times I wonder ifBHL should really stand for Beltway Heart Libertarians). The layperson of this group is the person who wants an alternative to the two parties so they vote libertarian and get involved in it at the level of conventional politics, and most likely they are light on the philosophy side of it, or at least stick to a pretty vanilla minarchism.

The big players of this group are the libertarian politicians, lawyers, lobbyists, journalists, and vanilla libertarian organizations that basically amount to Republican light. This is also where the most money is for libertarian youth outreach (read: grooming people ideologically as the next generation of libertarian talking heads and academics). Think of it as the libertarian attempt to take on the lambasted role of the Marxists in the university.

Tin Foil Hat Libertarians This is the libertarian whose main draw is through conspiracy theory and sensationalism. They freely mix their libertarianism with conspiracies and tabloid style journalism. The reptilian Illuminati Jewish Rothschild bankers from outer space are coming! Think of it as the paleo-libertarian view on a large dose of acid, and after perhaps taking a Robert Anton Wilson book a little too seriously. It has never ceased to amaze me how many people like this actually exist out there. They always visibly existed mixed in as mutual friends of libertarians on social networking, in my experience. I didnt realize how many nutters I had non-thinkingly accepted friend requests from until I decided to clean house.

Geolibertarians These libertarians typically take after Henry George and their pet peeve issue is land. They are libertarians who rightly perceive that there is a distinct issue about land property, though theyre also ideologically tied to a particular solution. Aside from this one issue of land, it says very little about the given libertarian. I also always found interaction with geolibertarians to often feel odd in that they struck me as obsessed with this one issue, seemingly bringing it into discussion of everything as the one solution to politics. There are a number of geolibertarians Ive interacted with who seemed like fairly vanilla libertarians otherwise, and sometimes even surprisingly on the more conservative side of things overall. Its a single-issue position.

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Anti-Libertarian Criticism | Keeping libertarians in check ...

Libertarian Party – Ballotpedia

The Libertarian Party is the third-largest political party in the United States after the Republican and Democratic parties. The party aims to emphasize a commitment to free-market principles, civil rights, personal freedom, non-interventionism, peace and free trade.[1]

According to the party, "Our vision is for a world in which all individuals can freely exercise the natural right of sole dominion over their own lives, liberty and property by building a political party that elects Libertarians to public office, and moving public policy in a libertarian direction."[1]

The Libertarian Party was formed in 1971 in Colorado Springs, Colorado, by David Nolan. The group held its first national convention in 1972. Since its inception, the Libertarian Party has supported and fielded Libertarian candidates in races across the United States. In 2010, 800 Libertarian candidates ran for public office. A total of 38 candidates were elected or re-elected and 154 offices were held by Libertarians by the end of 2010.

According to the organization, the Libertarian Party is the third largest political party in the United States based on the number of Libertarian candidates, Libertarian elected officials, and state affiliates with ballot access. The party has state affiliates in all 50 states and, according to Ballot Access News, approximately 500,000 registered voters across the country, as of November 2016.[1][2][3]

As of November 2017, 154 Libertarians held elected offices in 33 states.[4]

The Libertarian Party platform is a written document that outlines the party's policy priorities and positions on domestic and foreign affairs. The platform also describes the party's core concepts and beliefs.

Click here to view the full text of the 2016 Libertarian Party Platform.

The following tables display the national and regional leadership of the Libertarian Party:[5]

As of June 2017, the following individuals held national leadership positions with the Libertarian Party:[6]

Regional representatives are members of the Libertarian National Committee and are elected according to the rules of their respective regions. As of July 2016, the following individuals hold regional representative positions with the Libertarian Party:[7]

The Libertarian Party is supporting candidates for federal, state, and local-level offices across the country in the 2018 election cycle.

The following is an abbreviated list of the party's 2018 U.S. Senate candidates:

The Libertarian Party supported 89 candidates for federal, state, and local-level offices across the country in the 2017 election cycle. [8] Of these candidates 19 were elected or re-elected to public office.[9]

In 2016, the Libertarian party nominated Gary Johnson as the party's presidential nominee and William Weld as the vice presidential nominee. The party also supported a number of federal, state, and local candidates across the country. The following is an abbreviated list of the party's 2016 U.S. Senate candidates:[10]

The Libertarian Party supported 103 state and local-level candidates in elections across the country in 2015. Of these candidates, 24 Libertarians were elected or re-elected to public office.[11]

The Libertarian Party supported 756 congressional, state, and local-level candidates across the country during the 2014 election cycle. An additional 20 Libertarians ran as fusion candidates and appeared on the ballot under a different or multiple party labels. Of these candidates, 23 Libertarians were elected or re-elected to public office, including seven fusion candidates.[12][13]

The Libertarian Party supported 98 congressional, state, and local-level candidates in elections across the country in 2013. An additional six Libertarians ran as fusion candidates and appeared on the ballot under different or multiple party labels. Of these candidates, 16 Libertarians were elected or re-elected to public office, including two fusion candidates.[14]

In 2012, the Libertarian party nominated Gary Johnson as the party's presidential nominee and Jim Gray as the vice presidential nominee. Johnson and Gray captured 1,275,804 votes in the general election, or nearly 1% of total votes cast. Johnson's 2012 vote total ranked as the highest number of votes for a Libertarian presidential candidate in history and fell just short of 1960 Libertarian presidential candidate Ed Clark's record of 1.1 percent of total votes.[15][16]

Other candidates that appeared on the ballot received less than 0.1% of the vote. Those candidates included: Roseanne Barr, Rocky Anderson, Thomas Hoefling, Jerry Litzel, Jeff Boss, Merlin Miller, Randall Terry, Jill Reed, Richard Duncan, Andre Barnett, Chuck Baldwin, Barbara Washer, Tom Stevens, Virgil Goode, Will Christensen, Stewart Alexander, James Harris, Jim Carlson, Sheila Tittle, Peta Lindsay, Gloria La Riva, Jerry White, Dean Morstad and Jack Fellure.[17]

The Libertarian Party also supported 567 congressional, state, and local-level candidates across the country. Of these candidates, 30 Libertarians were elected or re-elected to public office.[18][19]

The Libertarian National Committee (LNC) provides national leadership for the Libertarian Party of the United States. It is responsible for promoting the party's Statement of Principles, building support for Libertarian candidates and aiding in the establishment and development of affiliate parties across the nation. It is also responsible for organizing and running the Libertarian National Convention every two years. The current chairman of the LNC is Nicholas Sarwark.[5][7]

The 2018 Liberatarian National Convention will take place from June 30 to July 3, 2018, in New Orleans, Louisiana. At the convention, delegates will vote on amendments to the party's platform and rules and will elect the party's national leaders.[20]

The Libertarian Party's 2016 National Convention took place in Orlando, Florida, from May 27 to May 30, 2016. The party chose former Governor of New Mexico Gary Johnson and former Governor of Massachusetts William Weld as its presidential and vice presidential nominees, respectively.[21][10]

Day one of the Libertarian National Convention in Orlando, Florida, featured spirited debates on both party platform planks and between four candidates vying for the vice presidential nomination. There were just under 800 credentialed delegates in attendance with Libertarian National Chair Nick Sarwark presiding over the meetings.

Six candidates garnered enough tokens, another name for secret ballots, to be eligible for nomination by the delegation. Of those, five reached the vote threshold for participating in the debate, moderated by Larry Elder and televised on CSPAN. Gary Johnson, Daryl W. Perry, Austin Petersen, John McAfee, and Marc Allan Feldman took the stage to try to earn supporters for Sunday morning's election. Introduced and brought on stage one at a time, Johnson and Petersen received the most applause, though each had a significant amount of support.

Although it took nearly eight hours from the time the first ballots for president were distributed to state delegation chairs, the Libertarian Party ended up with the odds-on favorites Gary Johnson and William Weld winning the ticket as expected. A total of 997 credentialed delegates and alternates were on hand to cast their vote. The meeting was chaired by Nicholas Sarwark, who won re-election as National Chair later in the afternoon.

The link below is to the most recent stories in a Google news search for "Libertarian + Party"

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Libertarian Party - Ballotpedia

Bryan Zemina Florida House District 58 Libertarian Candidate

Rebuttle to the Tampa Bay Times Article regarding McClure PAC Money

Published on Nov 19, 2017

Tampa Bay Times reported today, 11/19/2017, that..."The flood of mailbox dirt that helped defeat McClures opponent, Yvonne Fry, appears to have been paid for through a network of committees affiliated with McClures campaign manager Anthony Pedicini and political consultant William Stafford Jones of Gainesville."Mr. Zemina has previously spoken in length about his top priority, if elected, is to close the Affiliated Political Committee dark money funding of campaigns. The existing political establishment has devised this scheme to launder the names from the funds, and deliver these funds in the names of PACs to the candidates committees.Tonight, Bryan Zemina calls out Lawrence McClure as lying to the voters, and Lawrence McClure has responded to Turn2Libery's questions on this topic saying,.."Inconclusive, not close to being conclusive", regarding the collusion with the PACs and his campaign.Amazingly, the Florida Chamber of Commerce hosted a candidates interview in September, and Lawrence McClure had Campaign Consultant/Manager Anthony Pedicini at his side. Bryan Zemina met Lawrence for the first time there, and Mr. Pedicini himself.Plausible deniability, just does not cut-it in this case. We suspect more will be revealed.

Bryan Zemina on DARK MONEY:

Tampa Bay Times article: READ IT HERE

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Bryan Zemina Florida House District 58 Libertarian Candidate