Libertarian Party of Cuba Experiences Further Tyranny – Being Libertarian
The Libertarian Party of Cuba has continued to experience state tyranny from the Castro regime simply for having formed a party of liberty-minded dissidents.
Less than a month after their initial detainment, members of the Libertarian Party of Cuba were yet again detained. On June 22nd, justbefore the party was set to be inaugurated in the Camaguey province, the partys president, vice-president and spokesman were detained, and were released over a day later.
Three days later, the state police came tothe party headquarters in Havanaand threatening tostop an event that the party had planned. The existence of any party besides the Communist Party is strictly prohibited by Cuban law; the country is a one-party state, and that law is implemented with the utmost force. The Castro regime widely enforces its law against illicit association by forcefully stopping events by political parties or movements, and indiscriminately detaining people who partake in said illicit association.
Zach Foster, US Spokesman for the LP of Cuba, recently provided further details of theevents:
The director of the new Libertarian Library in Camaguey, Alexis Muoz, says there was no disturbance and that the police came without warning, without provocation, and arrested Caridad, Heriberto and Nelson [all party members] with no justification or attempt to inform them of the charges. The team was previously arrested en masse at the Havana HQ on June 31, and on June 21 Nelson was robbed, kidnapped, and dumped outside of town by the secret police.
Nelson and Alexis were released from their latest arrest on Monday evening.
According to The Libertarian Vindicator, members of the party have recently begun teaming up with the Feminine Front, a group within the party focusing on the states mistreatment and imprisoning of women, as well as joining with the Orlando Zapata Movement to protest in front of the prison where the two were being detained.
The partys Facebook page states that the protesters were forced to leave after clashes with the police.
Spokesman Foster gave another statement pertaining to Nelson and Alexis release:
Cuban LP national spokesman Nelson and Camaguey province president Alexis were both released from jail today!!! We owe a debt of gratitude to LP Tennessee and all the individuals who publicly stood with us. For all those who didnt, your silence is forgiven but forgotten.
Keep up on the newsand give the Libertarian Party of Cuba support by liking theirFacebook page.
Photo credit: Libertarian Party of Cuba
This post was written by Nicholas Amato.
The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.
Nicholas Amato is the News Editor at Being Libertarian. Hes an undergraduate student at San Jose State University, majoring in political science and minoring in journalism.
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Libertarian Party of Cuba Experiences Further Tyranny - Being Libertarian