Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

Libertarians plot a ground game in Florida – Orlando Sentinel – Orlando Sentinel

Can a third party in Florida ever elbow aside Republicans and Democrats? When the Florida Libertarian Party held its annual convention last month in Cocoa Beach, it vowed to try, and it has its work cut out: Objectively speaking, 2016 was the Libertarian Party's best year ever. It was also a savage disappointment. That was the verdict of Reason Magazine on the partys presidential candidate Gary Johnson, who won only 2.2 percent of the vote in Florida. As Libertarians look to the future, whats the state of the national party and in Florida? For a Libertarians answer, the Orlando Sentinel Editorial Board sought out Marcos Miralles, 23, newly elected state party chair.

Q: What are the lessons for the Libertarian Party from the loss of its presidential candidate Gary Johnson in 2016?

A: We need better organization from the first to the last step. Johnson never had a chance in the Sunshine State because our grass-roots game remained weak. Ultimately, the Libertarian National Committee is likely to focus more on smaller states, like Montana and South Dakota, so we need to realize that we will be on our own in 2020. Well need to set up field offices throughout the state, well need a much stronger outreach to the Hispanic community, well need to start an actual absentee ballot plan, and well need to put our volunteers to work. Thousands of individuals signed up in Florida to volunteer in 2016, and the great majority of them were never to be seen. It all comes down to organization.

Q: Libertarian members have been described as split between pragmatist converts vs. stalwart radicals. How would you describe the partys core philosophy?

A: If you look deeply into our philosophy, youll see that Libertarians have a rational and unwavering distrust of all government actions, and we will always look for free-market solutions to each problem in society. But our message resonates with both liberals and conservatives to some extent, and given our considerable support from independent voters last year, we have the potential of being the real middle-of-the-aisle party that dissatisfied voters can come to.

Q: What would Libertarians have concentrated on in the first 100 days of the Trump presidency, if they had representation in Congress?

A: If we had Libertarians in Congress, we would have focused on tax reform. Its clear that President Trump is en route to clash with Libertarians every week of his presidency, but in some occasions, we could work together. Nobody from the Republican establishment dared to touch tax reform in the first 100 days, and this is where we would have come in.

Q: Does the party have a national database of members, or those who contribute financially?

A: Yes, and yes. That database grew exponentially thanks to the 2016 presidential campaign.

Q: How does party membership in Florida and nationally stack up against figures before the 2016 vote?

A: Our membership numbers are just a fraction of what we could have if all 2016 Libertarian voters registered with our party. Although we barely cover 0.1 percent of statewide registered voters, we could be a major party by 2020 if all those who voted for our nominees registered with the Libertarian Party. And that needs to be our first and foremost focus by the end of the 2018 mid-term season.

Q: Libertarians seem to focus on the national level. What is the party doing to recruit candidates on the state and local level?

A: Weve actually just launched Operation: First Step, which focuses on recruiting candidates in each county of Florida to run for community development districts, soil and water boards, and other similar special districts. Weve focused for a long time on large elections, but if we want to be realists and be successful, we need to start from the bottom and involve ourselves in the smallest level of government. Only then can we create leaders within our society who with time, rapport and a good understanding of their community will one day step up to win those seats at the national level.

Q: What are the partys top policy goals for Florida?

A: Ideally, we would love to see an end to the war on drugs, work toward the demilitarization of police, a complete end to civil asset forfeiture, and budget trimming and severe tax cuts. However, there is only so much that Libertarians can accomplish without any presence in Tallahassee. So well need to first focus on policies that can help the party become an established presence. We want to see a change in the states determination of what constitutes a major party. Now, that doesnt mean were giving up on other potential reforms. Just this year, our team introduced, thanks to the collaboration of state senator and currently a candidate for Congress, Jose Javier Rodriguez (D-Coral Gables), SB 1750, a bill to reform special taxing districts and to give residents the power to abolish them.

Q: Without any Libertarians in the Legislature or in statewide offices in Florida, how does the party stay relevant?

A: Its a humbling realization to see how much work we can accomplish regardless of having no elected officials in the Legislature. Ultimately, all politics is local. Nebraska, Nevada and New Hampshire all have state legislators. Our turn will come. Meanwhile, were confident we can show Floridians what Libertarians can do with our multitude of local elected officials that we currently have and will add on by November 2018.

Q: Who is jockeying to be the partys presidential nominee in 2020?

A: Ill let the potential candidates to their own bidding for now. But what I can guarantee you is that whoever the Libertarian delegates pick in 2020, that candidate will have a better result than Gary Johnson had in 2016 and will have a real chance at unseating the current president.

Read the original post:
Libertarians plot a ground game in Florida - Orlando Sentinel - Orlando Sentinel

LEONE: Libertarian views on US military forces – Seguin Gazette-Enterprise

The latest in Libertarian drama comes this week following a debate among three prominent figures in the Libertarian party, Marine Corps veterans Adam Kokesh and Larry Sharpe and National Vice Chair Arvin Vohra. Vohras statements have led many in the party to call for his resignation and he has definitively lost the argument within the majority of the party, especially after some unapologetic apologies.

Having met Vohra at the National Convention and personally talking to him on some other issues, I might have voted for him myself had I been a delegate. The cause of outrage? How Libertarians should view the military, particularly its service members. I recommend watching the initial YouTube debate titled Freedom and the Military hosted by Vin Armani.

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Continued here:
LEONE: Libertarian views on US military forces - Seguin Gazette-Enterprise

The Libertarian Party’s national archives now live in Colorado – The Colorado Independent

They came in a U-Haul.

Colorado, the birthplace of the national Libertarian Party, is now something else: host of the partys trove of physical archives since its founding in 1971 in Colorado Springs.

Or was the party founded in Westminster?

Thats a friendly dispute among some Libertarians who debate whether the official formation of the small government individual freedom party, which took place in the Springs, supersedes where its ideas were hashed out around party founder David Nolans Westminster dining room table.

Regardless, Colorado, a state with about 1 percent of its registered voting population claiming membership in the party, has always had an outsized role in Libertarian history. Now, just this spring, the partys physical history relocated from a storage facility in Alexandria, Virginia, to Parker, Colorado.

Leading the effort to bring those records to the partys birthplace was Caryn Ann Harlos of Castle Rock, the state partys pink-haired spokeswoman who serves as the national partys representative for nine western states. On a December trip to the East Coast on party business, she asked to see archives many thought were destroyed in a flood when they were housed in the basement of the famous Watergate building. Instead, Harlos found a room of records largely intact. Boxes of newsletters, convention material, even contents from the desks of former party officials.

I got a burr under my saddle and was like This stuff needs to be preserved, she said over the phone recently.

The national party set up a committee and formulated a $10,000 budget to make it happen. Party people packed the archives in a U-Haul and a staffer drove it west.

For the past several weeks, Harlos, a paralegal with two decades of document management experience, has, in her own words, been becoming one with the records.

There are tape recordings of old conventions, there are video tapes of old TV spots, there are bumper stickers, there are buttons, theres a lot of handbills and fliers and stuff from older presidential campaigns, she says about whats inside. She found handwritten 1974 convention minutes on the back of an old press release.

Her goal is to organize and digitize the documents, and then upload them to the online crowdsourced Libertarian history site Lpedia.

She stresses it is not a public Libertarian Party museum or anything, but anyone who wants to take a look can make an appointment with her.

There are people very passionate about the history, she says. I have people planning weeklong vacations to come and work on these records in Colorado.

Call it Libertarian tourism in Colorado.

Says Harlos: Being the birthplace is really [a]big thing and weve always taken great pride in that.

Read this article:
The Libertarian Party's national archives now live in Colorado - The Colorado Independent

Freedom Philosophy: Free Market Environmentalism – Being Libertarian

Being Libertarian
Freedom Philosophy: Free Market Environmentalism
Being Libertarian
The environment isn't very popular with libertarians. My suspicion is that support for the environment is viewed as a vessel for regulation and taxes (specifically a carbon tax) an anathema to liberation. There are, however, very libertarian ...

See original here:
Freedom Philosophy: Free Market Environmentalism - Being Libertarian

The Red Dirt Liberty Report: Cryptomania – Being Libertarian

Being Libertarian
The Red Dirt Liberty Report: Cryptomania
Being Libertarian
Like the majority of libertarians, I watch these cryptocurrencies with interest and cheer on climbing valuations in hopes that it might mean broad acceptance of these currencies, at some point, as a replacement to traditional currencies. I see the ...
Eight Reasons To Be Skeptical About BlockchainForbes

all 84 news articles »

Read the rest here:
The Red Dirt Liberty Report: Cryptomania - Being Libertarian