Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

Entertainment Taxes Hurt Locals – Being Libertarian

Being Libertarian
Entertainment Taxes Hurt Locals
Being Libertarian
No one has ever said that taxes are fun; but is it possible that taxes can be used specifically to fight fun? I live in a small town about an hour away from Pittsburgh, one of my favorite places to go for entertainment. The only problem is that ...

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Entertainment Taxes Hurt Locals - Being Libertarian

Trumpism Is Not Compatible With Small Government – Being Libertarian

Being Libertarian
Trumpism Is Not Compatible With Small Government
Being Libertarian
My greatest concern regarding this new regime is Trumpism, whatever it means each day, is beginning to replace the formerly dominant conservatism or libertarianism of the Republican Party. With only the strongest surviving, many of our principles ...

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Trumpism Is Not Compatible With Small Government - Being Libertarian

Brendan Cox: Norwich Libertarian vows budget massacre – Norwich Bulletin

Brendan Cox, (860) 425-4225 bcoxNB

Two years ago, Norwich Republicans in a coup secured a supermajority on the City Council, riding voter frustration over burdensome local taxes. But if the voters who elected them want to take it a step farther this year and if theyre willing to take a big gamble on an untested radical ideology they may get an opportunity in the Libertarian Party.

Bill Russell, the Libertarian who ran for mayor in 2013 and may mount a campaign again this year, is not interested in wimpy scalpels and the surgical budget cuts they effect: He said the citys $120 million-some-odd budget needs the meat cleaver treatment. When I egged him on, he upgraded to power tools.

Lets take a chainsaw to the budget. Lets take a chainsaw to the regulations. Lets get government out of peoples lives so they can start enjoying their lives again, Russell told me.

Norwich Libertarians held a town committee meeting last week, an event Russell said wasnt as well-attended as hed hoped. Nonetheless, he hopes the party can put up a full slate in Norwich, and unless Russell finds someone else to run for mayor, he said, I guess I will have to do it.

State party Chairman Dan Reale, of Plainfield you may remember him from his runs at the 2nd Congressional District seat held by Democrat Joe Courtney said there are now Libertarian committees in 33 Connecticut towns. The party has been engaged in unprecedented levels of activity and organization, Reale wrote in a party newsletter recently.

I was unable to get in touch with Reale, who I expect to run for selectman in Plainfield, last week. But if Russell is any indication, the party focused on individual liberty would use local power to eviscerate government with various kitchen and lawn implements, rescuing the taxpayer from the injustice of having to pay for ample firefighters and police. (And good luck convincing the rest of the council of the insidious evil of the government they represent.)

Russell was light on details the party is just starting its work on the 2017 election but one was to eliminate Norwichs paid fire department.

Moreover: Theres a lot of things we can do with the police station to make it more efficient and make it so we never have to move the police station, Russell said. What those things are is anyones guess.

But Russell, at least, is firm in his convictions: Government has grown way too big, way too intrusive. Its time for government to take a back seat to liberty or freedom or whatever you want to call it.

And government only stays in the front seat because voters keep electing Democrats and Republicans, who just want to control peoples lives, Russell said. When you control peoples lives you end with Nazi Germany, is what you end up with. (I seem to recall a certain White House spokesman getting into some trouble for using that nasty Nazi reference last week.)

Russell is serious about slashing and burning the city budget, though this philosophy doesnt really merit being taken seriously. But I do agree with him about one thing.

The city of Norwich is damn near a ghost town right now The Democrats and Republicans have really screwed this town up, he said. Given a chance, perhaps Russell, or whoever ends up running on a Libertarian line, could prove just the wake-up call the city needs, or thinks it needs.

What do we have to lose? Well, we can only find out if we hand a Libertarian the keys to City Hall and an oilcan for that lawn tool.

Politically speaking, 2016 was an outlandish year. Norwich could continue the theme if theyre willing to risk the Norwich Budget Chainsaw Massacre. Who doesnt love a good horror movie?

Brendan Cox is The Bulletins opinion page editor. Email him at or follow him on Twitter: @bcoxNB.

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Brendan Cox: Norwich Libertarian vows budget massacre - Norwich Bulletin

The Chief’s Thoughts: The Myth of the Libertarian ‘Utopia’ – Being Libertarian

Being Libertarian
The Chief's Thoughts: The Myth of the Libertarian 'Utopia'
Being Libertarian
It is important for libertarians to consciously and with purpose reject the notion of a 'libertarian utopia,' as it detracts from the substantive practicality of the libertarian political philosophy. I had an extended debate on Facebook recently about ...

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The Chief's Thoughts: The Myth of the Libertarian 'Utopia' - Being Libertarian

‘Buffy The Vampire Slayer’ Was Addicting Television With A Libertarian Streak – The Federalist

Today is Sarah Michelle Gellars birthday. Gellar originated the role ofBuffy, the Vampire Slayer for television 20 years ago in 1997 (Kristi Swansonplayed an earlier Buffy in Joss Whedons 1992 film of the same name). During the series, Buffy dies (and is resurrected) and we see her gravestone, which reads: Best Friend. Beloved Sister. She saved the worlda lot. And Buffy did save the world a lot; but we should stop and ask: from what?

I first sawBuffy the Vampire Slayerin its second season, in 1999. I was working 70 hours a week in residential real estate in downtown Washington, D.C., and could have easily cloned myself and given my triplets lucrative full-time employment. I was an hour late to meet a lesbian couple in Dupont Circle, and as soon I entered their rented co-op I was handed a plate of the pasta they had just prepared and told to join them, because we would have to watch Buffy and then write the offer. It was a season two finale, with Buffy battling the evil alter ego of her boyfriend (to save the world). Sword play, martial arts (Gellar was a black belt in taekwondo), incredible gymnastics: I was hooked.

Buffyalways had a big lesbian and gay following. Female action heroes, anti-authoritarianism, a love that dare not speak its name between a slayer (human) and a vampire, a teen and her friends (the Scoobies) who must keep the secrets of their blossoming identities and their after-school activities from their parents and teachers; in later seasons, a major character (played by Alyson Hannigan, who went on to star in both theAmerican Piemovies and in the hit seriesHow I Met Your Mother) becomes a lesbian.If youcant findit on one cable channel or another inreruns, you can get the series fromAmazon.

ButBuffyhad wider political ramifications. Buffy protected a sunlit world of oblivious humans (in Sunnydale in sunny southern California) from a dark world of predators waiting to eat them. Predators were either the authorities in charge (a Mayor working dark magic to become a pure demon in dragon form, by a ritual that included eating the graduating senior class), or aided and abetted by authorities (Buffysbete noir, Principal Snyder).

And even when the government stepped in to manage and control the demonic threat (a military funded project 314 which captured demons and vampires, with the hope of turning them into weapons), it failed. And Buffy had to save the world, again. (In the case of the military, she was aided by a boyfriend played by actorMarc Blucasas a kind of hunky heterosexual Bradley Manning defector, who slugs his commanding officer and declares Im an anarchist.)

Meanwhile, asBuffywas becoming a cult hit, we were all in our own sunlit worldthe asset bubble created by the federal government and the Federal Reserves currency inflation to buy government debt and fuel government expansion under Clinton, Bush, and then Obama. That inflation lit a boom and bust cycle with one collapsing asset bubble after another, from the tech bubble, to the real estate bubble, to the coming devaluation of the currency and downgrading of government bonds and student loan debt.

The predators in this case also operated in the dark, with the Federal Reserve refusing transparency and both major partiesaside from Ron and Rand Paul, Justin Amash, Thomas Massie, and a few othersdiscussing tax rates and proposing gimmicky miniscule pseudo-spending cuts, but never discussing the effects of currency inflation on investment and employment. Most voters and taxpayers have been oblivious to this, just as Sunnydale residents were oblivious the vampires lurking in the night.

The writers atBuffyactually knocked government and statism often. Social climbing cheerleader and mean girlCordelia Chaseis thrown into poverty in her senior year when the IRS seizes her home and her parents business and assets. Demon-turned-human and Buffy friend Anya is shown in one flashback sparking the Russian revolution, in her role as a vengeance demon, because she wants to see maximum bloodshed.

Later, when Buffys cancer patient mom is facing a hospital that cant cure her, someone in the Buffy entourage says I hate hospitals. Ever-Dadaist Anya replies, Its like communism. And of course there was Principal Snyder, tin pot dictator of Sunnydale High (played byArmin Shimerman, who had a role as a villain in theAtlas Shruggedmovie and a recurring role as an alien in one of theStar Trekfranchises).

This isnt surprising, since Joss Whedon (who is a liberal, not a libertarian) always has libertarianish heroes in his work. Theres the crew of the shipSerenity, rebels turned smugglers in the space operaFirefly, who outwit a galactic empire that created an aerosolized drug used by the government for mind control of the population.(The source of the libertarianism in Whedons work is co-writer Tim Minear, who now has his own series on the FX channel,The Feud, about the relationship between Bette Davis and Joan Crawford).

Whedonwho produced pro-Hillary videos last year parodied by writers atThe Federalistand elsewheresays he came up with the concept of Buffy by reflecting on all the many horror movies where a monster attacks and kills a young girl, and wondering, What if the girl fought back? The feminism is obvious. But its also libertarian, in that the young girl is the ultimate underdog and individual, battling forces of domination.

Buffy spawned many imitators, most of whom have also been successful. Though based on the occult mystery novels by Charlaine Harris, the HBO seriesTrueBloodis easily a Buffy progeny: a young girl with a special power battling evil and negotiating peace and privacy for herself as well as her community. The ABC seriesOnce Upon a Timelikewise features a young woman with a magical gift who must battle evils, including authority figures like a mayor who isalso a witch.

Itsinterestingthat NBCs copy ofBuffy, the recently concluded seriesGrimm, featured a male character, who was the slayer and a homicide detective. InGrimm,the demons and vampires were replaced with creatures called wesen (Grimmfavored Germanicnomenclature and mythology), two-spirited creatures like were-wolves and were-foxes.

In the world ofGrimm, individuals were evilnot mayors or high school principals, but private people whose secret nature asanimalistic carnivores required a cop who was on occasion willing to violate the 4thAmendment and other pesky aspects of the Bill of Rights. Grimmwas a well-produced andsatisfying series, albeit one that ended slightly abruptly when the writers didnt know what else to do. Butits interesting that it fit so well into the NBC fascist culture, where private individuals are evilfromLaw and Orderin all its permutations toTo Catch a Predatorand only strong government saves us from them.

Sarah Michelle Gellaris reported to be registered as a Republican, as is her reportedly more politically active husband,Freddie Prinze Jr.One assumes that, being young Hollywooders, they are more libertarian than social conservative. But I have never heard them interviewed about it. (Emma Caufield, who played Anya for the last half of the series, publicly endorsed Ron Paul one year, mainly it seems because of his foreign policy views.)

Of Buffy, Gellar has said: I truly believe that it is one of the greatest shows of all time and it will go down in history as that. And I dont feel that that is a cocky statement. We changed the way that people looked at television.

I cant help but agree with that, even aside from the politics of the Scoobies. And the show does seem to have helped encourage an endless array of entertaining occult fantasy shows (Moonlight, Being Human, TrueBlood, Grimm). Happy Birthday, Sarah Michelle Gellar!

Photo Sarah Michelle Gellar, Seth Green, Charisma Carpenter, Alyson Hannigan, and Nicholas Brendon in Buffy the Vampire Slayer (1997)

Excerpt from:
'Buffy The Vampire Slayer' Was Addicting Television With A Libertarian Streak - The Federalist