Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

Libertarianism & Feminism – Being Libertarian

Being Libertarian
Libertarianism & Feminism
Being Libertarian
That feminism and libertarianism seem to be at odds with each other, in the current U.S. political climate, is something that has recently perturbed me. On the surface, the two ideologies share many commonalities such as equal opportunity and ...

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Libertarianism & Feminism - Being Libertarian

Libertarian Party’s Social Media Team Flubs Again – The Libertarian Republic


It has been a fantastic week for public relations nightmares. First, Pepsi tried (and failed) to use social activism to sell a second-rate cola. Then, United Airlines violently removed a passenger from an aircraft to accommodate a non-paying United employee. Next, Sean Spicer did what he did best: shove his foot in his mouth. The White House Press Secretary accidentally omitted the existence of the Holocaust while comparing Assad to Hitler.

Just when we, at The Libertarian Republic,thought this week couldnt hold more boneheaded public relations moves, we were wrong.

Enter: The Libertarian Partys social media team.

As many of you are aware, we are in the midst of Holy Week. This week, Christians celebrate the time immediately before the resurrection of Jesus Christ. It began last Sunday (known as Palm Sunday) and ends on Easter. So, what do the wise sages at the LP social media team decide to do?

Why, they choose to quote the Church of Satan, of course!

Now, the Libertarian Partys social media team has never been accused of being smart. They are well known for reposting content from Free Thought Project and countless Anarcho-Capitalist memes. Once, they even were so foolish as to post an image declaring No Bushes, Clintons, or Pauls. It does not take a PR guru to tell you to not attack Ron Paul or Rand Paul, who are some of the most influential modern libertarians.

The post in question was eventually deleted from the Partys Facebook page, but unfortunately it was already too late.

It goes without saying that libertarians are a fairly thick-skinned bunch. We have to be. Quoting the Satanic Temple on Maundy Thursday, however, is a bridge too far for many. They accept a party that is apathetic to religion. However, they do not support a party that openly mocks their faith.

If the LP is serious about becoming an actual force in politics, it can start with firing whoever runs their Facebook page. Theyre doing more harm than good.

christianityEasterholy weeklibertarian partypublic relationssocial media

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Libertarian Party's Social Media Team Flubs Again - The Libertarian Republic

Libertarian Party Hails Satan In a Facebook Post – MRCTV (blog)

The Libertarian Party appears determined to remain relegated tonever reachingfive percent of the popular vote in a presidential election.

In a post on the official Libertarian Party Facebook page, the party shared a macro image about the importance of self-ownership and personal responsibility. And while they couldve cited any number of philosophers on the issue -- including the Founding Fathers -- the Libertarian Party decided to quote the Satanic Temple and the Satanic Seven Tenets, instead:

Ironically, the image included the hashtag #FREETOBELIEVE, even though 2016 Libertarian Party presidential candidate Gary Johnson called religious liberty a black hole to support his position that bakers should be required to bake cakes for gay weddings (Johnson takes his anti-religious liberty position even further and says Jews should be required to bake cakes for Nazis).

As of 8:30 p.m. ET on Thursday, the Facebook post was removed, but an archive of the post is available here.

This is far from the first time the Libertarian Party has attempted to be contrarian for the sake of promoting their principles. At the 2016 Libertarian Party presidential debate, candidates were asked whether it should be legal to sell heroin to a five-year-old. The candidate to respond "no," Austin Petersen,faced boos from the crowd.

This is also not the first time the Libertarian Party has had to deal with accusations of being associated with Satanism. A 2016 Libertarian Party candidate for the U.S. Senate from Florida, Augustus Sol Invictus, admitted to sacrificing a goat and drinking its blood.

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Libertarian Party Hails Satan In a Facebook Post - MRCTV (blog)

I’m A Libertarian Calling For Universal Healthcare: Here’s Why! – Being Libertarian

Being Libertarian
I'm A Libertarian Calling For Universal Healthcare: Here's Why!
Being Libertarian
What I'm proposing probably won't make me the most popular libertarian in the world, but I'm looking for something which is actually going to pass and still manage to do some good. So, this article won't be about abolishing Medicare or Medicaid, nor ...
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How Voters Feel About Their Senators Ahead of Election Day (September 2016) - Morning ConsultMorning Consult

all 120 news articles »

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I'm A Libertarian Calling For Universal Healthcare: Here's Why! - Being Libertarian

Ahmadinejad Enters Iranian Presidential Race – Being Libertarian

Being Libertarian
Ahmadinejad Enters Iranian Presidential Race
Being Libertarian
As Iran gears up for its May 19th election, former president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad entered his name as a last-minute candidate. The bid for the presidency has international and domestic ramifications; his candidacy is a direct challenge to Iran's ...

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Ahmadinejad Enters Iranian Presidential Race - Being Libertarian