Overcrowding On Libertarian Island – The Daily Record (registration)
Well I knew it was bound to happen sooner or later, dozens of goodhearted frustrated Americans descending on my Island seeking refugee from the insanity of political activism in America and in my home state of North Carolina.
Just a few days ago while visiting Libertarian Island, my friend Eddy Blackman suggested that we need a second bench. Eddy loves the island but doesnt really love the notion of having to share a bench, which is understandable. But space is limited, and with the American people rapidly drowning in the sea of big government, overcrowding is going to become an issue and I was here first.
Just last week my progressive friend Lenny informed me he was coming for a visit and challenged me to debate the now famous HB2. Lenny assumes because I have left this issue alone for months that I am ill prepared and this will be an easy victory. Well, Lenny, we all know how that will turn out for you if thats how you want to spend your afternoon, but I will gladly humor you while you smoke your cigar and enjoy the scenery of my newly overcrowded Island of freedom.
Since we are on the subject and I have been challenged, lets kick back, open a bag of popcorn and bruise Lennys ego a bit. When it comes to HB2, when a city council within the state oversteps its legal authority to pass legislation reserved only for the state legislator, then the governor and the state legislator not only have the right but the constitutional obligation to slap them down. Can the governor and state legislator overreact and overcorrect the situation? Well certainly they can.
What many refuse to realize is that the governor of any state is responsible for enforcing all laws and all regulations written in the state.
A governor, much like a judge, must interpret and enforce state law as written. A governor simply doesnt have the option of ignoring a law or mandate he doesnt like or agree with. Former Gov. Pat Mc-Crory and the state legislature did not ask to be put into the situation they were put in, but they had the courage and conviction to take a stand and honor the oath of office. You see, when the heavy hand of political activism meets the heavy hand of government we all suffer. And we have all been affected by the economic impact of this pathetic attempt at political activism whose only true agenda was to destroy the political career of a governor who actually had an ounce of courage and conviction.
For as sad and pathetic as this whole experience has been for the good people of North Carolina, sadder still is the fact that we have people in this country who actually believe that inviting the state or federal government into our public restrooms and locker rooms will actually improve the quality of life for any of us.
Heres a dose of harsh reality for you: Once you invite the government into your restroom and locker rooms you will never get them out. As my dad always said, we get the government we deserve, so be very careful what you wish for.
So debate me if you must, Lenny, I always have and always will respect individual liberty and freedom of expression. I understand and respect your right to privacy, same as you respect mine. However, there is one big difference between you and me. When it comes to political activism or the infamous HB2, I have never needed the Charlotte City Council or the state legislature to define morality for me. But sadly, you do. Thats why I live on an Island with a nice bench, a great view and a growing population while you still swim in a sea of sheep.
Nice try, Lenny, but you lose again my friend. Mr. Parker lives in Erwin. Contact him at jimmyprmg@gmail.com.
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Overcrowding On Libertarian Island - The Daily Record (registration)