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Conservatism and Libertarianism: Mutually Exclusive or Inherently Inseparable? – Being Libertarian

A few of my comments regarding the issue of conservatism and liberalism were recently taken out of context by a colleague of mine at Being Libertarian, Martin van Staden, our Editor in Chief. Martins article, Social Conservatism and Libertarianism Are Not Mergeable So Stop Trying (very pretentious, I know) attempted, yet failed, to demonstrate that conservatism and libertarianism are mutually exclusive. Given that my comments helped inspired Martin to write this article, and given that Im also a professional editor by trade, I figured Id take the liberty to provide a point-by-point analysis and response.

Martin writes: It goes without saying that libertarianism, as a political philosophy, is fiscally conservative i.e. that on a policy level, the State must conserve, rather than spend on a whim. Virtually all libertarians agree that this is technically correct.

Virtually all libertarians agree is an appeal to popularity fallacy. Further, it certainly does not go without saying that libertarianism is a fiscally conservative political philosophy because libertarianism isnt a political philosophy at all; its a legal philosophy whose purpose is to avoid and resolve physical conflicts over the use of scarce, rivalrous resources, thereby maximizing peace and prosperity. Libertarianism cant simultaneously be a legal philosophy for dispute resolution and a public policy for the state given that the state subsists on taxation i.e., the initiation of physical disputes over scarce, rivalrous resources. An expropriating property protector is a contradiction in terms.

Libertarianism is therefore conservative because its about the conservation of private property norms.

Maybe Im the odd man out here given my unwillingness to invoke the credibility of most libertarians to support my case, but Ive been a libertarian for about a decade and Ive never accepted the fiscally conservative and socially liberal bumper sticker slogan for reasons that Im about to get into.

Martin continues: The jury, however, is apparently still out on social issues. Many in the libertarian movement desire a merging between American conservatism (as opposed to virtually any other conservative movement in the world), which includes social conservatism, and libertarianism. Conservatism, as a political position, is quite region-specific, and entirely relative. To be a conservative means something different at different times.

The jury isnt out on social issues because truth isnt determined by majority vote. The extent to which social issues overlap with libertarianism is the extent to which social issues result in the subversion of private property norms. Further, I think we can safely table the European idea of conservatism for the purposes of this conversation as Martin himself did when he declared libertarianism to be fiscally conservative. Fiscal conservatism is about the minimization of taxation and state spending, two ideals which presume the primacy of private property norms.

Martin: (Conservatism) is not a statement of principles in and of itself, but a belief that certain principles which are already being adhered to, must continue to be adhered to.

This is correct. In America (where I live), that means pair-bonded monogamy, careful mate selection, private property norms, high investment child-rearing, not exposing children to sexuality, in-group loyalty, and intolerance for sexual promiscuity.

Martin continues: This is why a European conservative is, for the most part, someone who still desires a strong welfare role for the State, and an America conservative is much more reluctant to support increased welfare.

For the sake of argument, American liberalism and classic European liberalism would likewise be different, yet Martin has an interesting way of exempting liberalism from this critique (as we will see in just a bit). Also, its irrelevant because Martin already invoked the American concept of these terms by declaring libertarianism to be fiscally conservative.

Martin continues: Roger Toutant recently wrote that apparently, Libertarianism is, at its core, a fiscally and socially conservative movement. He says this without much further ado, instead opting to hide behind a facade of pragmatism. His reasoning goes that if libertarians continue to represent themselves as fiscally conservative and socially liberal (not to be confused with welfarist social liberalism), we will never win any popular support, because the right will refuse to get on board with our degenerate and lost social views, and progressives will never agree to our notion of small government.

Roger Toutant is right about this, and Martin hasnt done much here to prove him wrong other than call his assertion a facade of pragmatism. I dont know what is meant by this but its clear that Martin isnt directly grappling with Rogers argument but is instead calling his character into question by accusing him of hiding behind a facade. It was never demonstrated that Rogers argument was, in fact, a facade. This doesnt strike me as the most intellectually honest tactic.

Martin continues: Social liberalism, which is not under discussion here, but it is worthy to note, is a political philosophy in its own right, with its own economic theories. Being socially liberal, on the other hand, implies a public policy stance, as opposed to personal liberalism, which means that the individual himself behaves in a liberal fashion. Being socially liberal is nothing more than the notion that the State has no right to legislate decency or morality. (And given that were talking about American conservatism here, I should emphasize that it does not matter whether its a supranational government, a national government, a provincial or state government, or a local government).

This appears to be an attempt to preserve the possibility of equivocation. Social liberalism is the idea; being socially liberal is the condition of subscribing to said idea. Here I think Martin is conflating social liberalism with classical liberalism, the latter of which is almost extinct at this point. As much as I wish he was right about this, Im not able to bring myself to agree. I think Martin knows that progressive liberalism is the more popular definition of liberalism these days, as evidenced by the fact that he devoted an entire paragraph to clarifying that he wasnt talking about welfarism.

Also, Ive been covering politics for ten years. This is the first time Ive heard the term personal liberalism. I dont mean to appeal to incredulity here, but one of Martins stated goals later in this article is appeal to a broader audience. I dont think equivocating or referencing obscure terms is going to be conducive to that end.

Further, the state is a territorial monopolist on taxation and ultimate decision making. It doesnt even have a right to exist, and true libertarianism is impossible as long as it does. However, given that it does exist, the libertarian position is that the state should conduct itself in a manner most consistent with private property norms. I dont know how Martin can in good faith claim that the state shouldnt legislate morality. Murder is immoral. Rape is immoral. Slavery is immoral. Morality itself arises from private property norms. Is Martin really suggesting that the libertarian position is for the state to stand down when it comes to violent crime? I somehow doubt that Martin would agree with the logical implications of his own argument here.

Martin continues: The States mandate is and always will be fixed to protecting people and property from physical aggression, enforcing mutually-agreed upon agreements, and guarding against fraud.

Here, Martin directly contradicts his previous claim that the state shouldnt legislate morality. Morality arises from private property norms. Again, the state is a territorial monopolist on taxation and ultimate decision making. It is impossible to protect people by expropriating their property. Its a performative contradiction and as such is logically incoherent. Should the state protect people? Sure, as long as its going to monopolize protection services. Is it mandated to protect people? Absolutely not, as the states own Supreme Court has ruled. Either way, claiming that the state shouldnt legislate morality estops one from claiming that it should protect people.

Martin continues: All of this, naturally, must be wrapped up in the doctrine of the rule of law, i.e. the State cannot act arbitrarily, everyone must be equal before the law, people can appeal decisions, etc., etc.

Except again, the state is territorial monopolist of taxation and ultimate decision making. There is no appeal beyond the states own Supreme Court even in conflicts the state provokes. Given that the state is comprised of a protected class of expropriators, there can never be equality before the law so long as the state maintains its territorial monopoly on taxation and ultimate decision making. The very existence of the state creates two unequal categories of people and exempts one of them from having to adhere to private property norms, the preservation of which is the entire purpose of libertarianism.

Martin continues: Toutants is not an isolated argument. Indeed, it has become increasingly popular over the last year for conservative-leaning libertarians to defend and emphasize the ostensible compatibilities between libertarianism and American conservatism, while also emphasizing the incompatibilities between traditionally left-leaning positions where progressives and libertarians share common ground.

Why should this be surprising given that private property norms are the cornerstone of both American conservatism and libertarianism, as evidenced by the British Common Law tradition which persists to this day?

Martin continues: Christopher Cantwell is the embodiment of this worrying trend, having testified before a New Hampshire legislative committee that the government should prohibit female nudity on public beaches. He used highly-questionable arguments (including but what about the children?) in support of this position, but at the end of the day it was clear that his social conservatism was rearing its head in what was supposed to be a matter left to the political philosophy of libertarianism.

Speaking of highly questionable arguments, I would like to point out here that calling something a worrying trend without explaining why its worrying is merely concern trolling. Further, Martin has yet to provide a cogent definition of social conservatism other than to say that conservatism means different things in different places (which is also true of liberalism).

Martin claimed before that the state has a mandate to protect people. Apparently, he didnt mean children, or protecting them from early exposure to adult sexuality. Again, the state shouldnt even exist, but theres no reason to believe that public nudity wouldnt still be prohibited in a libertarian social order given that all property would be privately owned in such an order. Why does it follow that victims of tax theft should be forced to share the commons theyre likewise forced to fund with strangers who would expose children to adult sexuality? If protecting people is the domain of libertarianism, children should likewise be protected from such things, thus Chris did nothing wrong here. Libertarianism isnt about protecting degenerates who expose themselves to children. If anything, the libertarian position is to protect children from being exposed to sexuality, but lets move on.

Martin: The founders of libertarianism would not have bothered to distinguish libertarianism from American conservatism. Indeed, if American conservatism and libertarianism are as indistinguishable as many make them out to be, why did the distinction come about at all?

Because Murray Rothbard got kicked out of the National Review and it rustled his jimmies. Sorry to be frank but thats how it happened.

Martin: This is all especially worrying to me as a South African, and, I imagine, to many libertarians across the world (to be anecdotal: my arguably anti-conservative Facebook posts get more likes from my European compatriots, over the norm where my American compatriots are mostly in the majority).

This is more concern trolling and appealing to popularity, thus it cant be taken seriously as an academic argument. Its devoid of actual substance and is merely a raw appeal to emotion.

Martin: In South Africa, conservatism means a preference for Apartheid, a highly-socialistic system founded in the very fascist notion that the State is the embodiment of the people and enforces their will. So, when I enter into policy debates, only to have my opponents declare with conviction that libertarianism is conservative no doubt something they picked up from what is happening in America I am placed at a significant disadvantage.

This series of statements has literally no bearing on Martins original thesis or demonstrated preference for American conservatism, as evidenced by his assertion that libertarianism is fiscally conservative. Given this demonstrated preference, oscillating back and forth between American conservatism and conservatism in other countries is merely an equivocation fallacy. Perhaps Martin would have more of an advantage in policy debates if he studied the work of libertarian conservatives instead of cherry picking their comments and taking pot shots at them. Or maybe his disadvantage is more a function of his communication style.

Martin: The definition of conservatism which American conservatives have adopted enables them to relate, even if only at a distance, to the non-national philosophy of libertarianism. This is, however, not the case anywhere else in the world (at least, not to this extent).

And what is that definition? We still havent gotten it. Further, Im in America, as is most of our audience. Martin doesnt care enough about America to accept the American definition of conservatism, so why should I as an American care about what it means in South Africa? This is just more equivocation and a contradiction, given that Martin accepted the concept of American conservatism when he appealed to fiscal conservatism. Further, libertarianism isnt a non-national philosophy. Nations and states occasionally overlap but are two different things in the abstract. The state is a territorial monopolist on taxation and ultimate decision making. Nations are an emergent property of the extended division of labor, which occurs with or without a state. As is the case with all other externalities of private property and cooperation, theres no reason nations wouldnt exist absent a territorial monopolist of taxation and ultimate decision making. Ever heard of Red Sox Nation? Nations are as non-libertarian as roads. Should I also move to Somalia now?

Martin continues: Therefore, when the argument is made that libertarianism and conservatism or social conservatism more particularly should, in essence, become one thing, a custom-made American definition is used. This is partly the problem with the assumptions underlying Toutants argument.

Well, we still dont even have a definition or even an example of social conservatism that isnt circular other than that its apparently worrying and bad to protect children from early exposure to sexuality, though I certainly dont agree. Further, it has yet to be demonstrated why a custom made American definition is a bad thing. We arent debating public policy for South Africa or Europe. Is this just anti-American bias? I dont know Martin well enough to say but it certainly seems like he opposes the idea of America having anything less than a universal standard enforced by what? A totalitarian, one-world, democratic state which chooses definitions by popular vote? How would that be libertarian, again? I certainly hope this is just another case of Martin not recognizing the logical implications of his argument.

Martin continues: Libertarianism is set apart from American conservatism in one principal respect, which also sets it apart from progressivism, and which is the only justification for it being distinguished from both: individualism. A conservative, such as Toutant, can accept the basic premises of the NAP in theory, as have many conservative-leaning libertarians, but individualism in general is curiously excluded in favor of other values, such as (often bizarrely) democracy, certain social values such as the traditional marriage.

Hes flirting with a definition here but doesnt quite procure one. As Ive already pointed out, American conservatism is rooted in the tradition of the English common law. The common-law tradition keep your word and do no harm is the entire foundation of libertarian legal philosophy, and is inherently individualist. I dont understand where he came up with the idea that individualism and conservatism are mutually exclusive, but he certainly isnt doing much to explain it here. Perhaps his understanding of American conservatism is limited by the fact that he lives in South Africa.

Also, whats wrong with traditional marriage? Why is the word traditional in quotes? Pair-bonded, monogamous marriages are the best defense against the growth of the state and the safest environment for children. Children require resources. Single parenthood presents a significant challenge to the acquisition of said resources absent a welfare state. How is the protection of children anti-libertarian? How is minimizing welfare spending anti-libertarian? Didnt Martin already accept the idea of fiscal conservatism? Whats the deal here?

Further, American conservatism isnt inherently democratic. America itself wasnt even inherently democratic until the modern civil rights movement, prior to which voting was a privilege granted only to property owners who had skin in the game. And even then, one didnt have to be a citizen if one didnt want to be.

Martin continues: Toutants questionable interpretation of libertarianism is most evident in the following paragraph:

(Toutant): As far as I can tell, the vast majority of Libertarians are conservative in nature. They do not rely on the NAP to provide guidance to their moral behavior, nor to help them define what is good or evil or what actions should be punished, or not, by the state. For that, they rely on their culture and their religion. To many, the NAP is the equivalent of the Christian commandment, thou shalt not steal, full stop.

This isnt even an interpretation of libertarianism; its an interpretation of how Libertarians (with a capital L, which means party members, no?) interpret the NAP. Further, calling something questionable isnt an argument. If it was, I would have just called this entire article questionable and moved on.

Martin continues: Being a libertarian who is personally conservative, and being a libertarian who advocates social conservatism, are two different things, considering that social conservatism is a public policy position.

We appear to be getting closer to a definition, but How so? How are they different? What is social conservatism? Apparently, its a public policy position. We know that much. What else does it entail? Morality being legislated? Murderers, rapists and thieves being thrown in cages? Children being protected from exposure to sexuality?

How awful and non-libertarian.

Martin continues: Jared Howe, a Being Libertarian associate, recently wrote in a public Facebook comment that many Americans view libertarianism as a leftist movement due to the open border / free movement people. He went on to write that identity politics is not automatically invalid, and that even Hans-Hermann Hoppe relied on the historical and practical role of the monogamous family in his work.

Hey, thats me! Wait a second My comments are cherry picked and isolated from their original context. How could that be?

To clear things up:

Clearly, they were right, as evidenced by the welfare state and the myriad social pressures which push people into depending on it, thereby disincentivizing the division of labor within the family.

Martin: I am, as some would know, one of the open borders people. To many, that makes me a leftist ab initio, and clearly according to Howe as well. However, I obviously dispute this line of thinking, especially considering the rationale most open borders libertarians provide for their position, i.e. it is always founded in sound libertarian theory, even if it is not particularly Hoppean libertarian theory. Hoppes work is invaluable, but I dont recall him being declared the final arbiter on what is and what is not correct libertarian thinking.

Im sorry Sound libertarian theory? Such as? What is the actual argument? It takes more than a statement of disagreement to dispute something. And yes, it certainly does make him a leftist, or a redistributionist. The present condition of state-controlled resources like unused land and roads is subsidized by theft. It does not follow that everyone is equally entitled to the use of these things just because theyre paid for with stolen money. Open borders is thus a euphemism for the redistribution of scarce resources from people with superior claims (victims of taxation) to people with inferior claims (latecomers). This is literally welfarism despite Martins insistence that social liberalism isnt about welfarism.

If I stole Martins wallet and bought a PS4, would everyone be equally entitled to the use of the PS4? Obviously not. If I wasnt able to make restitution, Martin would have the best claim to the PS4 because he was the one who was robbed to pay for it. Same applies to the relationship between victims of taxation, the state, and the resources the state controls through the use of stolen funds.

Also, no one said Hoppe is the final arbiter of anything, thus Martin is slaying a strawman. Hoppe might not be the final arbiter on what is and what is not correct libertarian thinking, but his arguments still remain unrefuted. The same cant be said for Martin, here. Further, as I stated previously, truth isnt determined by popular vote. Thats what reason and evidence is for. Declaring that someone isnt the sole authority on a given topic isnt the same as grappling with the logic or evidence which make up that persons arguments. And indeed, Martin has neglected to tackle Hoppes writings. I suspect hes never bothered to read any of them, though Id certainly be delighted to be wrong.

Martin continues: Evidently, it has become problematic to use this description of libertarianism, i.e. that we are fiscally conservative and socially liberal. It causes confusion and opens doors which should not even exist (such as the ostensible similarities between libertarianism and American conservatism).

Yes, it has become problematic because its a bumper sticker slogan that has outlived its shelf life. The purpose of this slogan was to recruit people from the Democratic Party and the GOP into the Libertarian Party in America; the purpose of this slogan was not to serve as a libertarian ideal or a means to bring about libertarian ends. Social and fiscal is a distinction without a difference. At the end of the day, both terms refer to people, scarce resources, and the relationships between them. Thats it. Fiscal vs. social is a false dichotomy. These terms rose to popularity as buzzwords because of the medias attempt to mislead people. Seems to be working pretty well.

Martin: Instead and this has become more popular in certain respects if we want to appeal to a broad audience rather than philosophy club, we should say we value personal and economic freedom for individuals. In this way, we avoid the confusion between socially liberal and social liberalism, which is a philosophy with some unfortunate socialist connotations, and avoid the confusion between American conservatism and fiscally conservative.

None of these things have even been adequately defined at this point, thus it appears that this is merely a series of distinctions without differences which allow Martin to preserve the possibility of equivocation.

Further, the empirical evidence doesnt support Martins thesis about marketing. The most successful libertarian marketer ever was arguably Ron Paul. The vast majority of his political career was devoted to focusing on the overlap between conservatism and libertarianism, and he invested the vast majority of his efforts in appealing to conservatives, as do the similarly successful people who are close to him like Tom Woods, Jeff Deist, and Lew Rockwell.

Martin concludes: Our victories over the left will be meaningless if we lose our identity in the process, instead becoming part of the authoritarian horseshoe paradigm we naturally must oppose.

Yet more concern trolling. Also, didnt he berate me earlier for saying identity politics arent inherently bad? Now hes reversing that position for this conclusion in which he claims that libertarianism is explicitly an identitarian issue? Which one is it?

Just to recap:

Again, I dont differentiate between social and fiscal issues. At the end of the day, were talking about people and scarce resources, and the relationships between them. Conservatism in America, as I previously pointed out, refers to the conservation of private property norms, the monogamous family, high-investment child rearing, etc. The degree to which the mainstream conservatives (the neocons) have pulled the conservative movement left over the last 50 years is a function of them trying to appeal to a broader audience, which is really just a euphemism for pandering to leftists. The purpose of libertarianism and private property norms are one and the same to avoid and address physical conflicts over the use of scarce, rivalrous resources. As such, conservatism and libertarianism overlap one another almost perfectly. If they cant be merged, its because they cant be further merged. Its not like they are oil and water. Its more like theyre oxygen and hydrogen.

Its no coincidence that divorce rates and the rate of welfare dependence have ballooned in tandem, as has Americas global military presence. As Ive written elsewhere, welfare can only be sustained through warfare. The family is the first and last bastion of defense against the assault on private property. As such, monogamous families are inherently libertarian. There is no separating social issues from fiscal issues. Both terms denote people, resources, and the relationships between them. When monogamous families are destabilized through progressive identity politics, social justice, and state-subsidized welfare, the state grows in size and power.

Im dismayed that Martin chose to isolate my arguments from their original context as he appears to have done with the other thinkers he chose to cite, and even more so that he chose to employ logical fallacies and concern trolling rather than address the arguments directly. Martin writes well but he failed to prove his thesis in this particular article, and may have actually accomplished the opposite of what he had intended by demonstrating that some libertarian ideas, like open borders, are more conducive to communist ends than libertarian ends.

I dont begrudge him, I just hope he invests more time in understanding the positions of those who believe conservatism to be inherently libertarian, and vice versa, before becoming contemptuous with them prior to investigation. As it stands now, hes equivocating and appealing to the authority of others (e.g. most libertarians agree) rather than constructing his own arguments.

Like Martin, I would prefer for the tenets of classical liberalism to be the benchmark standard for what it means to be socially liberal, but this sadly isnt the case.

* Jared Howe is an American-based Austro-libertarian writer, editor, and social media personality. Jared is also the Assistant Media Director for Being Libertarian and co-host of BackWordz LIVE! w/Eric July and Jared Howe, which airs on BeingLiberTV Mondays and Wednesday evenings between 5p and 7p EST.

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Conservatism and Libertarianism: Mutually Exclusive or Inherently Inseparable? - Being Libertarian

On Libertarian Arrogance – The Liberty Conservative

Recently, I was privy to an exchange on social media that highlighted the intellectual and moral arrogance observed in many libertarians. Certain members of the Liberty Movement seem to be so sure of their superiority that they miss the authoritarian allure of a Donald Trump or Bernie Sanders. Turning a blind eye (or turning up our noses) at those we disagree with will not help advance the ideas about individual rights, the rule of law, benefits of markets, or any of the other foundations upon which so many of us base our worldviews if not our careers.

Rather than dismiss those arguments that we happen to disagree with by claiming some de facto intellectual, empirical, or moral superiority, we should instead be willing to engage with conservative and liberal arguments on their own terms. There is simply no better way to refute bad arguments, improve electoral opportunities, and gain adherents to ideas that have been indispensable in shaping the freedom and prosperity of the western world.

Conservatives want the United States to maintain a large military and take an active role in the security of the western world, arguably to the point of adventurism. Why? Not because they hate peace, or like war, or are unaware of the ability of markets and free exchange to forge peaceful relations between nation states through repeat interactions. But because from their ideological perspective, the United States is the protector of the western order, and the world is a dangerous place. That does not make conservatives stupid, intellectually lazy, or immoral.

Liberals believe that society has an affirmative duty to provide a strong social safety net and other benefits to poor and disadvantaged individuals through action by the government. Why? Not because they never took basic economics in high school, or are socialists, or are unaware that such heavy tax and spending systems can become unsustainable in the long run. But because from their ideological perspective, the United States, as one of the wealthiest nations on Earth, cannot claim to be great unless it ensures that those most vulnerable in our society are given an equal chance. That does not make liberals stupid, intellectually lazy, or immoral.

And both liberals and conservatives seem to believe, despite their varying views on immigration policy and supranational organizations, that Westphalian nation states should continue to exist, that borders serve valuable purposes for individuals and society, and should also continue to exist. Make all the arguments you want to the contrary. May the echo chamber provide you the comfort that electoral losses and relegation to the political fringe never will.

Libertarians do not possess the exclusive right to define reality for other people. That is simply not how human beings psychologically function. If you want to convince someone of something, talk to them. Engage with their worldview and arguments. Understand their concerns. One of my mentors in college was apt to say: You gain nothing by refusing to consider the concerns of others. Whether an argument is right or wrong, dismissing it by calling the person making it stupid, intellectually lazy, or immoral, instead of engaging with them thoughtfully, does not reflect well on the Liberty Movement or the person being dismissive.

An ideological perspective that alienates the other 90% of the population because it demands purity over political pragmatism will not gain adherents to the Liberty Movement, improve electoral prospects, or successfully advance the ideas of liberty to the greater population.

Follow this link:
On Libertarian Arrogance - The Liberty Conservative

Rep. Massie’s theory: Libertarians saw Trump as ‘craziest son of a bitch in the race’ – Washington Examiner

In an interview with the Washington Examiner two months into President Trump's administration, Rep. Thomas Massie (R-Ky.) reflected on the president's ascent to America's highest office, offering fresh insights from his vantage point as a libertarian-leaning representative smack in the heart of Trump country.

To explain 2016, Massie looks to previous cycles. Rand Paul's upset victory in the 2010, Ron Paul's enthusiastic following in the 2012 presidential race, and his own win in the 2012 congressional primary all looked, at first glance, like a libertarian wave.

"I went to Iowa twice and came back with [Ron Paul]. I was with him at every event for the last three days in Iowa," Massie said. "From what I observed, not just in Iowa but also in Kentucky, up close with individuals, was that the people that voted for me in Kentucky, and the people who had voted for Rand Paul in Iowa several years before, were now voting for Trump. In fact, the people that voted for Rand in a primary in Kentucky were preferring Trump."

"All this time," Massie explained, "I thought they were voting for libertarian Republicans. But after some soul searching I realized when they voted for Rand and Ron and me in these primaries, they weren't voting for libertarian ideas they were voting for the craziest son of a bitch in the race. And Donald Trump won best in class, as we had up until he came along."

Massie's observation that libertarian-minded voters, those who devoted passionate support to Sen. Paul and his father in previous cycles, are likely more attracted to "crazy" personalities than candidates with ideological purity bears important implications for the future of that movement. Do those voters, more than anything, crave change agents over philosophical disciples?

Massie sees Trump as more of a populist than a libertarian conservative, but noted important similarities between both camps. "There are some places where populism overlaps with libertarianism and contradicts the establishment here in D.C.," Massie said. "For instance, less proclivity to go to war, less appetite for having 20 or 30,000 troops in any one country to subsidize their defense."

"I see overlap there," he concluded.

Massie chalks Trump's success in the general election up to his pledge to shake up Washington, saying, "He had the change mantle and Hillary didn't."

Massie recalled an encounter he had with one of Trump's most powerful primary opponents during the election, reflecting, "I remember I ran into Jeb Bush in a hotel lobby in Iowa. He was just there, no staff and we started talking.

Also from the Washington Examiner

Democrats are blaming the recent decline in Obamacare enrollments to "sabotage" by the Trump administration.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi said Trump's executive actions since taking office, including scaling back advertising for the law, have caused the drop in enrollments in 2017. Pelosi, D-Calif., called the moves part of "a cynical ad willful campaign" to depress enrollment.

Obamacare enrollments have dropped by about half a million people in 2017 compared to 2016, the Trump administration reported Wednesday.

"As of December 24, 11.5 million Americans had signed up for coverage in the marketplaces about 300,000 more than at the same time in the previous year," Pelosi said.

03/15/17 3:44 PM

Bush, Massie said, "was adamant that Trump wasn't a real Republican."

"Ironic," the congressman noted, "because that was in my circle of hardcore supporters that's the charge leveled at the Bushes."

It's worth noting that Americans generally tend to be less devoted to ideological teams than we realize, as I outlined Tuesday in this analysis of Bernie Sanders' appeal to Trump voters. Populism transcends party lines for a reason.

Emily Jashinsky is a commentary writer for the Washington Examiner.

Also from the Washington Examiner

Comey to brief senators but Graham not invited.

03/15/17 3:39 PM

Excerpt from:
Rep. Massie's theory: Libertarians saw Trump as 'craziest son of a bitch in the race' - Washington Examiner

The French Conundrum – Being Libertarian

Being Libertarian
The French Conundrum
Being Libertarian
Hollande is a member of the Socialist Party, and from a libertarian point of view, he's a candidate we wouldn't even think of voting for. Islamic terrorism coupled with economic stagnation has made Hollande extremely unpopular amongst French voters.

and more »

The French Conundrum - Being Libertarian

In Support Of Mark Cuban’s Libertarian Leanings. – The Libertarian Republic


By Paul Meekin

One man can be a crucial ingredient on a team, but one man cannot make a team. Kareem Abdul Jabbar

Mark Cuban tends to be my kind of Billionaire. Hes a tech pioneer, sports fan, intelligent, has a jaw-line you can set you watch too, and tends to advocate for some of the libertarian agenda.

Also Shark Tank is pretty awesome.

But is Mark Cubana libertarian? Well, no. In recent comments made at a South By Southwest Festival Panel, Cuban stated hes a libertarian at heart, but believes some healthcare should be federally provided, and there are some protections the government should provide its citizens.

At heart Im a libertarian, he said. In 2015 he elaborated on the thought Id like to be libertarian, The Business Insider reported. When I think libertarian, its as small of a government as we can get, right now you just cut right through it and you make it [smaller] right now.

Thats not real. Theres got to be a process. Theres got to be a transition. As a country, we make decisions. We make decisions that were going to provide healthcare, right? We dont just let people die on the street. You can go into any hospital and they have to treat you.The Business Insiderreported.

He continued: You cant cure every ill with a government program. I literally would rather write a check: Takewhatever money is in a given department in the government, take 25% off the top, put it back in the taxpayers pockets, and then just give cash to people, right? Because itll be more effective in how its used and help the economy at the same time,

I can get behind that. I am of the mind that providing people healthcare, only to rip it away a few years later is cruel and unusual. But I also understand the Obamacare system is topsy turvey and unsustainable.

Based on his comments about healthcare, you might say Mark Cuban is a fauxlibertarian, and thats fine. I say hes an ally. He wants what libertarianswant, but has serious questions and serious concerns about how to get there. Concerns which should not be mocked, they shouldbe addressed.

Keep in mind it is the methodology of the regressive left to exclude and shame you if youre not lock-step with their platform.

I would hope Libertarians are a bit moreevolved, or open minded. Or at least happy to take the mans money if we get the right presidential candidate.The last thing libertariansneeds is an insular ideology. We should accept help and support from anywhere we can. Cuban disagrees with most libertarians on healthcare? Thats fine. Libertarians disagree with Bernie Sanders on everything, but I would hope wed be willing to work with him regarding lowering the cost of prescription medication.

Libertarians have their feet in two worlds and thus have a hard time making friends and an easier time making enemies. Ripping healthcare away from millions of Americans isnt a fun topic at lefty parties. The libertarian ideal of letting any two people get marriage benefits (or having them at all) probably isnt a fun discussion to have at CPAC.Hell get 7 libertarians in a room and ask them about abortion and see what happens.

My point is- just because someone isnt totally onboard with the beliefs of your party, doesnt make them a fake or a phony or somehow an enemy. Will Mark Cuban ever wear a taxation is theft t-shirt? Probably not.

Will Mark Cuban vote for a man or woman who wears one? Based on his history? Stranger things have happened.

cpacHealthcarelibertarianmark cubanObamacareSXSW

Read more:
In Support Of Mark Cuban's Libertarian Leanings. - The Libertarian Republic