Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

President Obama’s Poor Job Growth – Being Libertarian (blog)

Barack Obamas presidency has ended and many have praised his ability to turn around the economy from its Great Recession. According to Wikipedia Obamas so-called recovery supposedly created 11.4 million jobs in total. However, many conservatives and libertarians point out that the labor force participation rate has reached an all-time low. While this is true, as an economist, and libertarian, I advocate further research on why such participation rates have decreased, rather than including everyone exiting the workforce as part of the economic problem itself.

Ive already addressed that Obama had a job growth of 1.7 million Jobs in August. However, Ive further updated my methodology and way of recording such increases and decreases of job growths under a president, and this would truly reflect real job growth under a president. The changes of methodology that Ive employed are:

Now that its January, we can finalize the actual job growth of Obama. However, as a note, we do not include January this year as under Obama, as weve included January 2009 as part of Obamas job growth. January 2017 will be applied to President Trumps record. A difference of 19 days will most likely not yield a huge difference of job growth. This also helps us simplify the calculations of job growth from January 1st to December 31st as Bureau of Labor statistics do not give individual days of job growth within those months as it is not feasible, thus to do a calculation based on year start of January 20th towards January the 19th is not possible.

If we look at how to calculate the non-participant rate, we find that the two reasons which we can exclude people from what we call the true non-participant rate is people which have declared ill/disabled, and retired. Other items, such as home responsibilities, going to school, and other reasons will be included in our calculations to show changes in the true non-participant rates, rather than using the full participant rates.

This BLS article shows those reasons in 2004, and in 2014. However, changes were not recorded, and it only recorded reasons specified within those two particular years, therefore I have created a change in percentages per year when calculating the difference of reasons from 2004 to 2014. Below are the reasons on why Ive included home responsibilities, going to school, and other reasons into my calculations.

After taking into consideration why people are not participating in the labor force, we can look at the changes of reason over time in this table.

From these variables, we can derive the formula:

True non-participation rate= Recorded Non-Participation rate population less Ill/Disabled Population Less Retired Population.

With this, a table of the True Non-Participation rate on 1st of January and 31st of December of each year is provided from 2009 to 2016. January will have the effective percentage breakdown of the previous year (2009 January will have 2008 reasons, so for example, 18.01% of non-participants would have reported as ill/disabled) while December will have an in-year percentage breakdown of reasons.

After calculating the TNPR, we now have an actual reflection of those who have dropped out of the labor force due to discouragement of job opportunities. Thus, we have a more accurate way of calculating job growth by observing it from a year by year perspective rather than observing it from the beginning of a presidency to it end.

The year by year metric also disputes the claim of job growth of 11.4 million, as the job growth total is now revised to 7.526 million (Changes in Employment plus Changes in Workforce). However, we also measured those who had truly dropped out of the labor force for potential reasons of discouragement, and thus the net result is 3.055 million jobs (73.20% less than claimed).

Some might assert that 3.055 million jobs had actually come into existence, which is better than nothing. However, if we measure what categories of jobs had grown, this table shows this below:

The majority of jobs had resulted in servicing sectors such as food services, healthcare services, and retail jobs. A majority of these jobs barely contribute towards actual capital accumulation, which leads towards a scenario of capital consumption. Essentially, 54.40% of jobs have extremely small contributions towards capital accumulation. No clear indicators on what administration or professional services had been formed, thus we cannot accept it as jobs generating capital accumulation.

Furthermore, a majority of jobs have originated in the healthcare sector, most of which occurred in 2014 (1.995 million), indicating that when major provisions of the ACA took place, demand for medical healthcare products/services rose. However, because an increase of healthcare costs is recorded, this increase of medical sector individuals could not cover the actual increase of demand, as the United States currently suffers from an artificially created restriction of supply, and an artificially subsidized amount of demand.

In conclusion:

Obamas job growth record is statistically disappointing, and created deleterious effects on Americas recovering economy.

Photo: White House

This post was written by Baland Rabayah.

The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.

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President Obama's Poor Job Growth - Being Libertarian (blog)

County Libertarian Party to hold caucus Feb. 4 – Richmond-News

There is no RSVP or cost required to attend the event. A $25 membership is available if you wish to join your local party.

From 9-10:30 a.m., the party chairman, Robert Burke, will present materials gathered from a January 2017 symposium he attended on breakthrough treatments for addiction and mental illness currently banned by the U.S. government's war on drugs.

The event is meant to be an outreach and educational event to share alternative options to the current system of addiction and mental illness treatment.

No treatment recommendations or solicitations will be made.

The public is welcome to attend just this segment, if desired.

A break will be taken after the presentation and the party will reconvene at 11 a.m. to conduct the annual business meeting.

During the business meeting, the party will be electing officers and discussion the upcoming Libertarian Party of Wisconsin State Convention scheduled April 21-23 in Tomahawk and planning 2017-18 activities.

For more information, call Robert Burke at 715-441-0287, or email

County Libertarian Party to hold caucus Feb. 4 - Richmond-News

Liberty Party Endorses Libertarian Party of NH – Free Keene

Joining Forces for Liberty!

Our original reason for forming the NH Liberty Party was to provide the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire with some much-needed competition. The national party had strayed from its principle of non-aggression and the state party was basically dead in the water for many years. Plus, we wanted a party that would focus on secession in addition to liberty, therefore in 2012 the NH Liberty Party was born.

In late 2016 a major change took place in the LPNH. NH Liberty Party co-founder Darryl W Perry and member Rodger Paxton were elected unanimously to chair and vice-chair of the LPNH. After they got in, their executive committee voted in support of peaceful secession. The party also achieved a major political success by regaining full ballot access statewide for the first time in twenty years.

Things are definitely back on track at the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire. Given their recent refocusing and success, we the co-chairs of the NH Liberty Party agreed today to endorse the LPNHs current direction and recommend our members to join the LPNH and help them stay on track and stay true to the principle of nonaggression as well as openly support secession for New Hampshire.

This endorsement comes with some caveats:

Congratulations to the Libertarian Party of New Hampshire for turning things around. The NH Liberty Party co-chairs will be registering to vote as libertarians (something that wasnt possible until this year) and running under the Libertarian Party banner in state elections in 2018. Darryl tells us that more exciting news for the LPNH is coming up, so stay tuned to their website for the latest.

In liberty, Ian & Conan Co-Chairs, NH Liberty Party

Continue reading here:
Liberty Party Endorses Libertarian Party of NH - Free Keene

No One Wins in the Alt-Right vs. SJW Conflict – Being Libertarian (blog)

Judging others makes us blind, whereas love is illuminating. By judging others we blind ourselves to our own evil and to the grace which others are entitled to just as we are.

-Dietrich Bonhoeffer

As someone who used to enjoy getting into scrappy situations as a young adult, Im not going to start off this article by saying I didnt enjoy Richard Spencer getting sucker punched in the face. Seeing the baby daddy of the Alt-Right catch an alt-right hook to the face was priceless. As I mentioned this incident to friends and family expecting to get a laugh, I was quickly met with disappointment from their end; disappointment in me for enjoying seeing a man who wasnt harming someone get viciously attacked for no reason other than the attacker didnt like him.

Spencer and others like him love to agitate, but violence never breeds anything good. As a libertarian, Im a hypocrite; as a Christian, a major hypocrite. This brought up a major realization as I began to look at this whole issue dispassionately. We often fall into the trap of binary thinking which forces us to make a decision as to who we side with, buying into something wholesale for the sake of avoiding being excluded. Trump or Clinton? Nationalist or Globalist (two very undefined terms even the people throwing them around cant properly define)? Social Justice Warriors or Alt-Right? This rationalization takes away individualism from people and stirs up antipathy with communities that otherwise could have a proper discussion.

The Alt-Right is an ill-tempered movement of people that feel victimized, ignored, abused, and are fighting for attention. Their tactics include shaming, bullying, and ruthlessness that they justify with a sense of moral righteousness.

Social Justice Warriors are an ill-tempered movement of people that feel victimized, ignored, abused, and are fighting for attention. Their tactics include shaming, bullying, and ruthlessness that they justify with a sense of moral righteousness.

Do you see a difference in either description? If you did, go back and read it over and over again. There is no moral relativist claim to make though; both sides arguments arent null. Just because I criticize one more than the other doesnt mean the other is less problematic or occupies the moral high ground.

Growing up in Northern Virginia, I know how volatile and insane the Left can be. There is a war on college campuses and progressives are the primary agitator. Yet, the Alt-Right opposition is no more conservative than those they oppose since they can be just as relentless as SJWs. The progressive menace seen on college campuses is real, but here is the thing about progressives: they are too lazy to do anything in the real world. The real world is for producers and those who understand that you cant just be a fascist jerk all the time; thats why you find people on college campuses working on their second feminist Masters degree. Am I saying anyone who is not a progressive should just deal with the hate? Not at all, yet the zeal and love of sparking up controversy is simply making things worse. All Im saying is reserve your energy for what matters, and not argue with losers that dont contribute in any way to society.

Everyone spends so much time combating each other, no one spends time on anything substantial. Milo Yiannopoulis is popular because he brings up controversy, and sometimes controversy is necessary to bring attention to things no one talks about, but there is a fine line between trying to be a reformer and being a jerk just for the sake of it. Yeah, Milo never punched anyone, but his behavior has caused more polarization than anything.

The Alt-Right and the SJWs want you to pick sides, and I for one pick neither because both are full of crap. They both want you to conform to their thoughts and feelings and if you dont they will slander, attack, and villainize you for the crime of being an individual. This isnt a binary option; you can be a reformer without being a fire thrower or internet troll.

Violence breeds violence, agitation brings out the worst in everyone, and in this cultural conflict there is no winner as long as everyone just wants to roll over each other.

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No One Wins in the Alt-Right vs. SJW Conflict - Being Libertarian (blog)

Facebook Executive Slams Trump Abortion Policy – The Libertarian Republic

Author and Facebook executive Sheryl Sandberg recently spoke out about President Trumps abortion policy (what she actually means is the defunding of foreign Planned Parenthoods) and how she feels it negatively impacts women and takes away their rights.

Facebook executive andLean Inauthor Sheryl Sandberg broke her silence Thursday, weighing in on President Trumps reinstatement of a Reagan-era policy banning U.S. foreign aid to health providers overseas who offer abortion counseling or advocate for a womans right to have anabortion.

In a Facebook post, Sandberg said the policy could have terrible consequences for women and families around the world, cutting them off from other health services. She shared an article from the New York Times and saidshe supports passage ofGlobal Health, Empowerment and Rights (HER) Act.

I started my career working at the World Bank on health care in India. I saw firsthand how clinics funded by foreign aid are often the only source of health care for women. When women are given even the most basic health care information and services, they live longer, healthier lives and they give birth to children who live longer, healthier lives, Sandberg wrote.

Comprehensive family planning helps prevent unintended pregnancies, deaths and abortions. This weeks executive order reinstating the global gag rule will make that work much harder. It bans health organizations around the world from providing counseling on all family planning options. If they refuse to abide by the ban, they could lose millions in funding from the United States. And this ban is harsher and broader than past orders by past presidents, because it covers every program that falls under global health assistance. That means itll hurt more people.

The Facebook post marked the first time since the presidentialelection that Sandberg, a champion of womens issues,has spoken out on the policies of the new administration.

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Facebook Executive Slams Trump Abortion Policy - The Libertarian Republic