Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

A Floating Libertarian City Gets a Step Closer to Reality – Seeker

When Peter Thiel, the billionaire founder of PayPal, helped launch the Seasteading Institute in 2008, it sounded like a libertarian pipe dream floating cities free from government meddling (no regulation, no taxes) that would be testing grounds for technological, social and political innovation.

But this past January 13, the dream came one step closer to reality when the Seastead Institute signed a deal with French Polynesia that lays the legal groundwork for the world's first semi-autonomous floating city-state.

French Polynesia is a cluster of more than 100 islands in the South Pacific, the biggest and best-known being Tahiti. Like other coastal and island nations in the Pacific, French Polynesia is courting investment in the so-called "blue economy," the sustainable development of offshore energy production, wild-catch fisheries, aquaculture and tourism.

The Polynesians are less interested in the seasteaders libertarian politics than their promise of delivering a high-tech floating village that will not only provide jobs for Polynesian workers, but attract investment dollars for Polynesian entrepreneurs.

RELATED: Giant Floating City Would Drift Like an Iceberg

Joe Quirk is the Seasteading Institute's staff "Seavangelist" and author of the forthcoming Seasteading: How Ocean Cities Will Change the World, written with Seasteading Institute co-founder Patri Friedman. Quirk was part of a 10-person team who visited French Polynesia back in September.

"This was a Polynesian-initiated project," Quirk told Seeker. "They reached out to us. It's an ideal country for seasteading, and they think we're the perfect industry for what they want to do with regard to the blue economy,"

The long-term vision of seasteading is to construct fully autonomous floating cities on the high seas where the "next generation of pioneers [can] peacefully test new ideas for government." But for this first, proof-of-concept project, the Seasteading Institute was searching for an island partner with protected shallow waters and an openness to new type of economic model called a SeaZone.

Another proposed model of a Seasteading floating city. Via

For the past 40 years, countries across Asia and Latin America have established special economic zone (SEZs) with low corporate taxes and light regulation to lure foreign investment. The most famous SEZ is the Chinese city of Shenzhen, a sleepy fishing village which became China's first SEZ in 1980. Today it's a manufacturing and export hub of 10 million residents generating $230 billion in GDP.

SeaZones, as envisioned by the Seasteading Institute, do more than simply extend the SEZ concept offshore. Over the next year, the Seasteading Institute will be negotiating the legal terms of the SeaZone with the government of French Polynesia, which may include not only economic incentives, but a certain measure of political autonomy.

"Certainly the more [autonomy], the better," said Quirk, "But even if we just get something very modest, it could set a great example for what's possible. The exciting thing about French Polynesia is that it's as large as Western Europe, but only 1/1000th of it is land. They have lots of space to experiment with SeaZones."

The deal signed last week was just a memorandum of understanding between the Polynesian government and the Seasteading Institute. Before construction can begin on the hexagonal concrete platforms that would support the floating city, the Seasteading Institute and its Dutch engineering partner Blue21 must conduct economic and environmental impact studies.

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Quirk said that the novel floating platforms are not only environmentally friendly, but environmentally restorative. Rising water temperatures in the South Pacific have killed much of French Polynesia's coral reefs.

"Through the presence of small floating communities," said Quirk, "you could slightly lower the temperature of water in the immediate vicinity to spark the recovery of the corals."

Seasteading advocates envision a future where clusters of offshore communities serve as "green" foils to polluting coastal cities. The excess CO2 pumped out by cities can be captured by sprawling offshore algae farms and converted into biofuels. Nutrients leached away by wastewater can be used to fertilize floating vegetable farms and fisheries.

For now, though, it's all about building that first prototype and recruiting the first faithful seasteaders. If all goes smoothly with the Polynesian negotiations, Quirk said that construction could start as early as 2018 and the first units could be sold starting in 2019.

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According to conceptual designs, the artificial islands will consist of interconnected pentagonal platforms measuring 50 meters on each side. Each platform will be a mix of commercial, residential and green space. Real estate on the first islands won't come cheap. At an estimated $504 per square foot, it's similar to housing prices in Manhattan and London.

Despite the cost, Quirk says that more than 3,000 people have already completed a detailed online survey expressing interest in being the floating city's first residents.

"I don't think we're going to have any trouble finding people who want to live and open businesses on the first few islands," he said.

Billionaire Thiel is not currently involved in the Seasteading Institute or this first floating cities project in French Polynesia. When it became clear that libertarian islands on the open ocean would cost billions to build and secure, Thiel's initial passion for seasteading cooled.

But Quirk said the Seasteading Institute hasn't lost sight of its ultimate goal.

"The Seasteading Institute is interested in taking incremental steps toward more autonomy so people can experiment with new societies," said Quirk. "The technological innovation and legal innovation are advancing in parallel toward a long-term view of moving out to the high seas."

WATCH VIDEO: Cities Are Like Stars

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A Floating Libertarian City Gets a Step Closer to Reality - Seeker

Selling Libertarianism: What You’re Doing Wrong – Being Libertarian (satire) (blog)

In almost every aspect of our lives we experience change. Whether its our homes, where we live, what we do, or what we are interested in, we grow up and things evolve in accordance to our circumstances. However, some things cant change.

Our instinct, as creatures, forbids us to mold ourselves into things we cannot be, or do not want to be. Our conscience, if it pulls hard enough, keeps us on the right path.

There is also instinct that we follow, which is a part of being human. Some traits stand out stronger in different people, but there is one trait that all humans universally possess; its what built and destroyed civilizations, bringing entire societies crashing to the ground.

We want to be free!

From the times of nomads and cavemen all the way to the present day, humans have longed to be free. Whether it is freedom of thought, exploration, staying out past 11 PM, or just being able to cut a piece of pie without big brother looking in on you! Freedom, at least in some form, is what we all want.

So, it is no surprise that freedom has been an overarching factor in philosophy and politics for generations. It is what America was founded upon, and it is now considered a human right.

Classical liberalism (credited for being the basis of many democratic movements in the West) is the biggest building block in American politics; Indeed, its an even bigger factor than race or religion.

My point is that freedom will always be a massive part of the soul: therefore, political movements like libertarianism and anarchism will always have potential.

This is why I believe libertarianism has the tools to be a dominant movement in American politics if marketed right.

Marketing is everything. In politics, its the difference between being a US congressional representative, and being a 45-year-old full-time volunteer at the local county GOP headquarters.

If you allow yourself to be portrayed in a negative way you lose It is that simple.

If Democrats and Republicans have full power over the brush thats painting the portrait of you, be assured that they will market the painting as well.


Heres why Gary Johnson, who was was once polling at roughly 13%, had it all squandered away: he failed at marketing himself properly.

Now, I cant exactly blame anyone, including poor Gary. The reason I cant blame anyone is because 2016 was a baby-step. Libertarians have never been in the spotlight to this degree before, and it showed.

Between What is Aleppo? and Garys apparent inability to name a single head of state, he was written off as a dumb has-been with particularly odd political positions. Gary Johnson is far from dumb, but that didnt exactly matter when election night hit.

The 2016 elections brought up a major roadblock libertarianism has struggled with for years: that is the image that the party is basically a bunch of pot smoking, shotgun owning, 25 year olds with Ron Paul 2012 bumper stickers on their trucks (which they are using to haul cement from Home Depot to build their backyard bunker).

That, mixed with Gary Johnsons gaffes, created a bad tasting recipe. That said, Libertarians made extreme gains in 2016, for that, Ill give him credit. Governor Johnson garnered more votes than any other Libertarian presidential candidate in history.

The hope is there, despite everything I mentioned. Libertarians still spoke to millions of Americans, and made history. Which further proves my point that people in general are attracted to freedom in some form, and in America, it happens to be in politics.

2016 wasnt your golden year, it was your training.

2020, or 2024 can be the presidential elections that end the two-party system If you can successfully transform yourselves, from a GOP-knock off, to a genuine movement, with separate ideas and clear positions.

Time doesnt heal all wounds, in fact, sometimes it makes things worse.

In marketing, and in public opinion, time is either your best friend or worst enemy. With Libertarians, its been both. Time has allowed the GOP-knockoff mentality to set in with many voters, while helping the movement grow to the size it is today.

Now is the perfect time to reshape the public conception of the movement. Funding, participation, and media attention are at an all-time high. A universal push, strong and with clear positions, is exactly what libertarianism needs. Yes, most libertarians have very Pro-Freedom views, but you cant build a political alliance on shrugging your shoulders and saying Yeah bruh, just do whatever. I dont care.

So how do we smash the image Republicans and Democrats have built? Well, Im a strong believer in looking back in time to find inspiration. And I know how libertarians love socialism so lets start there!

How do you rebrand a political ideology, when it comes to politics? Well, I would look into the recent revolution of, Vermont Senator, Bernie Sanders.

Socialism in the United States has long been a controversial subject. From Joseph Weydemeyer (a German colleague of Karl Marx) to Eugene V. Debs, socialism as an ideology has always been in the minority. It has also been politically persecuted in large part due to an extreme fear of communism.

Eugene V. Debs, a socialist activist, and presidential candidate for the Socialist Party, was arrested on charges of sedition, after criticizing President Woodrow Wilson on his war draft policies. Today, most of us would undoubtedly view this as a denial of freedom of speech.

In fact, at the time, many people believed the same way. President Harding even granted him a pardon after Wilson left office, believing (like many constitutional scholars at the time) that Debs was simply not that dangerous.

FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover dedicated much of his time hunting down communists. His famous night raids and undercover missions became infamously known. Add to this a massive wave of anti-socialistic sentiment in the United States (during the Cold War) and youd think youd have an ideology that was essentially dead.

On the contrary, Westernized forms of socialism survived the political purges of conservative governments in the 1980s and 1990s; not only that, but they grew. Many European countries, and Canada, have adopted limited socialistic policies or democratic socialism .

But signs of the movement in America were relatively grim. In fact, American presidents since LBJ havent been very progressive or socialist at all. Compared to our brothers across the Sea, we have actually been very moderate and Conservative. Even Obamas ACA reforms were still years behind what other nations had developed.

With all this going against Senator Sanders, what did he do? He was one careful old man for starters. When you watch his speeches on TV or listen to him, you wouldnt know it, but he had to be very careful not to come across as too extreme. Having the word Socialist in the title of your official political affiliation is bad enough but to actually sound like one? Not even Bernie could win races like that.

So how did he avoid the socialist trap? He marketed himself properly. Running as a Democrat was his first very smart decision. At face value, it made him look like a Democrat. Instead of the rhetoric filled ol revolutionary his critics portrayed him to be.

Second, he emphasized the more popular parts of his plans. Free healthcare, and free education etc.

Third, he always made sure people understood he was a democratic socialist, not a full blown socialist.

Last? He knew that if he got to the younger voters first, he could control a large part of the message. The new generation brings change, and the press is usually who communicates that change.

The media just loved it, and so did the people. He played where he could win, controlled the message, and successfully deflected attacks on his easily exposed flank, and it worked. Record numbers of Democrats came out to vote for him and he beat Hillary Clinton in the key Michigan and Wisconsin presidential primaries. However, as we all know, in the end it wasnt enough.

Bernie Sanders will probably never become President, but Libertarians need to study his strategies and figure out what they can learn by it.

Not every libertarian position is mainstream. Most of them, Id argue, are not. Our advantage comes in our philosophy, not individual policy questions. It may sound confusing, but its not as complicated as you think.

For instance, most Americans would agree that everyone has the right to do what they want on their property, as long as they arent hurting anyone else. Thats a basic libertarian philosophy. The problem? I highly doubt most people would agree to assisted suicide, drug use, and prostitution overnight just because its in line with libertarian philosophy. Thats where the conflict comes in, they like the idea of people minding their own business until they realize that means theyre going to have to do it too. The voters must ask themselves Do we want freedom that badly?.

Right there, thats the key, dont put them in the position to ask that question! Youre giving the extreme choice between either not joining the movement or joining it and becoming exactly the stereotype they have learned to hate.

A conservative can believe in low taxes, but that doesnt mean every Conservative thinks the income tax should be abolished.

When people look at American conservatism, they see many different levels. Moderates, grassroots, War Hawks, Evangelicals, etc.

We need to get to a point where we are seen in the same fashion. Not every libertarian believes in small government and low taxes. They may still prize freedom more than the average individual, just not to as extreme a level as other libertarians.

Part of the reason this is an issue is simply the fact that libertarianism isnt really big enough to show off your diversity as much. If you do not portray yourself as diverse and compatible with most peoples political beliefs, people wont think you are.

A libertarian will never become President if he walks out from his campaign headquarters and starts talking about how all drugs should be legal, all wars are unnecessary, and how all taxation is theft. All they will do is spark an angry-time wasting debate with some college students.

There is a reason why when extremists win, it surprises everyone. Because nobody expects people that closed minded and extreme to be taken seriously. We got that image because, well, its true. Extremists usually dont win, because people dont like loud rhetoric; they want someone who they can sit back and relax with while talking about real economic problems. Not a revolutionary burning his tax certificate in front of the federal reserve. Thats how a lot of people view the movement.

For all of my strong critiques of Gary Johnson, I supported him because I thought he was the right man for the job. What made it easier was that he wasnt as extreme as other libertarians. He made it clear he would work together with Democrats and Republicans and though he wasnt a moderate libertarian, he was in the same general area.

We must limit the grassroots rhetoric so it doesnt scare people away. Yes, I know, Keynesian economics suck and the freer the market, the freer the people. But, if we want to be taken seriously, we must broaden our approach. Remember, A moderate in a sea of extremists is a lifeguard for every intelligent individual, and believe me, people are smarter than you think.

Libertarians would do well to target three groups: the younger voting bloc; the business community; and progressive-moderate Republicans. These are the groups most likely to fully accept some form of libertarianism.

Younger voters tend to be more accepting and active. Like a race horse you try to mount it may be difficult to get on but once youve done it, itll take you wherever you want to go very quickly. A candidate with an energized younger base of voters not only supplies an endless amount of energy for his or her campaign, but also gives the impression of change, something people usually want.

Younger groups of voters, such as millennials, are more accepting of socialist leaning policies, however, I believe this to be a matter of exposure, not politics. I believe young people have accepted socialism or progressivism more than other generations because they have had the most positive exposure to it.

If young people were impressed with the same amount of positive influence for classical liberalism, I believe they could be the biggest base of support. Another added benefit is that younger generations are less likely to be put off by extremism. In fact, they are usually the ones who historically cause it. This means that the Libertarian Party grassroots are less likely to scare away potential voters in schools, colleges, and youth political organizations.

The business community is not usually satisfied. Even when given ample freedoms or low taxes, they are always pushing for more. Thats why they are businessmen, Its how they have survived.

Libertarianism, more than any other major political group, gives them that.

Targeting them would be an effective marketing strategy, especially now after 8 years of a progressive Democratic Presidency. One thing you need to make clear is libertarianism stands for capitalism, not corporatism or crony-capitalism: If you can pull that off, you not only gain a solid group of voters, but you create a clear alternative to modern corporatism -You get votes and make capitalism sexy again, Its the ultimate win-win.

Lastly, the underrated, underappreciated, and undermined wing of the Republican Party; the progressive Republicans.

Nobody in the Republican Party is more bullied, hated, and excluded than the modern wing of the party nicknamed RINOs (Republicans In Name Only). Its hard to believe the same fringe of the party that gave America Theodore Roosevelt and Dwight D. Eisenhower would be so abused and mocked; and abuse breeds dissatisfaction.

Progressive Republicans are most likely to be lured into voting Libertarian. The philosophy is different for the two groups classical liberalism and progressivism are two different things. However, both progressive Republicans and Libertarians end up agreeing on the same questions, even if for different reasons.

There are some differences, depending on how progressive the Republican is but, in general, both groups get along very well. 2016 gave Libertarians probably the best chance in history to steal Republican voters away from their party. Even the ones that werent technically progressive still voted for Gary Johnson in droves. The fear of Donald Trump gave Libertarians the biggest advantage they have ever had. 2020 will bring about a Trump reelection that will most likely give the same opportunity.

Now is the time to strike. The new sweep of populist conservatism will not only drive progressive Republicans, but also constitutional and even some grassroots Republicans, to your party.

The next party platform and nominee needs to be a part of an overarching strategy to appeal to these groups on all levels. If you cant, you wont gain the base of support needed to rise out of the less than 10% cage the party is currently in.

If you can successfully do all, or even any, of the things I mentioned, I am fully confident libertarians will make significant strides to winning a presidential election. Libertarianism isnt a small insurgent group of young rebels anymore. The party is over 40 years old with a good track record and a growing fan base.

You have the springboard, but so far you havent made the leap, or perhaps havent had the will or strength. Im sure that many of my fellow classical liberals will disagree with my analysis, but I assure you, all my research and thinking has convinced me that this is the path that needs to be taken.

Personally, Im not a libertarian. Im a left-leaning classical liberal. But I admire the Libertarian Party and I agree with them more than I do with the modern forms of the Democratic and Republican parties. My point of disagreement comes in the form of economics where I prefer a more progressive stance in the market place. But I agree with you far more than I disagree. I have never supported a candidate in a presidential election that wasnt a libertarian, for the simple reason that Ive never found a candidate, in my opinion, who made more sense than your own.

You have the power and the tools to break the two-party system, and that is a goal I think many on both sides can work to achieve. Your unceasing fight for privacy, freedom, and peace has brought so many so close to voting for you, only to have the false image of a libertarian extremist scare them away.

I dont want that; this party is better than that, and so is the movement.

In closing, you have a meeting with destiny. You understand that a nation, given every freedom deemed acceptable by the world but with no power to protect it, never actually had it in the first place. You understand why it is important to keep the freedom to choose over the opportunity to gain. And you have a remarkable, if somewhat insistent, habit of reminding us what happens when we lose those rights.

All these things are [a few of] the reasons we need the Libertarian Party and why you, not only deserve success, but will excel at it. Do not ever give up the very basis of your party, but always make sure that everything else is flexible. If we are not willing to sideline our non-essential opinions, how can we expect others to accept our most basic beliefs? We can sit around in our perfect worlds demanding that everyone totally convert to what we think or want, but it is not all practical nor will it succeed without resorting to violence.

Thats how life, and consequently politics, works. Libertarians are not immune to this, and you need to understand this to truly succeed.

* Caleb Mills is a politically active teen who believes in individualism, classical liberalism, and globalism. Mills is currently writing for and has also worked as a consultant on US history and politics for other publications.

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Selling Libertarianism: What You're Doing Wrong - Being Libertarian (satire) (blog)

Gambian President Jammeh Refuses to Resign after Barrow Inaugurated – Being Libertarian (blog)

Gambian President Yahya Jammeh declared a state of emergency early Tuesday and refused to hand power over to Adama Barrow, who was inaugurated in Senegal on Thursday.

State-run television explained the declaration as a way to prevent a power vacuum while the supreme court rules on Jammeh challenging the results of the election, even though Gambias top judge refused to rule on the petition.

West African leaders have given Jammeh one last opportunity to step down from power before turning to military force. According to BBC News, Jammeh has been given until noon today to step down before the military steps in. Unconfirmed reports suggest that troops from Senegal have already crossed the border in an attempt tosecure cities and towns within Gambia, with the help of Gambian soldiers.

Barrow, who remains in Senegal, says he will not reenter the country until Jammeh is removed or has stepped down.

Many government officials have already stepped down, includingForeign Minister Neneh Macdouall-Gaye, as well as the mayor of Banjul, Gambias capital.

Some Gambians are even fleeing the country, fearing for their lives and safety. Awa Sanneh, 25, from the Gambian town of Birkama, said, [W]e are scared. There are soldiers with guns all the time. Sanneh was leaving with two children and 24 other family members.

This crisis is yet another attempt by President Jammeh to retain power. Being Libertarian previously reportedon Jammehs attempt to influence the election by banning Internet usage and international telephone calls prior to election day last month.

Jammehs refusal to transition power to Barrow highlights the problems of the growing powers of the executive branches of authoritarian governments. Jammehs continued refusal to accept the results of a legitimate election undermines Gambian democracy. Jammeh has interfered with elections, rescinded rights, and silenced political dissenters. His refusal to give up power is just the icing on the cake.

Check back for updates on this developing story in the coming days.

Photo credit: Sylvain Cherkaoui / AP

This post was written by Nicholas Amato.

The views expressed here belong to the author and do not necessarily reflect our views and opinions.

Nicholas Amato is the News Editor at Being Libertarian. Hes an undergraduate student at San Jose State University, majoring in political science and minoring in journalism.

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See original here:
Gambian President Jammeh Refuses to Resign after Barrow Inaugurated - Being Libertarian (blog)

Why Hillary Clinton Lost – Being Libertarian (blog)

And no, Sanders wouldnt have won either

Theres been a sort of progressive I told you so narrative going around since the election, asserting that Bernie Sanders would have won. Its an understandable argument. After all, Trumps upset victory was padded by his success with working class whites that very seriously could have gone to Sanders, but it doesnt take into account the whole picture.

Chuck Schumer said, For every blue-collar Democrat we lose in Western Pennsylvania, we will pick up two moderate Republicans in the suburbs in Philadelphia, and you can repeat that in Ohio and Illinois and Wisconsin.

The issue is that the campaign failed to win big enough in Republican-leaning suburbs to make up for the losses. To those who say that the reason Hillary Clinton lost Michigan and Wisconsin was because of a lack of progressive bona fides, Ill give you that point. Ill even be generous and say that could have tilted Pennsylvania, though Im skeptical of that. However, do Rust Belt and Appalachian whites really explain a 9.6 point margin Trump victory in Iowa, or an 8.6 point margin win in Ohio, when Obama won those two states by 5.8 and 3 points, respectively, in 2012? Do whites in the Rust Belt and Appalachia explain how Hillary Clinton most likely would have lost New Hampshire and Colorado had Gary Johnson not been a presence in the election?

Obamacare-induced insurance premium spikes, on the other hand, provide an explanation why suburban voters across the nation tilted towards Trump. One candidate was saying Obamacare was a disaster as people were suffering double-digit premium increases, and the other was acting like there wasnt anything wrong. Obamacare serves as a helpful explanation for some other oddities of the exit polls. How did Trump improve with Latinos over Romney by 2 points (29-27) and blacks by two points (8-6)? A number of suburban blacks and Latinos decided their insurance premiums were the big issue. Why did Trump not do as poorly with college-educated white women as expected? Suburban white women have insurance premiums that are going up and women generally tend to be the ones in American households who handle bills so theyre more exposed to price shifts than men.

Of course, one could argue that Sanders would have pulled the rug out on that issue by attacking Obamacare and pitching single-payer as an alternative. Thankfully this election provides us with a handy counterpoint: Colorado had a referendum on single-payer healthcare. The referendum failed with 73% of Coloradoans voting against it and it never polled higher than the low 40s. Even Colorados Democratic Governor came out against the plan as it would cost over 140% of the state budget. A few years ago Vermont nixed a similar in-state single-payer plan because even uber-liberal Vermont didnt want to deal with the tax increase. If Sanderss response to increasing insurance premium costs would have been to jack up peoples withholding and income taxes, very Republican counties like Bergen County, NJ and Orange County, CA that flipped for Clinton would have stayed very red.

The argument that a real progressive would have won reminds me of people complaining that if Al Gore had been more liberal, Ralph Nader wouldnt have been an issue. Gore being too moderate wasnt why he lost his home state of Tennessee, and why 191,000 self-described liberals voted for George W. Bush in Florida (vs the 34,000 who went for Nader). Democrats lose when they threaten to squeeze whatever they can out of suburbanites. In 2016, holding her Rust Belt losses as a constant, had Clinton focused on suburban voters more and done better with suburban voters of black, Latino, and female persuasions, shed likely have flipped Florida, North Carolina, Arizona, and perhaps even Georgia.

So no, Hillary Clinton didnt lose because she wasnt progressive enough. Hillary Clinton lost because of Obamacare.

* Jacob Linker is a Campus Coordinator with Students For Liberty and the State Chair of Young Americans for Liberty in his state.

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Why Hillary Clinton Lost - Being Libertarian (blog)

Libertarian Party of Bexar County Texas | "Liberty and …

LP Texas hold conventions at the precinct, county, district, state, and national level. The state convention will be in San Antonio, Texas April 8-10. The national convention will be in Orlando Florida May 27-30. Anyone may attend the conventions and all interested in the LP are encouraged to do so. The state and national conventions have speakers and panels and are not just business meetings.

Tuesday, March 8th @ 7pm Norris Conference Center,Park North Shopping Center, 618 NW Loop 410 #207, San Antonio, TX 78216, Live Oak Room Please arrive on time to help with the verification and check in.

Saturday, March 12th @ 1pm Luby's,4541 Fredericksburg Rd, San Antonio, TX 78201 Plese arrive on time or early for check in. The convention will start very soon after 1pm. The District Conventions will include US Congressional District 35 and Texas Senate District 26. Additional may be scheduled as we get closer to convention time.

Saturday, March 19th @ 1pm Luby's,4541 Fredericksburg Rd, San Antonio, TX 78201

Friday, April 8th - Sunday, April 10th Norris Conference Center,Park North Shopping Center, 618 NW Loop 410 #207, San Antonio, TX 78216 Find out more atLibertyNow.organd be sure to reserveyour tickets! Convention Accomodations: DoubleTree Hotel @ $99/night

Friday, May 27th - Monday, May 30th. (Non convention meetings start May 25th) Rosen Centre Hotel 9840 International Drive, Orlando, Florida 32819 You can go to thenational convention pageor get reservations.

Note: Our LNC Representative, Kevin Ludlow, is putting together a LP Convention bus trip. has all the information. You can reserveyou seat now to get on the bus.

To be a delegate you need to affiliate with the LP at our conventions. The starting point for this is the precinct conventions. Although not required, it is highly encouraged to bring your voter registration card to make things go quickly and smoothly.

Pleasedirect questionsto Bexar LP Chair, Gil Robinson @210-957-9780|

2016Convention Information Guide

Libertarian Party of Bexar County Texas | "Liberty and ...