Chair of Lake County Libertarian Party appointed to St. John Economic Development Committee – The Times of Northwest Indiana
ST. JOHN Chuck Pullen, chair of the Libertarian Party of Lake County, has been named vice president of the St. John Economic Development Committee.
Pullen has served multiple stints as chair Lake County Libertarian Party. He resigned as chairman in October 2019 after he received public criticism for using the term "gang bangers" to describe two Black Hammond Common Council candidates.
Chuck Pullen, chair of the Libertarian Party of Lake County, has been named vice president of the St. John Economic Development Committee.
Pullen, of St. John, wrote in a public exchange on Facebook that "you got the gang bangers taking over the council," following the departure of eight-term Councilman Bob Markovich, who is white. Current Councilwoman Katrina Alexander, who is Black, defeated Markovich during the 2019 Democratic primary election. Current Councilman Barry Tyler Jr., who is Black, also joined the council in 2019.
Pullen said he meant to write "gang banger," instead of "gang bangers," since he only intended for his remarkto refer to Tyler and not Alexander. Pullen claimed he'd seen Facebook postings suggesting Tyler "had previous gang ties and things like that." Tyler has no criminal record and said he's never been affiliated with any gangs.
Stations of the Cross at the Shrine of Christ's Passion in St. John.
At the time, the Lake County Democratic and Republican party chairs publicly condemned Pullen's comments.
"Thank you to all of my fellow LPIN members for your advice, your training seminars, and encouraging fellow Libertarians to be active in our local communities," Pullen said in a Monday news release. "My goals are simple: to apply Libertarian principles to all of my decisions, and to maintain limited government and maximum freedom."
The St. John Economic Development Committee advises the Town Council on new economic development ideas and potential projects. The Committee's next meeting is scheduled for Feb. 21 at 5 p.m.
"Chuck's years of service and activism in Lake County have earned him the respect of the local leaders and this appointment," Libertarian Party of Indiana chair Evan McMahon said in the news release. "Our values of limited government and promoting individual freedom often resonate with people in their communities."
Local photographer Tom Hocker talks about the photographs he has on display at the St. John VFW Post. He received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker photographs members of an Irish dance group at the VFW Post in St. John. He received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker photographs members of an Irish dance group at the VFW Post in St. John. He received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker photographs members of an Irish dance group at the VFW Post in St. John. He received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker photographs members of an Irish dance group at the VFW Post in St. John. He received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker chats with Rosemary Keilman about a house he photographed on 93rd Avenue in St. John. Hocker received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker photographs members of an Irish dance group at the VFW Post in St. John. He received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker chats with Rosemary Keilman about a house he photographed on 93rd Avenue in St. John. Hocker received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker photographs members of an Irish dance group at the VFW Post in St. John. He received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker photographs members of an Irish dance group at the VFW Post in St. John. He received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
Local photographer Tom Hocker photographs members of an Irish dance group at the VFW Post in St. John. He received a grant through the Indiana Arts Commission to document St. John's sense of community through photos.
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Chair of Lake County Libertarian Party appointed to St. John Economic Development Committee - The Times of Northwest Indiana