Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

Libertarianism in America – Video

Libertarianism in America
Learn more about The Libertarian Mind at David Boaz, EVP of the Cato Institute, introduces ...

By: Simon Schuster

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Libertarianism in America - Video

WichitaLiberty.TV: Mayor Carl Brewers State of the City address, and the Libertarian Mind – Video

WichitaLiberty.TV: Mayor Carl Brewers State of the City address, and the Libertarian Mind
In this episode of WichitaLiberty.TV: We #39;ll take a look at a few things Wichita Mayor Carl Brewer told the city in his recent State of the City Address. Then a look at topics from a new book...

By: Bob Weeks

See the rest here:
WichitaLiberty.TV: Mayor Carl Brewers State of the City address, and the Libertarian Mind - Video

Volokh Conspiracy: Our new article on The Mainstreaming of Libertarian Constitutionalism

Co-blogger David Bernstein and I recently published an article on The Mainstreaming of Libertarian Constitutionalism in Law and Contemporary Problems. The article is now available on SSRN. Here is the abstract:

Libertarian constitutional thought is a distinctly minority position among scholars and jurists, one that at first glance has little connection with either modern Supreme Court jurisprudence or the liberalism that remains dominant in the legal academy. However, libertarian ideas have more in common with mainstream constitutional thought than at first meets the eye. They have also had greater influence on it.

This article explores the connections between mainstream and libertarian constitutional thought in recent decades. On a number of important issues, modern Supreme Court doctrine and liberal constitutional thought has been significantly influenced by pre-New Deal libertarian ideas, even if the influence is often unconscious or unacknowledged. This is particularly true on issues of equal protection doctrine and modern substantive due process as it pertains to noneconomic rights. Here, both the Supreme Court and much of the mainstream academic left have repudiated early twentieth century Progressivism, which advocated across-the-board judicial deference to legislatures. They have also rejected efforts to eliminate common law and free market baselines for constitutional rights.

The gap between libertarian and mainstream constitutional thought is much greater on issues of federalism and property rights. Here too, however, recent decades have seen significant convergence. Over the last thirty years, the Supreme Court has begun to take federalism and property rights more seriously, and the idea that they should get strong judicial protection has attained greater intellectual respectability. Moreover, much of libertarian constitutional thought merely seeks to apply to federalism, property rights, and economic liberties, the same principles that mainstream jurists and legal scholars have applied in other areas, most notably noneconomic constitutional rights and separation of powers.

Ilya Somin is Professor of Law at George Mason University. His research focuses on constitutional law, property law, and popular political participation. He is the author of "The Grasping Hand: Kelo v. City of New London and the Limits of Eminent Domain" (forthcoming) and "Democracy and Political Ignorance: Why Smaller Government is Smarter."

Go here to read the rest:
Volokh Conspiracy: Our new article on The Mainstreaming of Libertarian Constitutionalism

A Libertarian Gallop Through Political Thought – Video

A Libertarian Gallop Through Political Thought
Gerard Casey, author of Libertarian Anarchy: Against the State, looks at early modern political thinkers with a libertarian eye. Subscribe to the Tom Woods S...

By: TomWoodsTV

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A Libertarian Gallop Through Political Thought - Video

Understanding the Libertarian Fantasy World – Video

Understanding the Libertarian Fantasy World
Sam Seder explains why he debates Libertarians and takes us deeper behind some of yesterday #39;s debate with libertarian professor Walter Block... This clip fro...

By: Sam Seder

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Understanding the Libertarian Fantasy World - Video