Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

The Libertarian Angle: American Sniper Revisited – Video

The Libertarian Angle: American Sniper Revisited
Each week, FFF president Jacob Hornberger and FFF vice president Sheldon Richman discuss the hot topics of the day. This week: the debate continues over the ...

By: The Future of Freedom Foundation

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The Libertarian Angle: American Sniper Revisited - Video

Ep. 335 How I Became a Libertarian — Tom Woods – Video

Ep. 335 How I Became a Libertarian -- Tom Woods
New York Times bestselling author Tom Woods discusses his journey to libertarianism. Subscribe to the Tom Woods Show:

By: TomWoodsTV

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Ep. 335 How I Became a Libertarian -- Tom Woods - Video

The Libertarian Mind Now Available

Im delighted to announce that my new book, The Libertarian Mind: A Manifesto for Freedom, goes on sale today. Published by Simon & Schuster, it should be available at all fine bookstores and online book services.

Ive tried to write a book for several audiences: for libertarians who want to deepen their understanding of libertarian ideas; for people who want to give friends and family a comprehensive but readable introduction; and for the millions of Americanswho hold fiscally responsible, socially tolerant views and are looking for a political perspective that makes sense.

The Libertarian Mind covers the intellectual history of classical liberal and libertarian ideas, along with such key themes as individualism, individual rights, pluralism, spontaneous order, law, civil society, and the market process. Theres a chapter of applied public choice (What Big Government Is All About), and a chapter on contemporary policy issues. I write about restoring economic growth, inequality, poverty, health care, entitlements, education, the environment, foreign policy, and civil liberties, along with such current hot topics aslibertarian views of Bush and Obama; Americas libertarian heritage as described by leading political scientists; American distrust of government; overcriminalization; and cronyism, lobbying, the parasite economy, and the wealth of Washington.

The publisher is delighted to have this blurb from Senator Rand Paul:

They say the libertarian moment has arrived. If you want to understand and be part of that moment, read David Boazs The Libertarian Mind where youll be drawn into the eternal struggle of liberty vs. power, where youll learn that libertarianism presumes that you were born free and not a subject of the state. The Libertarian Mind belongs on every freedom-lovers bookshelf.

I am just as happy to have high praise from legal scholar Richard Epstein:

In an age in which the end of big government is used by politicians as a pretext for bigger, and worse, government, it is refreshing to find a readable and informative account of the basic principles of libertarian thought written by someone steeped in all aspects of the tradition. David Boazs Libertarian Mind unites history, philosophy, economics and lawspiced with just the right anecdotesto bring alive a vital tradition of American political thought that deserves to be honored today in deed as well as in word.

Find more endorsements here from such distinguished folks as Nobel laureate Vernon Smith, John Stossel, Peter Thiel, P. J. ORourke, Whole Foods founder John Mackey, and author Jonathan Rauch. And please: buy the book. Thenlike it on Facebook, retweet it from, blog it, buy more copies for your friends.

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The Libertarian Mind Now Available

Is Kid Rock conservative? Libertarian? Or just all-American?

(Below was orignally published on

Country-metal-rock-rap legend Kid Rockpreviewedhis new single Aint Enough Whiskey exclusively on RareSunday.

Here are some of thelyrics (emphasis added):

Talk aboutfreedom, talk aboutfaith They talking bouttaking my guns away

They talk about the greedy, talk about the poor They talking boutsending my daughter to war Talk about spending, talk about pay, theytalk about defending the NSA

TheNew York Timesasked Rock this month,Ive seen you say that youre not in bed with anybody (politically); youre more of a libertarian than anything else.

Rock responded:

"Fiscally, Im Republican. But the social issues kill me gay marriage and abortion. Its like, Come on, man, get off it. Theres so many big problems we got that we really need to address in this country."

Rock toldThe Guardianin January:

"I dont smoke much weed, it makes me dumb. But they should legalise and tax everything: pot, cocaine, heroin. Has it not been proven that people will always find a way to get what they want?"

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Is Kid Rock conservative? Libertarian? Or just all-American?

Rand Paul stakes out libertarian claim

Story highlights Rand Paul kicks off his first event in Iowa this year with events that appeal to libertarian-minded voters Effort builds on the foundation that his father established in the state during his 2008 and 2012 presidential campaigns

In his first trip to Iowa this year, just under a year before the caucuses, the Kentucky Republican and potential presidential candidate ventured into familiar territory, rallying young voters and libertarian-minded supporters who turned out big for his father's presidential campaigns.

Paul found friendly audiences at the end of a stormy week filled with negative headlines over comments he made about vaccinations and swirling controversy involving one of his advisers in Iowa.

The crowds this weekend were a marked contrast to the social conservative audience that packed a Des Moines theater two weeks ago to hear 10 hours of speeches from a hoard of other potential candidates at the Iowa Freedom Summit.

The Federal Reserve was hardly mentioned at that event, and the rhetoric on war and the fight against ISIS was more forceful and hawkish that the positions Paul took this weekend.

'One loud voice'

Last fall, the senator struggled to communicate his stance on the war against terror. At first he urged restraint against ISIS, but after American journalists were beheaded by the group, Paul began supporting limited action.

He eventually, in a committee vote, voted "no" to authorizing war against ISIS, saying he felt the bill was too open-ended, and it was a vote he stood proudly by this weekend as he used it to separate himself from his potential competitors.

"You're going to get a choice on who the nominee is for the Republican Party. You're going to have nine, 10, 15, 20 who are eager to go and want troops on the ground," he said at the "Audit the Fed" rally Friday, which took place at a winery in Des Moines. "They want 100,000 troops on the ground. Right now. In all the countries."

"I can tell you there will be one loud voice in our party saying, think of the unintended consequence. Think about what we're going to accomplish and whether it will work before we go to war.' I promise you that will always be something I take very, very seriously."

See the rest here:
Rand Paul stakes out libertarian claim