Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

Ep. 316 Who Will Build the Roads? A Libertarian Reply – Video

Ep. 316 Who Will Build the Roads? A Libertarian Reply
Economist Bob Murphy joins Tom to answer the perennial question. Subscribe to the Tom Woods Show: http://www.

By: TomWoodsTV

See the original post:
Ep. 316 Who Will Build the Roads? A Libertarian Reply - Video

Connor Boyack: Raising Libertarian Kids – Video

Connor Boyack: Raising Libertarian Kids
Jeff Deist interviews Connor Boyack, the author of two brilliant libertarian books for children: one based on Bastiat #39;s famous essay "The Law", and one based on Leonard Reed #39;s great essay...

By: misesmedia

Follow this link:
Connor Boyack: Raising Libertarian Kids - Video

A Debate With a Young Libertarian – Video

A Debate With a Young Libertarian
Sam Seder takes a young liberty lover to the Libertarian learning annex... This clip from the Majority Report, live M-F at 12 noon EST and via daily podcast at http://Majority.FM Download...

By: Sam Seder

Go here to see the original:
A Debate With a Young Libertarian - Video

Millennials' surprise: There isn't an app to solve all problems

Poverty? Isn't there an app for that?

None of my college journalism students has asked me that one yet. But I wouldn't be all that surprised if one of them did.

Millennials, it seems, have very different ideas about how to solve urban problems. And unlike the notions of this retirement-age New Dealer, their solutions typically don't include raising taxes or expanding the reach of some government agency.

This is, I think, a fast-evolving yet underappreciated phenomenon in American life and politics. The millennials, roughly defined as those born between 1985 and 2000, are so smitten with mobile technology and its social and economic applications that they see tech as the solution to just about everything.

Need a cheap ride? Punch-up Uber on the iPhone.

Hungry? Go to

Their universe of digital conveniences is extensive and extending. When she needs a movie listing or a sports score, my 20-something daughter would no more pick up an ink-flecked sheet of dried tree mulch (aka a newspaper) than she would scan the horizon for smoke signals.

But is this new way of thinking birthing a new kind of politics? I think it is. And the new digital mindset is, at its core, libertarian. Which is to say: very liberal on social issues such as gay marriage and legalized pot, yet very skeptical of government efforts to regulate the economy or levy taxes.

So they're trending toward the Republican side of the ballot.

This was driven home in November's election when the two Chicago wards most associated with upwardly mobile millennials downtown's 42nd Ward and Lincoln Park's 43rd Ward carried, in the aggregate, for Gov.-elect Bruce Rauner.

More here:
Millennials' surprise: There isn't an app to solve all problems

The Libertarian Angle: The War in Afghanistan – Video

The Libertarian Angle: The War in Afghanistan
Each week, FFF president Jacob Hornberger and FFF vice president Sheldon Richman discuss the hot topics of the day. This week: the continuing saga that is Afghanistan. The Libertarian Angle...

By: The Future of Freedom Foundation

Read the original here:
The Libertarian Angle: The War in Afghanistan - Video