Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

Libertarian Haugh could shift NC Senate race

Three Senate candidates debate issues

By GARY D. ROBERTSON, Associated Press

WILMINGTON, N.C. U.S. Senate candidate Sean Haugh relishes his current job delivering pizzas because it brings joy to hungry families anticipating his arrival.

But the former Libertarian Party leader from Durham also enjoys take out more specifically taking out North Carolina from under a two-party system he says narrows messages voters receive and breeds candidates who must rely on outside groups for campaign funds and support to be successful.

"We have two corporate special-interest candidates, and there's me," Haugh said in an interview.

Haugh and other Libertarian leaders are hopeful his candidacy in November will mark the most successful showing ever for the party in a North Carolina statewide election.

Some polls have shown him receiving a percentage of the vote in the high single digits. Even getting 2 or 3 percent, like the Libertarian candidates for U.S. Senate in 2008 and 2010, could be enough to alter the outcome of the tight race between Democratic Sen. Kay Hagan and Republican state House Speaker Thom Tillis.

"I am here to provide an alternative that other people really aren't hearing," Haugh said during his only television debate appearance in Wilmington. "I get to go all across the political spectrum, to all different kinds of audiences, with the exact same message stop all war and stop spending more money that we have."

The optimism reflects recent progress for North Carolina's only other certified state party, which preaches limited government and staying out of people's personal business, as well as low approval numbers for his two competitors.

For decades, the state Libertarian Party had to collect tens of thousands of signatures routinely to keep its candidates on the ballot because nominees for governor or president didn't receive the 10 percent of the vote needed to remain an official party. When they fell short, state officials converted registered Libertarian voters to unaffiliated.

More here:
Libertarian Haugh could shift NC Senate race

Judge denies Libertarian's debate request

A federal judge has denied Libertarian U.S. Senate candidate David Patterson's request to force a public broadcaster to include him in Monday night's debate between Republican Sen. Mitch McConnell and Democratic challenger Alison Lundergan Grimes.

U.S. District Judge Gregory F. Van Tatenhove ruled that Kentucky Educational Television did not exclude David Patterson from its Kentucky Tonight program solely because of his political views. The U.S. Supreme Court has ruled public broadcasters can exclude candidates based on their level of support but not because of their political views.

"The First Amendment is not a rule of quantity at any cost," Van Tatenhove wrote. "Voters may actually benefit by a forum or debate that includes only those candidates that have a realistic chance of winning rather than many voices competing for very limited time. What KET cannot do is pick and choose candidates based on their viewpoints. KET has not done so here."

Libertarian Party of Kentucky chairman Ken Moellman said he was not happy with the decision but said the state party does not have enough money to appeal the ruling. Patterson, in a news release, criticized KET for requiring candidates raise a minimum of $100,000 to appear in the debate.

"That means you must be rich or have rich friends to even stand a chance," Patterson said. "Kentuckians now have their hard-earned tax dollars being used to deprive them of knowing their options when they walk into the ballot box."

Van Tatenhove said the legitimacy of the $100,000 threshold "is not presently at issue." But he did note in a footnote that former Kentucky Congressman William Natcher, who died in 1994 and served 44 years in Congress, refused to accept campaign donations, thus making him ineligible to appear on Kentucky Tonight based on the current criteria.

Patterson argued that KET had discriminated against him based on thousands of pages of emails where KET officials discussed tightening the criteria to participate in the debate so as to exclude non-serious candidates. The emails included one from Mike Brower, KET's senior director of production operations, who wrote the goal of the criteria "is to have a way to defend not including only the most extreme cases, like out of state crusaders, or wacky people who paid the $50 and got 2 names on a form to qualify as a candidate."

But Van Tatenhove pointed to other emails, where KET's executive director wrote their intent was "to follow the law, be fair to all concerned, (and) protect and maintain KET's integrity and reputation for inclusion and fairness."

"When taken as a whole, the picture that emerges is of an institution trying to do the right thing," Van Tatenhove wrote. "Maybe the language of these electronic conversations was at times unartful. Maybe the private thoughts of KET executives, now made public, have the feel of prejudging viewpoints. But it cannot be said that these conversations, many early in a process that included careful consultation with legal counsel, constitute viewpoint discrimination."

McConnell and Grimes are scheduled to appear on KET Monday night at 8 p.m.

Read the original post:
Judge denies Libertarian's debate request

Keen Umbehr – Libertarian Candidate for Kansas Governor – Video

Keen Umbehr - Libertarian Candidate for Kansas Governor
Keen Umbehr, an attorney from Alma is running for Governor of Kansas as a Libertarian. AgView #39;s Ken Rahjes caught up with him on the campaign trail on the ca...

By: Agview

More here:
Keen Umbehr - Libertarian Candidate for Kansas Governor - Video

Libertarian Borders – Video

Libertarian Borders
Libertarian debate about the US/Mexican border.

By: Scratch4416

See the original post here:
Libertarian Borders - Video

Libertarian Adrian Wyllie wants to Legalize Marijuana in Florida,BUT ARE CORRUPT NAZI COPS DONT – Video

Libertarian Adrian Wyllie wants to Legalize Marijuana in Florida,BUT ARE CORRUPT NAZI COPS DONT
Libertarian Adrian Wyllie wants to Legalize Marijuana in Florida,BUT ARE CORRUPT NAZI COPS DONT CHARLOTTE COUNTY FLORIDA SHERIFF CORRUPTION ...

By: charlottecountyflcopwatch2

See the article here:
Libertarian Adrian Wyllie wants to Legalize Marijuana in Florida,BUT ARE CORRUPT NAZI COPS DONT - Video