Libertarian candidate for governor visits Plainview
The Libertarian candidate for Texas governor, Kathie Glass is on the road again as she is on another 50-county installment of her Texas 254 Tour. In the tour, Glass vows on spreading her message across the 254 counties of Texas before Election Day, when she will take on Republican candidate Greg Abbott and Democrat Wendy Davis in hopes of succeeding Gov. Rick Perry.
On Monday, Glass campaign bus rolled into Plainview on her tour through the Texas Panhandle which began from her ranch outside McDade on Sept. 20. Glass plans to visit every county in the region and attend events in Amarillo and Lubbock, including the South Plains Fair.
Armed with flyers and a soapbox, Glass says she is ready to take on the tyranny of the federal government, but also the broken two-party system in Texas, which she says more often serves political cronyism then the people.
Texas is not only plagued by federal tyranny from Washington, but also cronyism here at home, said Glass. Tax monies for favored businesses, water for developers, land for toll roads and pipelines, cronies are using Texas government to become more rich and more powerful at the expense of the rest of us.
According to Glass, liberty and country are dying primarily to federal tyranny caused by a federal government that refused to abide by the Constitution and calls for the nullification of unconstitutional federal acts as the remedy.
The Republican nominee Greg Abbott thinks standing up to the federal government means filing a lawsuit, said Glass. If thats a winning strategy, why are we in this mess? Dont sue the buzzards, arrest them.
Glass, who is a former lawyer in the Houston area, adds that Washington is broken and the two-party system is corrupted by special interests.
If we are to save our liberty, our Constitution and our country, we have to chart a new course away from Washington and outside the corrupt two-party system, said Glass.
Glass said she believes that the current border crisis was caused by a combination of federal overreach and cronyism.
Immigration is not delegated to the federal government in the Constitution. If we are going to solve the border crisis, Texans must enforce state law against trespass and other crimes on the border using our Texas State Guard, and we must craft our own Texas immigration policy that included a welcome guest worker program, said Glass.
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Libertarian candidate for governor visits Plainview