Gov. Jesse Ventura Speaks at Macalester College in St Paul, September 21, 2012
Former Minnesota Governor Jesse Ventura opens for Libertarian Presidential Candidate, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson at Macalester College in St Pau...
By: goliath
Continue reading here:
Gov. Jesse Ventura Speaks at Macalester College in St Paul, September 21, 2012 - Video
The Future of the Libertarian Party
Author, activist, and research scientist Mary Ruwart offers suggestions and observations on the future of the Libertarian Party.
By: NJ Libertarian Party
Excerpt from:
The Future of the Libertarian Party - Video
Dr Lee Hieb Libertarian Candidate for Governor!
Cedar Rapids Iowa April 18, 2014 #Hieb2014 You can #39;t afford the other guys...
By: Ajai Dittmar
Dr Lee Hieb Libertarian Candidate for Governor! - Video
SHOCKING TRUTH-Political Facebook Pages
PROOF of how social media is used to influence and divide the country.
By: Guppy The Libertarian
Visit link:
SHOCKING TRUTH-Political Facebook Pages - Video