Archive for the ‘Libertarian’ Category

The Libertarian Angle: Income Taxation – Video

The Libertarian Angle: Income Taxation
FFF president Jacob Hornberger and FFF vice president Sheldon Richman discuss the history of the income tax and its impact on the liberty of the U.S. The Lib...

By: The Future of Freedom Foundation

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The Libertarian Angle: Income Taxation - Video

MTUCs Sarawaks final response

FMT LETTER: From Andrew Low, via email

Medecci began his rebuttal to MTUC with this ;

I invite Andrew to read for greater understanding of its fundamentals and principles. Libertarian is about normative discipline, methodological individualism, voluntary association, non-aggression principles and private property rights. So I am proud to be both in these groups of thought. I am blessed indeed.

Medecci continued belief that others dont read or understand what Libertarian principles are, is condescending at best and having the mind-set of him being a superior person at worse.

Austrian Libertarianism is just one of many forms of Libertarian school of thought. I would venture to say that Medeccis brand of Austrian Libertarian is a particularly extreme form of libertarianism that calls for the abolishment of government.

Those who subscribe to this extreme school of thought are actually call anarchists, a very correct description, I must add.

Lets try to understand Medeccis reasoning.

My argument is this; those few who first thought the earth was round or that our planet revolved around the sun and not vice versa were also extreme and discredited the Church. In that era, there were only a small numbers of people such as Galileo and Copernicus who went against the mainstream and they were indeed super dedicated.

The two thinkers paid a big penalty (established by force) for advocating these extreme seeking the truth. Giodarno Bruno an Italian thinker who is best known for his cosmological theories was executed for holding opinion contrary to the Catholic Church.

Despite sacrificing their lives and their freedom, these great thinkers never call for the abolishment of the Church. All they did was to show, through the pursuit of scientific knowledge, that some of the Church thinking were wrong.

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MTUCs Sarawaks final response

NSA isn't evil, says noted civil libertarian

Civil liberties and privacy groups have long criticized the U.S. National Security Agency (NSA), but those critics became louder last summer after details of the agency's data collection activities were disclosed in classified documents leaked by Edward Snowden.

Amid the criticism is a surprising take on the NSA by Geoffrey Stone, a civil libertarian and member of the National Advisory Council of the American Civil Liberties Union. In a blog post on the Huffington Post news site, Stone defended the agency, and its data collection,

Stone, a law professor at the University of Chicago and former chairman of the American Constitution Society, was a member of the Review Group on Intelligence and Communications Technologies established by the White House last summer to review the NSA's surveillance practices in light of the Snowden incident.

The group's 300-page report, released last December, recommends dozens of changes to limit NSA data collection efforts and to adopt greater oversight of the agency.

Stone's blog post is the summary of a speech he gave recently to NSA staff at the agency's Fort Meade headquarters.

Stone's remarks came just a couple of days after the Obama Administration temporarily -- 90 days -- renewed the NSA's controversial authority to collect phone metadata records on U.S. phone customers. The authority to extend the program, granted under Section 215 of the U.S.A. Patriot Act, has been the subject of intense criticism over the past several months prompting the White House to order changes in how the phone data is collected, stored and used.

Stone says that when the review started, he was deeply skeptical of the NSA. He continues to say that there's little doubt the NSA should be subject to "constant and rigorous" scrutiny. He supports more checks and balances to ensure that the agency's activities don't infringe upon civil rights.

"To be clear, I am not saying that citizens should trust the NSA," Stone writes. "They should not. Distrust is essential to effective democratic governance."

At the same time, though, he said it's important that the NSA not be demonized. Contrary to public and media perception, the spy agency operates with a high degree of integrity and a deep commitment to the law, Stone said.

While the NSA has made mistakes, there's little evidence that agency officials knowingly engaged in unlawful activities. "To the contrary, it has put in place carefully crafted internal procedures to ensure that it operates within the bounds of its lawful authority," Stone said.

Originally posted here:

NSA isn't evil, says noted civil libertarian

Libertarian Caller Foolishly Blames Poverty on Social Programs – Video

Libertarian Caller Foolishly Blames Poverty on Social Programs
We teased this debate with libertarian caller Greg in this clip: . Greg called back and brought some "data" with him to backup hi...

By: Sam Seder

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Libertarian Caller Foolishly Blames Poverty on Social Programs - Video

Peter Schiff Brainwashes People To Hate Democracy & Embrace Plutocracy Under The Libertarian Brand! – Video

Peter Schiff Brainwashes People To Hate Democracy Embrace Plutocracy Under The Libertarian Brand!
I have no comment!

By: Minethis1

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Peter Schiff Brainwashes People To Hate Democracy & Embrace Plutocracy Under The Libertarian Brand! - Video